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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Not long after Reina left, the injured pirate slowly woke up.
” Hey … are you all right? ” Ace stepped forward and asked.
” You … you’re … Captain Ace? ” The injured member of the Frank Pirates slowly opened his eyes and immediately became excited when he saw Ace.
” Yes, it’s me! Don’t worry, your injuries have been bandaged, why are you here, the deputy captain said that you should wait for him on the shore of the Santo River! And who caused your injuries? ? ” Ace asked in one breath.
” Captain Ace … yes … it’s Tiki the Blackbeard, we met him! ” The member of the Farak Pirates said with a bit of grief and indignation.
” Tiki? It turned out to be that guy … You are not his opponents! Wait … You won’t fight with him, will you? ” Ace asked in surprise.
” As a member of the Whitebeard Pirates … From the day we join, we will bear the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates! Although I have only joined the group soon, the captain said that the glory of Whitebeard cannot be tolerated. Defiled by anyone, in the face of a traitor wanted by Dad himself, how could we flee without fighting? ” The member of the Frank Pirates said with pride and pride.
If Reina was here, he would have to teach the other party a lesson. Reina disapproved of this kind of life-saving thing for mere face.
But here is Ace, who is an admirer of Whitebeard and the son of Roger, the Pirate King, and these words are simply too much to his taste.
” Never run away from a fight ” is basically his life motto.
” You idiots …” Ace patted each other on the shoulder and said in praise: ” Do n’t worry … this revenge … I will definitely get it back for you! Where’s your captain? ”
” Captain … Captain … After he stayed behind, let me protect the flag and leave first, and come to Albana to find the vice-captain! Flag? Where is the flag? ” The members of the Frank Pirates patted their bodies and found that they were hiding in their arms His flag was gone, and he was so startled that he got out of bed to look for it.
” Bang! ” The weakness of his body made him fall directly from the bed to the ground.
” Oops … Oops … that’s the flag the captain and the others are desperately trying to protect! Damn … I lost it … how do I face those comrades … Ugh …” The man who fell to the ground A member of the Frank Pirates, lying on the ground and crying in a low voice.
” Stupid … don’t mess with me! The flag is fine. When I saw you, the flag was in your arms! So don’t worry! ” Ace hurriedly stepped forward and carried him back to the bed, slightly moved said.
” Really … really? Captain Ace, you didn’t lie to me? ”
” What did I lie to you for? The deputy captain has already set off for the coast of the Santo River, where did you meet Titch? ” Looking at the other party’s appearance, Ace couldn’t help but feel amused, and after a few words of comfort, he said.
” We encountered the Blackbeard Pirates not far west of Albana! Originally, we were waiting for the deputy captain on the coast, but the captain said that the deputy captain came alone, and there was no one around to help run errands. So soon after the deputy captain set off, we also followed! ” The member of the Frank Pirates said hurriedly.
” Oops, the vice-captain doesn’t know this news, and I don’t know if I’ll miss it! You kid, hurry up and get healthy, and then we’ll find you together, no matter what … we’ll find your captain and the others! ” Ace patted the other side, said.
” Captain Ace, I have no problem, I can go now! Let’s find the captain and the others! Maybe … maybe … maybe they can be saved! ” The members of the Frank Pirates, struggling to get up, said.
” How are you going to be like this now … ? ” Ace frowned and said, ” Forget it … Wait a minute, I’ll find someone! ”
As he said that, Ace left the room directly. He thought of the adjutant of the Alabasta Guard, the animal-type capable person who had a good relationship with Reina. The other party was not only familiar with the surrounding environment, but also could fly, so it should be easy to search. Some.
Sure enough, after receiving Ace’s request, Bell followed Ace to the room without saying a word. After asking the members of the Frankish Pirates, he immediately set off and searched the west.
At the same time, King Cobra, who learned of this matter, also asked Jaka to send the king’s army to help search for the whereabouts of Blackbeard, and gave orders to the port city Rape Flowers, and reported immediately when he saw the other party.
On the other side, Reina, who set off earlier, saw the Frankish Pirates half-covered by sand in the desert not long after leaving Albana.
Reina stepped forward to check with an ugly face, and then heaved a sigh of relief. These guys were only seriously injured and dying, not all of them really died.
But how to treat them next is also a big problem. In this desert, Reina has no medicine or means to treat them.
” Mr. Rayner! ” Just when Rayner was at a loss, Bell’s voice came from the air.
” It’s Bell! Why are you here? But you came at the right time. These guys are my crew, help me save them! ” Reina said in surprise.
” Don’t worry, the king has already sent soldiers in this direction! I’ll definitely get them down by then. I’ll lead them now! ” Bell nodded, and without even descending, he turned and walked away.
The two of them obviously had no way to get everyone away. Only the soldiers who searched and rescued had enough manpower and medicine to help them reach Albana.
Once in Albana, the chances of rescuing them are great!
Before long, Bell took Alabasta’s soldiers to find Reina again, and brought all the wounded back to Albana.
