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Alabasta’s capital, the western suburb of Albana.
Ace and Garp are facing off against the Blackbeard Pirates. With Garp joining in, the Blackbeard Pirates will not dare to besiege Ace unscrupulously.
But after Titch exposed Ace’s identity, the atmosphere on the scene began to become strange. You must know that Roger, the pirate king, was a character who created an era. His words still deeply affect countless people. Set off to the sea.
” No wonder the captain must find Fire Fist Ace, so there is such a reason! ”
” Hey hahaha … As long as we catch Fire Fist Ace, then it’s time for us to make a name for ourselves! ”
The members of the Blackbeard Pirates who knew Ace’s identity all looked at Ace with fiery eyes.
But with Garp here, Tickey knew that the chances of them being able to successfully kidnap Ace were not high. To know that Garp has the title of the strongest guard in the world, it was not obtained out of thin air. With his pair of iron fists hit bit by bit.
But he was a little unwilling to let Titch retreat like this, so he planned to gather fire to see if he could succeed.
After giving the crew a look, Titch took the lead in attacking.
But just when Titch started, Karp had come to Ace and punched Titch.
“I can’t let you disturb our captain, Fire Fist Ace … We must get it! ” Camenio, who had opened the writing wheel, had already seen the opponent’s route before Garp moved. So I blocked Karp first.
” It’s just you … you can’t stop me! ” When Garp saw Gamenio’s eyes, he knew that the other party, like Reina, had opened the wheel. After all, Garp had dealt with Reina a lot.
And he immediately saw the gap between the other party and Reina, Reina’s writing wheel eyes are no longer in the form of double hook jade.
” How is that possible!? ” Although Gamenio’s writing wheel eyes saw Karp’s movements, and the movements were not very fast, his body seemed to be fixed, he just couldn’t move, he could only watch Karp helplessly. Pu’s fist hit him in the face.
” Bang! ” Garmeno was punched away by Garp. At this time, Tickey hadn’t even approached Ace. Seeing Garp punched Garmenio away, he had to stop and looked at Garp cautiously. .
” Is this the power of the world? ” Gamenio struggled to get up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Garp who was guarding Ace, and said in disbelief.
As for Ace, he was also frightened by the strength displayed by Garp. Although he knew that his grandfather was a vice-admiral, he had also pushed his father, Roger, the pirate king, into a corner several times.
But he had never seen Karp go all out.
” Don’t be frightened by him, it’s just a veteran! No one can resist the invasion of time, Roger can’t , Whitebeard can’t, he can’t either! ” said.
“The captain is right, don’t be afraid of him! ” Zhishas Bassas, who had been punched away by Garp earlier, stared at Garp and said loudly, out of nowhere.
” Ouch … What’s going on here? It’s so lively here!? ” At this moment, a voice that made Titch slightly frightened slowly floated over from a distance.
At the same time, the expressions of Kadlec and Gamenio changed at the same time. The former moved quickly to Gamenio’s side, and then the two directly covered their faces with their cloaks again.
Except for Titch, the rest of the members of the Blackbeard Pirates also put on their cloaks, as if they had some arrangement.
Unlike the Blackbeard Pirates, Ace immediately showed joy when he heard this voice.
” Humph! The real tricky guy is here! ” Garp said with some dissatisfaction.
When he started coming to rescue Ace, Ace didn’t show such an expression, and he thought he was more handsome when he came out.
” Deputy captain! ”
” Benery D. Rayner! ”
Ace and Titch handed over the names of people at the same time, but their attitudes were completely opposite.
” Tsk tsk tsk … I didn’t expect … to meet you here! Titch … what a surprise ! ” Reina slowly walked over from a distance and said with a chuckle: ” Ouch ~ Mr. Karp Is it there? ”
” Hmph, why are you here? ” Garp was quite upset at this time. At this time, he was clearly showing his strength to Ace, but Reina suddenly ran out.
” Hey … Old man Cap, I didn’t offend you, did I? I didn’t come here to fight your navy! ” Reina pouted and said.
As for Titch and others, when they heard Reina’s voice, they knew that today’s things could not be done.
” Thief hahaha … I really didn’t expect to see the deputy captain here! ” Titch said with a smile after giving the crew a look.
” Cut! ” Reina didn’t talk to Tiki at all, and pulled out the Senbon Sakura from his waist, which was a slash at Tiki.
