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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Then Mr. Reina, I’ll go! ” Ace took his own unique boat and started heading towards Alabasta.
This time, Ace went to the first half of the great route, and Reina gave him several tasks. The first was to go to the Chambord Islands, to find the Hades Rayleigh, and let him teach himself domineering.
When it comes to teaching others, Rayleigh is more powerful. Compared with him, Rayner is a younger brother, so he will let Ace go to him.
As Roger’s deputy, teach Ace, he should have nothing to be unwilling to do compared to him.
In recent years, Reina has paid more attention to cultivating Ace’s combat ability and brain hole ability! The ” Pyrobolus Fire Dharma ” that he fought with before was developed by Ace with Reina’s help.
In addition, he also needs to go to the terrifying dhow in the Devil’s Delta to find Moonlight Moria, one of the seven seas under the king , and send him a handwritten letter from Reina.
After sending the letter, go to Alabasta and find Rayner’s daughter, the vice president of the Baroque Works under the pseudonym Nicole Robin .
In addition, Reina also explained one thing to Ace … that is, be careful of a pirate named Blackbeard. He was originally a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, but he betrayed him and has now disappeared.
But the other party is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, so Reina solemnly warned Ace to be careful in case of encountering the other party.
After Ace left, Rayner channeled the hard shell out and chased after the Moby Dick that had departed a few days ago .
But before he could catch up with the Moby Dick , he found a strange warship whose flag was not a normal naval flag, but an upside-down naval emblem and a pierced skull.
” This sign … a bit familiar! ” Reina thought about it carefully, but still couldn’t remember where she had seen it.
It has been thirty or forty years since he came to the world of One Piece, and many of his memories are already very vague.
However, Yi Gao was bold, Reina did not avoid the other party, but drove directly towards the other party.
” Teacher, we found a pirate ship ahead! The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is hanging! ” A tall and weird-looking man in a ninja costume said to the majestic man standing on the deck.
” It’s not far from Xuanyue Island, so it’s not surprising to meet people from the Whitebeard Pirates, so be prepared for battle! The Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to deal with! ” The majestic man said with a cigar in his mouth.
” Yes! ”
In addition to the man in the ninja suit just now, beside him was a beautiful woman with long, smooth, navy blue wavy hair, and the two replied at the same time.
After a while, the warship and the hard shell approached each other.
” It turned out to be you … Aren’t you in charge of teaching the cadets in the Navy? When did you come out to perform the mission again? You even came here! ” Reina said with a smile when he saw the man standing on the deck.
” Hahahaha … I’ve never met you in my life! I didn’t expect to meet you here … Bernery D. Rayner! That’s your name, right? I haven’t seen you say it to me for so many years. Full name, what a rude guy! ” Zefa said with a big laugh.
That’s right, it was the former admiral, Zefa, who encountered Reina!
” Are you on a mission with recruits? Then Nicole must be careful! The new world is not a place where your navy can wander around at will! ” Looking at the two young men behind Zefa, Reina said with a smile.
Seemingly hit by Reina’s words, Zefa’s face turned gloomy and he said to Reina, ” Reina! Are you mocking me? ”
Reina was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, he looked at Zefa’s right arm, which had already been fitted with a prosthetic limb, and then remembered what happened to the other party’s body.
” I told you back then that if you didn’t live well in the navy, you came to me! Now this … is still valid! As for the so-called Whitebeard II … he has already been beheaded by me! ” Reina Shen said.
” Stop talking big! Whitebeard II, who appeared in the new world not long ago, how could you say that you have killed him? ” Before Zefa spoke, the beautiful girl Ai Yin spoke first. .
” It’s impossible, when I slashed his neck with a sword, he had no chance of living! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” You didn’t check carefully to see if he was dead!? ” Zefa knew that Reina was not a liar, so he asked guessing.
Reina nodded and said, ” At that time, the green pheasant came over, so I didn’t have time to confirm, but I cut his neck with a knife! ”
” Although I also really want him to die, I have to regret to tell you that there was indeed news of him appearing some time ago! ” Zefa breathed out a smoke ring and replied.
” Then you came after him? ” Reina asked, squinting.
If this is the case, then it means that the other party wants to fight the attention of the Whitebeard Pirates, which is absolutely intolerable to Reina.
