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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Put down the weapon in your hand … the King’s Army! ” Gaka, who was covered in scars, slowly appeared beside Kosha and shouted towards the King’s Army.
” Lord Gaka …”
The king’s army was stunned for a while, but good discipline made them choose to obey Gaka’s orders.
” Jaka … ! ” Wei Wei, who was standing on the clock tower, almost cried when she saw Gaka, she thought that Gaka had died in Crocodile’s hands.
” Well ~~~ Well ~~~ Well ~ Haven’t you awakened yet? The rebel army … ? Why don’t you put down your weapons? ” At this time, a voice that Wei Wei was quite familiar with sounded.
” I … Mr. Ikalem … ? ”
” Captain Ikalem! ”
Everyone looked and saw Ikalem walking slowly towards the square with an injured child in his arms.
” Ikalem … ” Wei Wei covered her mouth in disbelief, and tears flowed out instantly, she thought Ikalem had been killed by Robin.
” Ikalem … you’re back home!” Gaka over there was also very emotional, looking at Ikalem with a little excitement.
” Eh? Isn’t he the perverted curly-haired old man from Whiskey Peak? Isn’t he dead? ” Zoro also recognized the other party, and said slightly surprised.
” Child … can you still talk? ” Ikalem asked softly to the child in his arms.
The child nodded, and just as he was about to speak, he heard the surrounding rebels recognize him. It was the child who was injured when the king led the king’s army to attack Catreya.
” No … it’s not … it’s someone else who attacked me … Fighting, listen to me, I’ve seen it all … The king’s army is fake, and the king is also fake … It’s all a trap set up by those people! ” Say what you saw with your own eyes.
” That’s right … this war was designed by someone! We … were all taken advantage of! ” Kosha covered his wound, filled with remorse, his father told him countless times, don’t doubt, don’t go lightly To believe what others say, but to believe the king, but he did not listen.
” I’ll tell everyone the ins and outs of this civil strife … but now … please put down your weapons! ” Ikalem exclaimed loudly.
After seeing Ikalem from the clock tower, Princess Wei immediately ran down, but when she came down, she found that Nami and others were gone.
In the street next to the Albana cemetery, Reina, Ace, and Garp and Aokiji are facing each other here.
” How is it? Old man Karp, do you want to continue? ” Reina asked with a playful look on his face.
” Reina, no matter what, I won’t allow Nico Robin to return to the Whitebeard Pirates with you! Such consequences are too serious! ” Before Garp could answer, Aokiji stood up and said.
” Joke … just on you? You want to stop me too? Isn’t it a bit too whimsical? ” Reina’s eyes narrowed, and he was ready to start again.
But at this time, King Cobra appeared on the side of the street with Luffy on his back.
” Well … how about I take a detour? ” King Kobra asked embarrassedly when he saw the four of them looking at Reina.
” This … what’s the situation? ”
On the other side of the street, the rest of the Straw Hats also came over. Seeing the situation here, Usopp asked in confusion.
” Mr. Reina? ” Nami asked tentatively after seeing Reina.
When Reina shot to solve the bomb before, she felt a little familiar, but it was too far away, and she was not sure.
” Yo ~ it’s little Nami! I didn’t expect to see her for a few years, but she has grown into a big girl! Are Bellemel and Nokigao okay? ” Reina also greeted with a smile after seeing Nami.
He asked this to see if he had changed the original work. After all, he had given Aaron a message. If the other party ignored his existence and still shot at Belmer, then don’t blame him for being rude!
” Yeah! Thanks to your gold, otherwise the village would be looted by pirates! ” Nami nodded happily and replied.
She didn’t expect to meet Reina here. After she became a pirate, she knew more about Reina, whose bounty was as high as 1.5 billion Berry, although she didn’t know enough people.
In particular, the existence of the Whitebeard Pirates is like a huge moat that cannot be crossed, lying in front of all the pirates.
” That’s good! After all … some navies … are worse than pirates! ” Reina glanced at Aokiji and Garp in front of him, and said with a chuckle.
At this time, Nami discovered Aokiji and Garp who were confronting Reina, and Ace who was standing beside Reina.
” Mr. Reina … Is there anything you need our help? ” Nami, who was smart, immediately knew that Reina was in trouble, so she asked directly.
” Hahaha … No, they are not something you can deal with! Take your captain and leave first! ” Reina laughed when she heard Nami’s words.
” Mr. Reina … Don’t underestimate us! Just now, Crocodile, one of the seven warrior seas under the king, and his Baroque work club have been defeated by us! ” Nami said with a smile. His own record, trying to put some pressure on Garp and Aokiji.
