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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just as Luffy and the others were boarding the boat and preparing to leave, a strange voice suddenly sounded on the boat.
” You have to be careful, there are many reefs around here, don’t hit them! You can escape the killer’s pursuit … You are really lucky! ”
” who are you? ”
” who? ”
Everyone was surprised by the woman who suddenly appeared on the boat.
” I saw Mr.8 just now ! Miss.Wednesday ! ” Robin said leisurely, sitting on the guardrail on the second floor of the Merry.
” It was you … who killed Ikalem … ? ” Princess Wei asked with a gloomy face: ” Why are you here? Miss.AllSunday ! ”
“Miss.AllSunday ? Whose partner is she? ” Nami on the side was taken aback and asked.
” He is Mr.0 ‘s partner, and Mr.0 is our boss! And she … is the vice president, and the only one who knows the real face of the boss! We only found out the real identity of the boss by following her! ” Wei Weiyi He looked at Robin vigilantly and said.
“To be precise … I asked you to follow me! ” Robin smiled and replied.
” What ~ It seems that this guy is not bad! ” Luffy said with a smile after hearing this.
” But … our identities … you told the boss too! ” Wei Wei said resentfully.
” Ah? So you’re a bad guy!? ” Seeing Wei Wei say this, Luffy immediately changed his tune.
” What is your purpose? What is your purpose of staying in Alabasta? Like Crocodile, do you want to seek our cyber nation? ” Wei Wei ignored Luffy next to him and stared at Robin. asked.
” Well … I just see how serious you are, so I’ll help! As for the purpose of my stay in Alabasta … I ‘m sorry, it’s not something you can know! And I advise you to don’t inquire … because … the consequences are serious! ” Robin said with a slight smile.
Hearing Robin’s words, Wei Wei really fell silent. King Cobra had already told Wei Wei about the Whitebeard Pirates standing behind Robin, and told her not to shoot at Robin.
” The princess who has the courage to fight against the Baroque Work Club and wants to save the country … It’s very interesting! It’s just to pass my boring time! ” Robin said with a smile.
But at this time, Sanji and Usopp, who were sober, raised their weapons from both sides and aimed directly at Robin. Although they didn’t know what happened, it was obvious now that Robin was the enemy.
” Can you not use weapons at me? I really … don’t like it! ” Robin waved his hand gently, and Usopp and Sanji fell directly from the second floor.
“A capable person? ” Zoro directly supported the weapon on his waist, ready to take action at any time.
” What kind of ability is this? It’s so strange! ” Nami on the side was also a little confused.
” You are the head of the Straw Hat Pirates, the straw hat boy Monkey D. Luffy, right ? ” Robin asked, taking Luffy’s straw hat off his head with a move.
” Bastard, do you want to fight with me? Hurry up and give me back my hat! ” Luffy immediately roared angrily: ” Now that you are an enemy, get off the boat for me! ”
” It’s really unfortunate! You have picked up the princess that the Baroque Society is going to hunt down! ” Robin smiled and said to Luffy: ” And even more unfortunate, the small island in front of you … is called a small garden! To When we don’t need to do anything, you will die! ”
While speaking, Robin threw a record pointer to Vivi, and returned Luffy’s straw hat to him.
” Humph! I won’t be finished! ” Luffy pouted, put on his hat again, and said.
” Is that so? That pointer is a pointer that can reach a small island in front of Alabasta. The entire baroque working group doesn’t know about this route, so there will be no murderers to hunt you down! ” Robin pointed to the permanent pointer in Wei Wei’s hand , said.
” There must be a trap! ” Zoro chose not to believe it for the first time.
But Wei Wei is caught in a dilemma while holding the pointer.
She didn’t want Robin’s stuff, but apparently it would make the boat a lot less dangerous.
Just when she was hesitating, Luffy smashed the pointer and said, ” I’m the captain. It’s not your turn to direct the course of this ship! ”
” Oh? Really? Then hopefully we will meet again! ” After speaking, Robin got up and left directly.
” I don’t like her, she killed Uncle Curly! ” Luffy explained to Nami’s questioning.
” Come on, Chubby! ” Robin said to the turtle, jumping on the back of a big turtle that just accommodated her.
Chubby is the name of the turtle, which she took by herself. The turtle was a gift from Reina, which could be used as her car when she went out to sea alone. Robin liked it very much when she received it. (Similar in size to the original, but different in appearance, the original is an elderly turtle who likes to smoke!)
Don’t look at the size of this tortoise is not comparable to Reina’s hard shell, but in order to train this turtle, it took Reina a lot of time, mainly because he can’t contract this turtle, so he can only train it.
” Hehehe … Father, is that why you let me stay at the Baroque Workplace? Straw Hat … Luffy! Interesting … Let me see what’s different about you! ” Robin looked Luffy and the others, who were still talking because of her appearance, chuckled and muttered to themselves.
It’s just that Robin at this time didn’t know that Ace and Hawkeye Mihawk had been waiting here all day in the port city of Rape Flower in Alabasta.
” It shouldn’t be! I made a sign of meeting according to Mr. Reina’s words! Why haven’t I come for so long? ” Ace asked himself in confusion while sitting in the tavern.
