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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Lieutenant General Garp, the Warring States Marshal has an order! ”
” Eh? I’m on vacation! Why do you still have to assign me a mission? I’m not going! ” Karp said to the sergeant who sent the order with a dissatisfied expression.
” Sir, the location of the mission is in the East China Sea … and … you’d better take a look at it first! ” Adjutant Pocato handed a document to Garp, and said helplessly.
” Eh? What? That little bastard Luffy … how dare he go out to sea without permission? He became a pirate? ” Garp’s mouth almost fell to the ground in surprise after reading the document.
” So … it’s better for you to go there! ” Pocato nodded and said.
” Okay, I see! Then let’s go to Navy Division 153 ! ” Karp nodded and said.
When Garp went to Navy Division 153 , Luffy had already taken the newly joined chef Sanji and rushed towards the Cocosia village where Nami was located, where Usopp took Joseph and Johnny and the injured Zoro , has already passed the first step.
Speaking of Sauron’s injuries, he was slashed by Hawkeye after he failed to challenge Hawkeye Mihawk.
As for why Hawkeye, a guy who has been messing around in the New World for a long time, ran to the East China Sea, he had to mention his way of entertainment.
Jorakor Mihawk , known as the man with eagle eyes, has the title of the world’s largest swordsman. In the competition of pure swordsmanship, he once defeated Bista and fought against red-haired Shanks. , with the black knife ” night ” in his hand , he just fought a tie with shanks.
He usually lives on the island of Kraigana in the New World, and likes to grow something on the island when he has nothing to do, and occasionally wanders around in his unique coffin boat.
Why is he here this time? Mainly, Hawkeye heard the news that Blackbeard Tiki was haunted in the first half of the Great Route. He became interested in this guy who betrayed Whitebeard but was still alive, so he wandered all the way to the first half of the Great Route. part.
In the end, Tickey didn’t find it, but instead met the Klick Pirates who had just entered the Great Route from the East China Sea. Originally , he met them when he met them.
But the Crick Pirates didn’t know Mihawk at all, let alone what his iconic coffin boat represented, so the crew saw Mihawk with a large knife as an oar, rowing alone on the sea. When they were in a coffin ship, they couldn’t help but laugh.
So everyone knows the next plot. As one of the seven seas under the king, the world’s No. 1 swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk will naturally not be used to these little pirates. Paddle’s black knife ” Ye ” taught them to be human.
After Hawkeye stabbed a child, Crick fled back to the East China Sea with the only remaining pirate ship, and Mihawk, who had nothing to do with it, also followed, and happened to meet Suo, who was heading towards the world’s number one swordsman. Long.
So Sauron naturally challenged Hawkeye, and the result was obvious, if Mihawk hadn’t shown mercy, Sauron would have just burped.
After being refreshed, Mihawk went back refreshed. He didn’t bother to pay attention to the trash fish in the East China Sea, but he didn’t know what kind of incident he would be involved in next.
At this time, Luffy, after merging with Zoro and others who had arrived earlier, unexpectedly learned about Usopp’s death. Fortunately, Usopp appeared when he was popular and solved the mystery.
And about Nami, they also learned from their elder sister Nokigao.
It was only when Nuoqigao returned home that he realized that the 100 million Berry, which was not easy for Namei to save, was taken away by the navy who colluded with Aaron, and everyone, including Belmer, broke out. .
” A Jian, I can’t wait … I can’t watch those bastards spoil Nami so much! I’m going to kill that group of murlocs! ” Belmer said to A Jian who came to visit her, smoking a cigarette.
When she was protecting Nami’s property just now, she was injured by the navy and is now receiving treatment from the town doctor.
” Belmer …” Ah Jian took a deep breath and said, ” We are already ready to die, let’s go together! ”
But Bermel shook his head and said, ” You don’t want to go, this time I’ll go by myself! ”
” You go by yourself? Do you want to die? ” Ah Jian was stunned and immediately objected.
” I’m going to go with everyone by myself … What’s the difference? ” Bermel grinned and said with a smile: ” Just because we … won’t be the opponents of those murlocs … After I die, let me Nami get out of here and go to the great route! If she can meet Reina, then there is a possibility of avenging me! ”
” You want to use your death to make Aaron and the others anger Reina? No, I don’t agree! This kind of thing … this kind of thing …” Ajian shook his head and refused.
” Then tell me … is there a better way? ” Bermel asked softly.
Facing Bellmer’s question, Ah Jian couldn’t answer at all.
” You’re dead … what’s left of me? ” After a while of silence, Ah Jian suddenly said.
” Your words … there are more important things to do! Nami’s words … follow those pirates to go out to sea, I can see that they really treat Nami as a partner! But Nuoqigao No one can take care of him, so Ah Jian … Nuoqigao will ask you! ” Bellemel said with a chuckle.