” Bell, after you go back, find a way to save them. I’m going to track Titch … that guy … I don’t want to let him go like this! ” Reina said a little angrily.
” Okay, Mr. Rayner, please rest assured, we will do our best to treat them! In addition, you have brought this phone bug, and the king has ordered it to block the port. Once they find out, they will notify you immediately! ” Bell handed a phone bug to Ray Na, said.
” Thank you, Alabasta’s kindness will be remembered in my heart! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Mr. Rainer is serious! ” After Bell saluted, he took the soldiers back to Albana.
After separating from Bell, Reina went all the way west and chased in the direction of the Santo River. Unfortunately, he did not see Blackbeard and others, and the pirate ship docked there had disappeared. Reina guessed that it might be Ti Strange they drove away the pirate ship.
After it was no longer possible to trace, Reina reluctantly returned to Albana. When he arrived, there was finally good news. All the members of the Frank Pirates were rescued. There is no danger to life.
” Deputy captain, have you found that guy Titch? ” Ace quickly asked after seeing Reina.
Reina shook his head and said, ” When I arrived on the shore of the Santo River, the pirate ship was gone! ”
” Those guys … don’t let me meet next time, or you must give Frank and the others this bad breath! ” Ace said with a slight anger.
These days, he is taking care of Frank and others. His behavior has made Ace quite admired, and because they belong to the Whitebeard Pirates, they have become very good friends.
” Don’t mess around, Titch’s group … it’s not easy! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” By the way … Vice-captain, Tickey seems to know me quite well, and he also knows my background! ” When Ace heard Reina’s words, he also remembered that when he confronted Tickey, the other party pointed out Roger’s son.
” Huh? He knows that you are Roger’s son? This shouldn’t be! Even on the ship, only the captain-level person knows. Why does he know? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” And … one of them also has a wheel eye! ” Ace continued.
” What? ” Reina was even more surprised now. If it is possible for Titch to learn about Ace’s identity from what channel, then if Shaanyan is to be written, it should never appear in this world.
Seeing Reina so surprised, Ace continued: “The other party seems to have the ability to copy. When he was fighting with me, he also used my ability! Then, seeing that it didn’t work for me, he turned on the writing wheel! ”
” Is the other person’s writing wheel in the form of a double hook jade? ” Reina asked after rubbing his chin and thinking about it.
” Yes, after the old man came over, he also recognized the other side’s Shaker, and said that his Shaker was not enough, so he had a double hook jade shape! ” Ace nodded and said.
He hadn’t seen the double hook jade form of Reina’s writing wheel eye, but Karp had seen it, so with Karp’s confirmation, Reina understood a little.
He is not the only one who owns his Sharingan. When he met a person with the ability to copy fruit, he once copied his Sharingan, and the other party could only use the double hook jade form.
But that guy had already been killed by his own hands. Could it be that Blackbeard has found a new fruit copying ability? But even if it is a new copy fruit, it is impossible to retain his ability to write round eyes!
So after thinking about it carefully, Reina came to the conclusion that he didn’t really kill the other party at the beginning, but that the other party deceived him in some way.
So Reina told Ace what happened at the beginning, and told Ace to be more careful in the future. Since the person with the ability to copy the fruit is not dead, then the person with the ability to copy the fruit and the ability to change the fruit may still be alive.
However, for those who have the ability to quickly fruit, Reina believes that the other party should really be dead, because the other party left alone and was killed after being caught up by him.
” Tell me again about what happened when you met Titch, including the conversation and the other person’s appearance and ability! ” Reina really didn’t pay attention to it, but after Ace said this, Reina had to pay more attention to it. Some.
” Demon Hunter Idar …” Hearing Ace uttering a different name from the original, Reina fell into contemplation.
In addition to Lafayette and others, the subordinates he knows of Tic currently include the demon hunter Idar, the fruit copying ability Gamenio, and the quick fruit ability and the changing fruit ability who do not know whether it is life or death. people.
” It seems that guy still hasn’t given up! After going back, remember to tell the big brother this information, and make these things into brochures, and tell all the pirates under his command, so that they don’t mess around when they meet Titch! ” Reina After thinking about it, he said.
” Okay, vice-captain … but … won’t you go back with me? ” Ace asked curiously.
” Those guys are still injured and can’t travel long distances. I have to wait for them to get better before I set off with them. Since they are already members of our Whitebeard Pirates, it’s not appropriate to continue in the first half of the great route, so I’ll just take them with me. Let’s go back together! And Robin still has some things to deal with here, I have to wait for her result! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Originally, Ace wanted to say that he would go back with Reina, but thinking about the danger of Tiki, he didn’t say it.
” By the way, you must be careful when you go back … Forget it, you’d better go with me! Go to Chambord Archipelago to meet Rayleigh! That guy deliberately avoided you last time because he didn’t know your identity. , I already told him when I came here, so … go and see him! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” That Tiki thing …” Ace said a little worriedly.
” Don’t worry, since he failed here, he won’t take action immediately, and as long as the members are not single, he won’t dare to shoot at will! ” Reina waved his hand and said with a smile.

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