It’s a pity that she doesn’t know what kind of existence she is facing.
Sure enough, even Garp felt a little amused after hearing Nami’s words.
” Okay, don’t you believe me? When I finish the matter here, let’s find a chance to have a good chat … Then tell me about the changes in Cocosia Village! ” Reina waved his hand and smiled. said.
Zoro, who was on the side, also grabbed Nami and said, ” If that’s the case, let’s send Luffy away first! ”
Nami was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect Zoro to say this, although she really wanted to show it in front of Reina, but when she thought about the current situation of everyone, she stopped speaking.
” Sauron! Why do you want to leave? ” Nami asked in confusion after she left the street.
” Those two guys are not easy! ” Zoro said solemnly.
” Fortunately, you didn’t intervene just now. Not everyone can intervene in the battle of that group of people! ” King Kobra, who was carrying Luffy, shook his head and interjected.
” Huh? This uncle … do you know those people? And … that one you have on your back is our companion! ” Sanji found out that his captain was still on someone else’s back, which made him a little embarrassed said.
” Sure enough, you are the group of pirates who sent Wei Wei back to China, right? I am you! Those two were both in the navy just now, one was a legendary hero of the navy, Lieutenant General Garp! One, the green pheasant! ” said King Cobra with a smile.
” Lieutenant General Garp? That legendary navy that forced Roger One Piece into a corner several times? ” Nami swallowed her saliva and said in surprise.
” Big … General … ? Why would such a person come here? ” Usopp’s legs seemed to be shaking.
” Don’t worry, they didn’t come to you! The two who confronted them, you must all know each other, right? The vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, known as Red Eye, Benelli D. Reina and the second division. Captain, Fire Fist Portgas D. Ace! ”
” Nei ~ Ace, we know that he is the brother of our captain Luffy! As for the deputy captain …” Usopp said and looked at Nami.
” Well, Mr. Reina visited Cocosia Village once when I was young, and he enlightened my navigation skills! ” Nami said directly without concealing it.
” Ah ~ I remembered. Back then, when I was in Cocosia Village, I seem to have heard your sister say it! ” Sanji said suddenly.
” Yeah! Back then, he left me books on sailing, and left a small box of gold for Nuoqigao, that is, that gold, so that Belmer and the villagers could go through the most difficult period, otherwise Aaron I’m afraid they have already started killing people! ” Nami nodded and said.
” No wonder … so, he is still your village’s savior! ” Usopp on the side nodded and said.
” Dad … everyone … ! ” At this moment, Princess Wei suddenly appeared, and when she saw that King Cobra was actually chatting with the Straw Hats, she quickly ran over in surprise.
” Dad? ” Everyone in the Straw Hat gang, except for Luffy who was asleep, looked at King Cobra in surprise.
” Eh ~~~ ? You are Wei Wei’s father? The king of Alabasta? ” Sanji asked in surprise with an expression of missing 100 million.
” Ah? Haven’t I introduced myself yet? I’m so rude! I’m the king of Alabasta, Neferutali Cobra ! ” King Cobra said with a smile.
“I didn’t expect you to be the king … but at this time, neither the king nor the princess is here … isn’t it good? ” Zoro sat down in a corner and asked with a smile.
” Yeah! That’s right, I managed to stop the rebellion, but the princess and the king didn’t show up. It’s really unreasonable! ” Usopp nodded and said with a serious look.
” Ah ~ that’s right! ” He said with a slight smile, ” Then please come with me too …”
” Weiwei … you know … we are notorious pirates! We don’t want to be involved in national affairs at all! ” Sanji interrupted Weiwei’s invitation and said with a smile.
” Yes, can we go to the palace to rest now? I want a beautiful bath! ” Nami also said with a smile.
” This … that’s fine! I’ll have someone come over and take everyone to the palace, you rest first, everything is over! Please let me thank you again! ” Princess Wei said seriously.
On the other side, after the Straw Hats and King Cobra left, Garp also turned around and left. Before leaving, he said to Aokiji: ” Send a message to the headquarters! Crocodile is no longer suitable for the role of King Shichibukai. As for Nicole Robin … just do what you want! ”
” Oh , so General Aokiji , without the help of old Karp … How would you kill my daughter from me? I’m really curious! ” Seeing this, Reina said with a little teasing.
Aokiji glanced at Reina, too lazy to pay attention to him, and left behind Karp.
At the same time, in the desert west of Albana, the Frankish Pirates came all the way towards Albana. They wanted to help Reina, but when they approached Albana, they encountered another group of people.
” Hey … I said … these tattoos on your body look familiar? You … wouldn’t be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? Thief hahaha …”

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