” No, compared to my words … Nuoqi Gauguin hopes that you can continue to take care of her, right? So this kind of thing … I can’t agree! ” Ah Jian shook his head and refused.
” Bang dang …” Just when Belmer was about to say something, the medical hall was suddenly opened, and Nuoqigao, the doctor and the villagers walked in.
” Bermel, Ah Jian! Instead of living like this … let’s go find those murlocs and fight to the death! If you want to die … let’s all go together! ” Nuoqi said with tears in her eyes.
She and Belle Meyer knew how hard Nami had been through these years, for the 100 million Berry, and now all hopes were dashed, she couldn’t imagine how Nami would face it.
So … the only thing she can do is to use her life to find justice for the group of murlocs.
She heard Bellmer’s words outside the door just now, and she felt that it was indeed a method, but it was better to let Bellmer go, because Reina obviously valued her and Nami more back then.
In fact, whether she went or Bellmer went, it was not a big problem. She believed that as long as Reina was found, even if no one died, Reina would help them.
But the question is how to find Reina …
” Belmer … you said … our entire village was slaughtered by murlocs, will it be in the news? ” The mayor said with a chuckle after walking in.
” Mayor … What do you mean …” Bellmer was stunned, and looked at the mayor in surprise.
” That’s right … I’ve been cared for by Nami for so many years, how could I watch those guys bully us so Nami … ? This kind of thing … I will never agree! Even if we use all our People’s lives are good, those bastards must pay the price … let them know … our Nami … is not so easy to bully! ” The mayor roared through gritted teeth.
” Phew ~~” Bellmer exhaled a cigarette, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and said, ” Everyone … Although I don’t know if I can make Reina notice our small village, it should make Nami completely Get out of here! So … let’s do it! ”
” Oh ~~ it’s time to make those murlocs pay! ”
” Dare to bully us Nami … Let those fish people taste our power! ”
Hearing Belmer’s words, everyone including Ah Jian and Nuoqigao shouted at the same time.
At this time, Nami, who had just come out of Aaron’s realm, determined that Aaron was the culprit who united the navy and took away all her treasures.
But what she is more worried about now is the villagers who know about it, afraid that they will do something stupid.
” Everyone …” Sure enough, when Nami arrived at the entrance of the village, she happened to see Ah Jian, Belmer, Nuoqigao, the mayor, and the other villagers with weapons.
” Nei ~ everyone … what are you doing? You don’t want to find Aaron and the others, right? Stop joking ! You know how powerful they are, right? ” With a smile on his face, he said to everyone.
” Nami … that’s enough! ” Bellemel, who was smoking a cigarette, took a few steps forward, embraced Nami in his arms, and said softly.
With just two words, Nami’s tears suddenly couldn’t be held back any longer, like a dyke burst, surging down.
” Okay, Nami! Leave the next thing to us! Don’t worry, we already have a perfect plan … This time we can definitely defeat those murlocs ! ” Tears Nami said.
” Belmer … Ah Jian … No! Everyone really don’t go! You will die … You will really die! Can you wait a little longer? This time I have experience, and it’s only 100 million Berries. , I’ll be saving enough soon! ” Nami shouted back, blocking everyone’s way.
” It ‘s useless … We’ve made up our minds! You should know that you alone can’t fight those guys! Thank you for your hard work over the past eight years, thank you for your hard work! We all know, join that gang Man, is it more painful for you than anything else? But … it’s all over now! When we’re over, leave this island! ”
A Jian took a few steps forward, and he also learned from Bellmer’s appearance just now, hugging Nami in his arms, and said.
” Hey … that kid over there! Remember to take Nami away later, you know? ” Ah Jian let go of Nami and said to Luffy who was lying on the side.
” Why … why? ” Nami looked at everyone in confusion and asked .
” Does it need to be said? You have wisdom and dreams! You shouldn’t be bound here, go after your dreams! ” Nuoqi said with a high laugh.
She understood what Nami was thinking and knew how to answer.
” No … no … don’t do this! Everyone … I beg you! Bermel … Ajian … you don’t do this, you are not their opponents, you will die! I will never allow any of you to die again. Dropped! ” Nami took out her dagger, blocked in front of everyone, and shouted loudly.
” Yes, Nami! We know that! ” Ah Jian took a step forward and held the dagger in Nami’s hand, blood dripped from his fingers, so frightened Nami didn’t dare to move at all.
” So … you just get out of the way! ” Ah Jian shouted, then raised his weapon, and continued: ” Everyone … let’s go! Even if we die, let those guys know … We’re not easy to mess with . Yes! ”
” Oh ~~~”
Under the leadership of Ajian and Belmer, everyone passed Nami who was standing there and walked towards Aaron Domain.

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