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Royal Palace of Albana.
Gaka, who was angry at Crocodile, fell to the ground at this time.
He was snatched back by Luffy, covered in blood.
” Straw Hat … I said, you’d better not meddle in your own business, otherwise …”
” Boom! ”
Before Crocodile’s words were finished, Luffy smashed half of his head.
” You bastard … I’ve wanted to shoot you for a long time! ” Luffy didn’t care what Crocodile wanted to say, and kept attacking Crocodile.
” It ‘s useless … Straw Hat … Your attack doesn’t do me any good …”
” Boom! ”
Crocodile, who had just recovered his human form, before Hua Hai finished speaking, was scattered by Luffy again and turned into a sand form.
” Damn … Damn … Damn … Was it broken? Damn Crocodile! ” Luffy stomped on the sand under his feet and roared angrily.
“I told you no! ” Crocodile, who had once again transformed into a humanoid, said softly.
” You bastard …” As soon as Luffy turned his head, he saw the opponent and prepared to attack again.
” People like you, no matter how hard you try, you will definitely win …”
” Rubber rubber … pistol! ”
” Boom! ”
Crocodile’s words were interrupted again, and the word ” well ” popped out of his forehead when he reassembled into a human form .
” Win? What are you trying to say? ” Luffy looked at Crocodile in surprise, not understanding what the other party wanted to say.
Robin on the side couldn’t help laughing at the battle between the two, the one named Luffy was really interesting.
On the other hand, Okdal was a little angry. The other party was completely uneasy about the routine, and he didn’t even give him a chance to speak.
” Bastard! Desert Treasure! ” Crocodile, who had regained his human form again, didn’t bother to talk to the other party, so he launched an attack directly.
Seeing that the ground was cut open, Luffy was taken aback. He thought that the opponent would only rely on his ability to dodge, but he didn’t expect the attack power to be so great.
” Straw Hat, I don’t have time to play with you! ” Crocodile looked at Luffy and said softly.
He was ready to kill him.
” It’s really nerve -racking … I can’t reach him no matter how I fight, it always turns into a ball of sand …” Luffy was a little helpless, although this was not the first time he had met a natural opponent, but he still didn’t take the opponent. Method.
” I and you … are pirates of different levels, we are not comparable at all! Desert Sunflower! ” Crocodile said and attacked directly.
Soon, because he didn’t understand the nature department, Luffy was defeated by Crocodile.
” Tsk tsk tsk … that’s really miserable! Straw hat boy, is this what you call defeating me? ” Crocodile asked the poisonous hook on Luffy’s left hand, which directly pierced Luffy’s stomach and dropped him into the air.
” Luffy!! ” Princess Wei over there saw that Luffy was defeated and killed, and immediately shouted and rushed over, but was stopped by the green pheasant beside him.
” You have no effect in the past other than giving your life in vain! ” Qingzhi shook his head and said.
” Don’t worry about it! Don’t your navy pretend to be righteous? You turn a blind eye to such a villain right in front of you. What kind of justice is this? ”
In the face of Princess Wei’s questioning, Qingzhi was speechless. He had already learned about the situation from Smog, but he couldn’t explain anything to the princess of Alabasta.
” Straw Hat … a young pirate like you who can only talk big … in the great route … there are so many ! ” Crocodile said and planned to throw Luffy’s ” corpse ” out, but at this time Luffy But he grabbed Crocodile’s hand.
” Water …” The small bucket on Luffy’s chest was just punctured by Crocodile, and the water inside flowed out and wet his arm.
This is the water dug up by Uncle Doto in Yuba all night, and Luffy usually cherishes it very much.
” There’s no need to be grateful for such a little water …” Crocodile thought Luffy was because of the bucket, but Luffy, who was holding his hand, suddenly squeezed his arm.
” Huh? ” Crocodile was taken aback, the opponent grabbed his entity, but fortunately the battle was over, so it didn’t matter.
” Luffy! ” Seeing Luffy being thrown out by Crocodile, Princess Wei hurried forward to hug him.
” Meat …” Luffy looked at Wei Wei and said with his mouth open.
” Do you still want to eat meat at this time? ” Crocodile saw that Luffy was not dead yet, so he came over and kicked Luffy, kicking Luffy and Princess Wei together.
” Farewell, straw hat boy! ” Crocodile carried Luffy and threw him directly from the top of the palace wall.
” Luffy ~~~ !! ” Wei Wei can only watch from the city wall while watching Luffy being thrown from the city wall by Crocodile.
But at this moment, she saw a big bird flying towards this side in the distance. It was Bell after the transformation.
” Luffy …” Wei Wei’s eyes lit up, pointing at Luffy and shouting to Bell.
Bell over there heard Wei Wei’s shout, and when he saw Luffy who was descending, he immediately understood what Princess Wei meant, so he changed direction and flew directly towards Luffy, saving him before Luffy landed. Walk.
Seeing that Luffy was successfully rescued by Bell, Wei Wei finally felt relieved.
” What happened here … Is there something wrong with my eyes? ” At this time, a person suddenly appeared in the palace and said in disbelief.
