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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Ace found Luffy’s group, he told Nami that Reina was waiting for her in the room.
After the elated Nami found Reina, the two talked about the changes in Cocosia Village after Reina left.
“That group of murlocs went to the East China Sea! ” Reina said with a sigh after hearing this.
” Huh!? You know the group of murlocs ” Nami asked slightly surprised.
Reina nodded and said, ” I knew Aaron when he was a child! Later, Fisher Tiger, the first captain of the Murloc Pirates, died, and the Murloc Pirates fell apart and became two The group, one is the new murloc pirate group led by the second leader of the murloc pirate group, Kaiji Jinpei, and the other part is the remaining murlocs led by Aaron! ”
” Their biggest point of disagreement lies in their attitude towards humans! Jinbei think they should obey Tiger’s wishes and live in peace with humans! But Aaron and the others believe that Tiger’s death is related to humans, and they cannot easily let go of humans. ! ”
” Ah ~~ So it is! But Aaron seems to be afraid after learning that we know you. Is that because of that? ” Nami immediately understood what Reina meant when she thought of Aaron’s attitude towards humans.
” When Jinpei led the New Fishman Pirates to join our Whitebeard Pirates, it happened that Aaron was arrested by Kizaru, and Jinpei used his identity as Qiwuhai to rescue Aaron, but the other party didn’t appreciate it and brought him with him. Subordinates leave! ”
” Because I heard them say before, it seems that they are planning to go to the East China Sea. Although their strength is not good, they are enough to dominate the East China Sea. I am afraid that they will mess up. With a sentence, when he encounters the gold engraved with my name, if he dares to attack the holder, I will kill him! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” No wonder ~ After Aaron saw Nuoqigao’s gold, he didn’t dare to mess with the villagers. Although he still bullied us, he never killed anyone! I thought he was treating us as long-term money. Bag, so there is a reason for it! ” Nami said suddenly.
” Hahaha … That guy was taught a few times by me when he was a child because of his bad mouth! And the person he respects the most is Fisher Tiger , and Tiger and I have a very good relationship! So that may be a little scary . Me! ” Reina said with a smile: ” But then again, what is your current level of sailing? ”
Hearing Reina asking about sailing, Nami immediately felt as if a teacher was asking about her grades, so she quickly answered.
” It’s really amazing … Your sailing skills are better than mine now! What you lack is just experience … But I can’t help you with this kind of thing, you need to sail it yourself to get it! ” After chatting for a while, Reina sighed and said: ” As expected of a guy with a talent for sailing! ”
” Where … I know too little about the great route! ” Nami shyly shook her head and replied.
” Actually, in the first half of the Great Route, you have no problem with your sailing skills! But have you determined the route to the Chambord Islands? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Well! Although it’s confirmed … but our captain …” Nami said helplessly: ” It may not follow the route! ”
” Hahaha …” Reina also knew Luffy’s personality, and he was afraid that he would not follow the route quietly, so he said: ” For the first half of the entire great route, there should be no problem, after all, there is no such thing as New World here. Dangerous. ”
” New world? ” Nami was stunned, it seemed that it wasn’t the first time she heard this word, but she didn’t understand what it meant.
” Ah ~ New World! It’s the second half of the Great Route! This point is separated by the Chambord Islands! In the first half of the Great Route, you should know that there are seven different routes, but they all end at Chambord Islands!
And the second half of the great route after the Chambord Islands is called the New World! In that world, the first half of the Great Route is called Paradise! In the eyes of us, the first half of the great route, which is extremely dangerous, is just a paradise of joy! ”
Reina gave Nami some simple science.
Nami swallowed her saliva and asked in disbelief, ” Is this … is it just a paradise? How terrifying is your so-called new world? ”
” Hahaha … Don’t worry, when you arrive, your strength will also increase! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Then … what if the strength doesn’t increase? ” Namei asked curiously.
” Then you definitely won’t be able to get there … because you’ll be finished halfway! ” Reina replied sadly.
Nami froze in place like petrified, she really didn’t think about it.
” Hahaha … Rest assured, there will be no problem. With your strength, in the first half of the paragraph … you shouldn’t have any problems if you don’t mess around. There are only two areas worth noting, Alabasta and the Devil’s Delta! ” Lei Na saw Nami’s appearance and smiled happily.
