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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Luffy stood on the ruins of Aaron’s realm and shouted ” Nami, you are my partner! ” at Nami in the crowd, Nami finally covered her mouth and cried.
The nightmare that had tormented her for eight years was finally over.
” Yeah! ” Everyone cheered when Nami nodded with tears in her eyes.
No one, including Belmer, would have imagined that the mighty Aaron would actually be defeated by these teenagers.
A grand banquet opened on the square of Cocosia Village at night. The villagers danced around the bonfire to celebrate their new life.
The next day, Nami and her friends embarked on a new journey with Bellmer’s blessing, but Nami’s way of saying goodbye was a little special. In a flash, she stole everyone’s wallets from the villagers. In the sound of laughter and curses and blessings, a new adventure started.
And just as Luffy was heading towards the Great Route, Hawkeye, who had just returned from the East China Sea and arrived on the Great Route, met an unexpected person here.
” Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace … why are you here? ” Hawkeye Mihawk asked in surprise.
” Shouldn’t I ask you this question? You, who have always been a lone ranger, why are you here again? A member of the Seven Martial Seas under the King … Hawkeye Mihawk! ” Ace also asked solemnly.
In fact, Ace appeared here, I really can’t blame him, because … he got lost! He lost the Alabasta permanent pointer Rayner gave him, so Ace, who couldn’t find his way, had to sail island by island, and unknowingly came to the vicinity of Upside Down Mountain.
Hawkeye was a little speechless. He originally came out to relax, how could he have any purpose?
So the two of them were silent for a while, and then decided to act separately, but without the permanent pointer of Alabasta, Ace was really not sure how to get to Alabasta, so after hesitating for a while, he asked: ” That … do you know how to get to Alabasta? ”
” So your purpose is Alabasta? Like that kind of big country … There should be a permanent record pointer, right? ” Mihawk said with a slight smile.
” I lost my permanent pointer! So I can’t find my way now! ” Now that he said it, Ace simply told the truth.
” I see … but this kind of thing … I don’t have it either , but I know how to get there! ” Let’s go.
” What ~ So you know … that’s great! Then I’ll ask you, can I follow you? ” When Ace heard this, he immediately laughed, but he immediately realized that he was a little too proud, so After bowing, he asked.
Mihawk nodded and agreed to Ace. Originally, he was a little boring to sail by himself, but with Ace’s company, he would not be so boring.
So two people who had nothing to do with each other, they marched toward Alabasta together.
At the same time, Reina, who set off from the New World, also arrived at the Chambord Islands, but this time he didn’t stop there and headed directly towards Alabasta.
And so many new world pirates appeared in the first half of the great route at the same time, which also attracted the attention of the navy.
” These guys … why do they go to the first half of the great route one by one? Are you going on a group tour? ”
” It seems that they all got some information that we don’t know, so Naidou gathered there! ” Lieutenant General Ah He, who was on the side, said softly.
” Where is the green pheasant? Then let’s go and see! These pirates gather there, it’s not for a banquet, right? If you don’t know their purpose, it’s really uneasy! ” Warring States said with a headache. .
” Reporting to the marshal, the branch over the East China Sea requested a bounty for Monkey D. Luffy, the pirate straw hat boy. As a new pirate, the other party defeated the Black Cat Pirates, the Click Pirates and the The Aaron Pirates are already a very big deal for the East China Sea with an average bounty of only 3 million! ” At this time, a naval sergeant came in to report.
” Monkey D. Luffy? ” Sengoku’s face turned dark, and he knew from the name that he was absolutely inseparable from Garp, but when Garp was mentioned, Sengoku only remembered that the other party seemed to be in the East China Sea.
So Sengoku first agreed to the bounty for Luffy, and then handed it over to the special bounty section to set the bounty for Luffy, and finally let someone inform Garp and let him go to the first half of the great route to see those new worlds. Great pirates, why are they all converging towards the first half of the great route.
And Garp, who received the news, although unwilling, had to set off towards the first half of the great route, because the Warring States said that his grandson Luffy seemed to be heading there.
In the town of Rogge, also known as ” Beginning and Ending ” , Luffy and his gang encountered the siege of Bucky and others, and met the navy master Zos Mog of the Nature Department, so they hurriedly entered directly. Upside down the mountain, heading for the great route, not even knowing where his own father was sending him off.
” Wow ~~ What a big whale! ” As soon as they entered the Great Route, Luffy and the others encountered the whale Rabu and Kurokas, who served as a lighthouse watcher there.
The former ship doctor on Roger’s ship recognized the straw hat on Luffy’s head at a glance.
And after Luffy and Rabu made a new agreement, their goodwill towards Luffy greatly increased.
” Then which route are you going to choose as the direction of travel? ” Chlokas asked Luffy during the break.
“The route? What route? ” Luffy asked as if I didn’t understand.
” Isn’t it? Don’t you know anything about the great route, so you rushed in directly? ” Kurokas asked with a hand on his forehead.
This feeling … made him feel like he had seen Roger back then.