” Kou Sha! ” Princess Wei looked happy when she saw the other party, but it soon became bitter.
Kosha came here at this time, except for the death of one more person, it did not help the situation in any way.
” It’s Kosha! Did you come from the shortcut you left behind? ” The king asked with a wry smile when he saw Kosha.
” What the hell is going on here? Why are you, King, about to be killed by the heroes of this country? I came here … but made you surrender! ” Kosha asked as if she couldn’t understand the current situation at all. .
” Guhahaha … It’s so interesting! ” After seeing Kosha, Crocodile laughed and said, ” It’s the height of the rebellion, I didn’t expect everyone to meet at this time, it’s really interesting. ! ”
” Wei … what the hell is going on here? ” No matter how idiotic he was, Kosha knew that things might be different from what he imagined, not to mention that he wasn’t really an idiot, just a lover whose eyes were blinded by impulse Just the hot-blooded youth of this country.
Aokiji on the side has been watching all this silently. He doesn’t know what will happen to this country next, but even if he only looks at the scene in front of him, he has an urge to kill Crocodile immediately.
Princess Wei sighed and told Kosha everything she knew.
” Guhahaha … That’s right, Kosha! I did all this. What you thought was done by the king was actually done by me! How is it? Don’t you think it’s better not to know about this kind of thing? I don’t know anything, it feels much better to fight for my ideals and die than it is now? Guhahaha …” Crocodile said triumphantly.
After spending two years, Crocodile, who finally got to this point, likes this kind of showing off very much, especially when he looks at Kosha’s regret, confusion, and self-blame, he is even happier.
” Don’t listen to him! Kosha! ” At this time, Kobra, who was still nailed to the wall, shouted: ” Don’t think about what has happened! Now you should think about what you can do. Get out of here, don’t make unnecessary sacrifices! ”
” Guhahaha … Escape? Where can you escape to? Now in the square in front of the palace where the royal army is gathered, it’s 4:30 in the afternoon, which is 30 … No, it should be 25 minutes later. There will be powerful artillery shells coming in! That is a special bomb with destructive power reaching five kilometers, which can make no grass grow around! At that time … the scene must be very beautiful! Hahahaha …”
Looking at the hesitant Kosha, Crocodile said with a smile.
” What did you say … ? How could you do this? ” Princess Wei roared angrily upon hearing this.
” What’s the matter? Miss.Wednesday ! Don’t you really want to stop the rebellion? According to my calculations, there should be fifteen minutes left when the rebels come over … by the time … boom … don’t you? Solve everyone? I’ve helped you a lot, right? Hahahaha …” Crocodile said with a big laugh.
” You … how can you … how can you do such a thing! The people of this country … how did they offend you? ” Wei Wei sheds angry tears and yells at Crocodile.
” My purpose … I should have told you, right? How is it? Mr. Cobra … can I fulfill my wish? ” Crocodile cast a glance at the green pheasant and asked King Cobra.
” Kosha! Go stop the rebellion! Go! ” At this time, Gaka, who was lying on the ground, slowly got up and shouted at Kosha.
” Jaka …” Kosha was really shocked when he looked at the scarred Gaka.
When they were children everywhere, their fighting skills were taught by Gaka. He also knew how strong Gaka was, but now such a strong man is actually lying there covered in blood.
” I see! Jaka! King! I will definitely stop them! ” Kosha gritted his teeth, turned and ran.
” No! ” At this time, Princess Wei Wei suddenly grabbed Kou Sha and bit her lip to block Kou Sha.
” Wei Wei? ” Kou Sha was stunned for a moment, then tried to push Wei Wei away and said, ” Wei Wei, what are you doing? The square is about to become a battlefield, in case it really explodes …”
” I won’t let him become a battlefield! ” Wei Wei interrupted Kosha loudly and said, ” Have you cheered up yet? Chief! If the Royal Army knew that the square was about to explode … by then there would be chaos. By then … it’s really over! ”
” Boss! What should be done has already been decided, isn’t it? It is to stop this planned war. Only in this way … can we save everyone! And the one who can do this … is only you. ! ” Princess Wei looked at Kou Sha and said seriously.
” Yo? What a great princess! The judgment is very accurate! But … you don’t think I would look at you so quietly, right? ” Crocodile appeared behind Princess Wei and said softly.
” Weiwei … Be careful! ” Seeing this, Kou Sha was about to draw his weapon and act as Crocodile, but a familiar figure blocked Crocodile first.
” Gaka! ” The seriously injured Gaka blocked Kakadahl again.
” I … the guardian of Alabasta … Jaka the Jackal! ” The scarred Gaka stared at Crocodile and said firmly: ” The purpose of my existence is to destroy the enemies of the royal family! As long as I still If you have a breath, you will keep fighting! ”
” A guy like you … is a complete idiot! ” Crocodile said with some disdain.
” Idiot? Hehe … Kosha, Your Highness Wei Wei! As you think, I can still resist him for a few minutes … The rest will be left to you! ” Gaka said without turning his head.

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