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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Why did Admiral Aokiji come back to this country? Nicole Robin … Have you figured it out? ” Seeing Smog ignoring him, Crocodile turned his head and asked Robin.
“I don’t know, the only thing that is certain now is that he is fighting Fire Fist Ace in Albana! ” Robin shook his head and said.
“The Whitebeard Pirates … The Navy … Things are getting troublesome …” Crocodile said with a frown.
” Then President … what are we going to do now? ” Robin asked softly.
” Forget it, ignore them for the time being, we have more important things to do, let’s go, come with me! ” Crocodile glanced at Princess Vivi and said.
After Robin heard it, she was slightly shocked. Although she knew that Crocodile had launched the final action, she did not expect to have reached this stage.
But now Ace is fighting against Haruko outside, and she doesn’t know what the specific situation is, so she is a little worried about the situation over there.
” Don’t worry! Fire Fist Ace, as the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, will not be solved so easily! I also count on him to help me hold the Aokiji for a while longer! ” Crocodile obviously Seeing Robin’s thoughts, he said with a smile: ” And if you’re worried, when we’re done, I can tell you how to help Fire Fist! ”
” Oh? Is there a way for the president to defeat the Admiral? ” Robin asked with a slight smile.
” No … It’s not easy to defeat an admiral in the navy! But if you just let Fire Fist escape, it’s still very simple, you just need to do what you should do … Then I can help you at that time! ” Crocodile said lightly said with a smile.
” If that’s the case … Then wait for us? Let’s go! ” Robin glanced at Luffy and the others in the cage, then turned and left.
For her now, Luffy and the others are not as important as Ace, who has never met, because the other party is called ” the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates ” . As long as this is enough, Robin ignores the current Luffy and others. Man, I chose to save Ace.
” Guhahaha … Don’t be too anxious, such a wonderful scene is hard to see, isn’t it? ” Seeing that the banana crocodile also came out because of the influx of lake water, Princess Wei and the others looked panicked, Klock said. Dahl was overjoyed.
Although Robin is a little disdainful, who made Crocodile the president?
” Blu Blu …” At this time, the phone bug on Crocodile suddenly rang.
” Hey … what’s the matter? ” Crocodile answered the phone bug, but it was Sanji who called himself Prince Mr.
Sanji inspected the outside world before, and found many members of the baroque work club. When he just wanted to let Luffy and others not go in, he found that Luffy and others were gone, so he knocked down some members of the baroque work club outside. , used their phone bug to contact Crocodile.
When Luffy and the others heard Sanji’s voice, they immediately shouted for help, but then there was the sound of Sanji being knocked down from the phone bug, and the mood of several people fell to the bottom in an instant.
” That bastard … dare to play with me! ” After Crocodile came out, he immediately became angry when he saw the members of the Baroque work club who had been brought down to the ground.
Inside, because the banana crocodile is too powerful, Weiwei had no choice but to leave first, go out to find Sanji, and then save Luffy and others.
” Everyone … please be patient for a little more, I will definitely wait for the rescuers to come back, and I will never leave you alone! ” Seeing that because of the rampant banana crocodiles, the room that originally took an hour to fill was instantly shortened. Twenty minutes later, Wei Wei shouted loudly while running towards the outside.
Just when she left this room and came outside, she found that the only bridge between the link casino and the outside was broken.
” Oops, I won’t be able to get out like this! What should I do? ” Seeing this, Wei Wei started to get anxious. She had to find Sanji and come back to save Luffy and the others!
” It’s not that they can’t get out … it’s that the guys from the Baroque work club can’t come back! ” Right next to Wei Wei, Sanji pretended to be a guest who was gambling and said softly, ” Everything is under control … Then Can you tell me where they were trapped? Princess! ”
” Sanji! ” Seeing Sanji, Wei Wei immediately shouted happily: ” Quick, Luffy and the others are still trapped inside, come with me! ”
Just when Wei Wei went out to find Sanji, Smoker looked at Luffy and asked, ” Hey … straw hat boy, do you know something? What is Crocodile’s purpose? ”
” ?? ” Luffy looked at Smoker in confusion, wondering why he suddenly asked this question.
“The last woman who appeared just now … it’s not easy! She’s someone the World Government has been pursuing for 20 years! And 20 years ago, her bounty reached 79 million Berry! ” Smog sat there, softly said.
“7…79 million? Isn’t that about the same as Crocodile? ” Usopp asked with wide eyes.
” And it was 20 years ago, 20 years ago … she was still a child, right? ” Nami on the side said in disbelief.
