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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just when Reina persuaded Zefa , Luffy, who set out from Windmill Village, found his first partner , the pirate hunter Roroja Zoro.
After separating from Kirby, who dreams of becoming an admiral, the two continue their journey.
But soon, Luffy was taken away by a big bird because he wanted to catch food.
By the time Zoro caught up with Luffy, they had come to a small town occupied by Bucky the clown, and met Nami who was stealing Bucky’s treasure map.
Because she and Aaron agreed to buy Cocosia Village with 100 million berries, she has been out to sea for years, specifically looking for pirates to steal, and she is well-known in the East China Sea.
” Bucky! Hand over the chart of the great route! ” Luffy said to Bucky only after Zoro defeated the cadres of the Bucky Pirates.
” It turns out that you are also pirates! But why do you want the charts of the great route? Are you going to travel in a group? ” Bucky said with a chuckle.
” I want to be the Pirate King! ” Luffy replied very calmly and earnestly.
” Eh? What did you just say? One Piece? What are you kidding? You stupid big idiot! ” Somewhat surprised, although Bucky mocked Luffy for being overly self-sufficient, he was more angry.
” Stop talking nonsense … let’s start! I defeated you, and the chart is mine! ” Luffy was ready to fight.
” By the way, that hat on your head … gave me very bad memories! As soon as I saw it, I thought of the man when I was young … the arrogant, indomitable red-haired man Man! ” Bucky said to himself, staring at the straw hat on Luffy’s head.
” Red hair? ” Luffy was stunned when he heard Bucky’s words, and asked, ” Is it Shanks? ”
” Sure enough, that bastard? ” Bucky was also stunned when he heard Luffy’s words, but he didn’t expect that the other person was really the same person.
The battle between the two was not too intense. Bucky’s strength was not as good as Luffy’s. All he relied on was his fruit ability. This was the talent gap between people.
He was also an intern on Roger’s ship, Shanks has now grown to the level of the Four Emperors, but Bucky can’t even beat Luffy who just debuted, so he can only hide in the East China Sea to make a fortune.
And the ability of fruit is not perfect, no matter what fruit has its own weaknesses, if someone finds a weakness, it is very easy to be targeted.
This is also the reason why many top powerhouses are reluctant to eat Devil Fruits.
On the other side, Ace, who was heading towards the Chambord Archipelago, had just arrived at the Chambord Archipelago, but Xia Qi told him that Rayleigh was away and went out. As for when he would come back, it would depend on his mood.
In desperation, Ace had to continue his journey to the Devil’s Delta.
After Ace left, Rayleigh came out from behind.
” Why didn’t you see him … He came here with Reina’s letter and offended that shrewd guy. Be careful, he will come to the door later! ” Xia Qi said to Reilly who came out.
” That kid always troubles me, I can live a peaceful life away from him! ” Reilly didn’t care, and replied with a smile.
” Forget it, whatever you want, if it really doesn’t work, let’s move! ” Chess smiled and threw the letter from Ace to him to Rayleigh, then turned around and went to work.
When Rayleigh punched in the letter and read it, the originally smiling expression stiffened on his face.
” We’re here? ” Xia Qi asked in surprise when she saw her husband’s expression.
” What’s the name of that kid … just now? ” Rayleigh asked in a deep voice.
” Fire Fist Ace! The captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, I heard that he is a good guy! ” Although Xia Qi was a little puzzled, she still answered Rayleigh’s question.
” Portgas D. Ace! Is that the name? ” Rayleigh, who was holding the letter, said with a sigh.
” Yeah, what’s wrong? ”
” Do you know his father’s name? ” Rainer asked, putting down the letter in his hand.
” Then I don’t know, it seems that there is no guy named Portgas? ” Xia Qi replied after thinking about it carefully.
” No, his father’s name is not Portgas, but Gol D. Roger! ” Riley said with a complicated expression, leaning on the sofa.
” Bangdang …” Xia Qi’s cup fell to the ground, looked at Rayleigh in disbelief, and asked, ” Is he Roger’s child? ”
” See for yourself! ” Rayleigh said, picking up the letter from the table and handing it to Xia Qi.
Xia Qi heard the words, took a few steps, and then took the letter in Rayleigh’s hand and quickly browsed it.
” I see … This child has been taken care of by Garp since he was a child. I didn’t expect Roger to entrust the child to Garp … He doesn’t want to disturb your life! ” Xia Qi was silent for a while, and said softly.
” Yeah! ” Reilly took off his glasses, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and said, ” When did he come back? ”
” Reina told him to go to Alabasta, you know, little Robin is there, so wait until he returns from Alabasta! ”
” Wow ~ when the time comes … I want to meet him! ”
Reina put on her glasses again and said softly.
