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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wow ~~ I’m flooded to my thighs! What should I do? What should I do? I’m going to die! ”
” I don’t want to die! Weiwei ~~~ Where are you? Come and save us! ”
Albana, below the secret base of the Baroque studio, where Luffy and Usopp are arguing.
” Oops ~ I’m completely powerless! ”
” Don’t! Don’t! Hold on, didn’t Wei Wei say so!! Luffy! ”
For the tricks of Luffy and Usopp, the rest of them didn’t pay attention at all.
” I said Chopper … Can you not cover my eyes? ” Zoro said speechlessly to Chopper, who was lying on his head.
” No, no … I’ll drown if I fall! ” The smaller Chopper bit his head hard and replied.
” Ah ~ I really …” Zoro was speechless for a moment.
” Wei Wei must be in pain at this time! Time is so precious, yet it’s wasted on us … I ‘m so sorry! ” Nami grabbed the cage and looked outside, but she couldn’t help thinking.
” While eating … please don’t make any noise! ”
” Anti-Etiquette · Serial Kicks! ”
At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, Sanji wearing handsome sunglasses, kicked a banana crocodile directly with one foot.
” Sanji!!!! ”
When everyone saw Sanji, they immediately shouted loudly.
” Hey ~~ everyone … It ‘s been a long time! The prince is here! ” Sanji knocked on the cigarette in his hand, letting the ashes fall on the banana crocodile who couldn’t move, and said with a smile.
” Oh ~~ Prince!!! ” Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper shouted in cooperation.
” Don’t stand there stupidly and look for the key! Crocodile may come back at any time! ” Zoro looked like he had eaten flies, and was quite unhappy.
” Miss Nami … Are you already a little in love with me ~~~” However, Sanji ignored Zoro and turned into a strange mollusk, writhing in front of Nami.
” Yes, yes … I’ve fallen in love with you, hurry up and open the door! ” Nami said perfunctorily.
” That idiot cook! ” Zoro on the side was almost unable to complain.
” Gollum … gollum … roar ~~~”
At this time, the banana crocodiles climbed out one by one from the broken glass, and the huge banana crocodiles looked full of the breath of beasts.
” Sanji, come on! Kill them all! ” Usopp in the cage suddenly felt that it was okay to stay inside, at least the crocodiles couldn’t hurt him.
” It’s this one! The third one that just came in, kill it! ” Suddenly Smaller said.
” ??? ” Luffy and the others turned around in confusion and looked at Smoker: ” Do you know which crocodile ate the key? ”
” Are your ears all decorations? This one’s cry is exactly the same as the one that ate the key! ” Smog replied angrily.
Hearing this, Sanji immediately found the crocodile and kicked it.
” Roar ~~”
The crocodile was kicked in the stomach by Sanji and spit out an egg-like thing.
” Finally … Finally out! Water … Water … Hahaha I’m alive again! ” A man with a braid of “3” on his head , after he emerged from the white ” egg ” , laughed wildly .
“3~~3~~~3 ! It’s 3 ! ” Luffy couldn’t say what he was surprised when he saw him.
This person is a member of the Baroque Work Club, Mr. 3, Gal Dino , who has the power of wax wax fruit .
After hearing Luffy’s noisy voice, Mr.3 discovered the existence of Luffy and others at this time, and saw the key sticking to the candle ” egg ” he made
“The key … the key …” Luffy and the others were still arguing even more cheerfully.
” Hehehehe …” Mr.3 looked at the key in his hand, and Luffy and the others in the cage, with a weird laugh, he threw the key away.
But before he could be proud, he was taught a lesson by Sanji behind him.
” Sanji … wait … this guy’s ability … can make keys directly! ” Usopp suddenly had a flash of inspiration and shouted loudly.
At the same time, Crocodile had already reacted. He should have been caught in a trick, but he was not flustered at all, because the real key was still on him, so he did not return to the secret room, but directly faced the surrounding of the casino. The lake water launched an attack, destroying the walls of the secret room, which would speed up the infusion of the lake water.
” Is this useful? The key and they get the key, they can easily escape! ” Robin asked in confusion.
” No, they can’t get the key … because the real key is with me! ” Crocodile said with a weird smile.
Robin shrugged and said, ” So shall we go directly to the palace now? The rebel army is about to reach Albana! ”
” Come on, I hope those senior agents won’t let me down! ” Crocodile said with a chuckle.
” Hehe … I hope your arrangement will be useful, I don’t think those people are the ones who will die easily! ” Robin said with a slight smile.
” Let’s go, don’t pay attention to what’s going on here! ” Crocodile glanced at the collapsed lake and turned to leave.
Robin glanced at another direction in the city, where Ace and Aokiji fought.
” No, Fire Fist Ace … As long as Smoker finds Nicole Robin , he will end her life, you can’t stop her! ” Aokiji put out Ace’s flame again and said softly.
” Hehehe … then are you trying to cause a world war? You should know Mr. Reina’s behavior, if you really do … he won’t just let it go! ” Ace said, gasping for breath.