” When! ”
Reina’s slash was blocked by the demon hunter Idar on the side.
” Huh? ” Looking at the burning machete, Reina suddenly felt a little familiar.
” Hey , hey, do n’t you think so? Mr. Vice-Captain, now is not the time for you to come to trouble me! ” Titch stepped back a little, and then said with a smile: “The Navy is not only in the future of Karp, they There is also a general! ”
Hearing Titch’s words, Reina was shocked, what is the Navy doing? Garp suddenly ran over and didn’t say anything, but sent a general over? Did something happen in Alabasta that he didn’t know about?
” It’s General Aokiji! ” Ace said in a deep voice, ” He’s here for Robin! ”
As Ace’s words fell, Garp and Reina’s expressions changed at the same time.
” Mr. Karp … Could it be that we’ve been too quiet in recent years? That’s why you think I can’t hold a knife? It’s starting to draw my attention? ” Reina asked Karp coldly.
Karp was silent and did not speak. He will always remember the huge nine-tailed fox that Reina summoned in the advancing city. In his opinion, it must be Reina’s ultimate means, except that the furious Reina used it. Besides, he never saw it again.
Therefore, he has always avoided overly stimulating Reina, and he just doesn’t want Reina to use that method again.
In fact, this time Aokiji came over, he didn’t know, not even the naval headquarters, otherwise Garp would definitely stop the other party.
But now Aokiji has come here. He also talked to Aokiji before. What Aokiji said is indeed very realistic. If Nicole Robin really joins the Whitebeard Pirates, then Whitebeard Sea The thieves really have the ability to destroy the world.
Therefore, it is not unnecessary to prevent this possibility in advance.
What’s more, even Reina himself came to Alabasta, which can prove the necessity of the Aokiji operation.
Seeing Reina’s appearance, Titch knew that there would be no problem escaping today, so he smiled and planned to leave with the crew.
” When did I let you go? ” Suddenly, Rainer turned his head and stared at Titch.
” Could it be that the vice-captain still has the mind to trouble me now? ”
” These navies are indeed a little troublesome, but … you are my confidant ~ Tiki! ” Reina looked at Blackbeard Titch and said softly.
” Since the vice-captain wants to play with us … everyone … let’s have a good time with him, anyway, we have time! How about it? ” As Titch’s words fell, all the members of the Blackbeard Pirates did Ready for battle.
Ace over there also came behind Reina, ready to help at any time.
But Reina knew that when a battle started, the opponent would definitely only delay time. If Aokiji really shot Robin, then he would not be able to do it.
Reina took a deep breath, looked towards Karp, and said, ” Hey, aren’t you a navy? I’ll report with my real name, there are a group of pirates here, go and catch them! ”
Reina’s words caused Blackbeard’s group and Garp to turn black at the same time.
” I’m afraid you forgot, you are also a pirate, right? And in terms of the level of danger, you are the one with the highest level of danger! ” Teach and Karp thought at the same time, but they only thought about it in their hearts and didn’t say it. .
” Deputy Captain … What should I do now? Or … I’m going to the palace now. If I’m here, I should be able to hold the Aokiji for a while! ” Reina shook his head and rejected Ace’s proposal.
If Ace stayed here, Garp might still help. If Ace left, Garp would be thankful that he didn’t do anything to him. It was absolutely impossible to help him deal with the Blackbeard Pirates.
So Reina is a little bit difficult now. If Titch is let go this time, he will not know when he will be able to catch him in the future.
But now Aokiji is obviously going for Robin. If he doesn’t rush over and something happens, it will be really bad.
” Tiki … I’ll let you go this time, next time … you won’t have such good luck! ” Reina said after thinking for a while.
” Deputy Captain!! ” Ace looked at Reina and said, ” Is there really no problem with this? ”
” If you want to solve him, there will be opportunities in the future, but if Aokiji really does something against Robin, I must rush over! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
Ace nodded and said, ” Then I’ll go with you! ”
Originally, coming to join Robin was something that Reina asked him to do, but now it has become such a situation, and he is also responsible.
” Go! ” Reina nodded, ignoring Garp beside him.
However, Garp originally came to rescue Ace. Now that Ace is no longer in danger, he doesn’t care, and he also has to follow behind Reina to avoid any conflict between Aokiji and Reina.

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