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” Hawkeye Mihawk … What is the purpose of your coming here? ” White Hunter Smog finally found Hawkeye Mihawk, pointing the weapon in his hand at the opponent, and asked.
The Straw Hats are here to defeat Crocodile and save the country, because the princess of this country is their friend.
Firefist Ace came to this country for Nicole Robin , the daughter of their co-captain Rayner.
Therefore, the only hostile force that Smog is not clear about now is only one of the seven seas under the king, Hawkeye Mihawk. reason.
” Navy … don’t bother me … otherwise … I don’t mind killing you! ” Mihawk glanced at Smoker and said softly.
” Mihawk, don’t forget your identity as the King’s Qiwuhai! ” Originally, Smog hated the organization of the King’s Qiwuhai the most. He thought it was an insult to the ability of the navy, but now he can only use this An excuse to remind Hawkeye not to mess around.
Because Alabasta is already quite chaotic now, and if Hawkeye joins in, it will be even more chaotic.
” Your Majesty’s Qiwuhai ? If it wasn’t for the World Government begging me, do you think I would join? ” Hawkeye Mihawk said with a chuckle, ” And as I said, I just want to see Aokiji and the Whitebeard Pirates. Who the hell are you looking for, now … you can go! ”
Smog took a deep breath, just about to say something, but suddenly heard a violent explosion from outside the city, followed by a huge pillar of fire rising.
Smoker’s face changed, he knew that this was Fire Fist Ace and Blackbeard had already fought, and he had to rush over to see.
” Hawkeye, this country is already in chaos, don’t mess around! ” After leaving a sentence, Smoker turned around and ran out of the city.
Hawkeye watched Smog leave, but did not stop him. Instead, he looked up at the place where the flames erupted just now. After thinking about it, he also turned and left.
In the Royal Palace of Albana, the appearance of Admiral Aokiji made things more complicated.
” General Aokiji? Why are you here? ” Crocodile squinted, staring at the Aokiji who suddenly appeared, and asked.
” Eh? Admiral? Wei Wei, what is Admiral? ” Luffy, who had met Aochi before, asked curiously after hearing Ao’s identity.
“The navy is the most powerful force in the sea, and the general is under the marshal, the most powerful being among all the navies! This person … is one of the three great admirals of the navy! ” Wei Wei said with an ugly face .
Because Crocodile was the reason why the king went to the Shichibukai, neither she nor King Cobra didn’t like the navy very much.
Everyone looked at Aokiji, as if waiting for his action.
” Nicole Robin ! Remember our promise? When you show signs of threatening the world, I will come and take your life! ” Aokiji looked at Luo, who was amazed by his appearance. Bing, said softly.
” I’m just following history! ” Robin said softly.
” But your current actions have already caused harm to this kingdom, and there are signs of harming the world! ” Aokiji slowly put away his smile and said seriously.
” Hehe … If you want my life, just do it, don’t make so many excuses! ” Robin didn’t seem to be afraid at all, and said with a chuckle.
” Since that’s the case … then I represent justice … I ‘ll rectify you on the spot here! Two thorn spears! ” After Aokiji finished speaking, he made two tridents with his hands and poked them towards Robin.
” Desert Sword! ”
” Navy! Don’t go too far! Nicole Robin , but my person! According to the agreement, as the king of the Seven Wuhai, I have the full protection of my subordinates! Are your navy going to break the agreement ? ” Unexpectedly, Crocodile actually rescued Robin.
” Crocodal … As the king of Qiwuhai, I already understand what you have done in this country. When I return to the headquarters, I will apply for the deprivation of your Qiwuhai status! ” Qingzhi said calmly.
His words made Princess Wei and King Cobra quietly relieved, as long as the navy didn’t stand on Crocodile’s side, then they would still have a chance in Alabasta.
” Guhahaha … Even if you want to deprive me of my identity, you still need the World Government to issue a document. Before again, my martial arts Qiwuhai status is legal. Once you do it, the Qiwuhai system that the World Government has worked so hard to establish will be over. Falling apart, such consequences … are you sure you can bear it!? ” Crocodile said with a big laugh.
Aokiji’s face became ugly. Crocodile was right. The system of the Qiwuhai under the king established by the World Government has already upset many navies, but this is not the reason why they can attack the Qiwuhai.
Once because of his relationship, if the rest of Qiwuhai think that this identity is useless at all, then Qiwuhai will really become a joke, and then it will be really troublesome.
But soon, Aokiji became calm again. His purpose this time was only Nico Robin . As for Crocodile, it would not be too late to clean up in the future.
Without the title of King Xia Qiwuhai, he, a navy admiral, wanted to clean up the opponent, didn’t he capture it?
Seeing Qingzhi silent and not speaking, Crocodile knew that he made the right bet. As a naval admiral, Qingzhi did not dare to do anything to him, who was the king of Qiwuhai.
In fact, the current state of the world has reached a balance due to the relationship between the Seven Wuhai, the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters, so Aokiji is reluctant to destroy this hard-won peace because of Crocodile.
If after a period of time, this balance was broken because of Luffy, Crocodile dared to say this to Aokiji, Aokiji will definitely teach him how to behave.
