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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the first half of the great route, a pirate ship with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates was sailing on the sea, and next to them was a pirate ship that had just been robbed by them.
” Captain Ace … you are amazing! ”
“The other party is also a capable person. I didn’t expect Captain Ace to subdue the other party so quickly! It’s really amazing! ”
Just now, they met a group of pirates, so Ace led the team and directly defeated the opponent and stole all the opponent’s treasure.
The strength that Ace showed was immediately admired by all members of the Frankish Pirates.
” What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and move the treasure away! ” Over there, Reina, who was lying on the deck watching the play, laughed and cursed at the chatting members.
” Cough … I don’t know who you are? Leave a name so we know who was defeated! ” The pirate captain, who was tied to the mast, asked unwillingly.
” Such a big pirate flag … don’t you know? ” a member of the Frankish Pirates asked, pointing to the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates on his ship.
” Your strength is not weak, right? Why pretend to be the Whitebeard Pirates? ” The pirate captain said slightly disdainfully.
” Fake? Who dares to impersonate our Whitebeard Pirates? Really … What are you talking about with him? Leave enough food and water, and move the rest away! ” Frank who passed by curled his lips and said, ” Also I’m not afraid to tell you, we are the Frankish Pirates under Whitebeard, and the one who defeated you was our second division captain, Fire Fist Ace! ”
When the pirate captain heard Frank’s words, his expression changed and he lowered his head and didn’t speak anymore. The other party was really the Whitebeard Pirates, so he didn’t even need to struggle.
Bringing the treasure from the robbery, the Frankish Pirates continued to move forward. Except for the occasional encounter with other pirate ships along the way, there were no accidents.
And because Reina had a permanent pointer to the Chambord Islands, they went straight to their goal, without wasting any time on the way.
After arriving at the Chambord Islands, Reina took Ace to find Rayleigh.
” Dong dong dong …”
” Come in! ”
Knocking on the door of Xia Qi’s shop, Xia Qi’s lazy voice came from inside.
” Sister Xia Qi, you are really leisurely! ” After entering the door, Reina teased when she saw Xia Qi drinking alone behind the bar.
” You came very fast! I heard that you made a big fuss in Alabasta! ” Xia Qi saw Reina, and there was no surprise. She was proficient in intelligence and had already guessed when Reina came.
” Hahaha … What a riot? That doesn’t count! What about Rayleigh? Are you at home? ” Reina said with a smile.
” He went to coat people, and he should be back when he is done! ” Xia Qi lit a cigarette and replied.
” Well … let’s just wait! This one doesn’t need me to introduce him, right? ” Reina pointed to Ace beside him and said with a smile.
” Of course! ” Xia Qi came to Ace with a smile. After looking at it carefully, she said, ” You and your father are really nothing like you! ”
” Hahaha … Now he is the son of the eldest brother! ” Before Ace could answer, Reina’s mouth curled slightly and replied.
” That’s true … but if the navy knew about it, it would definitely use any means to catch you! ” Xia Qi sighed and said, ” He has Roger’s blood, but inherits Whitebeard’s thinking … For the world government You are a very dangerous fellow for the Navy! ”
Reina was stunned. He had never thought about this aspect before. After hearing Xia Qi’s words, he suddenly felt … It seems that Blackbeard Tiki’s goal is Ace!
As long as the other party catches Ace, they are qualified to negotiate with the navy, so the top war that happened in the original book is very likely to happen.
After pondering for a while, Reina felt that he still couldn’t let Titch continue like this. He had to find a way to lure him out and kill him.
” Ace … you stay here, follow Rayleigh to learn and practice the use of domineering, don’t leave Rayleigh’s side, I have to go back now! That guy Tiki … may be eyeing you, I have to find a way to He found it! ” After thinking about it, Reina turned her head to Ace.
” Or … I’d better go back with you, and come back to Mr. Reilly when I have a chance! ” Ace hesitated and said.
In fact, he is quite confident in his own strength, so he does not really want to stay here to continue training and learning.
Reina thought for a while, Ace was indeed safer with him, and if he planned to trap Blackbeard, it would be more convenient for Ace to be by his side, because he could use Ace as a bait.
It’s just that Reina couldn’t make a decision for a while, so he didn’t immediately agree to Ace’s proposal. He had to think about it.
After a while, before Lena fully understood, Rayleigh returned.
” Huh? Are you Ace? Portgas D. Ace? ” Riley looked at Ace and asked.
