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” Okay, it’s all done now! ” Looking at the seventeen identical dark fruits placed in front of him, Reina wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded in satisfaction.
” Then the next step … is to publicize this matter …” Reina touched his chin and thought about the next action.
That night, Rayner came to Whitebeard’s room again.
” All ready? ” Whitebeard asked softly.
” Yeah! But there are still some entanglements about the location of the execution! ” Reina nodded and said, ” I envisioned three plans. First, the auction will be located on Xuanyue Island, and we will do it ourselves! But it’s too troublesome, And if it’s here … Tiki may not dare to come!
So if we don’t do it ourselves, we need to find someone to do it! In this regard, there are two choices. The first is Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the seven kings under the sea . However, the devil fruit auction held by this guy will have many missed records, so I am a little uneasy. Don’t worry about him.
The other is Tezzolo, known as the Golden Emperor. He owns the world’s largest entertainment city , Guran Tezzolo, which is also enough to complete our commission! And in his place, in addition to pirates and wealthy businessmen, there are even people from the navy and the world government. It can be said that it is a more suitable venue for us! But that guy is the power user of the golden fruit, and it is very easy to secretly attack us! ”
Rayner handed over the choice to Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … No matter what Qiwuhai or the Golden Emperor, those shortcomings are nothing to you, right? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile, and only after seeing Reina smiled and nodded, he continued. : ” Then choose the Golden Emperor! I don’t really like Qiwuhai or something! ”
Reina spread out his hands, rolled his eyes and said, ” Big brother, Jinbei is also Shichibukai! Moreover, Moonlight Moria and Boya Hancock who cooperated with us are also Shichibukai ! ”
” They are only working with you, not with me! ” Whitebeard replied unreasonably.
” Okay, okay! If that’s the case, I’ll ask someone to send a letter to that Tezzolo first and see how he arranges it! They may not agree! And I heard that he and Doflamingo It’s also a partnership! ” Reina nodded and said.
” How are you going to get there? ” Whitebeard asked after thinking about it.
” If you go to the Golden City … just go there with the whole group relaxing! Just tell the captains about the first-level plan! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Okay, then I’ll take it seriously! I’ll leave the rest to you! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” No problem! ” Reina grinned slightly.
On the same day, Reina gathered all the captain-level members, including Hansen, and told them about the next plan.
” Because we have accumulated a lot of treasures, I discussed it with my eldest brother and planned to hold an auction with a part of it, and the Bailey in exchange will be used to give everyone a benefit! Golden City … Everyone knows it, right? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Golden City? Is that the very famous entertainment holy place recently? It is said that it has the reputation of the world’s first entertainment city, I don’t know if it is true! ” Lakyo shrugged and said.
” That’s right … As for whether it’s true or not … you need to try it yourself! Except for the exchange of some materials from this auction, the rest of the Berries will be used for this trip! Everyone … … Big Brother decided to invite the whole group to go to the Golden City … The cost will be deducted from the proceeds of this auction! ” Reina announced with a big smile.
” Yes … is it true? Dad’s treat? ”
” Wow! How did you do it, Reina? You’re getting Dad a treat … isn’t the world crazy? ”
The captains asked with expressions of disbelief.
” Hey … hey … you guys are like this … it’s very likely that you won’t survive today! ” Reina said with a black line on his head: ” In short, the matter is settled for the time being! In addition, wait for you to go to my room, this auction There are some heavy treasures that you need to guard yourself! And when you enter the Golden City, you also need to be careful … Don’t get gold on your body, if you accidentally get gold, wash it with sea water immediately! ”
” Huh? Gold? Is there something wrong with gold!? ” Marco asked with a frown.
” Ah ~~ the founder of the Golden City, the Golden Emperor Tezzolo, is the superhuman type, the ability person of the golden golden fruit! He can freely over-control gold, so be careful! ” Reina gave Tezzolo’s general ability I explained it to everyone, and told them that when they entered the Golden City, there would be gold dust falling, so they should be careful.
” It seems that this auction will not go so smoothly! ” Bista said thoughtfully.
” That’s right, that fellow Tezzolo is not a good person! So the treasure you brought here this time … you must watch it! Otherwise … the cost of this trip … will be deducted from you! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Eh? ”
Everyone looked at Reina dumbfounded.
” This … wouldn’t it be your and dad’s plan? To cheat us? ” Fossa, the captain of the fifteenth division, said after being silent for a while.
” Who knows? Anyway, it’s up to you at this time! Everyone … I wish you good luck! ” Reina smiled strangely and said.
The captains looked at each other, then laughed at the same time.
” Hahaha … It’s really interesting, I took this mission! ” The first to stand up was the captain of the second division, Fire Fist Ace.
” It’s really troublesome! But it sounds interesting! ” Marko also smiled and said that there was no problem.
Naturally, the rest of the captains would not refuse, and all of them expressed their willingness to participate in this game.
Only Reina knows … this is no game.