” Of course not! As a navigator … for the horror of the great route, I have already prepared myself! ” Nami took out an empty record pointer and said with a smile: ” When I was very young, I I met a pirate from a great route, and he gave me some books about sea navigation, which has an introduction to the great route! ”
Kurokas nodded and said: ” At last there is someone who understands, otherwise you may not even be able to reach the next island! ”
” Hee hee hee … how is it? The navigator I chose is amazing! ” Luffy patted Nami proudly, expressing that he had a great vision and chose Nami to be the navigator.
But with this shot, he slapped off the recording pointer that Nami was holding in his hand.
” Bang! ”
The recording pointer fell directly to the ground, and then fell into pieces, just like Nami’s mood, it shattered directly.
” You … idiot!! ” Nami, who had reacted, beat Luffy hard, but the recording pointer was broken and could not be recovered.
” Could it be that our adventure … is going to end like this before it even started? ” Nami squatted on the ground, heartbroken.
” Little girl … don’t be sad, I still have a record pointer here. Anyway, I don’t have to go out to sea, I’ll give it to you! ” Seeing this, Kurokas smiled and took out his record pointer and sent it to him. to Nami.
After thanking Nami, she tied the pointer to her hand as soon as she got the recording pointer, fearing that there would be another accident.
It’s just that she underestimated the will of God. Because of Luffy’s stealing food, Sanji told Luffy to kick into the sea, and the wind brought by Luffy when he passed, once again turned the record pointer in Nami’s hand into a Rubbish.
” Yeah ~~~ I’m going to kill you all! ” The mad Nami slapped Sanji and Luffy again.
” Sorry, little girl, that was my last record pointer just now! ” Kurokas had no choice this time.
Even so, Luffy and the others finally got a record pointer.
That’s right, they are the members of the Baroque working group who came to poach whales, Mr.9 and Miss.Wednesday . After they were caught, they contributed their own record pointers. At the same time, they also wanted to guide Luffy and others. They base, thereby arresting them.
And Miss.Wednesday is the princess of Alabasta, Nafiru Tali Weiwei.
When everyone arrived at Whiskey Peak, Wei Wei’s identity was also revealed here, a princess who took the captain of the guard and joined the enemy’s camp as a spy in order to save her kingdom.
Moreover, the senior agent Mr.5 and his partner Miss.Valentine , who happened to be chasing Wei Wei , also arrived, but were easily dealt with by Luffy and Zoro.
Afterwards, Wei Wei explained her identity to Luffy and the reason why she was being hunted down.
After listening to Wei Wei’s narration, even Zoro couldn’t help but exclaim: ” What a sturdy princess! ”
” Then who is the mastermind behind the scenes you said? ” Luffy, who was sitting beside him, asked curiously.
” The identity of the boss? It’s better if you don’t ask! Don’t ask, I can’t say this, otherwise, if you know it, it will be dangerous to you! ” Wei Wei quickly waved her hand and said.
” Hahaha … That’s right, this kind of thing is going to steal the existence of the kingdom of others, we should not know about it! ” Nami nodded immediately and said.
” That’s right, no matter how strong you are, you can’t be the opponent of Crocodile, who is under the king’s Qiwuhai! ” He nodded slightly and replied.
” Isn’t that said? ”
Nami didn’t want to hear Wei Wei’s accidental leaks and Zoro’s complaints.
But in the end, after learning that it had been painted by ” unlucky ” , he had to make an agreement with Princess Weiwei to help her return to Alabasta.
At the same time, the captain of the King’s Guard of Alabasta, Ikalem, also made up Wei Wei and planned to set off alone with Alabasta’s permanent pointer to attract Crocodile’s attention, and then let Luffy and others bring the real Wei Wei. The princess took the normal route back to Alabasta.
” This uncle, it’s still so interesting in the end! ” Luffy and the others said at the port after sending Icarim away.
” Well, he is a very trustworthy person! ” Princess Wei nodded and said with a smile.
But her words had just finished when a huge explosion sounded, and the boat Ikalem had just taken exploded directly, and the blast of air blew the clothes of several people on the shore.
” How … maybe … ? A killer came to the door!? ” Nami said in disbelief.
” Too much!! ” Luffy roared even more angrily.
” Nami, how is the pointer recording? We must set sail immediately! If we are found, it will be over! ” Zoro also said solemnly: ” Luffy, go and wake up those two guys, I will go to the boat to do it. Get ready! ”
” Okay! ” Luffy nodded and ran towards the place where Sanji and Usopp were sleeping.
” Wei Wei, we have to go! ” Looking at Wei Wei who was standing there motionless, Nami walked over and pulled her and shouted.
But when she walked in, she saw Wei Wei gritted her teeth and didn’t cry, but her lips had already been bitten, and blood flowed down her lips!
” This girl is so strong …” Nami seemed to have seen herself back then, and even Wei Wei now was more powerful than herself. Although she was so sad that she didn’t realize that she was hurt, she still didn’t cry, so she couldn’t help but admire in her heart.
” It doesn’t matter, Wei Wei! We will definitely send you back to Alabasta! Sure! Don’t look at those four guys who look stupid, but they are not ordinary people! The mere king is just under the Qiwuhai, we are only Don’t take him seriously! ” Nami said comfortingly, holding Wei Wei into her arms.

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