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Alabasta’s capital, the northern district of Albana.
” Kosha! Are you alright? Did the gunshot wound from earlier recur? ” Kebby asked worriedly as he followed Kosha.
” It’s a time of war, this injury is nothing! ” Kosha shook his head and said, ” Find a way to get me a horse, as long as you cross this street, you can reach the northern part of the palace! ”
” North District? What are you doing there? ” Kaibi asked in surprise.
” Go and demand the king’s surrender! ”
” Don’t be silly, the northern area is defended by the main force of the king’s army led by Gaka and Bell. There is no need for you to go there alone. After the rest of our branches arrive in Albana, we will attack together! ” Kebby shook his head and said.
” It’s too late! Help me take cover! ” Kosha said, rushing towards the back of the street.
At the same time, Princess Wei breathlessly arrived at the defensive position of the King’s Army in the North District.
” The woman in front stopped, this is the North District, and the palace is in the back. Don’t you know the current situation? If it has nothing to do with the war, leave quickly! ”
” Did you hear me? I told you to leave quickly! ”
The king’s army was stationed, and the soldiers shouted at Princess Weiwei.
” Of course I know about this kind of thing! ” Princess Weiwei raised her head and said to the soldiers: ” Take me to see Gaka or Bell! I have a promotion to look for them! ”
She didn’t ask about the king’s situation, because Crocodile, who had set out before, probably had already captured the king at this time, and Luffy chased after him. She asked only to worry in vain. Now her goal is to stop her. rebel army.
” Wei … Princess Wei? ” When the soldier saw Wei Wei’s appearance, he immediately exclaimed, ” Princess Wei, is that you? ”
After seeing Princess Weiwei nod, the soldiers cried with joy. The respect and love of the Alabasta royal family came from the heart. There were rumors that Princess Weiwei died while traveling abroad, which made many soldiers sad.
” Princess Wei, please come with me. There were two intruders in the palace before, and Lord Gaka is dealing with them! ” One of the soldiers said immediately after learning that Princess Wei wanted to find Gaka.
After a while, Wei Wei meets Gaka and … Luffy in the palace.
” Is it really Princess Wei? Thank goodness, you are finally back! The king is very worried about your safety! ” Gaka said excitedly after seeing Wei Wei.
” Wei Wei, why are you here? Did you stop the rebel army? ” Luffy on the side also asked curiously.
Shaking his head slightly, he talked about the situation outside, and Jaka also reported the current situation of the palace to Princess Wei.
After Wei Wei finished listening, she took a deep breath and said to Gaka, ” I need you to do one thing now! ”
” What’s the matter? ” Gaka asked, taken aback.
“ Blow up this palace! ” Wei Wei said seriously.
” What? Are you serious? Your Highness Wei Wei! If you do that …”
” So what? Will this country be destroyed? No!? Now this is not the original Alabasta! The current Alabasta is just people killing each other! But this country can’t Without them! So I must stop this war, if only for a few seconds! ”
A slight chuckle interrupted Gaka’s words.
Luffy on the side was the same as Gaka at first, very surprised, but after listening to Wei Wei’s explanation, he smiled and gave Wei Wei a thumbs up and said, ” Ness ~ Wei Wei ! ”
” Just a few seconds! Leave the rest to me! ” Wei Wei said again when she saw that Gaka was still hesitating.
” Blow up … blow up the palace? ”
” What are you talking about? Her Royal Highness! This is a palace with a history of 4,000 years. If you do this, it is the greatest insult to us! Don’t worry … We will definitely protect the Kingdom of Alabasta! ”
” Please put this thought away, Princess Wei! ”
” Lord Gaka, please don’t agree to Her Royal Highness’s request, and don’t make the wrong choice! ”
” That’s right, Lord Gaka, the king is not in the palace at the moment, otherwise he will definitely not forgive you for working together! ”
Gaka didn’t speak, just looked at Princess Weiwei quietly, but the surrounding soldiers quit first and shouted loudly.
” Princess Weiwei … have you really decided? ” Gaka asked softly.
He remembered what the king said to him before, ” In this country, talent is the most important existence! ”
Seeing Wei Wei nodding firmly, Gaka slowly knelt down and said to Wei Wei, “I am willing to obey your orders! ”
With the cooperation of Gaka, the palace was soon filled with explosives.
” Wei Wei, that guy Crocodile doesn’t know where he went! ” Luffy touched his head a little embarrassedly. Since he came to the palace, he searched the whole palace, but he didn’t find the king or Crocodile at all. dal.
Princess Wei shook her head and said, ” It has nothing to do with you, Gaka said that the father disappeared last night, and it should be the work of a senior agent of the Baroque work agency, but as long as we organize a rebellion, he will definitely return. appeared! ”
” Yeah! I must beat him far away then! ” Luffy said seriously.
” Faced with such a thing … I really don’t know how to report to the king! ” Gaka looked at the king’s army and the rebel army who were still fighting below, and then looked at Luffy next to him, and smiled at Wei Wei with a wry smile. said.
” It doesn’t matter, I understand that you have no other choice but to fight against the rebel army! Thanks to you for the past two years, the riots have been controlled! ” Princess Wei said softly, ” I’m sorry, I left the kingdom suddenly at that time, when you guys Must be shocked, right? ”
Gaka was stunned for a moment, remembering that when he received the letter from Princess Wei and Ikarem, the king and them were all in a panic.
