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The capital of Alabasta, west of Albana.
Ace and Smoke looked at Garp and Reina who were fighting, and the two had absolutely no room to intervene.
The two standing there looked at each other, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed that they were looking at it like this, but they felt that it didn’t make much sense to do it, so they had to stare at each other with big eyes.
” I said … What the hell are you navy thinking? Why do you have to attack the vice-captain’s daughter? ” Perhaps feeling bored, Ace asked.
” Don’t you know who that man is? ” Smoker asked, cigar in his mouth.
” Who? Isn’t it the deputy captain’s daughter? Who else could it be? ” Ace asked in confusion.
” O’Hara … you know what? ”
” O’Hara? I seem to have heard this name, but I don’t understand it! ” Ace shook his head and replied.
” O’Hara! The world’s largest gathering place for historians, more than 20 years ago, the World Government launched a demon slaughter order on the grounds of endangering the world. In the entire O’Hara, except for Nicole Robin , everyone All dead! ” said Smoker softly.
Ace was startled, looked at Smog in disbelief, and asked, ” Harm the world? A gathering place for historians? How … how did they endanger the world? ”
” Although I don’t know this kind of thing, but I know that the research of those scholars seems to have been able to awaken some kind of terrifying existence, so the world government took action! And now … the only one who still has this ability … It ‘s Nico Robin ! If she joins forces with your Whitebeard Pirates … do you think our navy would allow this to happen? ” Smoker said seriously.
” Hahaha … What a big joke! If we want to do something, it seems that we don’t have to rely on that kind of thing at all, right? We Whitebeard Pirates are not the kind of existence that borrows external forces! And if we want to do something If I did, I would have done it long ago … Isn’t it? ” Ace said with a laugh after hearing Smoker’s words.
Faced with Ace’s answer, Smog was speechless, as Ace said, but the Navy and the World Government still didn’t want to take risks. Only the dead Nicole Robin was the most reassuring.
Facing Smoker who didn’t speak, Ace turned around and said, ” I’m going to the palace now, if you want to stop it … just do it! ”
” Phew ~~ If that’s the case … then there’s only one battle! You have your honor, and I have my justice! ” Smog slowly drew out his weapon and said.
” Boom!! ”
The flames and smoke collided again, causing a violent explosion.
On the other side, in the Albana Palace, looking at Gaka who was fighting Crocodile, Aokiji turned to Nicole Robin and asked, ” Is this what you want to do? ”
” No! All I want to know … is the historical text! ” said Robin, shaking his head.
” Even if it hurts them at all? ” Aokiji asked, looking at the corpses of soldiers all over the ground and the king nailed to the wall.
” Even without me, they’re still like this, maybe even less so! ” Robin said with a chuckle.
After all, without her help, Princess Wei would have no way of knowing Crocodile’s identity, and may have already died at the hands of the Baroque Workers.
At the gate of the palace, Princess Wei shouted loudly to all the king’s army: “The king’s army … I order you to raise the white flag and surrender immediately! ”
” What? ”
” Princess Wei Wei actually asked us to surrender? ”
” His Royal Highness … If this is true … then the future of this country …”
Wei Wei’s order surprised the soldiers of the King’s Army, and they all started round in confusion.
” Look! That’s … Kosha! The leader of the rebel army! ”
” Did he do something to Her Royal Highness? ”
At this time, Kou Sha, who appeared behind Princess Wei, was also discovered by the king’s army, and the voice of discussion grew louder for a while.
” Everyone, listen to me … We don’t care about winning or losing this war anymore, we just hope that everyone will stop! ” Wei Wei shouted loudly to all the king’s army as if he hadn’t heard the discussion: ” Please, please raise your eyebrows. Raise the white flag! ”
” I will also inform the rebel army, this war is meaningless! ” Kosha, who appeared behind Wei Wei, also said loudly.
Soon, the rebel army broke through the defense line and came to the front of the palace, but in front of them, in addition to the king’s army, there was Kosha holding a white flag.
” Leader!? ” Kebi was surprised when he saw that Kosha was actually on the side of the king’s army and was holding a white flag.
” Stop it! The rebel army! ” Kosha raised the white flag and shouted loudly: “The war is over, and the king’s army has lost its will to fight! Please all brothers put down their anger and throw away their weapons … The war is over! ”
” This … is this true? Lord Kosha! ” Countless rebels looked at Kosha and asked in disbelief.
