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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Mihawk, who has always had Mount Tai collapse in front of him without changing his color, opened his mouth in shock when he looked at the situation in front of him.
The two people who were preparing to fight in front of him just now disappeared, leaving only a big hole in the wall.
And the seat where Ace was sitting next to him had changed.
A young man wearing a straw hat who was clamoring to eat, sat there peacefully while everyone was stunned.
” That … I think it’s better for you to run away now! ” The restaurant owner reminded Luffy.
” Escape? Why? But boss … your food here is so delicious! ” Luffy sighed while eating the food.
” Uh ~ Thank you! But you …” The boss patted his head a little embarrassedly and said.
” Straw hat boy …” Hawkeye said softly with a red wine glass after calming down his mood.
” Eh? You are … the great swordsman who cut Zoro!!! ” Luffy looked at Mihawk in surprise while eating the food.
However, because he had food in his mouth, he couldn’t speak clearly, leaving Mihawk with black lines all over his head.
” Make it clear! Let ‘s finish eating … or finish eating! ” Mihawk put down the wine glass, took the food that popped out of Luffy’s mouth away from himself, and said with a look of disgust.
Originally, he thought that Luffy would quickly finish the food in his mouth before talking to him, but he didn’t expect that the other party would ignore him and continue to eat, and Mihawk could not wait to draw the knife and cut the guy in front of him.
” Oh … the way …”
” Bang! ”
“The Straw Hat! ”
Ace, who returned first, saw Luffy and was about to call him when he was pressed to the ground by Smoker behind him.
” You really came to Alabasta, what is your purpose? ” Smog asked loudly, staring at Luffy who was eating food.
But Luffy didn’t care that he was still eating food.
” Hey … do n’t eat TMD , I’m talking to you! ” Seeing Luffy’s appearance, Smoker was almost mad, and roared at Luffy angrily.
Hawkeye on the side almost laughed, he found that this kid is really interesting.
” Pfft! ” I finally remembered who Luffy was in front of me, sprayed all the food on Smoker’s face, and said in surprise: ” You were the navy at that time? Why are you here!? ”
“TMD…” At this time, Smoker had ten thousand hearts that wanted to kill Luffy. He decided to ignore the other party’s purpose, and now he just wanted to kill the other party.
As if seeing the killing intent of the other party, Luffy put all the food on the table into his mouth in one breath, then bowed and said, ” I’m full! ”
After he finished speaking, he covered his mouth and ran out the door.
” Stop, Straw Hat! You think you can get away? ” Smog chased after him without a word.
” Wait … Luffy, it’s me! Don’t run! ” At this time, Ace also got up from the ground and shouted towards Luffy who was running away.
But at this time, Luffy was thinking about how to get rid of Smoker, so he didn’t hear Ace’s voice at all.
” Hey … the guy you’re looking for … isn’t he? ” Mihawk asked Ace, who was about to chase him out.
” No, he’s not the person I’m looking for, but he’s my brother! ” After Ace left a sentence, he ran towards the door.
Mihawk was stunned for a moment, and after drinking the wine in the glass with a chuckle, he said, ” It’s getting more and more interesting! ”
After he finished speaking, he also walked out of the restaurant slowly.
After everyone had left, the restaurant owner said dumbfoundedly: ” They … ran away without paying any money? ”
At this time, Robin, who returned to the Baroque headquarters, also received the code left by Ace, and learned that the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates came to Alabasta.
However, she did not go to Ace for the first time, but first reported the matter of Princess Wei to Crocodile.
“The Straw Hats? I have asked Mr.3 to deal with them, and according to Mr.3 ‘s report, they have already died in the small garden! ” Crocodile said with a chuckle.
” Oh? ” Robin was taken aback and said, ” Is he already dead? ”
” What? You don’t believe it? ”
” They don’t look … they’re not easy people to deal with! ” Robin replied with a chuckle.
” Could it be that Mr.3 still dares to lie to me? ” Crocodile squinted and thought about it before saying, ” Let Mr.2 go! By the way , get rid of Mr.3 too! ”
” Okay! ” Robin nodded and turned to leave.
She has seen too many such things. The so-called partners or subordinates are simply chess pieces that can be discarded at any time.
After she conveyed the order, she also set off for the port. He needed to meet up with the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, who should have brought her news of her father.
Thinking of this, the corners of Robin’s mouth couldn’t help but cocked slightly.
The years she spent with Reina were her happiest times.
She had already seen the group of people her father mentioned. Although it was a bit interesting, it didn’t seem to be any different at the time. If nothing else happened, she planned to go back and continue to live by her father’s side after the incident was over.
The only thing she is still interested in now is the hidden historical text of the Kingdom of Alabasta. She has found the piece of historical text in the desert, and now the rest is the hidden piece of the kingdom.
In the port city at this time, because of the appearance of Luffy, Smoker was taking all the navy to hunt down the Straw Hats, and the whole city seemed to be in turmoil.
” You can’t run away, straw hat boy! White fist! ” Smog’s right arm turned into an element and grabbed it towards Luffy.
” Yang Yan! ” Suddenly a flame appeared, blocking all the smoke from Smog.
