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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The capital of Alabasta, the Royal Palace of Albana.
After Luffy woke up, Wei Wei invited the Straw Hats to a banquet. After the banquet, the Straw Hats planned to leave, so Wei Wei couldn’t make a decision at that time.
So Nami suggested to go through the port once on the second day. If Wei Wei wants to get on the ship, that is the last chance.
As a result, the next day happened to be Princess Wei’s coming-of-age ceremony, so Wei Wei who made the decision said that she still loves this country, so she couldn’t follow them away.
The Straw Hats who left with regret, after leaving Alabasta, the whole group were a little weak and listless.
” Creak …” The people in the cabin were suddenly opened, and a figure came out, directly stunned everyone in the Straw Hats.
” Are you here to take revenge for the organization? You’re so brave! ” Zoro held the weapon around his waist with one hand and was ready to take action.
” What ~ So it’s you! Why are you on my boat? ” Only Luffy asked with a look of indifference.
” Why are you here? You dangerous woman! I saw it. After the matter was over, did the navy find you alone? ” Nami asked with an angry look.
” Ah ~ yes! Admiral Aokiji of the navy came to me! ” Robin nodded and said, ” He said that I was too dangerous. When I was with Crocodile, I was able to master it, but now I am alone again. so he can’t let it go! So … Monkey D. Luffy … you are responsible for this! ”
” Me? Why me? What am I responsible for? ” Luffy asked with a look of complete confusion.
” Because … you killed Crocodile, so I became a person again! Do you want to be responsible? ” Robin asked with a smile.
” Ah ~ that ‘s it ~ then you stay! ” Luffy nodded and said casually.
” What? Luffy … he’s the one the general is chasing. We take her, and it will be over soon! ” Nami said with a reluctant look.
” Don’t worry everyone … she’s not a bad person! ” Luffy said with a smile.
Although Luffy doesn’t know Robin’s identity, he has some understanding of what happened in the basement of the tomb before. He knows that Robin is not really helping Crocodile, and if there is no Robin, he probably won’t be able to wait. When they saw Princess Weiwei, Princess Weiwei was about to be killed.
Robin was taken aback by Luffy’s straightforward answer.
In fact, her visit this time is also a test for Luffy. If Luffy refuses her to board the ship, or if her performance makes her dissatisfied, then she will leave immediately and follow Reina back to the Whitebeard Pirates.
And what Nami said before about Aokiji chasing her is also true, and Aokiji told Robin in front of Reina that if Robin chooses to go to the Whitebeard Pirates, then he will kill her at all costs. .
Although she believed that Reina could protect her, there was still something in her heart that she didn’t want to trouble Reina. Once the battle with the navy, even if the Whitebeard Pirates won, there would be countless casualties. This was not what she wanted to see.
That’s why she and Reina made such a request, hoping to come over and give Luffy the last test. If Luffy readily agreed to let her on board, then she wouldn’t mind being on this boat.
But if Luffy’s answer doesn’t satisfy her or Reina, Reina will take her away.
In fact, Robin also knew that Reina should be hiding nearby at this time.
” Then as partners, let’s get to know each other first! Name! ” Usopp asked Robin, holding a small notebook sternly.
” Nicole Robin ! But Mr. Long Nose, I don’t know your name yet! ” said Robin with a smile.
” Ah ~ I’m sorry, my name is Usopp, I’m the sniper of this ship! ” Usopp replied seriously immediately.
” Hehe … Then Mr. Sniper, is there anything else you want to ask? ” Robin still asked with a smile.
” That … what is your occupation? ” Usopp asked after thinking about it: ” What kind of position can you hold on the ship? This is very important! ”
” I became an archaeologist at the age of eight, and this is my life’s occupation! Then I got a bounty, and for the next 20 years, I was hiding in various places. It is not easy for a child to go to sea alone, so I can only Follow all kinds of big brothers all the way to get food and clothing! ” Robin said truthfully.
” Archaeologist … Sounds amazing! So what are you good at? ” Usopp nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask.
” Assassination! ” Robin replied, still smiling.
” Luffy … this woman is too dangerous, I suggest you think about it! ” Hearing Robin’s answer with a smile, Usopp’s legs went weak instantly.
But when he turned around, he found that Luffy and Chopper were being teased by Robin with their abilities, and they were having a lot of fun.
” Humph! What is there to question … Such a dangerous woman … You shouldn’t agree to let her on board, but Luffy is the captain. Since he has spoken, we will not object! But … don’t think that you will You can sit back and relax, I will always be watching you, and once you do anything against us, I will be the first to throw you off the boat! ” Nami said coolly as she reclined on the fence.
” Nei ~ I see! ” Robin nodded, took out a small bag of gems, put it on the table, and said softly, ” This is the gem I got from Crocodile … I wonder if you are interested? ”
” Oh ~~ my good sister ~~ I love you ~~” Nami’s eyes immediately turned into the previous symbols, and she ran to Robin’s side and said flatly.
Afterwards, Sanji, who had prepared afternoon tea and desserts, appeared, which made Usopp and Zoro look down on him.
” These guys … are completely toyed with! ” Zoro said disdainfully.
