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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Then the pirates … Tell me your purpose, why did you come to the palace!? ” Gaka asked seriously, looking at Luffy who looked a little idiotic in front of him.
” What ? Didn’t I tell you just now? I’m here to find Crocodile and the King! ” Luffy pouted, with a look of you being an idiot.
Gaka was almost pissed off by Luffy.
” Don’t you understand words? I’m asking why you are looking for them! ” Gaka held back his anger and asked again.
” Of course it’s to beat him up! As for the king … Wei Wei asked me to come find him! ” Luffy said with a natural expression.
” Wei Wei? Could it be that Wei Wei is Princess Neferutali Weiwei? ” Gaka asked in surprise.
” What is the benefit? I don’t know, but Wei Wei is indeed a princess! ” Luffy nodded and said.
If someone else said this, Gaka might still be suspicious, but Luffy’s words … he thinks that with this person’s IQ, he shouldn’t lie.
“The king is not in the kingdom, and Crocodile is not here either! ” Garka shook his head and said to Luffy.
” What? The king isn’t in the palace? Where did he go? Really, does he know what’s going on right now? Crocodile is looking for him! ” Luffy said with a helpless expression to the king.
The corners of Gaka’s mouth twitched involuntarily. He believed that if the king was here, he would never want to be told this by the person in front of him.
On the roof not far away, listening to the conversation between Luffy and Gaka, Aokiji also frowned slightly, but he did not fully believe Gaka’s words. In his opinion, it is likely that the king saw something wrong. No, it has been hidden.
On the other side, Ace, who was fighting outside the city, panted and looked at the opponent in front of him. Among the opponents, there were not only domineering people, but also people with strange abilities. If it weren’t for Ace. After three years of training with Reina, I am afraid that I have already lost.
” Firefly Fire Dharma! ” Facing the siege of the Blackbeard Pirates, Ace immediately scattered many small turquoise flames from his body, like fireflies flying in the sky.
” Didn’t you try it? This trick is useless! Fire Fist! ” A man with a black cloak shrouded his whole body, chuckled lightly, and punched out a flame, killing all of Ace’s Firefly and Fire Dharma . cover.
” Humph! It’s not up to you to decide whether it’s useful or not! Explosive Flame Fire Dharma! ” With Ace’s movements, all those turquoise light spots exploded, forming a huge wave of flames that sent the Blackbeard Pirates away. Everyone in the group fell to the ground.
” I already understand your abilities, you just copy other people’s abilities, right? ” Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ace rushed towards the man in the cloak and hit him with a fist covered in armed colors.
” What if you see through it? You want to escape from us just because of you? ” The eyes of the man in the cloak, which were hidden in the cloak, suddenly turned red, and a pair of gouyu appeared in his eye sockets, and then blocked them with his arms. Ace’s attack.
” Writing round eyes? This is impossible! ” Ace was taken aback and said in disbelief.
” Nothing is impossible! ” The man in the black cloak, that is, Carmenio punched Ace in the stomach, knocked Ace out a distance, and said with a chuckle, ” Now, do you still think that Are you sure you will win? ”
“The co-captain’s wheel eye? What’s your relationship with the co-captain? Or … have you copied his abilities? ” Ace wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up and said.
” It ‘s very clever ~ But if the answer is … you need to find it yourself!? ” Gamenio said with a chuckle.
Just as Ace was about to say something, he suddenly felt a murderous aura, and hurriedly lowered his body to avoid a burning machete.
” Boy … don’t be careless, now you’re not fighting alone! ” Demon Hunter Idar appeared beside Ace and said with a chuckle.
” Hey , hey … You guys can be gentle, don’t play bad, the captain still needs this guy! ” On the other side, the same man with the bonus hidden under the cloak also lifted the cloak and said with a chuckle.
This person was actually Kadlec, the person who had the ability to change the fruit when he fought against Reina.
He and Carmenio should have died under the sword of Reina, but for some reason, they appeared again.
” Thief hahaha … Kadlec is right, now is not his time, the living captain of the Whitebeard Second Division is better than the dead one! ” Blackbeard Titch said with a big laugh.
” Want to catch me alive? Let’s see if you have the ability! Flame Ring · Pillar of Fire! ” Ace began to choose his arms, and a pillar of fire went straight to Titch.
” Weihahaha … There are so many of us, don’t you think you have room to escape? ” The champion Zhishas Bashas sneaked up from behind Ace and punched the opponent.
” Boom! ”
A figure appeared behind Ace, and with a punch , Zhasas Barshas was smashed into the air.
” Navy? ”
Except for Titch, the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the navy.
” It’s you? Karp!? ” Teach shouted in surprise when he saw Karp in the cloak of justice.
” What? You look surprised when you see me? ” Garp slowly walked to Ace’s side and asked.
