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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Your Majesty! Have you rested? ” Jack the Jackal asked softly, standing at the door of King Cobra’s bedroom.
” It’s Gaka? Come in! ” Obviously, King Cobra was not resting at this time.
Gaka pushed open the door and went in, and saw that although King Cobra had changed into pajamas, he did not get on the boat to rest.
” What’s the matter? Is there something wrong? ” asked King Cobra when he saw Garca come in.
” No, Your Majesty! ” Garka shook his head and said, ” It’s about tomorrow’s battle! ”
” Huh? What’s the problem? ” King Cobra asked in surprise.
” Your Majesty, is the rainy land too far away from us? If we send troops to the rainy land to conquer Crocodile, and the rebel army launches an attack at this time, then Albana may be in danger! ” Garka said directly.
” Gaka … Remember, the so-called country is not the capital Albana, nor the palace, but people! As long as there are people, the country exists! What if the rebel army occupied Albana? We eliminated Crocodile, and the victory is the kingdom of Alabasta! ” King Cobra said seriously.
” But … Your Majesty, Crocodile, who is the king of Qiwuhai, is not so easy to deal with! ” Jaka asked with a little worry.
” I know! So I’m ready to die with him! As long as he is eliminated, even if we all die, Alabasta will be victorious! But the news of the sudden arrival of the navy today makes me a little worried. He is the King of the Seven Martial Seas, and he is a member of the World Government, so …”
Cobra didn’t finish his words, but Gaka already understood that the king was worried that the navy had colluded with Crocodile.
At this time, he discovered why the king had to show affection to the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates during the day.
Since the other party is the navy and the world government, it is natural for them to win over the pirates, but unfortunately the other party does not seem to want to intervene.
” I see, Your Majesty! The army will be assembled early tomorrow morning! ” Gaka nodded and said.
King Cobra smiled and said, ” Go and rest early … There will be a big battle tomorrow! ”
Early the next morning, when Gaka assembled his army, he found that the king had mysteriously disappeared.
” Lord Gaka! I have found everything, including the bedroom, balcony, warehouse, all places in the palace and courtyard! There is no trace of any king at all! ” The soldier said anxiously to Gaka.
” How is that possible … ? The king shouldn’t go out in the middle of the night! ” Gaka was also stunned. The battle was imminent, and the army had already assembled, but the king disappeared.
” This is impossible! Your Majesty, the surrounding area of His Majesty’s bedroom was heavily guarded last night. If the king was out, they couldn’t see it! ” The soldier shook his head and said.
” If that’s the case … then why did the king disappear into the bedroom? ”
” This …”
Gaka looked at the guard in front of him, waved his hand, and commanded loudly: ” In any case, you must find Your Majesty! From now on, search the entire palace again. Search through Bananadu and find your Majesty! ”
” Yes! ” After the soldiers saluted, they began to act, looking for the whereabouts of the king.
” Damn, finding someone is Bell’s strength, but now he’s not here … I hope he can find Nico Robin sooner and come back! ” Gaka thought silently as he looked at the scattered soldiers.
After a while, a soldier came running out of breath and shouted loudly: ” Jac … Master Jaka! ”
” Have you found His Majesty? ” Gaka looked at the soldier and asked anxiously.
” No … but we have received a piece of information …” The soldier knelt down and said the information he had just received.
” You … what did you say? ” After listening to the information, Gaka couldn’t believe his ears.
Not long ago, the headquarters of the rebel army, Catrea.
” How are the weapons prepared? ” the leader Kosha asked his companions.
” It’s almost there! ” Kebby, who was beside him, nodded and said.
He has known Kosha since he was a child, is also a member of the Shasha regiment, and is currently serving as Kosha’s assistant in the rebel army.
” Very well, when the weapons and equipment are in place, attack the Royal Army immediately! ” Kou Sha nodded and said.
” Kosha …” At this moment, a soldier of the rebel army rushed over and shouted at Kosha, ” Kosha … the kingdom … the king is here! ”
” What … what? What did you say? ” Kao stood up from his seat, stared at the soldier, and asked in disbelief: ” You said the king is here? ”
” Yes, now the king is in … the city …”
Before he could finish his words, Kosha rushed out the door, rode a fast horse, and ran towards the city.
” Quick! Let’s follow! ” Seeing this, Kebi immediately greeted the surrounding partners and followed Kosha.
When Kosa felt the place of death, the king was standing in the middle of the street with a group of soldiers, surrounded by onlookers.
” what are you doing here? ”
“The king …”
The people around looked at the king standing there and couldn’t help asking.
” I’m here to apologize! Because the person who stole the rain from this country … it’s me! ” The king said with a calm expression on his face.
” King Cobra … you … what are you talking about? ”
” King, you finally admit it? ”
Hearing the king’s words, the citizens on the street showed surprised expressions.
” In order to make everyone forget that terrible dance fan, I decided to … burn the city! ” The king ignored the citizens and said to himself.
” Hey … the king! ” Kosha came at this time, and Kosha, who was riding on the horse, looked at the king and asked loudly: ” What are you here … for? ”
” I said … I’m here to apologize! ” King Kobra replied calmly in the face of Kosha’s questioning.