Ace got up and saluted Riley before replying: ” Mr. Rayleigh, hello! I’m Portgas D. Ace! ”
” Wow ~ Very nice young man! Where’s your mother? Are you okay? ” Rayleigh asked after finding a seat to sit down.
” My mother … died when I was born! ” Ace replied blankly.
” Sorry! ” Reilly was stunned for a moment, and then said with a little sadness: ” She is a great mother! ”
Ace grinned and said with a smile: ” Yeah! Although I haven’t seen her, I’m very grateful to her! ”
In the past, Ace would not have said such things, but under the influence of Reina, he no longer wondered whether he was born right or not. Now he wants to stay in the Whitebeard Pirates. Go down and help Whitebeard become king.
” Reina, why did you bring Ace here? Do you simply want me to teach him how to use domineering? ” Reilly took a sip of wine and asked Reina who was sitting there.
But Reina ignored him, and he was still immersed in how to deal with Titch.
” I said … boy, what bad idea are you making? Who are you trying to plot? Are you so serious? ” Rayleigh’s aura was slightly raised, which stimulated Reina and interrupted his thinking. asked with a smile.
” Hey ~ Mr. Reilly, when did you come back!? ” Reina looked up at Reilly and asked in surprise.
” Tell me, the purpose of bringing Ace here! ” Rayleigh was full of black lines, but he didn’t bother to bother with Reina.
” Ah ~ the purpose of bringing her here? It’s very simple. Let’s introduce you to each other. After all, you have a good relationship with his father. From you, he can also understand what kind of person his father is! In addition, Regarding the use of domineering, this guy got the natural burning fruit in the early years, so now he is a little too dependent on the fruit’s ability! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” I see …” Rayleigh nodded, expressing his understanding.
In fact, he knew that Reina brought Ace over to understand Roger’s character must be the key point. As for improving his strength … There are many strong men in their Whitebeard Pirates, including Reina himself, who is now regarded as the world’s top strong man One, not to mention the stronger Whitebeard.
After chatting with Ace for a while, I found out that the child was a bit rebellious because he had no parents since he was a child, and the world’s judgment on Roger had a great influence on him, making him not worship his father, but Some disgust.
Even his path as a pirate has something to do with this, otherwise … he might actually follow Garp’s orders and become a navy.
So Rayleigh told Ace the Roger he remembered, and told him that Roger was a very great pirate.
” Maybe you feel far away from Roger, not even as close as Newgate, but you should have asked Newgate too? Our captain … is really a charismatic guy! Maybe he is irresponsible Father, he’s even more of a bastard to you, a bastard who created you for his own selfish desires! But … in my opinion, he’s still pretty great! ” Rayleigh said with a smile.
Ace nodded and said, ” If you told me like this a few years ago, I might not have felt your feelings at all! For me … as you said, it’s more like a jerk, and It’s not my father! But these years … I seem to understand a little bit! So even if I can’t recognize him, I don’t hate him anymore! ”
” Hahaha … Really? If so, that would be great! Roger would be very happy if he knew! It’s a pity that you didn’t inherit his will, it seems that his wish is going to fail! ” Rayleigh After listening to Ace’s answer, he replied with a big smile.
He could see that Roger, Ace’s personality and thinking might be closer to Whitebeard, so he said this.
” His wish? ” Ace asked in confusion.
” That’s right, I told him before that guy arrived at Ralph Drew, it was too early to go! As a result, he didn’t believe it, so he just ran over! It turned out that he went too early, so he was not reconciled and planned to give birth. A child, let his child grow up before going! Obviously … his abacus has failed! ” Reina curled his lips and said with a slight smile.
” Hahaha … Although what Reyna said was a bit more straightforward … but that’s probably what he meant! At the beginning, he swore that his child would become that person …” Rayleigh also said with a big smile.
Ace’s face darkened, is this kind of thing worth being happy about? Why are Reina and Reilly so happy?
” Brother Ace, drink some water! Don’t pay attention to these two guys … They are just jealous … Captain Roger has already completed the feat of detouring for a week, if you, who inherited his blood, arrive again Ralph Drew, then it’s a shame for these heroes of the sea! It proves that they are not only inferior to Roger, but even Roger’s children! ” Xia Qi brought a glass of white water and smiled. Ace explained.
Looking at the slightly embarrassed Reina and Rayleigh, Ace suddenly realized.

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