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” Fire Fist! ”
Just as Aokiji was about to attack Crocodile, a flame suddenly fell from the sky, blocking Aokiji’s ice.
” The captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates … Fire Fist Ace! ” Aokiji glanced at Ace and said softly.
” Aokiji, where are Robin’s people? I advise you not to mess around. The deputy captain has already come over in person. If you don’t want to cause a world war, you’d better not mess around! ” Ace said to Aokiji.
” Deputy Captain … You said Reina came to Alabasta? ” Aokiji asked with a condensed gaze.
” Hmph, Fire Fist Ace, as I said, you can’t stop it! Aokiji, Reina has already arrived at Albana, but was stopped by Mr. Garp! ” Small who came over behind Ace Grid, said loudly to Aokiji.
” Mr. Karp? ” Aokiji was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t expect Karp to come to Alabasta too.
” Guhahaha … Fire Fist, if I hadn’t stopped me just now, Nicole Robin would have died at the hands of Aokiji. Since your people are here, then I can leave too! ” Crocodile heard a few words. The conversation of the people, the eyes lit up, said.
” Where do you want to go? ” Just as Crocodile was about to leave, Aokiji immediately stopped him. He knew what Crocodile’s goal was, so he would never allow him to leave.
” Fire Fist Ace, don’t you stop Aokiji? I’m going to find Nico Robin now . If you don’t stop him … maybe I’ll be chased by Aokiji! Hahahaha …” Crocodile flashed Aokiji’s attack, said to Ace.
Originally, Ace didn’t care about Crocodile, but now that the other party said this, he could only stop Aokiji. If it was really what Crocodile said, he would not be able to explain to Reina at that time.
” Ace … I heard that Straw Hat is your younger brother? It’s a pity … He was killed by Crocodile just now! ” Aoki suddenly remembered that Smog had said before that Ace was Straw Hat’s brother .
Crocodile is a little confused. Is the straw hat boy the younger brother of Fire Fist Ace? Never heard of this at all!
” What? You killed Luffy? ” Ace looked at Crocodile with murderous intent in his eyes.
Since Sabo died, Ace swore that he would never let anyone hurt Luffy, but he didn’t expect Luffy to be killed in Alabasta, what made him even more angry was that he was also in Alabasta, But it didn’t stop this from happening.
” Firefly Fire Dharma! Crocodile, give me your life! ” Without saying a word, Ace launched an attack directly on Crocodile.
Seeing this, the green pheasant over there turned his head to Smog and said, ” Crocodahl will launch an artillery attack on the square at 4:30 in the afternoon. Now the princess of Alabasta should go to find the gunner. You must call the soldiers to help. Leave it to me from Nico Robin , don’t interfere! Otherwise, you won’t be able to bear Reina’s anger! ”
Smog was stunned for a moment, looked at the clock tower standing in the center of Albana, and said, ” There are only less than five minutes left. It’s a bit difficult to find a sniper … ”
” Do your best! ” After Aokiji said, he glanced at Ace and Crocodile who were at war, left the palace and headed towards the Alabasta cemetery. He had heard King Cobra say before. , the historical text is there.
On the other side, after bandaging, with Bell’s help, after replenishing enough food and water, Luffy carried a large bucket on his back and rushed towards the palace with Bell.
On the way, they met Wei Wei and others who were looking for a sniper. Everyone was very happy to see that Luffy was fine, but time was running out now, and the time before the bombardment was getting shorter and shorter, so Bell also joined the search team. Fei rushed towards the palace alone.
” Hey … that woman is … Crocodile’s partner … Follow her for sure to find Crocodile! ” On the way, Luffy met Robin and the king, so he turned and ran towards them.
And Ace and Crocodile, who were fighting at the palace, were a little out of breath at this time.
” You idiot! Aokiji has already rushed to deal with Nicole Robin . If she is caught up, she will be dead! ” Crocodile dodged Ace’s attack and roared angrily.
” No matter what, you are dead! ” At this time, Ace no longer had the anger at that time, knowing that Luffy was dead, now the more important thing is to save Nicole Robin , and wait until Nicole is rescued . After Robin, Crocodile can be dealt with again.
So Ace turned into a flame and chased in the direction Aokiji left.
But Nicole Robin and Cobra, who arrived at the royal tombs at this time , found that they couldn’t get through at all … because someone was fighting here.
” Robin … Are you all right? ” After seeing Robin, Reina immediately jumped out of the battle circle and stopped fighting with Garp.
