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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wei Wei, do you feel that after entering Albana, there is a … a very strange feeling? ” Sanji looked at the people rushing around, feeling a little strange.
” Well! Everyone seems to be in a hurry, as if … something happened! ” He nodded slightly and said.
” Since you’re in Albana now, do you want to go back to the palace first? ” Sanji nodded and asked.
” I’m going to beat Fei Kroc Dahl! ” Just when Wei Wei was about to nod, Luffy on the side shouted impatiently.
” I can’t worry about that anymore, it’s the most important thing to find Crocodile! Come with me, I know where their secret base is! It’s where there is a crocodile on the roof of the house! ” Wei Wei pointed to a roof in the city The building with a yellow crocodile said.
” Oh! Got it, I’ll go and beat them up! ” After Luffy looked at it, he rushed over there, and the rest of the group had to follow behind him and ran over together.
On the other side, Bell, who flew back with Nicole Robin , flew directly in the direction of the palace.
” What an interesting ability, humans can actually fly! ” Sitting on Bell’s back, Robin said with a smile.
” Mr. Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates is currently in the palace, let’s go straight over now! ” Bell did not laugh, but flew directly to the palace with Robin.
When he was on the road, he already felt some strange situation. Although he didn’t understand what happened, he knew that he had to rush back to the palace immediately.
” Nei ~ no problem! ” Robin smiled and nodded back.
In the Nahana Desert, Blackbeard was crossing the desert with his crew, but they seemed to be lost.
” Damn … how far will this ghost desert go? ” Idar said with a little spirit.
” Huh ~ Stop talking, hurry up and go! Save some physical strength! ” Lafayette, dressed as a dramatic character, cast a glance at the other party and said.
” Damn Fire Fist Ace … When I catch him, I will teach him a good lesson, and let us go through this kind of thing! ” After Idar scolded, he continued to move forward.
” Lafayette! Go up and see if you can see a city or an oasis! We can’t continue like this! ” Blackbeard looked up and said.
” Okay, Captain! ” Rafael nodded, a pair of wings grew from behind and flew directly into the sky.
After a while, Lafayette landed and said: ” Captain, some building wrecks were found ahead, maybe the former city, maybe there is a place to rest! ”
” Okay, everyone, work harder, let’s go to rest! ” Blackbeard nodded and said.
So the group continued to move forward.
On the other side, in the hotel in the city of Albana, Ace looked at the navy that surrounded him and the Aokiji standing beside Smog, and said with a little surprise: ” Admiral Aokiji? Why are you here! ? ”
” Aah ~ It seems that you haven’t met the person you want to meet yet! ” Seeing that Ace was the only one, Qingzhi felt relieved and said with a smile.
However, when Ace heard Qingzhi’s words, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Qingzhi and said, ” It seems … what do you know!? ”
After Aokiji smiled, he didn’t speak, but Smog asked Ace on the side, ” Where is the straw hat boy? ”
” Sorry, I didn’t act with them … so I don’t know! ” Ace shrugged and said with a smile.
But at this moment, a soldier came in and reported to Aokiji and Smoghui: ” Sir, I found the trail of the Straw Hats, they are in Albana! ”
” Huh? Very good, then Aokiji … I’ll leave it to you here, and the straw hat is mine! ” Smog, who was smoking a cigar, did not give Aokiji any face, and planned to leave with his own soldiers.
” Hey … that’s not good! Luffy has his own business to do, so I can’t let you disturb me! ” Seeing Smoker getting ready to leave, Ace immediately got up and shouted at the other party, ” Shen Huo . Shiranui! ”
Ace’s action immediately aroused the reaction of Aokiji and Smog. The two avoided Ace’s flames and looked at the civilians on the street. It was really inconvenient to do it.
” Dusky, evacuate the surrounding civilians! ” Smog stared at Ace and instructed his subordinates.
” Yes, Mr. Smoker! ” Dusqi immediately led the navy soldiers to evacuate the surrounding citizens, while Aokiji and Smoker confronted Ace.
” Smog, you go! Leave it to me here! ” Seeing that Ace actually took the lead, Aokiji turned his head and said to Smog.
” Okay! ” Smog glanced at Ace and left directly in the direction the soldier pointed.
” Aoki … things seem to be getting in trouble! ” Ace looked at Smog who was leaving. He didn’t stop him this time. There were many citizens around who had not been evacuated. He already has a plan to do it. If he dares to move, Aokiji will definitely fight back.
At the same time, at the entrance of the Banana Crocodile Casino, Luffy, who had just arrived, stood at the door and said loudly: ” Crocodahl … get out of here!! ”
” Idiot … you’re yelling like that, people won’t come out! ” Sanji, who followed later, said with a cigarette in his mouth.
However, his words did not come to an end, and the guards in a row came out and said, ” Are you the distinguished guests of the Straw Hats? We have prepared the VIP room, please come in! ”
” Oh ~~ ? Do you mean to let us go in? I like it! ” Sauron said with a chuckle when he saw this.
” But why do I already smell trapped? ” Sanji frowned slightly and said.
” If you are afraid, you can stay here! ” said Sauron, casting a glance at him.
