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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Mr. Smog , the Straw Hats have escaped! ” Dasqi searched with the soldiers before returning to report.
” That guy from Fire Fist … is really in the way! ” Smoker, who was sitting on a large rock with a cigar in his mouth, said softly, ” Have you noticed? That Wei Wei was actually with the straw hat for a while! ”
” Wei Wei ? Princess Neferutali Weiwei? You mean she was in the straw hat moment just now? Impossible? ” Dusqi said in surprise.
” I’m thinking about this right now! And there is a guy I hate in this country! You should know … What I hate the most is what the king is under the seven seas! ” A glance at the eagle-eyed Mihawk standing over there.
” But … Master Smog , in terms of position, Wang Xia Qiwuhai is on the side of the World Government and our navy! ” Dasqi said a little embarrassedly.
” Hmph! Pirates are pirates! Even if they change their name, they are still pirates, and they will never obey the World Government! That guy over there just now … isn’t that the best proof? ” Smog said towards Hawkeye.
” Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , greeted Hawkeye and Smoker.
” General Aokiji? You … why are you here? ” Dusqi immediately ran over to salute when she saw the other party.
The person who came was Aoki Kuzan , one of the three admirals of the navy.
” That … what … that’s right! I’m on vacation, so I came here unknowingly! ” Aokiji touched the back of his head, thought about it, and said with a smile.
When he said this, don’t say that Hawkeye on the side didn’t believe it, even Smog who was sitting there didn’t believe it, only the naive Dasqi really believed it.
Mihawk, who was all about to leave, suddenly decided to stay after seeing the green pheasant. He is really curious now, why are these people gathered in Lala Bastan one by one? Is something really going to happen?
” Then why did you come here as a king under the Qiwuhai? ” Aokiji looked sideways at Hawkeye Mihawk and asked.
” I was just bored, so I just walked around! Then I found out that all of you came here, so I’m going to see … what do you want to do! ” Hawkeye Mihawk said truthfully.
” Ah ~ Then besides the people here, who else is here? ” Aokiji looked at Smog and asked.
” I was chasing the Straw Hat Boys, but just now, I met Fire Fist Ace who was with him! Then Fire Fist Ace rescued the Straw Hat Boy! More importantly, the princess of this country, actually With the straw hat boy! ” Smoke, who was holding a cigar, pointed at Hawkeye and said slowly.
“…” Aokiji looked at Smoker who was speaking like a tongue twister, but didn’t react for a while.
” Fire Fist Ace? Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” But Aokiji clearly heard a key character.
” That’s right! ”
Aokiji’s expression became serious and asked, ” So where is Ace now? ”
” He helped the Straw Hats escape! ” Smog looked at Aokiji, and the other party seemed to be a little different after hearing the name of Fire Fist Ace.
Mihawk over there also noticed the change in blue and purple, and they all looked at the green pheasant quietly.
” Hu ~ Smog … There is a very dangerous person in this country. I don’t want her to come into contact with the Whitebeard Pirates, so … Next, please help me and try my best to find Fire Fist Ace! ” Aokiji is serious said.
Smoker was silent for a while before he said, ” I’m looking for the Straw Hats, but now Fire Fist Ace is with them, so finding the Straw Hats means finding him! ”
The eagle-eyed Mihawk who was standing there just smiled. He guessed that the person Aochi said should be the one Ace was looking for, so he knew where he should go!
Looking at Mihawk who was leaving, Smoker said to Dasqi: ” Find someone to stare at him, he should know something! ”
” Ah , don’t conflict with him. After all, we are a group now. If he cuts him down, it won’t do anything to him! ” Looking at Da Siqi who was going to arrange it, Aokiji warned.
On the other side, Ace, who had already reunited with Luffy, gave Luffy a life card of his own and said, ” I’m here to see Nicole Robin , so I won’t go with you! This You have to take your things and take them with you! ”
” Isn’t this just a small note? What’s the use? ” Luffy took Ace’s life card and asked curiously.
Ace smiled slightly, but didn’t tell the other party that the life card is something that only exists in the new world. It is still too early for Luffy now.
” Anyway, take it well and don’t throw it away! This little note can make us meet again! ” Ace said with a smile.
Originally, he planned to ask Luffy where he was going. If he went to the capital of Alabasta, he could go with Luffy, but he also saw that because of Robin, that Princess Wei didn’t seem to care about him. Very friendly, so Ace decided to leave and go to Albana alone.
Except for Luffy, the people on the boat also saw what Ace meant, but they didn’t speak. After all, this kind of thing is really not easy to say.
Although the two sides are relatives and friends, if their positions are not the same, it is indeed very embarrassing. It may be the best way to go their own way.
