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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hey … I said … these tattoos on your body look familiar? You … wouldn’t be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? Thief hahaha …” Blackbeard retreated towards the west of the Santo River. The pirates happened to meet the Farak pirates who came to help Reina.
When the two sides crossed, Tickey saw the new tattoos on their bodies, so he asked whether the other party was the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Hahaha … The eyesight of the little brother is good! We are one of the pirates under the Whitebeard! ” Farak winked at the younger brother, and the younger brother took the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates very understandingly. came out.
“I really didn’t expect … I can still meet people from the Whitebeard Pirates here! Are you here from the New World? I saw your second division captain Fire Fist Ace in Albana before, and Vice-captain Akatsuki Reina! ” Tiki said with a smile.
” Oh? You also met our vice-captain? Hahahaha … We are not the pirate group from the New World, but the newly acquired pirate group from Lord Reina! ” Farak replied proudly.
” Thief hahaha … Is that so? Don’t you know that you’ve heard my name? ” Titch and the others slowly approached each other and said.
” Your name? Who are you? ” Frank asked, frowning.
” The leader of the Blackbeard Pirates … Marshall D. Teach! ”
” Blackbeard Pirates? Haven’t heard of it at all! Brother …In this world … do you think there is a pirate group that can compete with our Whitebeard Pirates? ” Frank thought for a while, then shook his head. Shaking his head, he said with disdain.
” Thief hahahaha …” Titch laughed exaggeratedly when he heard the other party’s words.
” Hey … Captain, it looks like we’ve been underestimated! ” Camenio said with a chuckle.
” It doesn’t matter … because … I will replace the Whitebeard Pirates sooner or later! Thief hahaha …” Tiki said with a big laugh.
” Hey … little brother … do you know what you’re going to say to yourself? ” Frank’s face sank, and he immediately looked at each other unhappy.
” Wait … Captain … Blackbeard … It’s them! Blackbeard Titch! ” At this moment, a crew member of the Frank Pirates suddenly pointed at Titch in horror and said loudly: ” Captain, he is the traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard Tiki! ”
” What? ” Frank asked in surprise.
” Can’t be wrong! Captain, he is the traitor wanted by the Whitebeard Pirates … Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach! ” the crew member shouted.
“A thief hahaha … not bad! Some of you still know me, I’m considered a qualified Whitebeard Pirates! ” Ti strangely smiled and approached them, then asked Frank: ” Then now, what are you planning to do? Running away? Or are you planning to arrest me? Thief hahaha …”
The expression on Frank’s face became cloudy, and he seemed unable to make up his mind.
” Ship … Captain … We might not be able to beat them! ” said one of the crew members, swallowing.
” Bastard … Have you forgotten? After getting this tattoo, we will also bear the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates! Running away without a fight is not the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Frank pointed. Pointing to the tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates on the back, he said loudly.
His words made the expressions of all the crew members firm, and they all drew their weapons and planned to fight to the death.
” Thief hahaha … it’s really interesting … let’s do it! Hand over the pirate flag and I’ll kill you! Thief hahaha …” Titch said with a sneer.
Hearing Tickey’s words, Frank’s eyes narrowed and he stared at Tickey and said, “The pirate flag … ? Are you dreaming? The little ones … Are you agreeing? Hand over the pirate flag or … fight to the death? ”
” Fight to the death! ”
” Captain … Order it! The glory of the Whitebeard Pirates … guarded by us! ”
All the crew responded in unison.
” Hahaha … Okay! Everyone, let’s go! ” Frank laughed, winked at the crew member holding the pirate flag, and then killed Tiki directly.
” Don’t interfere … just leave it to me! ” Titch smiled and said softly: ” I will fulfill their glory! ”
Albana, the square in front of the palace, after hearing the ins and outs of what happened, everyone looked at Crocodile lying on the ground in disbelief. They didn’t expect this man to do all of this.
” We … made an irreparable mistake! ” Kosha, who came to the square, sat down on the ground, and said a little disappointed.
” Repentance is certain, sadness and depression are also inevitable. We have lost so much, but we have gained nothing …” King Cobra said as he walked:
” But we still have to move on. It doesn’t matter who the target of the war is, because the war is over! No one can change the past, so what we have to do now … is to live better … better … to live … together … Rebuild the beautiful and peaceful kingdom of Alabasta! ”
” King! ”
” Your Majesty! ”
Cobra, who was standing in front of the square, linked everyone together in a single sentence. There were no more so-called rebels and kings. They only had one name, and that was the people of the kingdom of Alabasta.