A few days later, Ace finally arrived in the waters of the Devil’s Delta, but it was not easy to find the Dreadnought Dhow. He inquired about the nearby islands, and many ships disappeared in the waters of the Devil’s Delta.
But he had been wandering around here all day without seeing the Dreadnought Dhow.
It wasn’t until he became a ” sea god royal treasure ” in kendo that he attracted the horror dhow.
” Is this the horror dhow that Mr. Rayner said? It’s as big as an island, but what about zombies? Why didn’t I see it? ” Ace walked all the way to the central area, and saw some Except for the corpses with stitching marks, there is no zombie that can move.
But just as he was about to reach the central area, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a sound of fighting coming from the front.
” Eh … ? What is this? Skeletons and zombies are fighting? ” When Ace came to the scene of the fight, he doubted his eyes.
He saw a zombie in a samurai suit fighting with a skeleton with a cane sword, and there were a lot of zombies lying around on the ground.
” Hehehe … Is there another intruder here? It’s really lively today! ” The zombie warrior looked at Ace and said with a chuckle.
The skeleton with the exploding head glanced at Ace’s feet, and found that the other party still had a shadow, and immediately shouted: ” Hey ~ Come on, it’s very dangerous here! ”
Ace ignored them, but frowned and asked: ” What’s going on? Why are you fighting? And … your boss? I’m here to send him a letter! Call Moria out, the environment here is still It’s really bad! ”
” Oh? Do you know Mr. Moriah? ” The zombie warrior looked at Ace and asked in surprise.
” What? Isn’t this Dreadnought Dhow? Am I looking in the wrong place? ” Ace asked.
” No … you didn’t find the wrong place, but … there are still some things to deal with now. When I solve this intruder … I will take you to see Lord Moria! ” The zombie warrior said softly.
” Ah ~ it turns out to be the enemy! Then hurry up … I don’t like waiting for people! ” Ace sat down as he spoke, without any intention of interfering.
“I really didn’t expect … it would be like this! I thought it was an innocent intruder, but I didn’t expect it to be an accomplice! ” The exploding skull sighed and said.
Soon, the two fought again.
However, Ace found that the moves used by the two were exactly the same, but the zombie warrior was not afraid of being injured, and his physical fitness was obviously stronger, so he quickly defeated the skeleton.
” Then … guest, please come with me! ” The zombie samurai returned his sword to Ace.
” What about him? Just let it go? ” Ace asked, pointing to the skeleton lying on the ground.
” Don’t worry … let’s go back first! ” said the zombie warrior, waving his hand.
So Ace shrugged, followed behind the zombie warrior, and walked towards the central castle.
On the way, Ace finally felt that something around him was watching him, but when he looked closely, he found nothing.
” Huh? Ghost … Is it Princess Mononoke Perona? ” Finally, when Ace discovered the hidden ghost, he remembered a person Reina told him, Princess Mononne Perona.
” Hala Hala …” Hearing Ace’s words, the hidden ghosts slowly flew out and surrounded Ace.
” Looks like you really know us! ” the zombie warrior walking in front suddenly said.
“The boring temptation can stop, it was Reina who asked me to send a letter to Moria! ” Ace pouted and said.
After this test, when the zombie warrior brought Ace to the castle, Moriah was already waiting there with his subordinates.
” Hee hee hee … It turned out to be the captain of the second division, Fire Fist Ace! ” When Ace came in, Moonlight Moria said with a big smile.
” You are Moonlight Moria , right? This is the letter that Reina asked me to pass to you! ” Ace nodded and handed the letter directly to Moonlight Moria !
” Hee hee hee … It’s really nostalgic! It’s been a long time since I saw him, is that guy okay now? ” Moria asked with a smile of memories.
” Of course, Mr. Rainer has been very good! ” Ace nodded back.
As for Moonlight Moriah, Ace always felt that the other party was a little weird, and the atmosphere and environment of the horror dhow made Ace even more disliked.
” Hee hee hee … then … what’s the matter with you this time? ” Moria asked while opening the letter.
” Besides delivering letters, there is nothing else! By the way, Mr. Reina asked me to say a word to Miss Perona …” Ace got up from the sofa and said, ” If Mr. Moriah is finished … he Don’t mind Miss Perona going to him! ”
” You bastard … what are you talking about? Moriah-sama won’t be finished! ” Hearing Ace’s words, a transparent ghost appeared in front of Ace and said.
” Is that so? I see … ” Moonlight Moria stopped Perona at this time, put away the letters she had read, and said, ” Then tell Reina! I’m not that easy to end. The person! Just let him take care of himself! Hehehehe …”

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