” With such a stupid younger brother, as a big brother, I have to work harder! You must also have a headache for this guy? But … I can only ask you to take care of it! ” Ace moved towards Zoro and Sanji. They saluted and said with a smile.
” Nei ~ we’ll take good care of him! ” Sanji and the others were a little uncomfortable with Ace’s politeness, so they had to return the salute mechanically.
” Huh? Are you leaving so soon? ” Luffy asked in surprise when he saw Ace jumped off the Merry and boarded a strangely shaped boat.
” Didn’t I tell you? I have a mission here too! But don’t worry, I won’t interfere in the affairs of Alabasta, and if I can, I will persuade Robin not to interfere! ” Ace boarded his own After Xiaozhou, he waved to Luffy with a smile and shouted.
Wei Wei’s face turned red, she knew that what Ace said was actually meant for her, but now because of her existence, Luffy and Ace, the long-lost brothers, had to separate, which made Wei Wei feel that she was Not being a bad guy.
” A person with such common sense … it can’t be Luffy’s brother! ” Nami said with a look of disbelief as she looked at Ace who was leaving.
” I thought he would be a bastard like Luffy! ” Usopp also nodded in agreement.
“I didn’t expect to be such a good person who thinks about his younger brother! ” Zoro couldn’t help but sigh.
” This brotherhood is really touching! ” The emotional Chopper was almost in tears.
” Sure enough, anything incredible can happen in the ocean! ” Sanji, who was sitting beside him, couldn’t help but say.
” Hey … everyone … Don’t be like this …” Wei Wei felt a little embarrassed about Ace’s departure just now. After hearing Nami and the others’ complaints, she immediately became a bit wry smile.
At this moment, five ships of the Baroque Work Society suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance, and their purpose seemed to be Fire Fist Ace.
” Luffy … Look, it’s the ship of the Baroque Work Club, they’re going to take action against your brother! Let’s go and help! ” Wei Wei immediately shouted to Luffy when he saw this.
” Look! Luffy, your brother has done it! ”
Just as everyone was about to go over to help, Ace suddenly jumped up and punched him while the five ships were in a row.
” Fire Fist! ”
” Boom ~~~~”
The flames emanated from Ace’s hands, directly destroying all five Baroque pirate ships.
” Guru …” Usopp swallowed subconsciously and said to Luffy, ” Is your brother such a monster? ”
” Hahaha … how is it? It’s amazing, right? ” Luffy didn’t care at all, but asked with a big laugh.
But Nami ignored Luffy, walked to Wei Wei and said to her, ” Don’t worry! There will be no problem! Didn’t Luffy’s brother just say it? He will go to Robin and persuade her. She won’t help Crocodile any more! In short, the worst will not come! ”
” That’s right, Miss Wei, Luffy’s older brother also said just now that what they want from the Whitebeard Pirates is not to hurt that woman’s life, and they don’t care about the rest, and they won’t do anything to help her. !
Even if she is determined to help Crocodile, we can at best not hurt her! What’s more, didn’t you say it too? It was with her help that you learned the true face of Crocodile! So what is her position now? ” Sanji also came over and comforted Wei Wei.
” Nei ~ Thank you everyone, don’t worry, I won’t be knocked down by this kind of thing! The next thing still needs me to go all out, I will be stronger! ” Wei Wei took a deep breath, nodded, and said.
” This is the Miss Wei Wei I know! ” Sanji gave Wei Wei a thumbs up.
” Well! Come and have a look, everyone, this is my sketch! Karoo is heading towards the capital from the port, and we are crossing the Santo River to reach the location of the rebel army – Juba! ” Wei Wei took out the prepared The map, explained to everyone.
” Is it enough to beat the leader of the rebel army? ” Luffy asked in a fighting posture.
” That’s not right! ” Shaking his head slightly, he said, ” I’m going to convince them! Because I don’t want the people to make such senseless sacrifices! ”
” But … the rebel army heard that there are more than 700,000 , have you stopped it? ” Zoro asked with a light smile.
” You ask me if I can stop it? From now on the way to Juba, you will see what the Baroque Society has done to this country! What kind of life do the citizens of Alabasta live … I We must stop this senseless riot, and I will never allow the Baroque Work Society to do whatever they want to my country! ” Wei Wei lowered his head and replied in a low voice.
” Wei Wei …” Nami couldn’t help but feel a hint of sympathy in her heart as she looked at Wei Wei at this time.
” Sorry for the slip of the tongue! ” Even Zoro said apologetically with a smile.
” Let’s go! Everything is ready, let’s go! ” Luffy straightened the hat on his head and commanded with a smile.

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