” Who the hell do you want to see? If no one else comes, you can find him soon? ” Mihawk drank the red wine elegantly and said, ” What should happen in this country, there is panic everywhere! ”
” Ah ~ that’s right! The situation here is so chaotic, maybe the other party didn’t receive the news at all! Wait … Mr. Reina said that if the other party never shows up, let me go somewhere … ? ” Ace searched carefully in his backpack for a while before finding a small note.
” Albana? ” Ace looked at the appearance of Albana written on the note and said, ” Albana is the capital of Alabasta, right? It seems that I don’t want to go there! How is it? Mihawk … let’s go together? ”
” Although I don’t like the environment here very much, but … Anyway, I’m fine now, so let’s walk around with you! I’m really curious, who do you want to meet! ” Hawkeye Mihawk thought for a while After thinking about it, he said.
” Hahaha … you’ll know when the time comes, you will definitely be shocked! But you have to promise me to keep it a secret! Otherwise … it will become very troublesome! ” Ace said with a smile: ” But now We have to wait a few more days, don’t when I didn’t find it, she found it and missed it! ”
He took Mihawk over there, but it wasn’t a problem. Reina never thought about hiding his and Robin’s identities. They didn’t announce it at first, just to reduce unnecessary trouble, not to prevent people from knowing. .
On the other side, Reina, who was heading towards Alabasta, encountered a problem, that is, some of the sailors he hired fell into the sea during a storm, which caused his current sailing speed to be greatly reduced.
In desperation, he had to find a small island to replenish his manpower, otherwise more time would be wasted.
Also not far from Alabasta, a tall man was riding a bicycle on the sea, and he seemed to be aiming for Alabasta.
This person is Admiral Aoki Kuzan, who is on vacation. Because of Nicole Robin , he finally decided to come to Alabasta. He wants to see Robin’s current condition with his own eyes, otherwise he will always be in his heart. Somewhat restless.
Just when everyone seemed to be heading towards Alabasta, Luffy and the others arrived at the small garden. After learning that this was a rare island in the ancient times, Luffy set off happily.
What he likes most is this unknown and exciting adventure.
However, there are two giants dueling on the island. Luffy and others encountered the killer from the Baroque work club, mr.3 and his partner Miss.Goldenweek with the giants here !
After the people fought hard and won the victory, they learned that it would take a year for the recording pointer to be stored. Just when they were at a loss, Sanji came over with the permanent pointer of Alabasta.
This is what he snatched from the ” unlucky ” , and by the way, he also told Crocodile that the Straw Hats had been eliminated, so they could relax for the time being.
But she didn’t expect to leave the small garden for a long time, and she fell ill. At the same time, Wei Wei, who learned that civil strife broke out in Alabasta, was very anxious to go back to stop the war. Her country is waiting for her to go back to rescue.
But she knew that if she chose to go back to Alabasta at this time, Nami would be in trouble, so after thinking for a long time, Wei Wei decided to go to the doctor first and then go back to Alabasta. Everyone in the Straw Hats looked at her with admiration.
When Luffy found the doctor and treated Nami, they also welcomed a new partner, the blue-nosed reindeer doctor, Tony Tony Chopper !
With new partners, Luffy and the others headed straight for Alabasta.
Just when Luffy’s group arrived at the port city, the navy’s big Zos Mog, who had been chasing Luffy all the way, had already arrived here with his subordinate Dasqi.
Because they did not detour in the middle, they arrived before the toll, and he did not know that at this time not far from Alabasta, Vice Admiral Karp also received an order from the Warring States period, so he was heading towards Come here.
” Colonel Smog … there’s a restaurant over there, why don’t we go to rest first? ” Dusky wiped the sweat from his forehead and said into the air.
” Sergeant, put on your glasses, I’m here! ” Smog, who was behind Dusky, said helplessly.
Dusky was stunned for a moment, and quickly put down the glasses that were on his forehead because it was too hot, and then followed behind Smoker into the restaurant.
But when he walked into the restaurant, he was stunned on the spot.
” King Xia Qiwuhai … Eagle Eye Mihawk! Whitebeard Pirates Second Division Captain Fire Fist Ace! Why are you here? And … when did you get together? ” Smog asked with an ugly face.
” Ah ~ ah ~ it’s really unlucky! Even though I was ready to leave today, I encountered the Navy at this time! ” Ace put down the quilt in his hand, leaned against the bar, and said softly.
And Mihawk cast a glance at Smoker, and then ignored him.
” You haven’t answered my question … What’s your purpose here? As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates … There doesn’t seem to be anything here to attract you, right? ” Smoker glanced at him Hawkeye, and then asked Ace.
Hawkeye is now the king’s Qiwuhai, not a pirate, on the contrary, it belongs to the world government, it can be said that he is in the same group, so it is not convenient for him to torture each other.
But Ace is different. The other party is a genuine pirate, and he has the obligation and the right to arrest the other party.
” The purpose of my coming here? I’m sorry ~ I really can’t tell you! ” Ace said with a shrug.
” Let’s eat ~~~~~~”
At this moment, when Smog was about to say something, a familiar voice slowly reached his ears from far to near.

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