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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just as Luffy was running around in the palace, the rebel army outside the city finally saw Albana not far away.
” Kosha! What should we do now? Attack directly? Or do we wait for the local branches to arrive before attacking? ” Staff Officer Eric asked Kosha, who was at the forefront.
” Don’t wait, just launch the attack! ” Kou Sha said without looking back.
At this time, Princess Wei Wei was already waiting for the rebel army at the south gate of Albana. She believed that as long as she was given a little time to meet with Kosha, she would be able to convince Kosha. After all, it was all just Crocodile The conspiracy is not true.
” Kalu, leave now! ” Wei Wei said to Kalu beside him.
” Gah … Gah!! ” Karoo didn’t leave, but stood firmly beside Princess Wei.
” If you don’t go, you may be trampled! ” said with a slight smile.
Seeing Karu’s expression that I’m not afraid at all, Princess Wei smiled and did not continue to persuade.
” Everyone … don’t disperse, first break through the south gate, and then open all the gates from the inside to open the passage for the rest of the rebel army branches who are supporting behind! Everyone must be ready to sacrifice! ” Kosha pulled out his weapon and roared loudly. road.
” Oh oh ~~~” The rebel army was in high spirits, followed behind Kosha, and rushed towards the southern gate of Albana.
” Please stop … the rebel army …” Wei Wei saw the rebel army in the distance, so he shouted loudly: ” This war is a conspiracy planned by someone, everyone, stop! ”
King Kobra, who was tied there, closed his eyes in pain when he saw Wei Wei standing in front of the rebel army.
” Guhahaha … What a brave princess! But … it’s too late, this war will definitely start! ” Crocodile and Robin stood beside Cobra and said with a chuckle: ” Then Now … have you decided to tell me what I want to know? ”
With his eyes closed, Cobra ignored Crocodile.
” Boom! ”
” Huh? ” Kosha, who was running, seemed to have heard something. Just as he was about to confirm, a shell suddenly exploded between Princess Wei and the rebel army. Although no one was injured, the raised dust had already blown Princess Wei away. The figure was obscured.
” Bastard, who fired the cannon? ” Gaka of the frontline Overseer immediately roared angrily after seeing this scene.
” Sorry, my hand slipped a bit, I’m a little nervous! ” said a soldier of the King’s Army with the pattern of the Baroque Work Society tattooed on his arm.
It’s not easy for Gaka to say anything after hearing this. Facing a large number of rebels, it is inevitable to be nervous. It’s just that the figure that appeared at the south gate just now and stood in front of the rebels made him a little concerned, because it seemed to be a His familiar figure.
Shaking his head and throwing away the unrealistic desire in his head, Gaka began to focus on the battle that was about to begin.
” Just now … was there someone standing in front? ” Kosha asked Eric who was beside him with some doubts.
” People? Don’t talk nonsense, there’s already a fight on the other side! Kosha, cheer up! ” Eric shouted loudly at Kosha.
” Cough, cough … It’s too bad, I can’t see anymore, and the sight is blocked by the dust! The King’s Army … why do you do such a stupid thing? ” Wei Wei fanned the dust in front of him with his hands and said in disbelief.
“ Don’t be afraid, it’s just some dust, rush over! ” At this moment, Wei Wei suddenly heard a familiar voice.
” Leader … No … Everyone, please stop … First … cough cough …” The sand and dust raised by the original cannon, plus the dust raised by the rebel army’s arrival, caused Wei Wei to speak at all. Even when she spoke, her voice was covered by the sound of flattery running.
Kosha and Wei Wei passed by, although he seemed to have some sense, but the battle was about to start, and he did not allow himself to be distracted.
” Ga …” Facing the surging rebel army, Karoo directly protected Princess Wei under his body, and used his body to protect Princess Wei.
” Kalu … you protected me? ” When Princess Wei came out from under Kalu, Kalu was already bruised and bruised.
” Sorry, even so, the rebellion still happened, but … I will go back and stop it, no matter how many times I fail! ” Princess Wei said with a firm expression: ” Because on that ship, I learned to never give up! ”
At this time, Princess Weiwei also looked scarred, but seeing the rebel army and the king’s army at war, Wei Wei didn’t seem to feel the pain on her body.
At this moment, Usopp suddenly came running on a horse and shouted at Wei Wei: ” Wei Wei, hurry up, come up! ”
” Usopp? Why are you here? ” Princess Wei was taken aback and asked in surprise.
” It’s too late, hurry up, Wei Wei! That bird is dead. I’ll take you there and stop the rebel army! ” Usopp stretched out his hand and said to Princess Wei Wei.
” That bird? ” Princess Wei was taken aback, and looked at Usopp in surprise.
On the boat, everyone treats Karoo like a partner and doesn’t call him a bird at all.
” Usopp … show me your proof! ” Princess Weiwei said in a deep voice, looking at Usopp in front of her.
