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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Inside the Royal Palace in Albana, the capital of Alabasta.
” Your Excellency is the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, right? ” King Cobra asked with a smile.
Ace nodded and said, ” I don’t know why His Majesty the King came to me? ”
” Okay, I’ll just say it straight, I’ve heard about Nico Robin and your Pirates! Originally I didn’t want to have any interaction with her, but there are some turmoil in our country recently, presumably Your Excellency has also Should have noticed!
Now I have definite evidence that the source of the turmoil is the Baroque Workplace where Nicole Robin is! So I would like to know what is your group’s position in this incident! ? ” King Cobra put away his smile and said seriously.
He had already received the letter from Karoo and understood Crocodile’s conspiracy.
Even Wei Wei’s letter mentioned that the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace came to Alabasta, and it also explained what Ace said.
However, after receiving the news that Ace was coming to Albana, Cobra decided to meet Ace in person to determine the position of the Whitebeard Pirates in this incident.
After hearing King Cobra’s words, Ace smiled slightly and said, ” I have already met Princess Wei and told her that keeping Nicole Robin is our bottom line. If she dies in Alabasta, then No matter what the reason is, no matter who did it, as long as any participating forces will be attacked by our revenge, I have said this very clearly! ”
After hearing Ace’s words, Cobra’s face sank. The other party’s words were obvious. If Nicole Robin died in Alabasta, then they would also bear a certain responsibility. If it died in their hands, they would face Absolutely is war.
” As for what she wants to do, it has nothing to do with us, whether it is successful or unsuccessful, we will not intervene! So … If His Majesty the King wants to do something to Crocodile, don’t care about me! Just pay attention … Just don’t hurt Robin!
Of course, if your majesty can provide me with the position of Robin, I can persuade her not to get involved in the dispute between you and Crocodile, as far as I know, Nicole Robin is not a big fan war man! ” Ace said with a slight smile.
” I understand, then I will immediately arrange for someone to find Nicole Robin , and I hope your Excellency can persuade her to leave! ” King Cobra nodded and said.
What Ace said was the same as what Wei Wei said in the letter, so he could rest assured.
After sending Ace to the guest room to rest, King Cobra immediately found Jack the Jackal and Bell the Falcon.
” You two, gather your troops immediately! Prepare to fight Crocodile! Also … Bell, go find Nico Robin ‘s whereabouts and report it to me!
If you haven’t found it before the war, then you must pay attention when fighting, go to not kill her! It’s best to catch her alive, if you can’t catch her alive, you can let her go! There’s only one person we’re targeting … that’s … Crocodile! ‘ said King Cobra solemnly.
” Yes, Your Majesty! ” After Gaka and Bell saluted, they turned and left the palace.
Not long after the two left, a guard hurried in.
” Your Majesty! A team of navy is rushing towards Albana! ” the guards reported on their knees.
” Navy? What are they doing here? ” Cobra frowned and said, ” Watch their movements and see if they have contact with Crocodile! ”
Because of King Crocodile’s status as Shichibukai, Kobra doesn’t trust the navy now.
After the guards left, King Cobra thought for a while, and said to the guards beside him: ” Go and inform Mr. Fire Fist Ace that a team of navy is coming towards Albana, although they are not sure of their target, but please Mr. Ace, be careful not to leave the palace for the time being, or it will be difficult to explain at that time! ”
” Yes, Your Majesty! ” After the guard saluted, he immediately walked towards the guest room where Ace lived.
In fact, Cobra informed Ace for the sake of showing affection to Ace. According to Wei Wei, she is now receiving help from Ace’s younger brother, the pirates from the Straw Hats.
So now the kingdom of Alabasta can basically be said to be on the side of the pirates, and Crocodile is the king of the seven seas, and the navy will stand on his side.
If he can get Ace’s help, their odds are even better.
After Ace came out of the shower, he saw the guard who came to pass the word. After learning that the navy was coming, Ace smiled slightly and said, “The other party should be coming at me! Well, I’ll stay at the hotel outside the palace. Go, avoid unnecessary troubles with such contempt! ”
In fact, Ace also felt Cobra’s offer, but he didn’t want to join in. Now he doesn’t know why Robin is in the Baroque work club. Maybe it’s what Reina is planning, so he doesn’t want to destroy it. In this situation, leaving the palace is the best choice.
