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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Jaka … don’t! ” Looking at Gaka, who had transformed into a jackal, Wei Wei shouted loudly.
” Jaka … Stop it, don’t give it away in vain! ” The king also shouted loudly when he saw this.
” That bastard … I must beat him far away! ” Although Luffy on the side wanted to take action, he knew that Gaka was more angry than him at this time and needed to vent his anger.
” Oh? It’s actually an animal capable person … Interesting! ” Crocodile said with a chuckle after seeing Gaka transform.
On the other side, Reina took Ace towards the direction of the palace, and happened to meet the white hunter Smog.
” You are … Red Eye Reina! ” The moment he saw Reina, Smog was really shocked. So far, more and more pirates have come to Alabasta, and the forces involved are also increasing. More and more.
However, Reina ignored him and moved in the direction of the palace.
” White fist! ”
” Huh? Navy … are you courting death? ”
Reina did not expect that Smog would suddenly shoot at him, but despite this, he still avoided the opponent’s attack, but he had to stop.
” As a navy, isn’t it normal to catch pirates? Great pirates … Benery D. Rayner! ” Smoker said softly, holding a cigar.
He knew what Aokiji was doing in the palace now, so in the face of Reina who suddenly appeared, he had to find a way to stop him.
” Knowing my name, you dare to shoot at me … It seems that you are very confident! ” Reina smiled slightly, slowly pulled out Qianben Sakura from his waist, and said softly.
” Huh … I’m not confident, I know it after I hit it! ” Smog said, staring at Reina.
But just as Reina was about to sell, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.
” Reina, don’t mess around! ” Karp said, staring at Reina.
He knew Smog and was a very good young navy. Although his strength was good, he was definitely not Reina’s opponent, so he stood in front of Smog.
” Lieutenant General Garp? ” Smog was stunned for a moment, completely not expecting Garp to appear here.
” You idiot, what are you doing to provoke him? Do you think you have a long life? ” Karp turned back and said angrily.
” Ahem … that … General Aokiji is working in the palace, so I have to stop him from going there! ” Smoak was a little embarrassed by Garp’s words, so he could only whisper.
” Aokiji really did something to Nicole Robin ? That guy … really knows when to choose! ” Garp said helplessly.
” Karp … you know my purpose … if you want to stop me … then we can only fight to the death today! ” Reina slowly opened his eyes, Sangouyu’s writing wheel has appeared.
Ace behind Reina glanced at Garp and prepared to fight, but the target was Smog.
Karp smiled helplessly, and then said with a serious expression: ” Since that’s the case … then let the old man come and see how you’ve grown in the past few years! ”
” Very good! The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye … open! ” The three hook jade in Reina’s eyes spun rapidly, and finally formed a shape like a sword blade, and said: ” Then let you see, I have improved in the past few years. How much! Karp …”
” Be careful yourself! ” After Garp threw a word at Smog, he ignored him again. In the face of Rayner, who was full of firepower, he had to be attentive.
” Let’s scatter, Chibon Sakura! ” Reina waved the weapon in his hand, Chibon Sakura’s blade suddenly disappeared, and there was only one hilt left in his hand, but the surroundings were suddenly filled with countless petals.
Garp’s eyes froze, a flower petal slid across his cheek just now, and there was a bloodstain on his face.
“The strange ability has increased again! It’s really … It ‘s nerve-racking! ”
Garp looked at the petals flying in the air. When he finished speaking, the momentum of his body had begun to increase, and many petals that flew towards him were blown away. Even if there were occasional close to Garp, after passing through him, He didn’t leave the slightest trace, and he had already covered his entire body with armament.
” It seems that time has left nothing on you! This is just right … Let me see … My current strength, how far is it! ” It disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already by Garp’s side.
” Boom! ”
The two fists crossed each other, and the resulting air wave made both Ace and Smoker unable to open their eyes.
” This … is this the world’s top powerhouse? ” Smog couldn’t even feel the cigar in his mouth dropped, and watched the battle between Reina and Karp with his mouth open.
” Old man … as expected! ” Ace muttered to himself, his eyes lit up.
Reina once told him that Karp is the only existence in the world that has withstood the test of time and has not declined in strength due to age.
Now, he finally saw Garp in full force.
The battle between Reina and Garp quickly destroyed the surrounding buildings in a mess, and even the rebel army and the king’s army who were at war were taken aback and moved away from here.
The dust cleared, and Garp and Rayner stood opposite each other.
” What an amazing guy …” Looking at Reina in front of him, Garp said with a chuckle.
” Hehe … There are more interesting things! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” Really? It seems that the old man has to take it seriously too! ” Garp said as he tore off the cape of naval justice and shrugged the tie around his neck.
” It’s an exciting battle! But Garp … you should know, if Aokiji really dared to do it … what kind of thing would I do? ” Reina’s eyes emitted a strange red light , said to Karp.
Karp’s expression tightened. What he was most worried about was Reina’s runaway, which would definitely be a disaster for the Navy.
And Reina must decide to do it, the Whitebeard Pirates will never stand by and watch, and the war launched at that time will not be a war of this level.
” Reina, you should understand … what does O’Hara stand for! ” Garp said solemnly.
” Of course! They represent a group of tragic historians!! Karp, tell me … Did O’Hara study the text of history to destroy the world? Robin, who inherited O’Hara’s legacy, I want to find the answer in history! How can I, a father, not support me? A single blow! ” Reina roared, and then attacked Karp.
” You have your ideas, I have my justice! Reina … the world can’t be so beautiful! They really just want to study history, but who can guarantee that their research results will not be used by outsiders? As long as there is a careerist in China … what will the world face? You should know better than anyone! Asshole! ” As Karp said, he punched Reina directly.
” Bang! ”
The two of them were fist-to-fist and stayed in place at the same time.
” Boom! ”
With a loud bang, Reina and Garp were knocked out at the same time, and they each crashed through a few buildings before slowly stopping.

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