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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Bell returned to the palace, he was surprised to see that Gaka was actually gathering troops and preparing to fight the rebels.
” What? The king is gone? ” Bell was in disbelief listening to Gaka’s explanation.
” That’s right, although there are rumors that the king took his soldiers to burn Cattleya, but I still don’t believe it! ” Gaka nodded and told the information of today’s day.
Robin on the side did not interrupt, she just stood there quietly, but at this time she had already guessed that this was Crocodile’s final plan.
” Sorry, what Mr. Ace said, although he was in the palace before, but a group of navies came later, so Mr. Ace went to the hotel over there for unnecessary trouble! ” After Gaka saw Robin, he said to her There is still the first, but he did not do anything, but told her where Ace was.
Robin looked in the direction of Gaka’s finger, and saw a fire soaring into the sky, followed by a large amount of ice, which instantly extinguished the flame.
” That’s … General Aokiji’s frozen fruit! ” Robin’s expression changed, and he immediately knew who Ace was fighting.
” What? ” Hearing Robin’s words, Gaka and Bell looked at each other in confusion. They didn’t expect the navy to send the most powerful general over.
” I won’t admit it wrong, this is the ability of the Aokiji Frozen Fruit! You two, I still have something to do, so I won’t stay any more! ” After Robin finished speaking, she walked directly outside the palace, she was thinking, why did Ace A fight with Aokiji, and how to help Ace now.
Looking at Robin who was leaving, Gaka said to Bell: ” What do we do now? If the navy is to join forces with Crocodile … an admiral … does this mean to completely destroy our Alabasta? ”
” Don’t jump to conclusions now, maybe the navy is not united with Crocodile, they may have other things over here! ” Bell shook his head and said: ” The most important thing now is to find the king, otherwise … Something big has happened! ”
” But I have searched everywhere, and there is no whereabouts of the king. Now that the rebel army has come to Albana, are we going to sit still? ” Garka frowned and said firmly: ” I am the Alabasta escort. ‘s lieutenant, my duty is to guard Alabasta! I will never allow those rebels to do such absurd things! ”
When Bell heard the words, he could only smile bitterly, and he didn’t know what to do now.
” Let’s do it! I’ll immediately start searching for the king’s whereabouts. You gather your army as originally planned, but don’t start a war with the rebels first. If you can delay, it’s best to delay until you find the king! What do you think!? ” Bell thought for a while After that, suggested.
” Okay! Bell, the king will leave you alone! ” Gaka nodded and replied.
At the same time, in the secret stronghold of the Baroque Works Albana, Crocodile told Wei Wei of everything that was going on outside.
” The word scum … is it for people like him? ” Zoro, who has always been indifferent to everything, couldn’t help but say something when he heard Crocodile’s words.
But Crocodile didn’t care at all, but said with a smile: ” You know what? MissWednesday (Wednesday)! Whether it’s the King’s Army or the Rebel Army … their purpose is actually the same! It’s all to protect this Arabah. Stan … guhaha … isn’t it interesting? For the same goal, they kill each other, and there are countless casualties. It’s really interesting! Guhahaha …”
” Stop talking! It’s so despicable! ” Wei Wei couldn’t listen any longer and shouted loudly.
” Bastard … If it weren’t for this iron cage … I can’t go out and beat you up! ” Luffy roared in anger.
” Guhahaha … It’s so sad that I want to cry! I’m all for this country, but I can only watch the country die! ” Crocodile ignored them at all, and said with a big laugh.
” Want to know why I’m trying so hard to get this country? Miss.Wednesday (Wednesday)! ”
” How do I know what’s going on in your rotting head! ”
” What a eloquent princess! But it doesn’t matter … wait until the end … you’ll find out! ” Crocodile said with a chuckle.
” Bang! ”
After Crocodile finished speaking, he fell down while tied to Wei Wei’s chair.
” Hey … hey … what do you want to do? Miss.Wednesday ! ” Crocodile looked at Princess Wei who was moving on the ground and asked softly.
” There is still a chance! As long as I can get out of here, I can persuade the rebels when they arrive in Albana! I must stop all this! ” Wei Wei moved towards the door stubbornly, ignoring Crocodile at all.
” Oh? Really? That’s a coincidence! I’m going to the palace now and talk to your father to see if I can get my wish! ” Crocodile said with a smirk.
” Bastard … what do you want to do to my father? ” Princess Wei roared as she looked at Crocodile.
” What? Do you want to come and see with me? Then the nation … father … or companion … ? Which is more important? ” Crocodile took out a key and asked Wei Wei.