When they met Mr.2 , they had already taken precautionary measures, not only marked on the left arm, but also tied it with a bandage.
Hearing Wei Wei’s words, Usopp chuckled lightly, revealing the bandage on his left arm, and said, ” Hey … hey … you’re not doubting me, are you? ”
Seeing Usopp’s actions, Princess Wei was taken aback for a moment. They agreed that this was not the case!
” Gah!! ” Seeing Usopp’s movements, Karoo, who fell to the ground, immediately understood that Usopp in front of him was not real, so he struggled to get up from the ground, carrying Princess Wei and heading towards Albana run.
Seeing Princess Wei running away, Usopp revealed his true colors, and it really was Mr.2 .
After he caught up with Usopp, he easily knocked down Usopp, so he was the first to head towards Princess Wei.
Although Karu escaped with Princess Wei, but behind him was Mr.2 who was chasing after them. In front of them was a long staircase at the south gate of Albana. If they went there, Mr. 2 catch up.
” Karu, you let me down, I fought with him, your body is almost unable to support it now! ” Princess Weiwei stroked Kalu and said softly.
” Gah!! ” But instead of slowing down, Karoo accelerated and sprinted, but the direction he rushed was not the south gate, but the cliff beside him.
” What? That duck can’t really run up, right? ” Looking at the cliff outside Albana, Mr.2 said in disbelief.
However, Kalu relied on the tenacious belief in her heart to bring Princess Weiwei to the city wall.
” Don’t be too complacent! Stinky duck! Hand over the princess quickly! ” Seeing this, Mr. 2 actually followed Karoo’s example and rushed up the cliff, running and shouting loudly, ” Nothing. It’s something that a monster can’t do, and a monster boxing is the crystallization of blood, sweat and tears! ”
” Damn it! ” Princess Weiwei, who had just climbed the city wall, rushed up when she saw Mr. 2, leaned over and asked Karu , ” Karu, can you cross the battlefield in front of you to the palace? You must find it now. Just add card or boss! ”
In front of them, it is the king’s army and the rebel army that are fighting.
” Gah! ” Karoo roared, and then rushed into the battlefield with Princess Wei.
“The slaves have caught up with you! Stinky duck! ” At the same time as Mr.2 rushed up, Karu, who was traveling in the battlefield, was also hit by a stray bullet. Karu, who was at the end of the shot, fell to the ground and couldn’t get up.
” Didn’t the slave family say … no? You stinky duck … ah ha ha … Who told you to hinder the slave family’s good deeds! ” Mr.2 quickly rushed towards the fallen Princess Wei and Karu.
” Qua … quack …” Karu kept calling out to Princess Vivi while waving her wings.
” I know … but Karu …” Princess Wei held back her tears and said, ” If I run away … what will you do! ”
” Ga … quack …” Karoo waved his wings vigorously, as if telling Princess Weiwei not to worry about it, and to let her leave quickly.
” Go to hell, stinky duck! ” At this time, Mr.2 rushed over and kicked Karu.
” Gah! ”
” Gah ~ ! ”
Suddenly, two figures appeared and slammed into Mr.2 ‘s body, not only interrupting his attack, but also knocking him out.
” Who is it? ” Mr.2 , who got up from the ground , roared angrily.
I saw the two running fast in front of Karu. They attacked Mr.2 just now and rescued Captain Karu.
Karoo is an animal unique to Abalastan – the captain of the fast-running army.
” Karu, you did a great job, you are a real man! ” It was the chef Sanji who appeared after running fast. After he praised Kalu, he asked Wei Wei again: ” Wei Wei, what else ? Any chance to stop the rebel army? ”
” Gah! ” Karoo stretched out his wings and called out to Sanji.
” Sanji! ” Wei Wei shouted in surprise when he saw Sanji appear.
” Okay, run fast, you can step back, this shemale is handed over to me! ” Sanji said with a slight smile.
” Then Karoo will be handed over to you! Help me take care of it! ” Princess Wei said, running fast towards the two beside her.
” Gah ~~”
After getting the answer of running fast, Wei Wei glanced at Sanji again, and ran in the direction of the palace.
Before again, the machine card received the news that there were intruders in the palace, and had already returned to the palace to catch those intruders.
Over there, after wandering around the palace for a long time, not to mention Crocodile and Robin, even Luffy, who had never met the king, kept running away in addition to avoiding the king’s army.
” Who are you? Why are you invading the palace? ” Gaka, who rushed back from outside, found Luffy immediately.
Although he heard that there were two intruders, there was one who could not be found at all, so now he can only choose to take Luffy first.
” My name is Luffy, I’m a pirate! I’m looking for Crocodile right now, do you know where he is? Or the king! ” Luffy replied seriously.
” Pirates? ” Gaka frowned when he heard it. Ever since he knew about Crocodile’s conspiracy, he had been somewhat disgusted with pirates.

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