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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Luffy and the others were moving towards Yuba, Ace was also moving along the Santo River, but his purpose was not Yuba, but Albana, the capital of Alabasta. This is what Reina told him. location.
” Ah ~~ I seem to have forgotten something! What is it? ” Riding in his own unique car, hey hey, while walking, he thought that he seemed to have forgotten something.
” Oops! The Hawkeye guy was thrown by me in the port! ” After thinking for a long time, Ace remembered that Hawkeye was also thrown at the port by him.
” Well ~ Forget it … Anyway, he won’t have a problem himself. If it’s a big deal, I’ll apologize to him next time we meet! ” After seeing that it was more than half of the way, Ace decisively gave up and went back.
It’s just that he didn’t know that Robin just arrived in the port city at this time.
However, under her inquiry, after learning that Fire Fist Ace had left, Robin planned to ignore Ace for the time being.
Because now Crocodile’s plan has come to the last minute, and it is almost coming to an end, so she still wants to see what the final outcome of this matter is.
But just when she was about to leave, she found that the navy here seemed to be a little unusual.
As a result, after people inquired, she learned that Admiral Aokiji and King Mihawk had also come to Alabasta.
Robin, who was in shock, found that there seemed to be something she didn’t know about to happen in Alabasta, otherwise the Admiral and the other king would never be attracted to Qiwuhai.
You must know that even if it is the Qiwuhai under the king, there is a territory, and Alabasta is the site of Crocodile. Under normal circumstances, if a king is under the Qiwuhai, he will not run to the territory of another king. Not to mention the Admiral.
At this time, she realized that maybe the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates did not come to find her, or that the other party’s purpose was not her, and she just wanted to provide him with some help.
Robin, who thought she had figured out the situation, immediately rushed back in the direction of Albana. She and Reina agreed that if they did not meet at the port, they would meet in Albana.
In addition, she also needs to report the abnormal situation here to Crocodile. In this case, she can use Crocodile’s intelligence network to learn what happened and give Ace more help.
Robin didn’t know it, it was all just a coincidence.
Meanwhile, on a small island not far from Alabasta.
” Captain, is there something wrong? The captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates hasn’t come over yet? ” Idar, who had a fierce look, asked Blackbeard Tiki beside him.
” Thief hahaha … The arrangement of fate can’t be escaped! Don’t worry, don’t be too anxious! ” Tiki said with a confident look: ” I have reliable information, Fire Fist Ace definitely knows my existence, As long as the members of the Whitebeard Pirates know my news, they will not want to arrest me, so wait with peace of mind! ”
” Captain …” At this time, a strong man with purple hair, even beard, and a wrestler’s mask, ran over to Titch and said, ” There is news, Fire Fist Ace is in Alabasta. The port city appeared, and he didn’t seem to want to continue looking for us! ”
Facing the slap in the face at the speed of light, Tickey did not feel embarrassed, but got up and said: ” thief hahaha … Since that’s the case … little ones … Then let’s go find him! Whether it can be successful or not depends on this time. Action! ”
At this time, about a day or so away from Alabasta, Reina was bored fishing on the deck.
If it weren’t for boredom, he wouldn’t fish, and he hasn’t fished much since fishing with special bait a long time ago.
No way, the sailing time was much longer than he expected, and the sailors on board had changed three batches.
Now these sailors in charge of sailing were not hired by him. Those guys were older than Reina himself, so they were all driven away by Reina.
Now this gang knows the real pirates, yes, a bunch of unlucky guys who want to rob Reina, and Reina, who is worried about no one, immediately grabs them all and is responsible for driving the boat for himself.
If it wasn’t for these guys, Reina’s arrival in Alabasta would probably have been delayed.
So he came to a conclusion that this world … When you can spend no money, it’s better not to spend it!
Alabasta, Elmaru Port, Luffy and his party passed the Santo River and arrived here.
” This is Yuba? It doesn’t look like there is a rebel army! ” After disembarking, Luffy looked around and said.
” No, Luffy, this is the Elmaru Oasis, if Yuba, he still needs to walk northwest along the desert for half a day! ” Shaking his head slightly, he said.
” Eh? This is an oasis? It doesn’t look like a green leaf! ” Luffy said with a sullen face.
” Well, this place has only become so desolate recently! ” Weiwei nodded and replied, ” So this is a beautiful oasis! ”
” Hey ~ what’s this? It suddenly came out and scared me! Turtle? Or a seal? ” Over there, Usopp, who was looking around, was startled by the creature that suddenly appeared in front of him.