Soon, Reina, who got a reply from Tezzolo, began to publicize the auction with Golden City.
With the signboard of the Whitebeard Pirates, this auction was quickly advertised to the point where everyone in the entire sea knew it. As the finale of the auction, the Natural Dark Fruits were also listed on the auction list.
After Reina distributed the seventeen fake dark fruits that had already been made to the captain and Hansen, he asked them not to tell anyone what they were protecting, and asked them not to ask what other captains were protecting. All it takes is to return the fruit to him before the auction starts.
After everything was ready, the Moby Dick set sail again, and this time the air island was also dispatched together, and there were no personnel left behind even on Xuanyue Island, so before leaving, Reina took all the organs of Xuanyue Island. All are turned on, and once someone enters the alert range of Xuanyue Island, these organs will automatically launch an attack.
To this end, Reina specially sent a notification letter to all the forces under Whitebeard, telling them not to approach Xuanyue Island.
A new world, a certain sea area.
” Thief hahaha … Finally … I finally found you! Thief hahaha … Little ones … ready to set sail! ” Blackbeard Titch looked at the flyer in his hand and said with a mad laugh.
” Oh? This is the purpose of the captain? The dark fruit of the natural system? I didn’t expect it to fall into the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Gamenio looked at the flyer in Tickey’s hand with a little curiosity, and said.
” Captain … Could this be a trap? ” Lafayette frowned and said.
” Don’t worry, no one knows my purpose except you, so they can’t know to use it as bait! And didn’t we also receive news before? I’m still thinking about how to get Jiang Na fruit, I didn’t expect to have such an opportunity! Let’s go, don’t miss the opportunity given by God! Thief hahaha …” Tiki said with a big laugh.
So Blackbeard and his party began to move towards the Golden City.
At the same time, countless forces who have received news have also started to move towards the Golden City. They want to see what treasures are in the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” That kid Reina … what is this going to do? ” Zefa, who was wearing sunglasses, frowned deeply when he looked at the introduction on the flyer.
” Teacher … Aren’t they just going to auction treasures? ” Ai Yin, who has long, smooth, navy blue wavy hair, asked curiously next to Zefa.
” Auction? When have you seen the pirates auctioned? Just grab whatever they need! And the Whitebeard Pirates, as the world’s number one pirate group, how amazing their treasures are? This time it will definitely attract Countless pirates passed by! So … that kid Reina is definitely planning something! ” Zefa shook his head and said.
” Then teacher … what should we do? ” the student Binz, who was standing on the other side behind him, also asked.
” Hehehe … Such an interesting thing, wouldn’t it be a pity not to see it? Let’s go! Ain, Binz, I’ll go over and join in the fun! ” Zefa said with a smile.
Naval Headquarters, Marin van Dou.
” This guy … what is he doing? Can’t he just stop a little? ” Warring States looked at the information in his hand, and said with some nerves.
” It seems that the other party is planning to do something! Then, the marshal … do we need to go and take a look? ” Kizaru asked while sitting there cutting his fingernails.
Warring States glanced at Kizaru who was talking and asked, ” Where’s that bastard Aokiji? ”
” Ah ~ I don’t know! Maybe where to go for a bike ride, or where to go to sleep! ” Kizaru said with an air of indifference.
Ever since Aokiji roamed the sea on a bicycle when they were summoning the whole army, all the navies now know that their powerful general likes to ride a bicycle.
Warring States put one hand on his forehead and said with a slight headache: ” Every one is really … Forget it, Kizaru, let’s go! Let’s see what they want to do! ”
” Alright then! Where’s the Golden City! I haven’t been to the famous world’s No. 1 entertainment city! ” Huang Yuan nodded and got up and said.
” Bastard, don’t forget what made you dare! It’s not for you to play! ” Sengoku looked at Kizaru’s back and roared loudly.
” Don’t worry … he won’t make a mistake, but Zefa’s side … how are you thinking? ” Ah He, who was sitting beside him, shook his head and said.
Hearing Zefa’s name, Sengoku’s expression became serious, and he said, ” Is it confirmed? What about his contact with Reina? ”
” Yeah! You should know what happened to him over the years … so … make a decision early! Otherwise, it will be too late! ” Ah He nodded and replied.
” Huh ~ I won’t worry about each one! As for Zefa’s side … Who do you think is better? ” Warring States rubbed his temples and said.
” Either let Garp go, or let me go! Others might even have the opposite effect in the past! ” Ah He said after thinking about it.
” Then let Karp go, you’d better stay at the headquarters! ” Sengoku said softly.
” Why don’t you see my strength? ” Ah He asked with a frown.
” No no no … It’s just that if you leave, I won’t even have someone to talk to! ” Warring States quickly waved his hand and said slightly flatteringly.
” Humph! ” Lieutenant General Ah He heard the words, snorted coldly, put away the folder, got up and left.
After seeing Lieutenant General Ah He leaving, Sengoku wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on his forehead.

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