” Old … old man? Why are you here? ” Ace was really surprised, he didn’t expect to meet Garp here.
” Wow hahaha … If I didn’t come, wouldn’t you be bullied? By the way … should you have something to say to me? Huh? ”
” Bang! ” Garp said and punched Ace in the head.
” Ah ~~ it hurts ~~” Ace hugged his head, tears of pain coming out.
In fact, he just used the pain just now to let the tears come out. Karp’s sentence ” If I don’t come, won’t you be bullied? ” He was moved.
” What ? The captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates actually joined the navy? ” Idar, the demon hunter on the side, joked with a smile.
Although Karp is famous enough, he doesn’t think they will lose.
Sure enough, after hearing the other party’s words, Ace’s face changed, and he said to Garp: ” Old man, this is my battle, don’t interfere! Besides, I’m already a pirate now, and I’m in the opposite position to you! ”
” Bang! ”
After Ace finished speaking, he received another punch from Garp, which was really hard.
” Stinky boy ~ have you taught me a lesson? I’m in the navy, so it’s not normal to catch pirates? What? You can still control me? ” Garp said to Ace with a displeased expression.
Facing the unreasonable Garp, let alone love to death, even the Blackbeard Pirates over there were speechless.
You really have no problem catching pirates, but aren’t you surrounded by the crew of the world’s number one pirate group? Zhengyang’s upright double standard, isn’t it good?
They don’t know what Garp is, otherwise, let alone Ace, even if Garp doesn’t want to do it, even his boss Sengoku, he can’t order it.
Even the group of people in the world government, including the Tianlong people, know that there is a powerful guy in the Navy, but they just don’t ignore them. If Garp hadn’t been protected by the name of a naval hero, he would have been killed by the Five Old Stars long ago. and the world government to target.
Of course, the old partner Sengoku’s protection of Garp is also one aspect, because Sengoku knew that as long as Garp was there, the navy would have an extra top combat power, and the two were friends for decades.
” Thief hahaha … Naval hero Garp! If you let the world know that as a navy, you secretly helped One Piece Roger raise his children, I’m afraid that even if there is Warring States, you will not be able to protect you, right ? ” To Karp’s unscrupulous appearance, Titch suddenly laughed and said.
His words made Garp and Ace change color at the same time, and even his companions looked at Titch in surprise.
” Captain? Who are you talking about? The child of Roger the Pirate King? Fire Fist Ace is the child of Roger the Pirate King? ” Demon hunter Idar looked at his captain in shock and asked in surprise.
Looking at the silent Garp and the somewhat annoyed Ace, Tickey smiled proudly and said, ” What? Am I right? ”
” Shut up! I’m dad’s son, and my dad has only one person … that’s Whitebeard! ” Over there, Ace burst into rage, and flames rose from him.
Karp glanced at Ace and didn’t say anything, but slowly turned his head to look at Blackbeard Titch and said, ” Then … in order to prevent what you said from happening … I can only solve you here. ! ”
As Garp finished speaking, his momentum changed, and people began to become serious. He hadn’t taken anyone seriously for a long time. The last time was when Reina invaded the advance city.
Feeling Garp’s aura, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates were amazed one by one. They didn’t understand why this old man could contain such a powerful energy.
At the same time, the Santo River is close to the coast of Albana, where the Frankish Pirates are resting.
They have just completed the transformation of the entire ship. In addition to their pirate flag on the mainsail, there is also a huge Whitebeard Pirates flag on the auxiliary sail.
” Captain, what did you say Mr. Rainer went to Albana? ” a crew member asked curiously.
” Don’t ask questions that shouldn’t be asked, didn’t Mr. Renner already say it? He will come to us when he’s done! Don’t you believe Mr. Renner? ” Frank replied with a flat face.
” How is that possible? It’s just … Captain, think about it, Mr. Rainer is alone after all. How inconvenient it would be to go there to run errands? There are no two errands! ”
” You mean … ? ” Frank looked at his crew, his eyes lit up slightly, and asked, ” Let’s go to Albana too? ”
” Yeah! I guess there may be two reasons why Mr. Reina didn’t let us go together. The first is because our strength is too poor, and the effect of going there is so great, and the second is because our strength is too poor, and If Mr. Renner is on the road together, it will definitely drag his speed! But it is different now, Mr. Renner has already set off, we will go behind, and when Mr. Renner’s business is finished, we will help with the aftermath and run errands, etc. There is no such thing at all. Question! ”
The words of the crew member made everyone’s heart become hot. Indeed, for them who have just joined the Whitebeard Pirates, they need to do something to refresh their sense of existence.
” Okay, hide the boat, and then we’ll set off towards Albana! ” Frank thought for a while, then nodded.

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