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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Lord Bell, someone is looking for you, saying it’s your old friend! ” An Alabasta soldier came to Bell who was talking to Garka and reported.
” My old friend? ” Bell was taken aback, he didn’t have any old friends!
” Where is he? ” Bell, who suddenly remembered something, suddenly jolted and asked.
” Just in front of the palace gate! ” the soldier replied.
” Please … forget it, I’ll go by myself! ” Bell shook his head and walked quickly towards the main entrance of the palace.
” Who is that? ” Gaka asked curiously.
However, Bell did not answer, but quickly rushed towards the main entrance of the palace.
That day, before the bomb exploded, Reina told him to let go of the bomb. Even so, he was hit by the aftermath of the explosion and was thrown away.
By the time he woke up, everything was over, and when he returned to the palace, everyone who thought he was dead was quite happy.
So after the soldier’s report just now, he immediately thought of Reina, and now in Alabasta, it fits the term ” old friend ” , and only Reina is left.
Sure enough, when Bell arrived at the main entrance of the palace, he saw Reina and Ace.
” Mr. Rainer … it’s really you! You haven’t left, it’s great! ” Bell said happily.
” Hehe … I came to find you, I hope I can ask you for something! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Please also instruct me that Bell will do his best to do what he can do! ” Bell immediately saluted.
” I want to meet King Cobra, but I don’t want anyone to know! ”
” This … I don’t know what the purpose of Mr. Rainer’s meeting with the king is? ” Bell hesitated for a while and asked: ” Although it is a bit out of time and redundant, I hope Mr. Rainer can allow the guards to be present! ”
” Hahaha … Don’t worry, it’s not an important thing, it’s just that you know my identity. If I get known … I’m afraid it’s not good for your country! So it doesn’t matter what the guards say! ” Reina laughed said.
” In that case … please come with me, and I will report to the king immediately! ” Belle Qiaoqiao said with a sigh of relief.
Soon, under the leadership of Bell, Reina and Ace came to the king’s study, and after a while, the king was accompanied by Jackal Garka and Ikalem to the study.
” Your Excellency Reina, we meet again! Thank you again for saving your life to Bell! ” King Cobra first expressed his gratitude to Reina when they met.
” You’re welcome, Your Majesty! ” Reina said in return.
” I don’t know that Your Excellency Reina came to me this time … Is there anything that needs my help? ” Cobra asked straight to the point without talking nonsense.
Reina shook his head and said, ” It’s not a very embarrassing thing, it’s just a proposal … No matter whether His Majesty agrees or not, there is no problem! ”
” Oh? I’d like to hear more about it! ” King Cobra asked formally after inviting Reina and Ace to sit down.
” I want to represent the Whitebeard Pirates and the Kingdom of Alabasta to form an alliance! ” Reina made Cobra and others quite shocked.
” Wait … Your Excellency Reina …” Before Kobra could speak, Ikalem interrupted Reina and said directly: ” Have you forgotten? We are a member of the World Government? It is impossible for us Allied with pirates! ”
” This is … ? ” Reina asked, pretending not to know him.
” This is the Captain of the Kingdom’s Guard, and one of the people I trust most! ” Cobra immediately introduced, ” Although it is a little rude to interrupt Your Excellency, but Ikalem is right, we will not Allied with any pirate! ”
Reina shrugged and said with a little ease: ” Okay! After you said this, I shouldn’t say anything more … But I still hope you can listen to me, if you still refuse after I say it. If so … as if I never said it, how about it? ”
” Please speak! ” King Cobra and Ikalem looked at each other, nodded and said.
” I know that your Nafirutali family is one of the twenty royal families who founded the World Government 800 years ago, so I didn’t really intend for you to announce anything about our alliance with our Whitebeard Pirates! It’s just … … so? There are some things we want to bring up at the World Conference … so hopefully you can be our spokesperson! ”
” Of course, it’s not what we asked for, you all have to agree! If we have any proposal … Of course, first of all, I will tell you if you think it is necessary, or in other words, without harming your interests and interests in Alabasta. In the case of our position, I hope you can speak up for us! ”
Reina spoke quite calmly, but it caused an uproar in the hearts of Cobra and the others.
” I don’t know, Your Excellency … Or what is the purpose of your Whitebeard Pirates? ” Stretch was silent for a long time, and after digesting what Reina just said, he swallowed and asked.
