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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Huh , where is … ? ” Bell , who was in the air, suddenly found that there were several figures at the top of a hillside in Albana city.
” King!! ” When Bell lowered the height, he immediately found the tied King Cobra.
” Bell, don’t come here! Hurry up and inform …”
” Bang! ”
Before King Cobra could finish speaking, he was slapped unconscious by the slap of Miss.MerryChristmas , who was guarding him .
” Bastards, who are you? How dare you kidnap the king! ” Seeing this, Bell roared and swooped directly towards Mr.4 and his partner Miss.MerryChristmas .
” Three rounds of blooming …”
Suddenly Crocodile and Robin appeared from the side, and Robin brought Bell down directly.
” You can’t disturb us now! ” Robin said softly.
” Okay, Mr.4 , you and Miss.MerryChristmas go to the city gate! Remember, you must stop Princess Wei, absolutely not allow her to meet the rebel army! ” Crocodile confronted Mr.4 and Miss. MerryChristmas said.
” Okay, President! Don’t worry, we won’t go wrong! ” Miss.MerryChristmas said with a smile.
Crocodile nodded and said to the injured Cobra: ” How is it? King Cobra, are you okay? Hahahaha …”
At the same time, Luffy’s side.
Luffy and the others who were trapped in the cage thought it was over after seeing the key being thrown away by Mr.3 .
But Usopp’s words gave everyone hope.
After Sanji gave Mr.3 a lesson, Mr.4 made a key with his own ability with a full head bag and directly released Luffy and others.
” Wei Wei, we’re running out of time, let’s go! ” Namei pulled Wei Wei and planned to rush out.
” No … Nami, there are a lot of banana crocodiles over there! ” Shaking his head slightly, he said.
” Well, is there any more? Come out for me! ” Over there, Luffy and Zoro shouted loudly towards the banana crocodile’s lair.
Around them, there are banana crocodile carcasses all over the floor.
Looking at the corpses of banana crocodiles all over the floor, Wei Wei instantly feels a heart attack … Is she the only one being chased by the banana crocodiles?
” Okay, Wei Wei … It’s not that you are weak, it’s that those who have been taught are too perverted! ” Usopp also comforted a little speechlessly.
No way, this kind of thing, he has long been used to.
But just as they were about to leave, there was a sudden explosion, the entire glass wall around them exploded, and the lake water poured in instantly.
” Cough cough … why save me … Rolloa Zoro! ” When Zoro threw Smog ashore, he asked inexplicably.
” Sorry, I really don’t want to save you, but this is the captain’s order, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t thank him, that guy is just on a whim, you don’t mind! ” Zoro blocked Smoker’s ten hands and said softly.
” So, if I’m here on official business, I’m fine with that, right? ” said Smoker softly.
” Look … I just said, why did you rescue the navy! ” Sanji, who was beside him, said unhappily.
” Oh? Old Smoking Gun, are you trying to fight? ” Luffy asked in a fighting posture.
Smoker was silent for a while, sighed, and said, ” Forget it, let’s go! I’ll let you go this time, but I won’t do it next time! If there’s another meeting … Straw Hat … that’s your death! ”
” Hee hee hee … I don’t hate you at all! ” Luffy replied with a smile.
” Go away! ” Smog waved ten hands and shouted at Luffy.
Just after Luffy and his party escaped, Smoker walked in the direction where Ace and Aokiji were fighting.
” Wei Wei, what should we do now? ” Sanji asked Wei Wei on the way.
” I have to go out of the city and stop the rebel army! I must not let them fight the king’s army! ” Wei Wei said firmly.
” But at this time, those senior Baroque agents have already blocked the gate of Albana! ” Nami said with a frown.
” Quack …” At this moment, Karoo came over with the super fast troop, so Nami had an idea and said, ” I have a solution! ”
” First of all, we all covered ourselves with cloaks, and went out from the buddies in Albana respectively to attract the senior agents of the Baroque work club. At that time, Wei Wei finally set off and left directly from the south gate. Before the rebel army attacked, Stop them! ” Nami said directly.
” No, I’m going to find Crocodile! I must kill him! ” Luffy shook his head and said stubbornly.
” Luffy, don’t be self-willed, things about the rebel army are more urgent now! ” Nami frowned and said, ” If there is one person missing, then the other party will quickly guess our plan! ”
Originally, what she meant was to make Sanji pretend to be Wei Wei. Anyway, those senior agents didn’t know Sanji’s existence.
But if Luffy didn’t participate, it would mean that one person was missing, and the other party could easily guess that Wei Wei was not there.
” But Crocodile’s side is indeed very troublesome. He should go to Wei Wei’s father now, right? If he doesn’t stop it, I’m afraid that Wei Wei’s father will be in danger! ” Sanji said with a puff of smoke.