“The key … Could it be …” Slightly stunned, looking at the key in Crocodile’s hand, he looked a little surprised.
” Yes, this is the key to the cell, but …” Crocodile said, opened a trap, threw the key in, and said, ” You can choose freely! Go out now to stop the coming rebel army, or Follow me to find your father … or stay and save these guys … you can choose! Miss.Wednesday ! ”
Looking at Princess Wei who was kneeling on the ground, Crocodile continued: ” But if you want to get the key, you have to go to the grass carp of the banana crocodile, but obviously, it will take some time … The choice … it’s up to you! ”
It seems that in order to verify Crocodile’s words, huge crocodiles began to appear in the transparent glass all around, and there was a bunch of things like bananas on top of these crocodiles.
Moreover, one of the crocodiles also ate the key.
” Then … everyone, I’ll excuse me first, this room will be destroyed automatically in an hour, the lake will be poured back in, and all of you will be sunk to the bottom of the lake! Then Miss. Wednesday … you want to follow me Shall we go together? Or stay and save these idiots? ” Crocodile said with a chuckle when he saw that everything was done.
Seeing Princess Wei, who was kneeling on the ground and was silent, Crocodile seemed a little excited and said softly, ” So far, you, the princess of a country, can’t do anything, right? There are too many idiots in this country, That’s why my plan went so smoothly, whether it’s the young rebel army or the old man who keeps digging holes in Yuba, they’re all idiots! Hahahaha …”
” What? Yuba? Do you mean that dry uncle? ” Luffy in the cage was stunned and asked Crocodile.
” Oh? Do you know him? ” Seeing this, Crocodile seemed even more interested, and said to Luffy: “The oasis is long gone, he is still digging there every day, what a foolish old man, I’m dying of laughter … Goo ha ha ha … No matter how many times the sandstorm hits, he keeps digging so foolishly … It’s so interesting! ”
” What did you say? ” Luffy asked, staring at Crocodile.
” Want to know? Straw hat … You wouldn’t naively think that sandstorms will always hit the same city? Hahahaha …” Crocodile said very happily.
” What do you mean? ” This time, even Wei Wei on the side trembled.
The Doto who left Alba and the Doto they met before were completely two people, Wei Wei can fully imagine what the other party experienced.
” Is n’t it possible? ” Nami next to Luffy, obviously thinking of something, looked at Crocodile in disbelief.
She knew how much Luffy cherished the water that uncle gave him. Even when he was about to die of thirst in the desert, Luffy resisted and didn’t let anyone drink it, and kept it on his chest.
” Xuuuuuu …” Crocodile didn’t answer, but raised his hand, a small sandstorm appeared in his hand, and he proved it to everyone with practical actions.
” You bastard … that’s what you did? I must … kill you! ” At this time, Luffy already felt like he was going to explode, and his anger seemed to have rushed to the top of his head, if he hadn’t been able to get out now , he will definitely fight Crocodile to the death!
The final words he usually say are just beating the fly, and this is the first time he has said this kind of words to kill the opponent.
” Hahaha … hahahaha …” Looking at the expressions of Luffy and the others, Crocodile showed a happy expression, and he liked to see the expression of his opponent.
But at this moment, the doors outside were opened, and Robin dressed in cowboy clothes walked in.
” It seems that the president’s work is going very well! ” Robin looked at Luffy and his group who were locked in the cage, and Princess Weiwei, who was kneeling on the ground, a pair of beaten, and said with a smile.
” Oh? Miss.allsunday (Sunday), where have you been? Why did you come here now? I missed a lot of wonderful scenes! ” Crocodile asked with a narrowed eye.
” There’s some really important intelligence … so it took some time! ” Robin said softly.
” What’s the matter? ” Crocodile asked with an air of indifference.
” The captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates has come to Alabasta! Now they have arrived in Albana! ” Robin said softly.
” Huh? The Whitebeard Pirates? ” Crocodile looked directly at Nicole Robin and said, ” Have you been in contact with him? What is the purpose of his visit this time? ”
” No, I didn’t touch him! Because he’s fighting the Navy right now! ” Nicole Robin said, shaking her head.
” Fighting the navy … ? Who? Alabasta doesn’t have a navy that can fight the Fire Fist! ” Crocodile was taken aback and asked.
” You have to ask that one! Mr. Smoker the white hunter … Admiral Aokiji of the navy, should have arrived in Albana with you, right? ” Robin said to Smoker in the cage.
” What? ” Now even Crocodile wasn’t calm, looked directly at Smog and said, ” General Aokiji came to Albana? “

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