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” Kalu! Wait a minute! ” Wei Wei stopped Kalu, who was about to get on the boat, who was running fast, and said, ” I have an important thing for you to do! You start from here, go directly to Albana, and send this letter to you. Give it to my father! It contains Ikalem and I’s investigation of the Baroque Works, as well as all the conspiracy about Crocodile!
And I also stated that I am still alive and will go back with a group of the best friends! Can you do it? Travel alone across the desert to Albana! ”
” Quack quack!! ” Carew made a salute, indicating that he would definitely complete the task.
When Wei Wei saw Karu who was leaving, he breathed a sigh of relief, then regained his strength and regained his strong appearance.
In fact, Princess Wei is very carefully portrayed in the original work. She is a very powerful character, not because of her strength, but because of her IQ.
When she was a child, Weiwei knew that she took care of the whole country and was calm in the face of the rudeness of the drum king, which shows that she was deeply influenced by her father since she was a child, and various evidences show that she is a smart general who is good at analyzing things.
When Nami was seriously ill when she just left the small garden, she decided to let the ship find a place to heal Nami first, and then rush to Alabasta. Does she value Nami more than her own people?
Why didn’t she choose to go to Alabasta first and then to save Nami? This is where Vivi is smart, and she is much stronger than her father, King Cobra.
Luffy’s group is her only bargaining chip to save the kingdom, and she has witnessed the strength of Luffy and Zoro. These people are important pieces in Weiwei’s hands, and they must be thrown away.
And she and Luffy and the gang just got to know each other not long ago, so she must not cause a disagreement in the team. Under the eaves, people have to endure humiliation and burden.
It is absolutely impossible if Luffy’s group abandons her because of her excessive demands, so Weiwei chose to follow the opinions of most of the crew.
So in the original novel, Wei Wei is a very powerful general.
After Karu left, Luffy and the others sailed towards the inland, and everyone on the boat was discussing Luffy’s brother.
” Ace didn’t eat any fruit before, but he was very good. Every time he fought with me, I lost! In short, he is a very good person! ” Luffy explained to everyone with a smile.
” You didn’t win once? Was he just an ordinary person at that time? ” Nami asked in surprise after hearing Luffy’s words.
” Sure enough, the monster’s brother is a big monster! ” Usopp said enviously.
He wants to have great strength and become a brave sea warrior.
” Yeah! But now … I will definitely win! Hahaha …” Luffy said with a big laugh.
” You said … who will you win? ” Suddenly, Ace appeared behind Luffy, standing on the side of the Merry, and asked with a smile.
” Ace … !! ” Luffy shouted excitedly when he saw Ace.
Ace smiled, then greeted Luffy’s friends, and said, ” Hello, my brother is thankful for your care! This guy is a little troublesome, so I usually give you a lot of trouble! ”
” Indeed! ” Everyone except Luffy quickly returned the salute.
” Hahaha …” Luffy didn’t have the slightest sense of consciousness, and was laughing happily beside him.
” Luffy, I didn’t expect to meet you here! You still look the same! ” Ace said with a smile.
” Hee hee hee … I’ve become stronger! By the way, Ace, why did you come to this country!? ” Luffy asked curiously.
” I’m here to do something, mainly because of the deputy captain’s explanation, there’s no way …” Ace spread his hands and said, ” By the way, do you want to come to our Whitebeard Pirates? Of course, your partner can also Come together! ”
” No! ” Luffy replied firmly.
” Pfft haha … I knew you would answer like this, forget it, I just mentioned it casually anyway! ” Ace said with a smile.
” Whitebeard Pirates? ” Nami and Wei Wei shouted in surprise before Ace’s words fell.
” Huh? What’s wrong? ” Both Ace and Luffy looked at the two of them, as if they didn’t understand why they had such a big reaction when they heard the Whitebeard Pirates.
” No … that … Which Whitebeard Pirates are you talking about!? ” Nami hesitated, but asked.
” There should be only one Whitebeard Pirates in this sea ! ” Ace pointed to the tattoo on his back with a smile and said with a smile, ” This is our glory! ”
Nami swallowed and asked, ” Then do you know Reina? Benelli D. Reina! ”
” Huh? You know our vice-captain? ” Ace was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t expect Luffy’s partner to actually name Reina’s full name. Although Reina’s full name is already on the reward now, most people are still used to calling it that. He is Reina.
Luffy and the others also looked at Nami in confusion, they hadn’t heard of the name.
” Hey … hey … Isn’t it? The Reina you are talking about isn’t that Reina, right? ” At this time, Usopp suddenly remembered something and asked with a little surprise.
” What’s this Reina’s that Reina’s? ” Luffy and the others were confused and didn’t understand at all.
” I remember that I heard this name from Nami’s sister and mother when I was in Cocosia Village. It seems that Nami’s navigation skills were enlightened by that person, and the other party seemed to be a pirate. I didn’t expect it to be such a big man. ! ” Usopp recalled.
” Well! When I was young, he came to the village of Cocosia, and he seemed to just pass by there, and there was a nasty girl with him! At that time, he sent me the book from HNA, and he left behind him. Some voyage diaries, so I am so familiar with the waters of the great route! ” Nami nodded and said.