” Bastard Chlorella, what did you say? ” Sanji immediately quarreled with Zoro.
” Okay, now is not the time to quarrel, Sanji, take a look around, let’s go after Luffy first! ” Seeing this, Nami said immediately.
” Hey ~~ Nami- san ~~~” Sanji heard the words and immediately ran to the other side, he planned to look around now.
So the rest of the people rushed in under the leadership of Luffy.
” Wait … Straw Hat … what’s your purpose in coming to this country!? ” At this moment, Smoker rushed over and asked Luffy loudly.
” Oops, it’s that old smoker! My ability doesn’t work for him! Everyone, run! ” Seeing Smoker, Luffy and his party ran even faster!
” I told you to stop … didn’t you hear? ” When Smog saw Luffy running faster, he immediately sped up in anger.
So … a group of people fell into the trap that Crocodile prepared for Luffy.
” What a clever trap … I didn’t find it at all! ” Luffy, who stayed in the cage, highly praised Crocodile’s trap technique.
” Yes, in the face of such a trap, there is nothing we can do if we are caught! ” Usopp on the side nodded in agreement!
” Bastards! This is because we broke in by ourselves, okay? Are your heads made of tofu? ” The angry Nami directly punched the two of them and punched them on the head.
” But it feels so strange! Since just now, I have been unable to exert my strength, like I am hungry! ” Luffy said weakly, holding the cage made of Hailou stone.
” That’s because … this cell is the same as my ten hands, and it has sea towers installed! ” Smog, who fell into danger with Luffy, explained to the new pirates what a sea is called. Floor stone.
” You … are partners who want to go to the Yellow Spring together … so I want to live in peace! ” Just as Smoke and Luffy were arguing, Crocodile slowly appeared and said with a chuckle.
” Crocodahl! ” Princess Wei and Smoke called out his name at the same time.
” You ~~ are you Crocodile? Damn bastard! I’m going to kill you! ” Luffy, who had just stood up from the ground, rushed to the edge of the cell again, and after touching the sea tower, he disappeared again. strength.
” Your nose is as sharp as a stray dog! Smoker! It seems that you thought I was not a good person from the beginning! But it doesn’t matter, I will say in the report to the conquest that you were arrested for chasing the Straw Hats. The officer died in the line of duty! Anyway, Conqueror trusts me quite a bit, and will not send the navy here! ” Crocodile said with a chuckle.
Smog looked at Crocodile and didn’t speak. He didn’t tell the other party that Aokiji was in Albana.
” Then next … Princess Wei … I really didn’t expect it! We will meet here! ” Looking at Wei Wei, who was full of anger, Crocodile said with a chuckle, ” By the way, you are the princess, but you can’t be with that A treat for the group of guys! ”
Saying that, Crocodile pressed a button, and the floor under Wei Wei’s feet suddenly opened, and after Wei Wei fell, it quickly closed again.
” Wei Wei! ” Nami hurried over, but couldn’t find anything.
” Bastard, where did you get Weiwei? ” Luffy immediately shouted at Crocodile.
” Guhahaha … don’t worry, she’ll be here soon! ” Crocodile said with a smile.
Sure enough, it didn’t take long for a member of the Baroque working club to bring the tied Princess Wei.
” Wei Wei! ” After seeing Wei Wei, Luffy and the others immediately shouted loudly.
” Guhahahaha … This is our princess of Alabasta, don’t treat her so rudely, untie her the rope! ” Crocodile said to the members of the Baroque work club with a smile.
” Yes, President! ” When the members of the Baroque Work Club heard the words, they immediately loosened Wei Wei’s rope.
Wei Wei, who had just loosened the rope, attacked towards Crocodile.
” Peacock Chain Circle! ” Wei Wei jumped up and hit Crocodile in the head.
” Bang! ”
The weapon in Wei Wei’s hand directly smashed Crocodile’s head, but there was no blood, instead countless sands were flying in the air.
” Are you out of breath ? MissWednesday (Wednesday)! ” The sand slowly formed the appearance of Crocodile again, only this time he grabbed Wei Wei with one hand and said softly: ” Everyone in this country knows that I am The person with the ability of rustling fruit … this kind of move is useless to me! Then … do you want to become a mummy? ”
Although Crocodile said this, he didn’t really attack Wei Wei, and then tied her up again and made her sit on the chair.
” I was planning to have a good talk with you. It seems that you prefer this way! ” Crocodile smiled after seeing Wei Wei being forced to sit down, ” Now … it’s banquet time! ”
On the other hand, in the city center of Albana, Ace and Aokiji also started a duel. Ice and fire were originally mutually restrained, so the ability of the two could not be said to be more dominant.
However, regardless of physical skills or fruit ability, it was clear that the green pheasants had the advantage, so not long after the battle, the green pheasants began to suppress Ace, the ice raged, and Ace’s flame was shrunk around Ace’s body.
” It’s not bad for being an Admiral! ” Although Ace was severely suppressed, it was impossible for Aokiji to take Ace for a while. Compared with Ace in the original book, Ace who accepted Reina’s three-year kneading , whether it is physical skills or domineering, they are stronger, so Aokiji can’t take Ace in a while.
What’s more, this is the urban area of Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

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