This would neither offend the royal family of Alabasta, nor unintentionally sabotage what might be Rayner’s plans.
At this time, he is somewhat similar to Hawkeye Mihawk. He just wants to watch from a distance, and does not want to end up helping anyone, because when he is out, he not only represents himself, but also represents Whitebeard Pirate. Every move can have a big impact.
So after a little bit of ratings, Ace did not choose to say goodbye to King Cobra, but left the palace directly.
When Cobra received the news, it was after Ace had left. Although it was a bit regrettable, his main purpose now was to deal with Crocodile, so he didn’t care about Ace’s departure.
But when Ace left, in the Baroque secret headquarters at this time.
” Are they all here? All the senior agents? ” Crocodile asked the guards beside him.
” Yes! BOSS ! ” The guard replied respectfully.
” Where’s Nico Robin ? Still no news? ” Crocodile asked suddenly just as the guard was about to leave.
” No, the news has already come back. The vice president seems to have some important news on his way back! ” The guard shook his head and replied.
” Guhahaha … Important news? At this time, what more important news can there be? Forget it …do n’t wait for her, inform all the senior agents, come and have a meeting! ” Crocodile sat in the first place, lightly said with a smile.
” Yes! ” The guard turned and left to notify the senior agent who had been waiting for a long time.
After a while, all the senior agents of the Baroque Work Club entered one by one, and after Crocodile appeared, everyone was surprised. They did not expect that the big BOSS behind the Baroque Work Club would actually be King Xia Qiwu Hai Crocodile.
However, with the appearance of Crocodile, many of their problems were solved.
The next time, it was Crocodile’s speech time, he explained his Utopia operation to all the senior agents, and then assigned all the tasks.
” When your respective tasks are all completed, that is when Alabasta is destroyed, everyone … Alabasta will fall into the hands of our Baroque Work Society! This is the largest and most important Baroque Work Society since its establishment. A mission that must not fail! Start the operation at seven o’clock in the morning tomorrow! ” Crocodile said softly.
” Understood! ” Everyone nodded, indicating that they understood.
” Then I wish everyone success again! ” Crocodile said with a slight smile, raising his glass.
All the senior agents also raised their glasses.
But at this moment, they were suddenly opened, and Mr.3 walked in with injuries and said, ” The battle plan of that ideal hometown … can you postpone it for a while! ”
“Mr.3 ? Why are you here? ” Mr.2 looked at Mr.3 in shock. The mission he received was to kill Mr.3 , but he went to the small garden, not to mention the straw hat. He was with those pirates, and he didn’t even see Mr.3 . He thought that both parties were dead.
Next , Mr.3 told Crocodile about the failure of his mission, which made Crocodile furious.
In the phone bug, Mr.3 said that he had completely dealt with those pirates, but now he says no.
Finally, when Mr.3 took out the photo of Luffy, Mr.2 was even more shocked to find that when he came back, he met Luffy and others, and became friends with them, so he used his ability to take Luffy and others. It was only after Fei and the others had changed their appearances that Crocodile fully understood the situation.
Angry Crocodile didn’t give Mr.3 a chance to explain and do it again, and directly sucked him into a human body, and then threw him into the tank full of banana crocodiles.
” I received information that Princess Wei and the leader of the rebel army have known each other since childhood. Although she may not be able to stop the 700,000 rebel army, she will definitely confuse the rebel army! So … no matter what, stop her from talking to the rebel army. Army meeting! ” Crocodile slapped the table and shouted.
” Go and inform the spies lurking in the rebel army now. As long as you find Princess Wei and the others, kill them immediately! ” Crocodile said to the guards beside him.
Originally, this should be left to Robin, but now Robin has not returned, so Crocodile can only be left to the guards around him.
” Yes, BOSS ! ” The guard immediately turned to leave, and went to give the order of Dacroc Dahl.
” It seems that Nicole Robin has found something there! It’s a guy who has been in contact with information for a long time, and his eyes are really sharp! ” Crocodile thought Robin knew something and went to the port to investigate the straw hat. The gang’s information is gone.
” In short, everyone can set off now, and this mission will never allow any more mistakes! ”
” Leave it to us! President! ”
” Yo ~ The slave family will work hard! ”
The senior agents left the stage one after another and began to do what Crocodile had ordered.
And Crocodile himself looked in the direction of the palace. Tonight, he still has an important thing to do!

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