” What a great guy! ” Reina said to Robin beside him while standing on the upper floor of the building.
” Is it amazing? If my father is the reason, he should be able to do it, right? ” Robin covered his mouth and said with a smile.
” No … in this respect … I’m not as good as him! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
His words surprised both Ace and Robin beside him.
” He is a qualified king, I want to chat with him when I get a chance! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Deputy Captain … You don’t mean to …” Ace asked in surprise.
Reina shook his head and said, ” You don’t know the Nafirutali family, they are one of the twenty royal families who founded the world government at the beginning. ”
” What? ” Reina’s words surprised both Ace and Robin, especially Robin. The world government has a great relationship with the blank one hundred years, and as the highest existence of the world government, the Tianlong people dominate this all things in the world.
” But … but … they …”
” Why aren’t they Draconians? Right? ”
Before Robin’s words were finished, Reina smiled and said: ” Maybe their ancestors were quite far-sighted, so in order to prevent their descendants from becoming what they are now, they didn’t stay in Mary Joa! ”
” Really? That’s really a wise choice! ” Ace said with a chuckle.
At this time, Robin also thought of what King Cobra said before. He said that their family has always guarded the historical text. Now it seems that Alabasta is really different from those in the world government.
” Let’s go, the matter here has been resolved! As for the navy … don’t worry about it! ” Reina said with a smile after looking at the frustrated Alabasta nationals, who had become enthusiastic.
Ace and Robin heard the words and left behind Reina.
On the other side, in the port, Garp and Aokiji are resting on Smoker’s boat, while Smoker himself is enlightening his subordinate Dasqi.
” It’s really troublesome …” Smog walked into the lounge with a displeased face, sat down and said.
” For the young navy, how tolerant … Smog! ” Aokiji said with a chuckle.
” It’s just that she has less experience. This incident made her have a little doubt about the justice in her heart, so … Mr. Karp … I can only ask you! Dasqi … Come in! ” Smoker said Finished, shouting to the door.
” General Aokiji! Lieutenant General Garp … I’m sorry to bother you! ” Dusqi saluted immediately after entering the door.
” Little girl … what’s the matter? Listening to Smoker … you have doubts about your own justice? ” Karp asked with a chuckle after seeing the decadent Dusky.
After a while of silence, Dusky gritted his teeth and said, ” Yes! Lieutenant General Garp! As a righteous navy, after we learned about Crocodile’s conspiracy, we were unable to act on it! We … … our justice … is not even as good as a group of pirates …”
After speaking, Dusqi was already in tears.
” Hahaha …” But when Karp heard it, he laughed and asked, ” So … what is your justice? Why did you join the Navy? ”
Dusqi looked at Garp who was laughing, and was a little confused, but he still replied loudly: ” My justice … My justice is to arrest all the lawless elements with my own hands, and return the world to peace! ”
” Oh? Really? So in this Alabasta time … how did you do it? Did you do it in accordance with the justice in your heart? ” Karp put away his smile and asked.
” No! ” Dusky bowed his head and replied.
” No? What’s the reason for that? Because of the boss’s orders? Or because you are not strong enough to deal with those bad guys? Why do you think the way the Navy behaves is different from the justice in your heart? Your justice is not to take all the bad guys by yourself. Are you arrested? ” Karp continued to ask.
Dusky looked up at Garp, and seemed to understand something.
” Hey … hey … Mr. Karp … is it really okay to say that? ” Aokiji, who was already wearing a blindfold and was about to sleep, lifted the blindfold and asked Kao.
” Problem? What’s the problem? Kuzan … Do you remember why you joined the Navy? ” Garp asked with a chuckle.
Aokiji was stunned on the spot. Since when did the respected Mr. Karp become a lieutenant general in his eyes? Has Karp changed? No … he has changed!
Putting on the blindfold again, Aokiji decided that sleeping was more suitable for him.
” Little girl … don’t be confused! Stick to your own justice in your heart. If your boss doesn’t allow it, you will become your boss. If you can’t beat the bad guys, make yourself stronger until you can beat all the bad guys … This way … … isn’t it solved? ” Garp looked at Dusky and said with a big smile.
There was a dazzling light in Dasqi’s eyes over there, and even Smog who was sitting there cocked the corners of his mouth. Garp’s words were very appetizing to him.
” I understand! Lieutenant General Garp! ” Dasqi regained her energy and replied loudly.
” Wow, hahaha … You understand? The old man hasn’t said anything yet! ” Garp laughed happily. No matter what the words just said, how much impact it had on Dusky and Smog.
Only Aokiji sighed and slowly fell asleep.

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