However, because of Kou Sha’s words, the rebel army has also stopped slowly. Princess Wei Wei, who was standing on the palace, finally breathed a sigh of relief. The rebellion … has been stopped!
” Bang! ”
But at this time, one of the king’s army’s camp shot and wounded Kosha.
” Bastards … those king’s army … actually did it! ” Seeing Kosha being shot, the rebel army immediately became angry again.
” Kosha!! ” Wei Wei on the wall of the palace was also shocked when she saw Kosha being shot. She was about to say something, but suddenly found that there was a sandstorm in Albana.
” Bang bang bang …”
In the chaos, not only did some people in the king’s army shoot, but some people in the rebel army also shot in the chaos, and they all have one thing in common, that is, there is the logo of the Baroque Work Society on their arms.
At the same time, Crocodile, who had already dealt with Gaka and released Sandstorm, said to Robin beside him, ” You take Mr. Cobra and go first! ”
” Crocodahl … Are you ignoring my existence too much? Although you are the king of the Qiwuhai, I said that Nicole Robin must stay! ” A cold light flashed in Qingzhi’s eyes, facing Kroc Dahl said.
” Guhahaha … General Aokiji … This is the desert! No one can beat me in the desert! ” Crocodile said with a big laugh.
But before he finished speaking, he suddenly thought of a person, a guy near Albana who beat him up.
Robin glanced at Crocodile, chuckled lightly, and said, ” Then … I’ll leave first! ”
Saying that, she used her ability directly, put down King Cobra, and planned to leave.
” When did I let you go? ” Qingzhi stretched out his hand, and the ice spread in the direction of Robin, but he must have been slower than usual.
” Arc Moon Sand Dunes! ” A dune stopped in front of the ice, and immediately organized the advance of the ice, and it was Krocdahl who shot.
The air in Alabasta is hot, and the moisture in the air is scarce, so the ability of the green pheasant has also been limited, but on the contrary, it has brought great convenience to Crocodile.
At the same time, two powerful auras suddenly erupted in the west of the city, as if someone was fighting in the west of the city.
Aokiji’s movements paused, such a powerful aura was enough to threaten him.
The opposite Crocodile was also stunned. Although he was not as clear as Aokiji, he also knew that there were two strong men fighting in the west of the city.
Just when the two were in shock, Nicole Robin had already left with Cobra.
” How can … how can this be … ? ” Princess Wei looked at the king’s army and the rebel army fighting together again in disbelief, her heart was full of frustration.
” Weiwei! ” At this moment, Sanji rushed over with the seriously injured Usopp and Chopper.
” Mr. Sanji … Mr. Usopp … Tony-kun …” Weeping slightly, he glanced at Crocodile and Aokiji who were still facing each other, ran down from the palace, and shouted.
” Wei … what’s the matter? Why is there such a big sandstorm all of a sudden? ” On the other side, Zoro and Nami also rushed over.
” Everyone …” Wei Wei sobbed and said what happened here.
” Luffy … lost too? ” Nami asked in disbelief.
Sanji and Zoro also showed solemn expressions.
They were quite clear about Luffy’s combat power, but they didn’t expect to be defeated by Crocodile.
” Yeah! But Gaka saved him, so it shouldn’t be a problem! ” He nodded slightly and replied.
” Where is that guy now? ” Zoro asked, holding the weapon at his waist.
” He is still inside, confronting the Admiral, Nicole Robin has left with my father! Everyone, it’s less than five minutes before the square explodes! What should I do? ” Wei Wei is completely panicked now The city has the usual calm.
” Wei … calm down! ” Nami immediately stepped forward and comforted: ” Now is not the time to panic! First of all, we must stop the explosion, and also find Luffy! I don’t believe he will be defeated so easily! ”
” That’s right! Wei Wei, that guy is the man who wants to become the pirate king, he won’t fall down so easily! You have to trust him! Now we will first find the gunner! If the power of the explosion is five kilometers … then the gunner is using This is 2.5 kilometers away from the center of the circle, and our time is too late! ” Usopp also nodded and said.
” No … Maybe that gunner … is near here! ” Princess Wei shook her head and said.
” That’s right … because that guy is Crocodile … a guy who doesn’t care about the lives of his companions! In order to ensure accuracy, he will definitely do this! ” Nami also nodded and said.
” Then we just need to find the commanding heights. For the sniper, condescending is the best! ” Usopp said with a chin.
” Everyone , it’s too late to discuss, let’s set off and look for Luffy while looking for cannonballs! ” Nami gave an order, and everyone began to split up.

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