At this time, Wei Wei is also quite difficult to handle. Her father is in danger, so she is naturally anxious, but compared to the king who is protected by Gaka and Bell and the Royal Army, it is obvious that the rebel army is more urgent.
” Would you like to let it pretend? ” Chopper, who had been silent for a while, pointed to a camel not far away and said.
” Hey ~ it’s … eyelashes? ” Everyone looked in the direction Chopper knew, and they saw a familiar figure, the camel eyelashes they once rescued in the desert.
So under the communication of Chopper, Camel Eyelashes agreed to their request.
After that, they split into two, Luffy went to the palace to find Crocodile and rescue the king, while the rest helped Wei Wei get out of the city to stop the rebel army.
” Luffy … please! ” Wei Wei said to Luffy solemnly before leaving.
” Don’t worry, I will definitely hit Crocodile far away! ” Luffy said seriously.
Just as Luffy and Aokiji were rushing towards the palace, Ace and the Blackbeard Pirates were also moving out of the city, and behind them was the navy white hunter Smog.
And where Ace and Aokiji fought before, Garp had already arrived there with a group of navy.
” Huh ~ ? Why is there no one? Find someone to ask, what’s the situation now? ” Garp said to his subordinates after looking around where Ace and Aokiji fought before.
After a while, a naval non-commissioned officer rushed over with a naval soldier.
” Ka … Lieutenant General Karp! ” The soldier immediately greeted him with a salute.
” What’s the situation now? Where’s Aokiji? Where’s Fire Fist Ace? ” Kap asked slightly serious.
He thought that Ace had been defeated by Aokiji, so he felt a little uncomfortable.
” Report to Lieutenant General Garp, before Aokiji-sama fought Fire Fist Ace here, and then a group of pirates came, so Fire Fist Ace and the group of pirates went out of the city, and Smo Mr. Ge also followed! As for General Aochi, he received the news that Nico Robin appeared in the palace, so he rushed towards the palace, and heard that the Straw Hats are also in the palace, the princess of Wano country. together! ”
The soldier briefly reported the general situation to Garp.
” What? Nicole Robin … is here too? It’s getting more and more troublesome! ” Garp was stunned, he immediately thought of the purpose of Aokiji going to the palace, and also knew why Aokiji appeared on vacation Here, definitely for Nicole Robin .
” Pocato, you should have seen it just now! It seems that there is going to be a battle in this city. You bring the soldiers to rescue the civilians, and I will go to the palace! ” Karp made a decision after thinking for a while.
It’s not that Luffy is more important than Ace in his heart, but in his opinion, Ace is stronger, and if his opponent is only Smog, he is enough to protect himself!
But for the novice Luffy, he might be killed by Aokiji, and about Nico Robin , he also needs to talk to Aokiji again.
” Yes, my lord! ” After Pocato saluted, he immediately set off with the surrounding navy soldiers to rescue the civilians around him. As for Karp, he headed towards the palace.
On the other hand, after using a strategy to successfully send Wei Wei out of the city, the Straw Hats also officially fought against the senior agents of the Baroque Work Club.
As for Luffy, who was heading towards the palace, he was stopped by the king’s army guarding the palace. He had the same experience, and the general Aochi who came here with him.
At the same time, the two of them also made a figured out decision, that is, they chose to break through by force!
” Rubber rubber … rocket launcher! ” Luffy stretched his arm directly and flew into the palace, while Aokiji was directly elementalized, passing through all the guards and appearing in the palace.
I don’t know if it’s fate or coincidence, Luffy’s landing spot is right next to Aokiji.
” Straw Hat … Monkey D. Luffy? ” Aokiji looked at Luffy, who fell from the sky, and said in surprise.
” Eh? Who are you? How do you know me? Are you also a bastard from the Baroque Works? What’s your Mr. ? ” Luffy asked with a wary expression.
” Baroque work club? No no no … I’m looking for their vice president, Nicole Robin ! Do you know where she is? ” Aokiji shook his head and said.
” I don’t know, because I’m also looking for their president, Crocodile! ” Luffy turned his head and replied.
” Aah ~~ That’s really a coincidence! I know your grandfather! ” Qingzhi said lazily.
” Grandpa? ” Luffy was startled, and quickly looked around. After he didn’t see Garp, he said with a sigh of relief: ” It scared me to death, I thought the old man was coming! ”
“The intruder is here, go and report to Lord Gaka! Two intruders have been found! ” Just as Aokiji said something, a team of Alabasta’s Kingdom Army suddenly found them and shouted loudly.
” Ah hoo ~~ I’ve been discovered, strange uncle, I’ll go first! ” Luffy said, waving at Qingzhi, running away.
” Hehehe … that’s really interesting guy …” Qingzhi smiled slightly, and disappeared from the place again in elemental form.

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