” Hey … Didn’t I tell you before? He’s my younger brother. You’ll make me very embarrassed! White Hunter! ” Ace said softly as he stood between Luffy and Smoke.
” Fire Fist Ace …” Smog looked at Ace in front of him, and his expression became serious. The other party was the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he was different from a newcomer like Luffy.
” Oh ~~~ it’s Ace! Why are you here? ” Luffy shouted excitedly after seeing Ace.
” You still haven’t changed at all! Luffy …” Ace turned his head and said with a smile: ” But now is not the time to talk, you leave first, I will catch up later! ”
” Wait …” Just as Luffy was leading everyone on the road, Zoro stopped suddenly, then looked up at the roof to the side, where there was a person standing.
” Hawkeye …” Zoro looked at the man who stood there with the sword intent full of light, and the fighting intent on his body burned again.
But he also knew that he was not his opponent now, so he suppressed his fighting spirit abruptly.
” Who is it? ” Nami asked in surprise, looking at the man on the roof.
” That person? He is my ultimate goal! The world’s number one swordsman! ” Zoro replied softly.
” Ah ~~ is this person again … ? He … isn’t he the guy who cut Zoro in the restaurant on the sea? ” Usopp apparently recognized the other party and said with a little panic.
” Hey … Chlorella, now is not the time for you to challenge him! ” Sanji on the side also said solemnly.
Afraid that Zoro’s head would heat up, he rushed up to challenge the opponent again.
Judging from the strength shown by the other party last time, it is not an existence that they can fight against.
” Hey … Mihawk, stop that group of pirates, aren’t you the king of Qiwuhai? You have an obligation to help our navy catch the pirates! ” Smog over there also discovered the existence of Hawkeye, and immediately shouted loudly said.
” Your Majesty’s Qiwuhai ? ” Luffy and his group were stunned when they heard Smoker’s words.
” Another King Qiwuhai? Why … why do you all come to Alabasta? ” Hearing another King Qiwuhai who was the same as Crocodile, he shouted with a slight breakdown.
” So he is also the King’s Seven Wuhai? Hu ~ If the King’s Qiwuhai are all strong at his level … Our next actions … We have to be more careful! ” Sanji breathed out a smoke ring. , said softly.
Those in the Straw Hat gang who have seen Hawkeye’s strength know how powerful the other party is. They have underestimated Wangxia Qiwuhai before.
” You’re not qualified to order me! I’m here just to accompany Fire Fist Ace to see someone, and I’m not interested in your disputes! ” Mihawk shook his head and said.
” Huh ~ Fortunately, if there is such an enemy, it will be a big deal! ” Hearing Mihawk’s words, Usopp wiped the sweat from his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and said.
But after such a delay, Smog’s adjutant, the girl who was the childhood sweetheart of Zoro when he was a child, and Admiral Dasqi, who looked exactly the same, had already surrounded him with the navy.
” Luffy, what should I do now? ” Seeing being surrounded, Nami asked Luffy.
” There’s no other way but to fight! ” Seeing this, Luffy was ready to fight.
” Hey … are you ignoring my existence too much? ” At this time, Ace’s body rose up with flames, and the whole person turned into a fire man, and said to Smog.
” Fire Fist Ace … Why do you have to help these pirates? Now I don’t want to entangle with you, you leave now, I can pretend that I didn’t see it! ” Smog, who was smoking a cigar, said to Ace .
” Hahaha … Didn’t I say it? He is my younger brother … Yan Shanggang! ” Ace said, with a wave of his hand, a circle of flames appeared, directly blocking the road between the navy and Luffy.
” Luffy, you go first! ” Ace turned his head and said to Luffy.
After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Smog.
Seeing this, Luffy nodded, and with his partner, he directly knocked down the remaining navy and ran towards the port.
While running, Zoro looked at the eagle eye on the roof, and when he saw that the other party was just standing there watching the play, and had no intention of doing it, he breathed a sigh of relief.
However, he immediately felt a little ashamed for his behavior of fleeing without a fight.
” Luffy, who was that person just now? Is it really your brother? ” Nami asked as she ran.
He always felt that the tattoo on Ace’s back was a little familiar.
” Well, he’s my brother, Ace! ” Luffy nodded and replied with a smile.
“I didn’t expect you to have a brother, and both of you have eaten devil fruits! ” Sanji said in surprise.
You must know that Devil Fruit is not something that everyone can see, especially in the East China Sea, where very few people have heard of Devil Fruit.
” By the way, Wei Wei, how do we go now? Where are we going? ” Usopp suddenly asked Wei Wei.
” We can follow the river into the inland, and then we will reach the desert! We are only here to replenish the supplies we need next! Because we may not have the chance to get so much in the next trip. Opportunity to replenish supplies! ” Wei Wei said while running.
” Understood! ”
” It’s a pity that such a good shopping opportunity was ruined by some bastard! ” Sanji glanced at Luffy beside him and said angrily.
” Eh? Is that so? I still want to eat a little more! ” Luffy still said carelessly, without realizing it at all.
Fortunately, everyone is used to Luffy, so everyone is too lazy to pay attention to him.
The group of people ran and jogged, and finally came to the coast, where the Golden Meli was docked.

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