” If there is her participation … Then it is absolutely impossible to just subvert a country! If it is allowed to develop … Maybe it will spread to the whole world’s disaster! ” Smoker said softly, holding a cigar.
” Humph! Kill that guy … You don’t need so many reasons at all! ” Luffy on the side didn’t care at all, he just wanted to kill Crocodile now.
On the other side, in the urban area of Albana, because of the battle between Ace and Aokiji, basically no one dared to stay around.
” Fire Fist Ace … Your purpose is for Nico Robin … No, it should be Bernery D. Robin ! ” Aokiji let out a cold breath and said softly.
Ace was stunned for a moment, squinted his eyes and looked at the other party, and said, ” It seems that you know a lot! So are you here on purpose for her? Then I can’t let you succeed! ”
” No, although I came for her, not because of her identity, but because she is the only remnant of O’Hara, and the only existence in the world that can interpret ancient texts, so … I must let her It’s within the controllable range, otherwise … she has to die! And your Whitebeard Pirates … belong to the uncontrollable range! ” Aokiji said seriously.
When Ace heard Aokiji’s words, his anger rose immediately. What bloodline and identity did he hate the most.
” Hehehe … just because she is a remnant of O’Hara, so she has to die? What kind of messed up logic is this? Let’s not say her identity, just based on what you just said … I definitely don’t . You are allowed to act so recklessly! Fire Fist Great Spitfire! ” After Ace finished speaking, he launched an attack directly at Aokiji.
And this time, the attack strength and range of this time are obviously much larger than before. Obviously, Ace is starting to get serious.
At the same time, on the shore of the Santo River, Reina got off the boat and said to the group of pirates: ” Okay, your mission has been completed, and now according to the agreement, you are free! As for this boat, I will give it to the pirates. You, but the flag must be returned to me! ”
” Yes yes yes … ! ” Captain Frank immediately asked the lookout to carefully remove the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates and hand it to Reina.
” Then … everyone, the future will be indefinite! ” Reina waved his hand and said with a smile.
Although this group of pirates are not very strong, they have helped him a lot, and they are quite obedient along the way.
” That … Lord Reina! I … we … can we join the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Just as Reina turned around, their captain Frank suddenly summoned up his courage and shouted loudly.
” Oh? Tell me … why did you join the Whitebeard Pirates? Is it because of your prestige? ” Reina turned around and asked curiously.
” No … no! It’s … yes … because …” Captain Frank was sweating profusely at this time. He knew that if the answer to this question was not good, then the close opportunity would fly away. .
” It’s because … I also want to be a pirate like you! ” Frank closed his eyes and shouted loudly.
This is what he said in his heart. He thought about a lot of reasons and excuses, what was because he wanted Whitebeard to be called One Piece, etc., but he didn’t say anything, and finally chose to follow his own heart.
After Captain Frank shouted, all his strength seemed to be taken away.
” Captain! ” His crew members supported the captain, who seemed to be collapsed, and looked at him with determination and admiration!
” Hahahaha … What an interesting group of guys! ” Reina smiled and threw the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates in his hand, and said, ” In that case … I will allow you to hang this flag on the boat! I Go to Albana to do some errands, you guys are waiting for me here, and I’ll take you back to Xuanyue Island when I’m done! Hahahaha …”
After Reina finished speaking, he left with a big smile.
And Captain Frank was a little disobedient with his hands and feet excited with the flag.
” Quick! Quick … hang up the flag! Hang it on the bow! ” Captain Frank said excitedly.
” Yes! ” The rest of the crew were also excited.
According to the rules of the pirates, first of all, on the main sail and the watchtower, they must hang their own flags. When the entire pirate group joins which force, they can choose a place to hang the flag of that force, which is hung on the bow of the ship. It is the most respectful expression.
In addition, on the auxiliary sails, they can also draw the logo of that faction, indicating that they are members of that faction.
Just when Reina set off, Blackbeard and his party finally arrived at Albana. Looking at the flames rising in the center of the city, Titch laughed and said: ” thief hahaha … It seems that we don’t have to go everywhere to find the target. , let’s go! ”
The rest of the members of the Blackbeard Pirates were also excited. They finally got out of this ghost desert, and their luck seemed to have returned, and they found their target as soon as they arrived.
And it was not long before Titch and the others entered Albana, and Karp and his party, who were hurrying along the way, had also vaguely seen the shadow of Albana.
Behind Karp, there are the rebels rushing towards Albana from all directions. According to their speed, it is estimated that it will take less than two hours to reach the city of Albana.

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