” Although I really want to say that we really have no other intentions … but I also know that you won’t believe it! In fact, this is really an impromptu idea, and my elder brother doesn’t know! When I met King Cobra before, I This idea suddenly came to my mind, maybe I’m selling the Whitebeard Pirates … and we should also make some of our own voices! ”
Reina shook his head and said: ” That’s why I said … if you refuse, it doesn’t matter! Because this is really not our plan! ”
” Then what do you want us to convey to the World Government? ” Cobra asked after thinking about it.
Reina spread his hands and replied: ” I don’t know! Didn’t I say it? I just think it should be like this, and it’s not something planned in advance, so I don’t have anything I want you to convey right now! I just hope that if there is such an aspect in the future King Cobra can help! ”
” Huh ~” King Cobra breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” If it is really beneficial to the world as your Excellency said, then it is your duty to do so! ”
” Don’t worry, didn’t I say it just now? If we have something to express, then we will naturally tell you first, and you are willing to help us convey it. If not … we will never force it! ” Reina nodded, said:
” In return … I will arrange for someone to establish a contact point in Albana, if you have any trouble … a guy like Crocodile … we will send someone over to solve it! ”
” If it’s just this matter, you don’t need to do this at all, right? I believe that with the power of your Whitebeard Pirates, even if it is to find a member of the World Government to be a representative, it is not difficult! ” After being silent for a while, Ikalem, who was beside him, spoke up.
After what happened to Crocodile, Ikalem no longer believed in pie in the sky.
” You’re right! We are pirates … To tell the truth … I’m not very interested in things like political countries. Apart from my temporary feeling, my proposal actually has other meanings. That is to hope to get some information through Alabasta …
For example, if there is something against our Whitebeard Pirates, then I hope you can inform us as soon as possible, or some decisions at the World Conference … all can be shared with us! ” Reina said with a smile.
Cobra and Ikaram heard the words, and at the same time showed expressions of sudden realization.
Although the issues discussed above will be announced to the public during each World Conference, there are some sensitive matters that are still kept secret, and even some really confidential topics, which are not something that small countries can participate in.
As a thousand-year-old country, Alabasta is one of the 20 royal families who founded the world government 800 years ago. They basically have the right and qualification to participate in any meeting, and the information they get is absolutely first-hand.
After listening to Reina’s words, Cobra had already determined that Alabasta exchanged intelligence for the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was not positive protection, but secret support.
” Your Excellency Reina … I can’t give an answer to this kind of thing for a while, or … let me think about it! ” King Cobra said after thinking about it.
” There’s no problem at all. I said that the king doesn’t need to feel embarrassed. It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree. With my friendship with Mr. Bell, as long as you ask me for help, I won’t stand by! It’s just that after all we In the new world, wait until we get the news before we come, I’m afraid it will be too late! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
Cobra smiled slightly, but did not take it seriously, but said to Bell: ” Then you can stay with the two distinguished guests to rest! ”
” Yes, Your Majesty! ” Bell nodded and took Reina and Ace directly to the guest room.
After Bell left, Ace asked inexplicably: ” Deputy Captain … Why did you choose Alabasta? ”
” Hehe … This is called being prepared … It seems that they took advantage of it, but think about it … Even if they don’t give us any information, will we suffer? In fact, we don’t pay anything! Allah What kind of country is Pakistan? Not only does it have a strong military, but also has a strong background, and even the world government has to give them face!
Even Crocodile, who is under the King’s Qiwuhai, can only deal with them by some means that are not on the table! Is his strength not strong? In the kingdom of Alabasta … Crocodile is basically an invincible existence, why didn’t he just kill the royal family here? ” Reina chuckled.
Ace was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that there were so many twists and turns.
” Sure enough … it’s better to leave this kind of thing to the deputy captain! ” Ace said with a black line.
In the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone has reached a consensus that any troublesome and difficult things can be handed over to Reina.
After the two of them tidied up a little and washed a bit, Reina said to Ace, ” Your brother is here too, why don’t you meet? ”
Ace hesitated for a while, nodded, and said: ” That kid seems to be seriously injured, go and have a look! ”
” Go, if you meet a little girl named Nami, tell her I’ll wait for it here! ” Reina waved her hand and said.
Ace nodded, left the room directly, found a guard, and asked him to take him to the rest of the Straw Hats.

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