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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wei Wei, are you sure? We don’t have any more time! ” Nami asked seriously.
” Never mind, I’ll fire the flares first and let them gather! ” Usopp on the side released the flares directly.
At this moment, the clock door on the clock tower was opened, revealing the barrel inside.
” Oops, they’re going to start, we don’t have time to go up! ” Wei Wei said anxiously.
” Huh ? Wei Wei… why are you here too? Have you found the position of the sniper? ” At this moment, Sanji and Zoro, who saw the flares, asked from above the clock tower.
” Eh? Why are you two there? The sniper is on it! ” Everyone was shocked and said immediately.
Only then did Sanji and Zoro discover the cannon above their heads.
” It’s too late! ” Seeing the two members of the Baroque work club who were ready to set fire to the fire, Wei Wei gave up a little!
” Don’t give up, Wei Wei, let’s try! ” Nami put forward an idea, using the positions of Sanji and Zoro, to send Princess Wei directly up layer by layer.
Princess Wei lived up to expectations and successfully cut off the lead at a critical moment.
On the other side, pretending to fight with Luffy, taking the opportunity to come to Crocodile in the basement, and meet Nico Robin and King Cobra before the historical text .
However, under Robin’s interpretation, he learned that Krocdar, who only recorded the history of the country of Alabasta, became a little crazy.
” Nicole Robin ! Don’t think that I won’t dare to kill you because of the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates! You said it at the beginning … As long as you find the historical text, you will give me clues to Hades …” Crocodile Staring at Robin, he said viciously.
King Cobra on the side was a little surprised … If he guessed correctly, this historical text should have recorded the whereabouts of Hades.
” Well ~ Forget it! From Mr. Cobra’s expression, I already knew that Pluto must be in this country! Although there are some surprises outside … But after today, this country is mine, even the navy can’t do it at will. Shoot me! When the time comes … I’ll look for it slowly! ” Crocodile said, looking at King Cobra, who was on the side, and said softly.
” Boom boom boom …” Suddenly, the entire basement began to shake violently, and even many places began to collapse.
” Huh? It shouldn’t be time for the bombardment yet? King … what did you do? ” Crocodile looked at King Cobra and asked.
” The building here is specially made. As long as a small pillar collapses, the entire basement will collapse … I bet on the name of the twelfth king of Nafirutari … I will not easily hand over the land of sand to the country. You! ” said King Cobra with a chuckle.
” Hey … hey … you really are an example of a good king! You actually want to die with me? But have you forgotten? I am the one with the ability to rust fruit, as long as this place is turned into sand, I will be able to Leave easily! So … you have to sacrifice in vain! ” Crocodile said with a big laugh.
” Crocodal …” At this time, Luffy, who had just gotten rid of him, also chased after him.
” Straw Hat … For the sake of your brother and your grandfather, get out of here! ” Crocodile’s eyes narrowed and he shouted at Luffy.
” That won’t work … you haven’t handed over what you stole!! ” Luffy said seriously.
” Things? What? Money? Fame? Trust? Life? Or … rain? You can say … I’ll give it back to you! ” Knowing Luffy’s identity, Crocodile no longer intends to continue his relationship with him. Luffy is entangled.
If Luffy is killed here, then the tricky guys outside will not let him go. Although he is confident, facing so many strong people, as long as he is not a fool, he will know what to do.
” Country! ” Luffy replied softly.
” Country? This country has nothing to do with you, right? Why? Why do you want to do this? ” Crocodile asked inexplicably with a little anger and helplessness.
“You guys from the D family … why are you fighting? ” Robin on the side also looked at Luffy. In fact, she didn’t understand why the Straw Hats had to fight against Crocodile, so what about Luffy? Answer, she also has some expectations.
” Because that idiot Wei Wei hasn’t given up! For the country she loves, for the people she loves, she never gives up! So as long as she doesn’t give up … we will fight to the end, because … we are partners! Rubber Rubber … a pistol! ” Luffy’s words were very firm, and this was also his inner thought.
” Because of this boring reason … Straw Hat … Since you’re courting death … I’ll do it for you! ” Crocodile was stung by Luffy’s answer.
His partner was something he never disdained, and now that he knew that someone really valued it so much, while he was disdainful, his heart trembled inexplicably.