Ai Yin, who was on the side, was just about to speak, but Zefa shook his head first and said, ” I’m chasing another pirate group here! ”
” Teacher … why …” Seeing that Zefa answered truthfully, Ai Yin asked in confusion.
In his opinion, if you tell the other party the wrong information, there may be unexpected rewards.
However, Zefa shook his head, letting Ain calm down.
Sure enough, after hearing Zefa’s answer, Reina smiled and asked, ” Old Zefa, we haven’t seen each other for many years, so why don’t you invite me up to sit? ”
If Zefa said that Whitebeard II appeared in the surrounding waters just now, then Reina would definitely turn around and leave. This is the area around the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates.
If Whitebeard II ran here, and even Zefa knew about it, but they didn’t, Reina would simply kill all the intelligence personnel.
Obviously, Zefa didn’t mean to deceive him, so Reina proposed to go up and sit, which was not included in the enemy’s range.
” Hahaha … stinky brat, if you’re not afraid of being killed, come up! ” Sure enough, upon hearing Reina’s friendly intentions, Zefa immediately said with a big laugh.
Reina was not afraid, and after telling Yingke to follow the warship, he boarded Zefa’s warship alone.
” By the way, old man Zepha, what is your flag? Navy or pirate? ” Reina asked, pointing to the strange sign on the mainsail.
” I now belong to the Pirate Hunting Team, which I founded myself, and has nothing to do with the Navy! ” Zefa replied plainly.
” Oh? So you’re out of the navy now? ” Reina asked with a happy face.
Zefa brushed aside Reina and said with a smile: ” Boy, are you still trying to make up my mind? Although this is the pirate hunting team I set up by myself, look at this warship … it still belongs to the navy! ”
” That’s okay, you know, our Whitebeard Pirates have never been short of these. If you are willing to come here, let alone one warship, I will give you three, and the staff will be full for you! It is guaranteed not to be worse than a warship! Hehe … ” Rainer said with a weird smile.
” You kid is also rich and powerful now? I heard that the big banquet you hold every year, the consumption of ingredients and drinks is enough to support the production of some small countries for a year! Such a waste … Is it really good? ” Zefa shook his head , said with a smile.
” You don’t understand. Reasonable consumption is the best way to revitalize the economy! It has always been labor to create wealth, and nothing else! The food and drinks we consume are always given to those civilians at market prices! Without us, they might starve to death, after all, the World Government … will ignore them! ” Reina said slightly sarcastically.
” Hmph! You haven’t stolen all your money? What’s there to be proud of! ” Ai Yin on the side said with disdain.
” Oh? This little girl seems to be very dissatisfied with me! It doesn’t matter, I don’t mind, but no matter where our money comes from, we spend it on civilians to make them viable. It’s a fact. Right? Not to mention that the targets of our robbery have never been civilians! Does this mean that we are much better than the World Government? ” Reina looked at Ain and said with a smile.
” Hmph! Pirates are not good people anyway! ” Ain turned his head and said angrily.
” Hahaha … What an interesting kid! Hey ~ Old man Zefa, where did you find these naive guys? ” Ain’s appearance made Reina laugh out loud.
” They ‘re just obedient children! ” When it came to his two students, Zefa’s whole person became gentle.
” They are …” Reina didn’t finish his words, but he knew that Zepha would understand what he meant.
” Yeah! ” Sure enough, Zefa nodded and replied.
” So that’s the case, that’s really a good boy … But Zefa … It’s not that I said something weird! Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about them! The navy … is no longer suitable for you! Either you Don’t keep them by your side, or … you take them out of the navy! ” Reina said earnestly after being silent for a while.
” I understand! But … it’s not that simple … I’ve dedicated my life to the navy, and of course I want them to be good navy too! ”
” Excellent navy? Hey … how good? Are you like you? You are already an admiral, and you are the biggest admiral except the marshal! What do you want them to do? Look at yourself … What has the navy been ruined like? Zefa, listen to me … Leave the navy! Even if you don’t want to live that kind of life, you can come and live on Xuanyue Island. I definitely don’t ask you to do anything to anyone! ” Reina said sincerely.
After listening to Reina’s words, Zefa hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said, ” I can’t betray the justice in my heart, I’m sorry! ”
” Well, since that’s the case, then … let’s talk about something light! Anyway, you know, I will always welcome you on behalf of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina shrugged and said.

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