” I’m fine! ” Robin was stunned, but then he remembered the Aokiji who said he wanted to solve her before, so he said with a smile: ” Aokiji did say that he wanted to solve me before, but he didn’t do it! ”
” Count him as a wise boy, otherwise … hum! ” Reina snorted coldly, and glanced at Garp, not intending to continue.
When Karp saw Reina stop, he did not intend to continue the attack, but after seeing Robin, he knew that Aokiji had failed.
” This is … ? ” Reina looked at Cobra next to Robin and pretended to ask.
” This is the king of the kingdom of Alabasta, Neferutali Cobra ! ” Robin said with a smile.
” It turned out to be King Cobra … I have been taken care of by you many times before, don’t worry! I will not stand by and watch the affairs of your kingdom! But Robin has her own ideals, so you wait for her to see your collection. You don’t have to worry about other things! ” Reina said with a smile.
Cobra was stunned for a moment, completely not understanding what Reina meant.
” In a few minutes, Crocodile is going to bombard the square in front of the palace. This kind of thing … can Lord Reina stop it? ” Cobra asked after thinking about it.
” Hahaha … I said, don’t worry, it’s just shells, neither me nor the old navy man over there, or even that kid Aokiji, are paying attention. If we want to stop it, there is a way, so you do not need to worry!
And you have to trust your daughter and her companions! They are not the kind of people who give up so easily! As for Crocodile, they will solve it themselves. Even if there is an accident, don’t worry. I promise you that Crocodile will not appear in the Kingdom of Alabasta after today! how? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Since Your Excellency has such an idea and strength, why didn’t you take action earlier? ” Cobra asked inexplicably.
” First of all, I only arrived in Alabasta today, and secondly … this is your country’s business after all … isn’t it? Judging from the past friendship, I can give you a final guarantee, which is quite a face for you, right? And … how can a person grow without going through something? You said it? King Cobra! ” Reina smiled and replied.
Cobra looked at the smiling Reina, and seemed to understand what Reina meant. From leaving the palace two years ago, until now, the growth of her daughter, Princess Weiwei, has made him completely different.
Glancing at Nicole Robin beside him, Cobra asked cautiously, ” I wonder if your relationship with Nicole Robin is … ? ”
” Her full name is Benelli D. Robin! Of course, you can call her Nicole Robin , because Nicole is her mother’s surname! ” Renner replied without concealing it.
” My lord … Is it okay to say it now? ” Robin asked in surprise when Rayner actually told King Cobra of his identity.
” Don’t worry … Don’t you know what kind of person His Majesty the King is through the matter of Alabasta? Robin … I let you stay in Alabasta, in addition to that incident, there are also Let you exercise purpose!
In addition to dreams, there are many other things that cannot be ignored! Hatred can be blinded, and so can love! So keeping calm is a very important thing! In the past few years, you should have seen a lot in Alabasta, right?
If I were you, I wouldn’t choose to cooperate with a viper like Crocodile, even if he could protect me! I would rather choose to be friends with a fool like King Cobra or Princess Wei, even if it costs my life! ”
Reina said seriously to Robin.
” I see, Father! ” Robin nodded and replied.
” Of course, this is just my choice, you can do whatever you want! No matter right or wrong … Father will support you! Any existence that dares to hurt you … will become my enemy! ” Reina glanced at Garp , said with a slight smile.
After listening, Robin covered her mouth and snickered. She knew that her father said this to the Navy on purpose.
As for Cobra on the side, he was a little dumbfounded for a long time. He finally knew why the officials of the Whitebeard Pirates came to Alabasta one after another. It turned out that Nicole Robin was Rayner’s daughter, and the other party came to Alabasta. Stan, it should be Reina’s request that she came here to experience.
This can also explain why Reina clearly has the strength to solve everything, but he doesn’t take action, but he is guaranteed to protect the kingdom of Alabasta in the end.
If he sells everything in advance and solves everything, what the hell is Robin going to experience? As for the final guarantee, I’m afraid it depends on the care I have taken for Robin over the years!
” Okay, now that I know you’re fine, I’m relieved. I still have some things to deal with. After the matter is over, let’s have a good chat. Then you’ll have to make a decision! ” Reina patted Robin , after messing up her black long straight hair a little, she said with a smile.
” Okay, my father! ” Robin was really helpless about his father’s little hobby. The other party always likes to mess up his hairstyle. It seems that this is his way of expressing closeness.
” Old Karp, let’s go! Find Aokiji, and I’ll take you to catch the pirates … How about? ” Reina waved to Karp over there and said with a smile.
” You’re the biggest pirate! ” Garp replied angrily.
But he also knew that Reina would never allow him to stay here, otherwise if he attacked Robin, the other party would not even have the chance to resist.

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