If it weren’t for the fact that there was no way to take Qingzhi, he didn’t want to bring Reina out to talk about it, but judging from the situation where the two fought just now, the opponent’s strength is completely above him.
” Thief hahaha … I found you … Fire Fist Ace! ” At this moment, Blackbeard and his members finally appeared.
” Wait … you are … Blackbeard … Marshall D. Teach? ” After seeing the other party, Ace was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise.
” Thief hahaha … I really didn’t expect that you actually know my name! ” Tiki said with a smile: ” Oh? This … Isn’t this Admiral Aokiji? ”
” Who are you? ” Aokiji didn’t have any impression on Titch.
” It doesn’t matter who I am, but this Fire Fist Ace is my target! ” Titch looked at Ace and said.
” Your target? ” Qingzhi frowned slightly. Fire Fist Ace was the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Ordinary pirates would not dare to attack Ace’s idea.
” That’s right, so I hope Your Excellency Aokiji can make it easier! Everyone … work! ” Titch gave an order, and the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates who followed him immediately surrounded Ace.
” Weihahaha … Then I’ll come first! ” Zhishas Bashas, who was wearing a wrestler’s mask, full of purple hair, and a purple beard , directly lifted a small cart next to him. , threw it towards Ace.
Although Qingzhi was a little unhappy, it was obvious that the pirates and the pirates were fighting now, and he could totally watch it. As for who won the final victory, he didn’t care. Everyone was caught.
He had already planned to kill Nico Robin , so he didn’t plan to let Fire Fist Ace go.
” Tiki … I heard that you were also a member of the Second Division! You are like this … you really smear the name of the Second Division! ” Ace directly ignored the little boy thrown by Zhishas Basas. The cart, the body is directly elementalized, and the flame will directly ignite the cart.
” Thief hahaha … It doesn’t matter, when I defeat you, you won’t think like that! ” Tiki replied with a big laugh.
” It’s just you? I …”
Before Ace could finish speaking, a long sword suddenly appeared in front of him.
Ace was shocked, because he had seen the armed color covering the long sword.
” Who are you? ” Ace asked, avoiding the opponent’s attack.
” Blackbeard Pirates, Demon Hunter Idar! ” Idar tore off the hood of his cloak, looked at Ace with bloodthirsty eyes, and said softly.
” Are you the Demon Hunter Idar? ” Ace was surprised. The other party was once a famous pirate in the New World, but he heard that he failed to compete for the empty island of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then disappeared. He didn’t expect to join The Blackbeard Pirates.
” Boom! ”
Ace’s words fell silent, a gunshot rang out, and Ace’s forehead appeared in the shape of a bullet hole. It was the sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates who shot.
” Idiot, don’t shoot casually! ” Seeing this, Blackbeard immediately shouted loudly.
As his words fell, Ace turned his hands into pistols and shouted: ” Musket! ”
The flames flew directly to the people of the Blackbeard Pirates in the shape of bullets.
” Tiqi, it’s inconvenient to do it here, you can go out of the city with me! ” Ace rushed out and shouted to Titch while running.
His previous goal was originally Titch. When he met the opponent here, he naturally wanted to take him down, but this is an urban area. If he did it, it would cause great harm to those civilians, so he took advantage of the opportunity just now. Break through the siege and run out of the city.
” Thief hahaha … Fire Fist Ace … You are such a naive guy! ” Tiki smiled and immediately chased after him with the members.
However, just as Aokiji was about to go over, he suddenly found a wet Smog approaching.
” Huh? What’s wrong with you? ” Aokiji asked in surprise.
“I found Nicole Robin ! He Crockdale is together, and it seems that he intends to subvert the country, but I don’t know the specific actions. I suspect that they have a bigger conspiracy! Nicole Robin ‘s harmfulness must be You should know that too? ” Smoker said softly, lighting the cigar again.
” Where did you meet them? ” Sure enough, Aokiji asked immediately after hearing it.
Smoker shook his head and said, ” They seem to be heading towards the palace! Because I heard Crocodile say he’s going to meet the king of this country! ”
Aokiji glanced at Ace and the Blackbeard Pirates who were running outside the city, looked in the direction of the palace, and told Smog what had just happened.
” Blackbeard Pirates? Never heard of it, newcomer? ” Smog asked, taken aback.
” If my guess is correct, that Blackbeard … should be the guy who defected from the Whitebeard ship! Because he was afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates, he has been acting in secret for so many years, so you don’t know it. It’s normal! ” Aokiji shook his head and said.
” So … it’s the internal battle of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Smoker said with a frown.
” Whether it’s an internal fight or not, since we’re going to fight Nicole Robin , we’ll have to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates sooner or later! So I hope you, my lord, will go over now, and when they decide the winner and loser, you will They’ve caught them all in one go! ” Aokiji said directly.
Looking at Smog’s surprised look, Aokiji directly told Smog Robin’s true identity.
” What? ” Smoker asked in disbelief as the cigar he just ordered fell to the ground, ” Nicole Robin ‘s father is the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Bernery D. Rayner? “

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