” Actually … now it’s just a stopgap measure. As long as that guy is still there, this country will not be at peace for a moment! I … No matter what happens … I must stop him! ” Before Princess Wei remembered, Sauron What she said, she said firmly.
” In these two years of not seeing you, you have grown a lot! When the matter is over, you will have a good celebration with those pirates … will you ? ” Gaka pointed to Luffy who was looking around. asked with a smile.
” Jaka …” Princess Wei was taken aback for a moment, she remembered what Luffy said at the beginning, when the matter is over, he must be allowed to eat to death, so she smiled and nodded, and said, ” Yeah! ”
” Hee hee hee … I’ll eat all the delicious food then! ” Luffy over there apparently heard the conversation between the two, he laughed and added.
” Jac … Jaka-sama! It’s not good …”
” What a headache! ”
At this moment, a soldier came in to report, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a voice that Wei Wei was extremely familiar with and hated.
“What a mess, Miss.Wednesday… This place is about to become … my home! ” Crocodile stood at the top of the palace, looking down at the three Princess Wei below, and said with a light smile.
” Crocodahl …” Princess Wei was startled and looked up at the other party.
” This guy is …” Gaka also looked serious, with one hand already holding the weapon around his waist.
” Crocodal …” Luffy over there shouted the first time he saw the other party: ” You really make me look good! Rubber rubber … pistol! ”
” Straw Hat … you guys may have come out! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you later! As for now ~~Miss.Wednesday… we should have a good talk first! ” Crocodile easily flashed past Luffy’s attack, said with a chuckle.
” King! ”
” Father! ”
At this moment, Nicole Robin came out, and King Cobra appeared with him, but his limbs were nailed to the wall, and he couldn’t move at all.
” Wei … I’m really sorry, you risked your life to save this country, but now it seems that you can’t do it! ” King Kobra raised his head and said to Princess Wei with a bloody face.
” Bastard, Crocodile! Let go of His Majesty the King! ” Garka pulled out the weapon from his waist and charged at Crocodile angrily.
” Rubber … bazooka! ”
Luffy on the other side also attacked Crocodile again.
” Didn’t I say it? Don’t worry …” But Crocodile didn’t care about the attack of the two at all. As a naturalist, as long as he wasn’t domineering, he couldn’t attack him at all.
The body that was scattered by Luffy and Gaka turned into sand and gathered around Cobra again. The poison hook in his left hand was placed under his neck, and he said softly: ” If you mess up again … I’ll kill him first . ! ”
Luffy and Gaka’s throwing rat, as expected, did not move, but still stared at Crocodile.
At this time, outside the palace, the Royal Army also found Crocodile’s figure, but Nico Robin blocked the door, but they couldn’t get in at all.
” Hmph ~ I have something to say first. I will not let you and your father and daughter go. When the kingdom perishes, the royal family will naturally disappear along with it! Isn’t it? ” Crocodile said, looking at the king, and said: ” Your Majesty, before handing over the throne, I have one more thing I hope you can answer me! This is also my biggest purpose … Where is Hades? ”
When King Cobra heard the word Hades, he was shocked, but except for him, everyone else was confused.
” How … how could you possibly know this name? ” Cobra looked at Crocodile in disbelief, then seemed to think of something, turned his head to Nicole Robin , and asked, ” It’s you? Sure enough, your O’Hara family wants to destroy the world? ”
” Pfft! ” A dagger was inserted into Cobra’s thigh, Nico Robin said to Cobra with a livid face: ” Our O’Hara family? Hmph, what is destroying the world … What exactly did O’Hara do ? What’s wrong? To be destroyed by you guys in the world government? I don’t want to hear that word again from your mouth … or … I’ll kill you first! ”
” Nicole Robin ! ” Seeing Robin attacking the past, Gaka suddenly stepped forward and said, ” We know that you have a close relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, and we have been polite to you over the years. That’s how you rewarded us? ”
” Stop talking nonsense, tell the whereabouts of the historical text, and I don’t care about the rest! ” Robin snorted coldly and walked aside.
” Ah ~ Ah ~ Ah ~ It’s bad! I accidentally heard these … really made me a headache! Nicole Robin … Have we ever promised? When I think you have a threat to the world … … I’ll come to destroy you! ” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and Aokiji in casual clothes walked out slowly.
He heard the Hades mentioned by Crocodile, and also knew that Nicole Robin had been working in the Baroque work club all these years, so it was very natural that he thought this was Nicole Robin ‘s purpose, so he stopped hiding and directly came out.
On the other side, on the roof of the house in Alba, Hawkeye Mihawk stood there watching the whole city fall into war.
” It’s full of chaos! ” Mihawk said softly.
He had seen the fight between Fire Fist Ace and General Aokiji before, and also knew that Aoki and Ace’s target was a man named Nico Robin .
Although he still didn’t know what was so strange about this Nicole Robin , it didn’t prevent him from watching the play. After the rebel army entered the city and the whole city became chaotic, he frowned slightly and showed a little inconvenience. happiness.

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