” Hmph ~ what ~ I thought you were a good person, so you are also with him! ” Luffy over there said dissatisfiedly when he saw this.
Hearing Luffy’s words, Aokiji was speechless, and he couldn’t explain this kind of thing, so he had to say: ” Nicole Robin , I’m going to take you away today no matter what, so … Crocodile, you want to If you dare to stop me, I don’t mind taking you back to Mary Joa, and you can explain what you have done to the Five Old Stars in person! ”
Crocodile with a cigar in his mouth was speechless. Aokiji really wanted to make a move. He probably couldn’t stop him, but Nico Robin’s help was needed to decipher the historical text , otherwise, what would he do even if he occupied Alabasta? use?
And this is exactly how Aokiji stopped Crocodile.
” Wei Wei, what should I do now? ” Luffy asked Wei Wei.
Because of the king’s relationship, Luffy has been suppressing himself and did not do it. Now because of Aokiji, Crocodile has left the king’s side, so Luffy will ask this.
” Wait a minute, I’ll entangle Crocodile, the king will ask you, do you have any questions? ” Before Wei Wei could answer, Gaka on the side spoke first.
” Yes! That guy … must be kicked out by me! ” Luffy shook his head, staring at Crocodile and said.
Jaka was suddenly speechless. It was obviously easier to save the king when dealing with Crocodile and saving the king, so he deliberately asked Luffy to save the king, but he was rejected by Luffy.
” Okay, then please! Your Highness Wei Wei, please pay attention to Nicole Robin and the navy over there. If you can, don’t let Nicole Robin die in our country of Alabasta! ” Gaka nodded towards Luffy and said.
” Please wait … Lord Gaka … !! ” Just as they were about to start, a voice suddenly came from the door.
Because of the lack of Robin’s organization, the gate of the palace was breached by the king’s army.
” Who? ” Crocodile looked sideways and saw four tall Alabasta guards with weapons coming in.
” It’s the Sharp Claws! ” Wei Wei recognized the other party immediately, because the other party was a long-term royal guard.
“The door has been breached by the sharp claws, let’s hurry up and save the princess and the king! ”
” It’s not bad that it’s an elite unit. Although there are only four people, it’s really amazing! ”
Outside the palace, the cheers of the king’s army came in.
” Oh ~ it’s quite popular! I’ll let you all go, and go home quickly! ” Crocodile cast a glance at the green pheasant aside and said softly.
Because Nicole Robin didn’t mean to escape, Aokiji didn’t move either. He thought that Nicole Robin couldn’t escape if he was there, so he also planned to see the outcome of this country.
” His Majesty the king … swears to protect you … It is the mission of the four of us. How can we stand idly by when you are like this? ”
” Although the opponent is Qiwuhai …”
” I will never run away! ”
” So … please let the four of us …”
The four members of the sharp claw force said as they walked: ” Let’s deal with this guy together! ”
” Oh? Since that’s the case … I can fulfill you all! Are you sure you won’t leave? It’s too late to leave now! ” Crocodile said with a look of disdain.
” That’s not possible … We have a reason not to retreat! ” The tallest of the four replied.
” Oh? The reason? ” Crocodile turned his head sideways and asked curiously.
” If you really are the culprit of such a war …”
” We can’t just retreat like this! ”
After the four of them finished speaking, the muscles on the body suddenly swelled, and there were some strange lines on the body.
” Wait … Jaka, something seems wrong with them! ” Princess Wei said in surprise when she saw the state of the four of them.
” Those guys … that kind of stripes … can’t be wrong! ” Gaka clenched his fists, seemed to become angry, and said, ” In order to gain temporary power, they drank the water … that’s a consumption Life force comes to enhance the strength of the water for a period of time … Once you drink it, there are only a few minutes of life left! ”
” How is that possible!? ” Princess Wei said in disbelief.
Luffy, who was still eager to try, also stopped and waited for the battle of the sharp claw troops.
Gaka’s words fell silent, and the four sharp claw troops had already attacked Crocodile.
” Tsk tsk tsk … I knew that they had already given their lives to challenge me! ” Facing the attack of the four, Crocodile didn’t mean to dodge at all, but said with a chuckle while standing there.
” Sorry … Lord Gaka, forgive our willfulness! But … we must let this man know … the pain of this country and the … anger of this country!!! ”
” Pfft …”
The weapons of the four smashed Crocodile’s body into countless fine sands, but soon, the fine sand flew, forming Crocodile’s appearance again above the palace.
” You idiots! ” Gaka lowered his head, holding back his tears.
” Guhahaha … It’s really ignorant of current affairs, you have to cherish life! But it seems that it’s too late … Guhahaha … Anyway, you are already dying, so you don’t need me! ” Sitting Crocodile above the palace, looking at the people below, said with a big smile.
” Uh …”
Looking at the sharp claw troops that were unable to attack Crocodile due to time constraints, their bodies slowly withered and fell, Gaka said in a deep voice: ” Faced with such a warrior … Do you actually disdain to fight? ”
” Ah ~~ Ahh ~~ Jaka … sir! ”
With the last member of the Razor Claws down, Garka couldn’t hold back his anger any longer and rushed directly to Crocodile, shouting: ” Bastard … you bastard … I must pay you the price! “

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