” Alabasta and the Devil’s Delta? If Alabasta is because of Crocodile … Then is the Devil’s Delta also … ? ” Nami asked subconsciously, startled.
” That’s right, there is also a king under the Seven Martial Seas, and the rest of the Seven Martial Seas seldom come to the first half of the Great Route in the New World! But you can rest assured that based on the route you are walking now, you should not reach the Devil’s Delta waters! As long as you don’t change your route, there should be no problem! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Fu ~ that’s good! ” Nami said with a quiet sigh of relief.
It was already very dangerous to deal with Crocodile this time. If she had to deal with another Shichibukai, she really didn’t know if she could defeat the opponent.
While Nami and Reina were chatting, Sanji, who was staying in his room, was circling in circles anxiously.
” Sanji, why are you so worried? Listen to Nami, Mr. Reina is a very good person or an enlightener of his navigation. Shouldn’t you need to worry about her safety? They have a teacher-student relationship! ” Chopper asked with a puzzled face.
” Teacher and student? ” Hearing Chopper’s words, Sanji seemed to think of something indescribable, his face immediately became more ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: ” Teacher and student … is the most dangerous relationship! ”
The simple Chopper didn’t understand Sanji’s words with some connotation, but Usopp and Zoro on the side understood it, his face darkened, and he scolded Sanji for being a lecherous chef.
As for the sequence, he was not in the room at this time. After he came over, he found that Luffy was still asleep, so he left after sending a message to Nami.
And he didn’t want to disturb Reina and Nami’s conversation, so he simply went to the downtown area of Albana to see if there were any specialties that he could bring back as gifts for everyone.
But when he got to the street, he found out that the entire Albana was badly damaged due to the war, and there were even some places that he destroyed himself, so Ace, who was guilty, hurriedly took a detour to a place with fewer people, so as to avoid It’s embarrassing to be recognized.
But when he walked to the side near the main west gate, he encountered a man who was seriously injured lying on the ground.
” Huh? Is it a refugee? Or … a victim of the war … ? ” Ace glanced at the other party. Because of the country’s previous civil strife, it was not surprising that such a person appeared.
It’s just that when he was about to leave, he saw some tattoos exposed in his torn clothes.
” Tear ~”
Ace tore off the other party’s clothes, revealing the tattoo inside, and was immediately startled, patted the other party’s face, and asked, ” Hey … hey … can you hear me? Can you hear me? Who are you? Why is there a pattern of the Whitebeard Pirates on his body? ”
However, the other party seemed to be seriously injured, and due to lack of water, he had already passed out. No matter how Ace shouted, the other party did not respond.
Just when Ace was about to get the person to be treated first, he saw something fall from the person.
” This is … our flag? ” Picking up the thing on the ground, Ace opened it and found out that it was actually the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it wasn’t a pirated one, but a real Whitebeard Pirate. The flags of the regiment, their flags are all made of special fabrics by Reina, which cannot be imitated by outsiders.
Seeing the flag, Ace knew that the other party was either a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, or someone who had some relationship with them, otherwise it would be impossible to have their Pirate Flag.
So Ace carried the other party and went directly to the palace. He needed to tell Reina about this kind of thing, and there was also the best doctor in the palace who could treat the other party.
When Ace returned to the palace, he found that the originally quiet palace began to become lively, and it turned out that Luffy woke up.
Originally, Luffy was awake, he should have gone to take a look, but now there are more important things to do, so he went directly to Reina’s room with the injured on his back.
At this time, Nami had already gone back, and only Reina was here.
” Where did you find him? ” Reina asked, his face sank after seeing the face of the wounded.
” It’s at the cemetery in the west of the city. There are very few people there. I saw the tattoo on his body when I passed by, so I checked it carefully! ” Ace returned.
” He’s the pirate I met on the road before …” Reina recognized him when he saw him, and told Ace his identity.
” Since it’s really ours … how did he become like this? Shouldn’t they wait for the vice-captain to return on the shore of the Santo River? ” Ace asked inexplicably.
“I don’t know! If you want to know … it seems that you have to wait until he wakes up! ” Reina shook his head and said.
At this moment, a doctor with a medical bag came in and asked, ” Where is the injured person? ”
After handing over the injured pirate to the doctor, Reina decided to go to the Santo River to check it out in person. Ace wanted to follow him, but Reina let him stay here to take care of the injured pirate. The second is to wait for King Cobra’s answer.

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