” That’s right! We are the ship’s last stand! ” Usopp said righteously.
” Usopp …” At this time, Luffy and Chopper shouted towards Usopp.
” Why? ” Usopp replied with a displeased expression.
But after seeing Robin using his ability to disguise Luffy as Chopper, Usopp also fell instantly, and Zoro couldn’t wait to cut the guy.
Soon, including Zoro, everyone was gradually conquered by this knowledgeable, always calm and intellectual Robin, and gradually regarded her as a true partner.
After seeing Robin integrated into the Straw Hats, Rayner left the Straw Hats and returned to Alabasta.
“The Navy … I hope you can see the situation clearly … Next time I take action on Robin , I really won’t let you go! ” Reina said softly, looking at the distant Golden Meri.
Seemingly sensing something, when Reina left, Robin looked towards the stern, where a black spot was leaving quickly.
” Father …” Robin knew in his heart that it must be Reina. The other party was afraid that she would not be able to integrate into the pirate group, so he followed all the way until she integrated into the pirate group before leaving.
In fact, she really didn’t want to stay here. Since Reina took her back to live with the Whitebeard Pirates, she felt that it was good to stay by her father’s side and live with everyone. All the members of the Whitebeard Pirates They all like and take care of her very much, and even Whitebeard is responsive to her requests.
But as Aokiji said before, she is too dangerous, and the navy and the world government will never allow her to combine with the Whitebeard Pirates!
In the event that the Whitebeard Pirates really brought war, it was definitely not what she wanted to see, so she made such a choice.
With her ability, it is not too easy to integrate into the Straw Hat gang under the flattery.
” Nami … Is the next island a Snow Island? ” Luffy hung softly on the fence and asked Nami who was facing the recording pointer.
” Does the captain want to see the snow? But if you follow the record pointer of Alabasta, the next island is Akishima! ” Robin said with a smile.
” Akishima? Not bad! ” Luffy replied with a smile in the sky.
But at this time, he suddenly found that something seemed to fall from Tianlong.
After a while of panic, the Golden Meri avoided the wreck of a pirate ship that fell from the sky.
” It’s weird … what’s going on? ” Nami suddenly shouted after everything calmed down.
” What’s wrong? Miss Nami! ” Sanji immediately stepped forward and asked.
“The recording pointer is broken! It suddenly stops pointing at the sky! ” Nami shook the recording pointer in her hand and said in surprise.
” No, on the Great Route, you can doubt anything and anyone, but don’t doubt the recording pointer …” Robin shook his head and said.
” But … the recording pointer is now pointing in a different direction than before … it is now pointing to the sky! ” Nami asked inexplicably.
” This is because it was attracted by the island with stronger magnetic force, thus overwriting the previous record! ” Robin looked up at the sky and said, ” Since the record pointer points to the sky, it can be seen that it is covered by the empty island. ! ”
” Empty … Sky Island? ” Everyone looked at Robin in surprise and asked her about Sky Island in confusion.
” As we all know, the sky island was not known before, but with the exposure of the Whitebeard Pirates owning a small sky island, everyone no longer doubts the existence of the sky island, but where is the real sky island … How to go up again is still an unsolved mystery! ” Robin shook his head and said.
Just when the Straw Hats were entangled in the empty island, Reina had returned to Alabasta in a yo-yo.
After confirming Robin’s whereabouts, the injuries of the members of the Frank Pirates have also improved a lot, so after reuniting with them, Reina plans to leave.
” Then King Cobra … I wonder if you have made a decision? ” Before leaving, Reina found King Cobra and asked.
” Of course, we have made a decision! Your Excellency Reina … We agree to secretly form an alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Princess Wei took the initiative to stand up and replied.
Rayner looked at King Cobra and said, ” Sorry, Your Highness Wei Wei, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but now your father is the king! So can I hear your own words? King Cobra! ”
” Of course, what Wei Wei said means what I mean! If all the conditions are as you said before, then our Neferutali family is willing to secretly form an alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates! ” King Cobra nodded, back.
Reina smiled slightly, although the other party was talking about the Nafirutali family, not the kingdom of Alabasta, but Reina didn’t care, nodded and said, ” If that’s the case, then I don’t need to write it, so in addition to giving Apart from the danger of exposure that you bring, it doesn’t make much sense! And I also believe in the credit of your Neferutali family! ”
King Cobra was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: ” Thank you so much for your trust, as long as everything is as you said, then our Nafirutali family will never breach the contract innocently! ”
” If that’s the case … then His Majesty the King, His Royal Highness the Princess … we will have an appointment in the future! ” Reina smiled slightly and left with Ace and all the members of the Frank Pirates.
” Your Excellency Reina … I prepared a boat for you in Rape Flower. This is proof that as long as you hand this over to the local soldiers of the King’s Army, they will take you there! ” When Reina left the palace, Bell called After staying with Reina, he handed over a letter and said.
” Hey ~ I’m really bothering you! But it really helped me a lot! If you come to the new world in the future, don’t forget to go to Xuanyue Island to find me! My friend! ” Reina and Bell hugged and waved with a smile Wave your hands and say goodbye.

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