” Usopp … Be careful, don’t get close, that’s the Kung Fu Manatee! ” Wei Wei shouted at Usopp anxiously: ” They are very strong! ”
As soon as the words fell, Usopp had already been brought down by the Kung Fu Manatee. Zoro shook his head as he saw it. He couldn’t even beat this animal, it was too weak.
On the other side, Luffy has already defeated a Kung Fu Manatee, but Wei Wei said that defeating it is not enough, because Kung Fu Manatee is a martial art school, so after defeat, he will worship the opponent as his teacher.
It’s just that her words are still a bit late, because Luffy has already knocked down a large piece of kung fu manatee and started to teach them to punch.
” This kind of important thing, next time you have to say it earlier! ” Nami sighed and said helplessly.
Finally, under the communication of Chopper, they paid a day’s food to get rid of this group of kung fu manatees.
On the way to Juba, Wei Wei explained the process of the national rebellion to everyone.
For three whole years, except for the capital, there was no rain in Alabasta, and two years ago, dancing powder shipped to the capital was found in the port, which made the people angry, thinking that the king concentrated all the rain in the country to the capital.
So she launched a rebellion, but as a princess, Wei Wei knew that the king had never used dancing powder at all, and it was all Crocodile’s conspiracy.
” Things were as he had hoped, and soon there was a rebellion! The city was destroyed, the people were starving, the angry rebel army was fighting against the innocent country … Although the kingdom has a strong army, the father knows that all this is It was a misunderstanding, so the order was not allowed to fight Pan Lun’s army, which led to the intensification of the rebel army!
The country’s peace, the king’s WeChat, and the country’s rain … Innocent citizens sacrificed their lives for this! It was the man who made this country so tattered … it was the man … Crocodile! What right does he have to do such a thing? No matter what … I can’t forgive that man! ”
Wei Wei knelt on the ground, holding the dry bones on the side of the road, and shouted out the anger and unwillingness in her heart.
After listening to Wei Wei’s words, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp, who were furious, directly destroyed the surrounding buildings.
” Let’s go! The anger in my heart can’t hold anymore! ” After venting, Luffy said in a deep voice.
When a group of people finally felt Yuba, they found that Yuba had already left the building. Except for a thin old man who persisted here, the place had long since become a ruin.
” You’re … Uncle Doto? How could this be …” Hey, covering his mouth, looked at the thin old man in disbelief, not daring to compare him with the fat he used to look like.
” Can’t you recognize me? It’s no wonder that I’m thinner than before, right? ” Uncle Doto burst into tears and said with a smile: ” Wei Wei , I believe in the king! I have always believed in the king … He is definitely not The kind who would betray the kingdom! I trust him! ”
Seeing Uncle Doto’s firm tone, Wei Wei also sheds tears.
” Those rebels … what kind of rebellion … it’s really messed up, I think you can stop them, only you! Weiwei … please, you must stop them! ”
” Uncle Doto … don’t worry … I … I will definitely stop the rebellion! ” He smiled slightly and slowly wiped Uncle Doto’s tears.
His smile was contagious, and it seemed that she could really do all this.
Early the next morning, Luffy and the others took Uncle Doto to a small bottle of water that they had dug all night, and they were going to Cattleya, the headquarters of the rebel army.
But on the way, Luffy told Wei Wei that this would not work. Even if the rebels were found, they would not necessarily obey their arrangements. The best way would be to directly deal with Crocodile, who was behind the scenes, and directly implement the beheading tactic.
A way like Wei Wei that doesn’t want anyone to get hurt or die is not going to work.
But Wei Wei asked Luffy loudly in pain, what was wrong with her thinking that she didn’t want someone to die? She has no bargaining chips other than gamble with her own life!
” Then what did you tell me to gamble with? ” Wei Wei grabbed Luffy’s collar and shouted loudly, ” I don’t have anything to gamble anymore! ”
” Then we’ll gamble our lives together! We’re partners … aren’t we? ” Luffy’s answer shocked Wei Wei directly, and tears flowed uncontrollably.
” Your tears have finally flowed out … don’t be brave anymore! ” Luffy sat up slowly and said to Wei Wei, ” Actually, you are very unwilling, right? You really want to beat that guy far away? Then Do it! We are with you! ”
” Woo woo woo …” Wei Wei sat on the ground and cried into a ball.
” Mr. Luffy … I …” He turned his head slightly, looked at Luffy and said, ” What should I do? ”
” Now tell me … where is that guy … ? I’m going to beat him up! ” Luffy asked, getting up.

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