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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Then Mr. Reilly, do you think it’s appropriate for Ace to stay here? ” Reina asked after explaining the current situation to Reilly.
“I didn’t expect such a troublesome person to appear in the sea now, are you so afraid of him? ” Rayleigh put away his smile and asked with a frown.
” That’s right, that guy can’t be underestimated! If one doesn’t pay attention … our entire Whitebeard Pirates are in danger, so I absolutely won’t allow such a thing to happen! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Although I really want to say let Ace stay with me … But as you said, no one in this world can resist the erosion of time … Now I … I’m afraid I have no ability to protect Ace anymore! ” Reilly shook his head and said.
It’s not that his strength is dead, but he is alone now, and his strength has declined, so he can’t guarantee that he can still protect Ace’s safety 100%.
But if Ace really stays here, he also has a way, that is to take Ace to an uninhabited island, so that no one will threaten them.
However, Rayleigh was not very willing, and he managed to live a quiet life, and did not want to be involved in such troublesome things again.
Second, this is also a matter for the Whitebeard Pirates. He is an outsider no matter what, and he does not intervene in it.
” Okay then! I’ll take Ace, and let him come see you when I have time! ” Reina understood what Reilly meant when he heard Reilly’s answer, so he nodded and replied.
After saying goodbye to Rayleigh, Reina took Ace and the Frank Pirates to the direction of Xuanyue Island, and now he has a preliminary plan to deal with Tiki, but there are still some details that need to be improved, so all the way. Nadu was thinking about how to make things more perfect.
After Reina and the others returned to Xuanyue Island, they found out that the Moby Dick had not returned to Xuanyue Island. Now Whitebeard prefers to wander and take risks in the sea, and does not like staying on Xuanyue Island very much.
Therefore, on Xuanyue Island, there are only Hansen and his escort who stayed behind, as well as Dr. Sière who is doing various strange experiments in the laboratory of the sky island.
Speaking of Dr. Sière, although some inventions have come out one after another over the years, but instead of being obsessed with laboratories like before, and focusing more on Olga, his research direction has become strange. Weird.
In addition to improving the phone bug, he also invented diet pills, a hot-air balloon-like transportation between the sky island and the ship after the sky island was lifted off, and some strange things that didn’t help in combat.
For example, accelerated growth of feed, equipment improvement of liquor factories, etc.
As a result, even Reina has forgotten that this is the super doctor who developed pure gold back then.
But for the current life, Dr. Sière is quite satisfied. After Olga goes to sea with the Moby Dick , he will be completely immersed in the experiment, but once Olga returns, he will immediately escape. , it doesn’t matter even if he interrupts his experiment.
And the Whitebeard Pirates are also used to such a doctor. If one day he comes up with a super weapon, everyone may not believe it.
At the same time, above the sky in a certain sea area of the great route.
” Indigo … what’s the result of the experiment? ” Golden Lion Shiki asked excitedly.
” It has been completely successful … Those huge beasts have been cultivated, and we can dispatch at any time! ” Indigo, the golden lion’s deputy, also said excitedly.
” Really? It’s finally finished … How many years has it been? The world is about to forget me, right? Let’s go … Let this Shiji remember the fear of being dominated by me! Jie hahahaha …” History of the Golden Lion Ki got up from his seat and said with a wild laugh.
” Then Captain … Do we need to summon our former subordinates now? Is it time for our Golden Lion fleet to be resurrected? ” Indigo asked with excitement in his eyes.
” Golden Lion Grand Fleet? No … I don’t need those wastes at all … I’ll find someone first. If he joins … Our plan will be much simpler! ” Golden Lion Shiki slowly walked out of the hall and took out takeaways An’s sunshine was a little dazzling, but after he looked at the floating islands around him, the corners of his mouth slowly turned up unconsciously, and he was quite satisfied with his masterpiece.
Looking at Shiki who was leaving, Indigo shook his head and said softly: ” Captain … haven’t given up yet? That guy is not so easy to change his ways! ”
However, he didn’t dare to say this to the Golden Lion Shiji face to face, because Shiji is the kind of person who doesn’t allow others to go against his wishes, he just needs to follow his arrangements.
It can be seen from his abandonment of the Golden Lion Fleet that he does not value the so-called subordinates too much, he only values those capable people, and those people only value your abilities, just like Indigo himself In the same way, once the value of use is gone, the Golden Lion may soon give up on him.
So don’t look at Indigo as the confidant of the Golden Lion, but he also knows and can’t say some things, or he will be abandoned by the Golden Lion sooner or later.