Robin on the side was also shocked by Luffy’s reasons. She had experienced all kinds of betrayals since she was a child. Although Reina and the entire Whitebeard Pirates gave her light later, the darkness of that time was still deeply engraved. In her heart, so the answer to Luffy gave her a feeling of heartbeat.
The battle between the two began in an instant, and Luffy, who had already sensed Crocodile’s weakness, already had a way to attack Crocodile.
In addition, Crocodile is actually a little jealous of Luffy’s identity, so the battle between the two seems to be evenly matched.
On the bell tower of Albana Square, Wei Wei looked at the severed lead, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, she finally stopped the shelling.
” How’s the situation above? ” Sauron, who fell to the ground after sending Wei Wei, sat up from the ground and asked.
” I don’t know, Wei Wei hasn’t shown up yet! ” Usopp shook his head and said.
” Everyone … it’s not good … this bomb is timed, if it is not removed … it will explode sooner or later! ” Wei Wei’s voice was uploaded from the clock tower.
” What? ” Nami and the others were speechless in surprise.
” Bastard! How could this be … I managed to stop the shelling, but it turned out to be a time bomb …” Sanji said angrily.
” With an explosion range of five kilometers in diameter, let alone the square, the entire city is likely to be destroyed. ” Zoro sighed and followed.
” Is there still a reason for heaven in this world? In this case, the crisis of the explosion of the square cannot be solved from the beginning! We have all been deceived! We searched hard, but in the end, nothing was solved! ” Usopp added. roared angrily.
” How long does it take to make fun of people? How far do you have to laugh at people before you stop!!? ” Princess Wei knelt down in front of the cannon, crying and shouting: ” Croccodahl … !! ”
On the ground of the Royal Cemetery in Albana, Reina, Ace, Karp, and Aokiji were still engaged in a big melee. In the city, Smog and Dasqi were separating the rebel army from the king’s army, while Looking for a sniper that doesn’t exist.
In the basement of the cemetery, Luffy and Crocodile were both covered in blood and out of breath.
” Guhahaha … Straw hat boy, all your efforts are in vain! That bomb … it doesn’t matter if you find it, because … it’s a ticking time bomb! ” Crocodile said with a big laugh.
” What a despicable fellow! ” said King Cobra, gritted his teeth.
” Hahaha … I wish you could say that I was well thought out … Isn’t it? Mr. Cobra, ” Crocodile said with a big laugh.
” A guy like you … can’t win against me! ” Luffy, who was already shaking a little while standing, naturally heard Crocodile’s words, stared at the other side, and said firmly.
” That’s what you want to say? Look at you, like a lost dog …” Crocodile said with a sneer.
” I … is the man who wants to become the Pirate King! ” Luffy looked at Crocodile firmly and said.
” That’s enough of you! Little devil, you can only talk like a guy, I don’t know how many are on the great route! If you don’t know the horror of the sea, go back to your family and ask about it! ” Said Crocodile, waving his left hand The poisonous hook on Luffy attacked Luffy again.
Luffy had already been hit by the scorpion poison on his poison hook once before, but he still stubbornly did not fall down. In Crocodile’s opinion, it should be because the weight was too small, so he thought that as long as he hit once, the straw hat boy should about to lose his fighting power and fall.
” I’ll surpass you! ” Luffy stepped on the hook of Crocodile’s left hand, cut off his poisonous hook on the ground, and then replied domineeringly.
” Really ? Then try it! ” Crocodile was really annoyed by Luffy. Before, he planned to just make the other party lose his mobility, and then hand him over to the Navy or the Whitebeard Pirates.
At that time, although the straw hat boy was seriously injured by him, as long as he didn’t die, the other party wouldn’t say anything. After all, this is not a game to play at home. To be a pirate must have the consciousness of being a pirate.
But now, he has decided not to keep his hands anymore, he is going to kill the opponent!
On the other side, at the clock tower of Albana Square, when Wei Wei found out that the cannonball was timed, she let out a desperate roar.
” Did you see it? That was …” Usopp pointed to a flying figure and asked his companions.
” It’s that birdman from Wei Wei’s house! ” Zoro nodded and replied.
” What kind of birdman … Can’t you say that the animal is capable? It’s really ugly! ” Nami complained on the side.
And Princess Wei, who was squatting on the ground, also found that someone came behind her.
” Bell …” Turning his head slightly, he saw Bell with a sound of blood.
When he was patrolling in the air just now, he was attacked by a sniper hiding in the clock tower, so he came at this time.

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