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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Bell …” Princess Wei was startled and cried, ” Bell … the bomb is … it’s a time bomb! ”
” It’s really a nostalgic place … Shasha Tuan’s secret base, right? ” Bell said with a slight smile, “The princess’s ground-breaking actions have turned everyone’s old people upside down every time! ”
” Bell …” Princess Wei was taken aback, looking at the calm Bell, for some reason, she had an ominous premonition.
At this time, Bell recalled that when Princess Weiwei was a child, she secretly went to the ammunition room to make fireworks, but failed and made herself embarrassed.
Although Princess Wei said at that time, it was because it was the anniversary of Bell’s enlistment, so she wanted to make fireworks by herself, so she came to the ammunition depot, but Bell came not only to teach Princess Wei a lesson, but to give her a slap. .
This made Ikaram, who was hiding and watching, almost go wild, but it was the king who stopped him, so he didn’t rush out to teach Bell.
“I told you not to approach this place, you still come? How many times do you have to tell you before you understand … ? What if … you get hurt or … like that? ” Bell’s words made Ikaram When he calmed down, he knew that the other party made such a move because he cared about the princess.
But in order to appease Princess Wei’s little emotions, Bell deliberately carried her into the sky.
” Nei ~ Bell! ”
” Huh? ”
” Why do you have to undergo combat training every day? ”
” Because I’m a bodyguard! In order to protect this country … how can I not try to become stronger? ”
” Then who are you going to fight? ”
” I don’t know! And … it’s not right to say it’s fighting, it should be protection! ”
” Is there any difference? ”
” Well! Although they are all battles, they have different goals! ”
This conversation was the conversation between Bell and Wei Wei in the sky under the setting sun, not only Bell always remembers, but Wei Wei also remembers it all the time!
And Wei Wei, who has grown up, has already figured out the difference between the two.
” Princess Wei … I … I feel very honored to serve your Neferutari family … I personally feel very honored! ” Bell smiled and said to Princess Wei who was standing there.
” Bell …” Looking at Bell after the transformation, he waved his wings and pulled the huge bomb out of the cannon. Only then did Princess Wei understand the other party’s plan.
If you want to stop the other party, you can’t say it when you get to your mouth.
” No … no … that guy … that guy … he didn’t intend to …” Usopp said tremblingly, looking at Bell who was pulling the bomb and flying high into the sky.
Sanji and Zoro on the side were silent and did not speak, Nami was covering her mouth, tears were already in her eyes.
” Bell … !!! ” Wei Wei rushed to the edge of the clock tower and shouted in anger towards the air.
” I am … the guardian of Alabasta … the Bell of the Falcon! ” Bell’s voice came from the air: ” I will crusade and destroy anyone who is an enemy of the royal family! ”
At this time, Reina, who was fighting in the tombs of the royal family in Alabasta, looked up and saw Bell pulling the bomb flying towards the sky. His expression changed immediately, and he forced everyone back with one move, and then said to Aokiji and Garp. : ” Isn’t that what you call a bomb? ”
Aokiji also immediately looked up and saw the slowly rising bomb.
” Hey … we’ll talk about our affairs later … now … let’s solve that trouble first! ” Reina took Qianben Sakura back to her scabbard and ran towards the bomb in the air with a little step.
” Mr. Garp …” Aokiji turned his head to look at Garp.
Seeing Garp nodding, Aokiji also followed behind Reina.
” Hey … idiot … let go of that bomb … are you dying! ” Stepping on the moon step, Reina came to Bell and said.
” Ray … Mr. Rayner … you listen to me … this one is …”
” Okay, let’s talk about it later, let go of this bomb, trust me! ”
Bell was surprised and delighted by Reina’s sudden appearance. Just as he was about to explain the situation to Reina, he was directly interrupted by Reina.
” Okay! Then Mr. Rayner … I’m letting go! ” Bell thought for a while and decided to trust Rayner. If the other party dared to say so, there must be some way.
” Ice Age! ” Just when Weiwei and the others were feeling sad, an icicle suddenly shot into the sky, blocking the huge bomb in the air.
However, the frozen bomb quickly landed downwards.
” What? ” Wei Wei and the others were taken aback by the sudden change. ” What’s the matter? Who is it? ”
They, who didn’t know Aokiji’s abilities, thought it was Crocodile’s backhand.
But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up and jumped towards the falling huge bomb.
” Fist Bone · Meteor Flying Fist … Fly for me! ” Garp punched the bottom of the huge bomb, and immediately sent the falling bomb back into the sky, even reaching a higher height than before.
” Then … who is that guy? ” Usopp’s eyes were about to pop out, but someone could blow such a big bomb into the air with his fist.
Sanji and Zoro also looked at the figure falling into the sky with solemn expressions.
” Hey … I’ve watched the excitement for so long … Why don’t you take action now? ” Reina didn’t know when he landed on the roof of the palace, and said to Mihawk, who was standing there.
” Can’t you do the same yourself? ” Mihawk replied softly, seemingly not surprised by Reina’s appearance.
” Isn’t this a chance for you to perform? ” Reina replied with a slight smile.
Mihawk slowly pulled out the black knife ” Ye ” behind his back, and swung a knife towards the bomb in the air. A huge slash directly hit the frozen bomb, instantly splitting the bomb in two.