” Shut up! Who wants to listen to your nonsense? Are you going to insult us? ” Kosha got off the horse and shouted loudly.
” The one who caused the drought in the country with dancing powder … it was me! ” King Cobra didn’t stop, but continued.
” I told you to shut up! ” Kosha interrupted the other party’s words, rushed to the king, and shouted: ” You bastard! ”
” Do you know how the people who fell in the arid city … die? None of them complained about you or doubted you … everyone of them believed in you until the end! ”
” That’s not the king’s fault! He’s a good king! ”
” Even if you’re lying, you have to say you didn’t do those things! Otherwise … you make those who died … what a shame! You big bastard! ”
Kosha was stopped by the soldiers of the king’s army, but he was already struggling and shouted loudly at the king.
But the king was expressionless, as if he didn’t care at all.
” Bang! ”
With a gunshot, a soldier of the King’s Army shot directly at Kosha, knocking Kosha to the ground, and the blood instantly stained the ground.
” Kosha! ”
” Chief! ”
” Mr. Kosha! ”
Seeing that Kosha was knocked down, the surrounding rebels and citizens shouted loudly.
” Bastard … you bastard … this kind of answer … isn’t the answer the citizens expected to hear! That’s why … that’s why we fight! ” Kosha, who fell to the ground, didn’t care about his injury at all. Instead, he covered his forehead and said with tears.
But at this time, a giant ship rushed directly into the meditation, destroying many buildings, and the people who came down from above even set fires everywhere, and it seemed that they really planned to burn down the city.
On the other hand, after completing the task, Mr.2 withdrew with the soldiers disguised as the king’s army. It turned out that the king just now was disguised by him.
But all of this happened to be seen by the child who wanted to join the rebel army but was rejected by Kosha, but just when he was about to leave to tell everyone the truth, he met Mr.1 and Miss.DoubleFinger who were passing by .
In order to prevent him from speaking out, the two directly attacked the killer.
” Hey … child, are you alright? Could it be that this is what the King’s Army did? Damn guys … they do n’t even spare the child! ” Soon, the seriously injured child was discovered.
Although he was still conscious at this time, he couldn’t speak at all.
” This kind of country … no longer needs to exist … Let’s end it! ” The wounded Kosha walked up to the child, crouched down and said, ” Contact all the branches … Let ‘s fight … the last battle! ”
” Are we going to fight? Kosha! But I haven’t got all the weapons and equipment! ” Kebby asked aside.
” Wait … The huge ship that rushed in just now seems to be the ship of a weapons dealer, and it is full of weapons! ” At this time, Eric, the staff officer of the rebel army, said.
He was also one of the members of Shasha when he was a child, and he always followed Kosha’s side.
” This is God’s will! ” Kosha slowly got up and said.
When the fire was extinguished, Kosha looked at the dilapidated building, and the anger in his heart had completely burned him. He climbed to the high platform, drew the weapon from his waist, and said loudly to the rebels who were already standing below:
” Everyone … Listen! The old Alabasta is dead, this is our last war, we’re going to capture the whole of Alabasta! A general attack on Albana … ! ”
” Oh oh oh oh ~~~~~~”
” Don’t let the king go! ”
Everyone raised their weapons and echoed Kosha.
At this time, Alabasta was even more lively.
In the palace, Gaga, who was overwhelmed when he heard about the King’s appearance in Cattleya, was at a stall where he couldn’t make a choice.
” Lord Gaka! Order! We are going to do this? ” the soldier asked Gaka.
” I can’t believe the king would do such a thing! ” Gaka said, shaking his head.
” But … now the king is not in the dormitory, and according to the time, it is quite consistent! So we can’t explain it at all! Now the Catreya incident has turned into a national incident, and the rebel army branches in various places are all pointing their finger at it. It’s aimed at us! If we continue the previous suppression method … I’m afraid it won’t be able to support it anymore! ”
” That’s right, it’s not just that! The people who had always trusted the king before, are now beginning to become suspicious, and they all took up arms and rushed towards Albana angrily. We can’t stop it at all! ”
The soldiers said to Gaka.
” How can things become like this … ? According to the current situation, how can I believe what the king said last night? What should I do? Who should I believe? Or who should I suspect? ” Gaka held his head in pain, He wasn’t a wise general at all, so he couldn’t deal with this kind of thing at all.
” No matter what, I will do my part! We are the escort of Alabasta! Our task is to protect Alabasta! Now that the king is not there, we cannot let Alabasta perish! We must believe what we have witnessed with our own eyes. Stuff! We’re going to protect Alabasta! The King’s Army … take up arms and face the rebels in full force! ”
Although he can’t understand the truth of the matter, Gaka is still very decisive! That is no matter what, as the adjutant of the escort team, his only task is to protect the country, so he made the decision to fight.
At the same time, in front of a hotel in Albana, Aokiji and Smoke had already led people to surround the place. Ace, who was resting on the second floor, seemed to feel something and was about to come out to see it.
At the South Gate, Bell had already entered the city with the Robin he met on the way, and with them were almost Princess Wei who came from the West Gate and the Straw Hats.
These people began to gather in Albana.

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