On the other hand, after returning to Xuanyue Island, he found that Whitebeard’s headquarters was not on Xuanyue Island, so he immediately contacted Whitebeard through the phone bug and asked him to come back. He had some important things and hoped to be with each other. negotiate.
After Whitebeard agreed, the Moby Dick began to return, and at the same time, Marco, who had been following Moby Dick , also appeared. Although Whitebeard had found him long ago, he had not broken it.
And thanks to the perfect equipment on the hard shell, Marco lived quite comfortably during this time.
” That kid, Reina, seems to have obtained some important information in Alabasta, so I was in a hurry to let me go back, and let me not tell anyone except you, including the captain! Tell me, what did that kid find out? What’s the secret? ” Whitebeard asked Marco, who had returned.
” I don’t know, he didn’t tell me too much, he just told us to go back quickly! ” Marko shook his head and said hesitantly: ” But since he asked for confidentiality … there should be his concerns! ”
” Do you think that kid’s words … are you saying that we have traitors within us? And he even detained the captains other than you. This is not a trivial matter! ” Whitebeard said worriedly.
” Reina has never said it clearly, probably because he is afraid that we will startle the snake! And he is not a reckless person. Maybe he plans to wait for Dad to go back and discuss it before making an announcement! ” Marco is quite confident in Reina. .
” I always have an ominous premonition … Order the navigators to speed up and return directly to Xuanyue Island! ” Whitebeard looked up at the sea outside the window and said softly.
” Yes, Dad! ” Marko nodded and replied.
When the Moby Dick returned to Xuanyue Island, Reina personally greeted Whitebeard at the port. Seeing Reina’s smiling appearance, it didn’t seem like an accident had happened, and Whitebeard quietly relieved.
Even the banquet that night was held as usual, and Reina did not ask Whitebeard to say anything. It seemed that they returned to Xuanyue Island as usual. The only difference was that Reina personally invited a pirate group to join Whitebeard. Can not help but fantasize.
However, at the banquet, Ace said that they would not retreat in the face of strong enemies in Alabasta, and that they would protect the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates even if the entire army was wiped out, and everyone became close to them.
” This guy … When he first arrived in Albana, he was already dying, but the first thing he did after sobering up was to find the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates that he hid. After finding it missing, he almost committed suicide to apologize. Go! ” Ace boasted, pointing to the member of the Frankish Pirates he had rescued.
” Not bad ~ You’re a guy! Whoever bullies you in the future, report me Lakyo’s name, I’m the captain of the seventh division! ” Lakyo said with a smile on his face, holding his wine glass.
He likes tough guys like that.
” Captain Lakyo is joking! ” The member said a little embarrassedly: ” That flag not only represents the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the hope of all our members. I knew how to explain it to the captain, so I was really frightened at the time! Fortunately, Captain Ace took it away, otherwise I really can only apologize with death! ”
” Hahaha … Don’t mention immortality! Our Whitebeard Pirates are not those strange pirates, we are all family, so talents are the most important! That kind of behavior of yours, that guy Reina will definitely see it But eyes, right? He always thought that those things were vain! When you have the ability, you will naturally protect them, but compared with life, they are not worth mentioning at all! ” Bista said with a big laugh.
” Well, after the Vice-Captain found out, he not only scolded him, but even I scolded him, and said that he liked the flag so much, and he would be in charge of the flag on the ship in the future, and it would be necessary to get it dirty. Punish all of us! But that is the spiritual symbol of our Whitebeard Pirates, even if the deputy captain doesn’t say it, we can’t make it dirty! ” Frank said with a smile.
” Hahaha …” Everyone laughed when they saw what Farack said was interesting.
After the banquet of the day, Whitebeard went back to the room and did not sleep, but after a while, Reina walked in.
” Big brother hasn’t rested yet? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” I don’t know who your kid is? Since such a big thing happened, you will let me sleep peacefully? ” Whitebeard said dissatisfied.
Reina slowly put away his smile, first talked about the events in Alabasta in general, and then focused on the details of Blackbeard Ticci, including his guesses.
” What do you mean … there are only so many people who know Ace’s identity, so you suspect that someone among the captains has leaked it? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
Reina shook his head and said: ” It’s not that the captain is a spy, they don’t have any mentality for their team members, so it may not be that they accidentally say that they are heard by the spy! Besides our side , Garp and the place where Ace lived when he was a child, there is a possibility of leaking, I am just in case! ”
As for the fact that Carmenio and the others did not die, Reina just felt that they had used some means, and did not feel that it had anything to do with the traitor.
” So this time … what are you going to do? ” Whitebeard asked after pondering for a while.

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