” Boom ~~~”
” Boom ~~~~”
Two explosions sounded, but Hawkeye Mihawk didn’t even look at it, he turned around and planned to leave.
“I didn’t expect you to have a daughter … It’s surprising …” Mihawk, who had left a distance, suddenly said to Reina.
” Ah ~ please take care of me in the future! ” Reina smiled slightly, pulled out Qianben Sakura from his waist, and replied.
Watching the explosion of the bomb cut in half with a knife, Zoro’s eyes released a strong light, and the slash just now reminded him of a person.
” Oops! The explosion just now shattered all the ice of the frozen bomb, and it’s already coming towards us! ” Looking at the kind-hearted ice crystals in the air, Usopp suddenly found that once these ice crystals fell, they would definitely hit the people who were in the square. The King’s Army and the Rebel Army inflict huge damage.
” Let’s scatter! Thousands of cherry blossoms! ” But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded, Reina jumped from the roof of the palace, and directly began to unravel the thousand cherry blossoms, countless petals scattered, all large pieces of ice crystals are like being The slashes were in general, and they were shattered.
” Flame Ring Fire Pillar! ” A circular fire pillar rose into the sky, melting all the remaining small ice crystals into rainwater and falling down.
Everyone looked at this scene in shock, including the king’s army and the rebel army who were fighting, and watched the rain slowly fall.
And at this moment, in the direction of the Alabasta royal cemetery, there was a sudden sound of vibration, a figure rose into the sky, and then slowly landed in the square. Crocodile of the past.
Just when Wei Wei thought the matter was finally over, the king’s army and the rebel army in the square actually fought again.
” Hurry up … don’t kill each other! ”
” Hurry up … cough … don’t kill each other …”
” Quick … cough … cough … cough … don’t kill each other! ”
Wei Wei, who was standing in the clock tower, saw that Bell sacrificed himself to stop the explosion, and also saw the knocked-off Kroc Dahl. It was obviously over, why did they still fight?
She didn’t know who the people who stopped the explosion were just now, and she thought that Bell was also frozen by Yiqi when the other party froze the bomb, so she naturally thought that Bell was dead.
Wei Wei, who couldn’t understand, could only use all her strength to stop the king’s army and the rebel army who had already killed the red-eyed army.
It’s a pity that even the Straw Hats under the bell tower could only faintly hear his voice, not to mention the two sides who were fighting.
” It ‘s useless for you to do this! ” At some point, a person suddenly appeared behind Princess Wei and said softly.
” You … who are you? ” Wei Wei, who turned around, subconsciously wanted to step back, but she forgot that she was on the edge of the clock tower, so she stepped on the air and fell directly.
Looking at Princess Wei who fell from the clock tower, Reina was speechless, is she that scary? So frightened?
Fortunately, Reina was quick-witted and grabbed the opponent.
” Don’t be afraid to be like this, right? I have no ill will towards you … ! ” After pulling Princess Wei up, Reina said with a chuckle.
” Who are you? ” Looking at the unfamiliar man in front of her, Princess Wei was silent for a while and asked.
” It doesn’t matter who I am, the important thing is … I promised your father to help you restore peace in Alabasta! ” Reina slowly walked to the entrance of the clock tower and said with a chuckle.
” You? ” Princess Wei was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, ” What are you going to do? ”
” I’m going to make them all stop … As for what happens after they stop … I’ll leave it to you! What do you think? ”
” Can you really do it? ” Wei Wei asked in disbelief.
” Okay …” Reina pointed at the square and said softly, ” Solution! ”
Following Reina’s voice, a huge ice dragon appeared, and a group of ice wings also appeared behind Reina, and the 12 petals of the three ice flowers around him also appeared one after another.
” Frozen and Hundred Flowers Burial! ” Reina stepped a little, and the whole person flew out of the clock tower, and then slashed towards the sky with a slash.
Following his slash, the giant dragon in the air also soared, until it directly exploded upon contact with the slash, turning into countless snowflakes.
After Reina’s slash, Princess Wei Wei actually felt a chill. When he looked outside, there were actually snowflakes in the sky. This was the first time in the desert kingdom of Alabasta.
The fighting king’s army and the rebel army also slowly stopped because of this sudden snowflake.
The snowflakes came into contact with the hot air and slowly turned into rain, which directly washed away the dust storm surrounding Albana.
” Everyone, stop … don’t kill each other! ”
The rain not only dilutes the sandstorm and people’s violent killing intent, but also transmits Wei Wei’s voice.
” It’s Princess Weiwei …”
” Princess Wei …”
” Slightly …”
The king’s army and the rebel army slowly looked towards the direction of the clock tower and saw Wei Wei standing there.
“This rain won’t be a flash in the pan … He will be as usual, and it will rain when it should … Because … all the nightmares are over! ” Princess Wei looked at the injured people all over the floor, and everyone’s eyes were confused. said to everyone.
” Rebel … Rebel Army … Put down the weapons in your hands! ” At this time, Kosha, who was seriously injured, stood at the gate of the palace and shouted at everyone.
” Why? Mr. Kosha … ? It’s not over yet! There were countless witnesses to the king’s atrocities in Catalya! The nightmare … isn’t over yet, and our accounts aren’t over yet! ”
” That’s … Mr. Kosha, weren’t you also wounded by the king? ”
Facing the duties of the rebel army, the king’s army picked up the weapons again, and the two sides seemed to have a disagreement and wanted to do it again.

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