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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Luffy and Wei Wei talked, the group of people changed their destination again and rushed towards Albana, the capital of Alabasta.
Because through Robin, Wei Wei already knew that the headquarters of the Baroque Society was in Albana, and the gathering point on the bright side — Rainy Field, was actually a pretense.
After the battle between Crocodile and Reina, he knew that eggs cannot be put in one basket, so he moved the headquarters directly from Rain to Albana.
But he did not abandon it on the rainy side, but used it as the headquarters on the bright side.
When Wei Wei followed Robin and learned the identity of Crocodile, he learned the location of their headquarters from their conversation.
In fact, Weiwei has what she thinks is a powerful fighting force – Luffy’s group, why not just go to the Baroque headquarters and kill Laosha first?
In addition to not wanting Luffy and others to suffer casualties, it is also because she understands that although Crocodile is behind the scenes, Crocodile is not the direct initiator of the rebellion, and the rebels are not under his command.
Even killing Crocodile cannot stop the rebellion.
Therefore, Weiwei abandoned the strategy of catching the thief first and the king, to solve the immediate difficulties first, and then deal with the reasons for the difficulties. This is a national conspiracy, and it can also reflect Weiwei’s amazing judgment.
While in the port, Vivi handed the reference manual of Crocodile’s conspiracy to Karoo and sent it to Albana, the capital.
If the rebel army is persuaded and Dad learns about Crocodile’s conspiracy, then the rebel army plus the king’s army plus the super strength of Luffy and others can launch a general attack against Crocodile together, which is her ideal. Strategy.
But now, Luffy told her to go directly to the capital, kill Crocodile first, and then go to the rebel army, which is more suitable, because now they may not be able to persuade the rebel army.
Moreover, the rebel army at this time should have been cornered, and they may launch a final blow at any time. If they rush, and the rebel army has already launched an attack, then they are equivalent to chasing each other’s tail. As a result, the war broke out, but they did nothing!
It is better to go to Albana now, after dealing with Crocodile, wait for the rebels to come to the door, and then tell them the truth of the matter.
At this time, Ace, who had already arrived in Albana, found that he could not contact Robin here either. Albana was bigger than the port city, and he was even more smeared here and could not be found at all. to the place.
However, from Luffy’s previous partners, he has already learned that Robin is in the Baroque work club, so as long as he finds the people in the Baroque work club, he may be able to find Robin.
However, before he started to act, someone had already come to the door.
” Hello, may I be the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace? ” Wearing an Arabian turban, with dark purple four-pointed star makeup on his eyes, Bell wearing a white robe, with Ace was found with a group of soldiers of the Royal Army.
” Who are you? ” Ace looked at the person in front of him curiously. He didn’t seem to know him, and he didn’t look like he was looking for trouble.
” I am the adjutant of the Alabasta Kingdom Guards, Bell! I have met Mr. Reina a few times before, and we had a very pleasant conversation. I also admired Mr. Reina very much, so when I learned that your Excellency came to Albana, I couldn’t wait. I’m here, I hope it won’t be too abrupt! ” Bell said with a smile and salute.
” Ah ~ it turns out to be the deputy captain’s friend! I said it earlier ~ Really, I almost misunderstood! ” Ace said with a big laugh.
” If you don’t mind … can you go to the palace with me? We, His Majesty the King, hope to see you! ” Bell replied with a smile.
After thinking about it, Ace nodded, agreeing to Bell’s request. Anyway, he can’t find Robin for a while now. After all, this is Alabasta, and maybe there will be any news from the king.
Just when Ace and Bell went to the palace together, the information that he appeared in Albana had also been received by Aokiji and Smog, so the two rushed directly to Albana with part of the navy.
But not long after they left, a dog-headed naval warship stopped at the port of Alabasta.
” Is this the desert country of Alabasta? The weather is really hot! ” Garp said casually after taking off the dog hat on his head.
” Ka … Lieutenant General Garp! ” The navy in the port was a little stunned at this time. How could even Lieutenant General Garp, the hero of the navy, come here?
First, the big Zosmogg, then the general Aokiji, and now even Garp has come, which makes these naval soldiers stationed here completely confused.
” Who is your chief? ” Karp asked, nodding.
” That … our commander went to Albana, the capital of Alabasta! ” The sergeant saluted and replied.
” Huh? Why did he leave the office without permission? Is there any important thing to go to Albana? ” Karp was taken aback and asked subconsciously.
” That … he went to lead the way for General Aokiji and Chief Smog! ” the sergeant said a little embarrassedly.
Although this is a very normal operation, in the final analysis, it is considered to be AWOL. If Garp pursues it, their commander will not be able to escape the crime.
” Who? Who did you just say? ” Karp asked, his eyes almost popping out, looking in disbelief.
When he received the news of the Warring States period, the Warring States period clearly said that he could not contact Qingzhi, so he asked him to come over, okay ~~ Now that Qingzhi has already been in the capital of others, isn’t this playing him?