” So that’s the case …” Everyone nodded, expressing their understanding.
” Ah ~ You didn’t say it was eleven years ago, did you? ” Ace was stunned and asked in surprise.
After Nami thought about it, she nodded and said, ” That’s right, it was that time! ”
” Hahaha … Fate is really amazing! Luffy, do you remember when we first met? That uncle who was going to steal your straw hat! ” Ace said with a smile.
” Ah! I remembered, that very powerful, but very annoying guy! He was trying to steal the hat Shanks gave me! ” Hearing Ace say this, Luffy immediately remembered.
” That’s right, that time Mr. Rayner was chasing Shanks to the East China Sea, and he should have passed by your hometown on the way! Later, he met me and Luffy in Windmill Village, and after learning that Shanks had left, he It’s back to Xuanyue Island! ” Ace nodded and said.
” Then Mr. Rainer … he … is he okay? ” Nami asked a little apprehensively.
If it wasn’t for Reina who left the gold to Nuoqigao, Belmer would have been killed by Aaron long ago, so Nami actually wanted to say thank you to the other party face to face every time.
Ace looked at Nami with a strange expression, and said with a wry smile: ” What’s the matter … With Mr. Reina’s strength, there shouldn’t be anyone who can leave him in this sea! ”
While everyone was chatting with Ace, Wei Wei’s expression became more and more ugly.
” So … you and Nico Robin … are also in the same group? ” Suddenly, he stepped forward slightly and asked Ace.
” Nicole Robin ? ” Ace was taken aback, he didn’t expect to hear the name of the person he was looking for from the girl’s mouth.
Luffy and the others also looked at Wei Wei in surprise, they didn’t understand why Wei Wei’s face suddenly turned bad.
” That’s right! Nicole Robin ! Vice President of Baroque Works, Miss.allsunday , Crocodile’s partner ! ” Wei Wei asked loudly.
” Nicole Robin !? Is that the person who came to our boat before? ” Hearing Wei Wei’s words, Nami and the others also remembered who Wei Wei was talking about.
” As far as I know, Nicole Robin has a very close relationship with your Whitebeard Pirates, right? In the entire kingdom of Alabasta, she is a very special existence, even Crocodile is quite to her. because of rumors … as long as you hurt Nicole Robin , you’ll be declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Wei Wei stared at Ace and asked.
Ace nodded and said, ” You’re right, Nicole Robin ‘s identity is very important. If anyone really takes action against her, it will definitely arouse the hostility of the entire Whitebeard Pirates! ”
Hearing Ace’s answer, Wei Wei sat down on the deck, eyes blank, and said with a little pain: ” Alabasta … it’s over! ”
” Wei … What’s wrong with you? ” Seeing Wei Wei’s appearance, Nami immediately stepped forward and asked with concern.
” Why? Why? Why did you choose Alabasta? Where did this country offend you? Why does it treat us like this? ” Wei Wei, who was almost collapsed, shook off Nami and yelled at Ace while crying.
Her words made Ace confused, and it also made Luffy and others feel a little baffled.
On the contrary, Sanji, who was on the side, breathed out a smoke ring and said, ” Miss Weiwei feels that there is no hope, right? Just one Krocdar, who is the king of Qiwuhai, has caused the whole of Alabasta to fall into chaos. If you add the Whitebeard Pirates …
Alabasta is completely out of luck! Even because of his relationship, even Luffy and us would hesitate. After all, he is Luffy’s brother, and the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is also related to Nami! That’s why Miss Wei is like this, right? ”
Hearing Sanji’s analysis, everyone suddenly realized, but Ace still didn’t understand.
However, when Sanji explained the current situation in Alabasta to Wei Wei’s identity, Ace understood.
” It turns out that the chaos this country is suffering from is caused by that guy Crocodile! That … Princess Wei, you can rest assured that our Whitebeard Pirates have no hostility towards Alabasta. Even before I came, Reina The gentleman also asked me to say hello to a soldier of the Royal Army named Bell, who said that although they have only met a few times, they get along quite happily! ” Ace shook his head and explained.
After hearing Ace’s explanation, she was slightly stunned, and she also remembered Bell’s words.
” Mr. Reina is the most special existence among the pirates I have ever seen. He is powerful but does not bully the weak. He is humorous without losing his demeanor. He is a real hero at sea! If there is a chance in the future, I will bring him with me. Go see him and you’ll know! ”
When Wei Wei was young, Bell once said this to her.
” But … why did Nicole Robin become the vice president of the Baroque Work Club? That woman … has always been so mysterious! ” Wei Wei said a little unwillingly.
The reason why she knew Crocodile’s identity was because Robin deliberately revealed it to her, otherwise she would not have known who was leading this Baroque work until now.
” Sorry, about Miss Robin, we will not interfere with her. What we have to do is to protect her safety. As for what she wants to do, we will neither support nor oppose it!
According to you, even if she is really doing something to destroy Alabasta, we will not stop her, but there is only one thing, no matter what the outcome between you is, her safety must be guaranteed!
Because once she dies in your Alabasta … then you’re really screwed! ” Ace shook his head and said with a slight warning.

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