” Admiral Aokiji and Chief Smog! ” The sergeant had to say it once.
“What are they doing in Albana? ” Karp asked curiously.
” They were chasing the Straw Hats and Fire Fist Ace! ” the sergeant replied truthfully.
” Who? ” Karp asked louder this time.
” Grass … the second division captain of the Straw Hats and the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace! ” The sergeant was startled by Garp, thinking he didn’t make it clear, and immediately said it out loud again.
” Those two bastards! Everyone obeyed the order … Prepare supplies immediately, and then set off for Albana! ” Garp, who had planned to take a break, heard that his grandsons Luffy and Ace were here, and Aokiji also led someone to chase after him, and immediately couldn’t sit still.
” That … Lieutenant General Garp … In addition to the people who just mentioned, the kingdom of Alabasta seems to be in civil strife. Besides, Crocodile, one of the king’s seven seas, is also in this country! In addition to In addition to him, Hawkeye Joracol Mihawk is also here! ” The sergeant immediately stepped forward and added when Garp was about to leave .
” What happened here? Why did they all come here? ” Garp was a little shocked. Among these people, except for the Straw Hats who are newcomers, which one is not a famous person? Why are they all gathered in Alabasta?
” This … I don’t know yet! ” The sergeant shook his head and replied.
” Forget it, let someone prepare, I’m going to Albana immediately! ” Karp said with a serious look.
After a while, the people in the naval division prepared enough supplies, and then the non-commissioned officer with the highest rank in the division took a group of soldiers as a guide, and went straight to Albana with Karp.
But just as they were about to leave, a pirate ship with the Whitebeard pirate flag came to the port.
” Wow ~ it’s finally here! ” Reina exhaled , turned his head and said to the pirates beside him: ” Go and prepare supplies, get more water and food, we will go to Albana along the inland river, and when we reach the place, You are free! ”
” Yes, yes … Sir, let’s prepare now! ” Pirate Captain Frank replied with a nod and bow.
However, when he got off the ship, he saw that the crew members were all on the shore and did not go out to purchase.
” Why are you still standing here? You don’t know who the lord is? If we can’t satisfy him, we will all be finished! ” Frank frowned and asked his subordinates.
” No … Captain! It takes money to purchase supplies! But we don’t have any money at all! ” a crew member said helplessly.
” This …” Frank was also a little dumbfounded. They really didn’t have money, and if they had money, they wouldn’t be a pirate, but now asking him to ask Reina for money, he obviously didn’t have the guts.
” Captain … or … let’s go robbery! With the backing up, who would dare to take action against us? With that flag, no one would dare to say no to us, right? ” A crew member pointed at the pirates The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates on the ship said with some yearning.
” That ‘s right … you’re so smart , just do it! Little ones, it’s rare to have such an opportunity, let’s go … let ‘s go to the city! ” Frank thought, thinking that what his subordinates said was very reasonable, and immediately nodded and led the way. The crew walked towards the port city.
After a while, Reina waited on the boat, but he didn’t see the group of pirates coming back. He thought the other party took the opportunity to escape, but when he got off the boat, he heard the surrounding residents say that there was a group of pirates. Robbery, results in the news of being captured by the Navy.
Reina was a little speechless to think that the group of guys should have been captured by the navy.
In fact, they are also unlucky. As long as they start later, the navy of the branch will be taken away by Garp, and their robbery plan will be successful.
But they are not dead. The things they robbed are also the materials that Garp needs, so they happened to meet Garp’s adjutant Pocato. Don’t look at Pocato’s only Garp’s adjutant, but his strength is definitely better than that of an ordinary chief. On the top, it is not even worse than the strength of some major generals.
Therefore, dealing with such a group of pirates is simply easy to capture.
However, after throwing them into the prison, the supplies were also prepared, so after Karp took the people away, Reina slowly came over.
” I said you … you have no money to get it from me, so why rob? ” After putting down all the remaining soldiers in the Navy Division, Reina released the group of pirates, watching them pitifully Just like that, Reina remembered that the other party should have no money to buy supplies, so he went to rob.
” That … we didn’t report your name, you don’t have to worry! ” Frank thought that Rayner didn’t feel good to them because they lost face, so he quickly explained.
” Being defeated by so many navy soldiers, you can be considered weak! And I am dissatisfied with you, not because you lost any face, but because you took action against ordinary people!
The iron law of our Whitebeard Pirates is not to attack any civilians! As a pirate, you can challenge any strong person, but don’t bully the weak … that is the most shameless thing! ” Reina cast a sideways glance at Frank and said softly.
” Yes … I’m sorry! We were wrong! We will never attack civilians in the future! ” Frank immediately admitted his mistake and vowed not to attack civilians.
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to teach you a lesson, go buy supplies, and then set sail! The delay here is long enough! ” Reina shook his head and walked out of the naval branch directly.

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