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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“The Golden City, a huge golden ship, was founded by Gilder Tezzolo , the person with the ability of the golden fruit! So when you go there, be careful not to get caught by the gold! It is said that when you go in, in order to welcome guests, There will be gold dust falling from the sky, what does this mean I don’t think I need to remind you? ” On the Moby Dick , Rayner recounted to the crew about the magnetic needs of attention.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Golden golden fruit! It’s really a fruit worth having! ” Lakyo said with a look of longing.
” Like all capable people, they are afraid of sea water, so if you accidentally get contaminated with gold dust, remember to wash it with sea water! ” Reina glanced at Lakyo and ignored him, but continued.
” Deputy captain … Then what will we do when we go in? The other party must also greet us with gold dust? ” Joz asked after thinking about it.
” Although I have already said it when I communicated with the other party, there is no guarantee that the other party will be honest, so you need to pay special attention to the captains, don’t forget … You are all guys with great treasures, and you will definitely Become the object of the other party’s key care! ” Reina said with a smirk.
” It’s really interesting, so let’s play it as a game this time! Let’s see who is so unlucky and has his treasures stolen! ” Team 10 Captain Curiel said with a chuckle.
” I like … the idea of poetry! ” Rakyo nodded in agreement.
” I won’t participate … After all, my strength is not on the same level as yours! ” Hansen on the side waved his hand and said with a smile.
His words made the captains quiet.
” This can’t be done! Hansen … Anyway, I handed over the treasure to you. If you lose it, you have to be responsible for yourself! ” Reina said with a slight smile when he saw the atmosphere was a little embarrassed.
” Don’t be like this, friends, just have fun, don’t let me in! ” Hansen said helplessly, spreading his hands.
” That’s not good, Hansen … You are the captain we agree with, the same as us! ” Marko also shook his head and said.
” Hahaha … That’s right! We’re all the same! ”
” It ‘s just … Hansen, you have to take good care of your treasure! ”
Seeing this, the captains all spoke up.
When the Moby Dick moved towards the Golden City, many people from various forces in the world also moved towards the Golden City, and it was hard to say what their purpose was.
However, the Golden City is already an independent country recognized by the world government, and Gilder Tezzolo is a real king, and in his country, whether it is a pirate or a navy, everyone has the same identity after entering the Golden City. This is also specially approved by the world government, so only here will there be a strange scene of the navy and pirates drinking together.
” Then Mr. Tanaka … Where is the Whitebeard Pirates now? ” Inside the Grand Desolo of the Golden City, in Tezzolo’s office, he was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine, intending to taste it .
” They are not far from here, and they are expected to arrive tonight! ” A creature with a head as big as a body wearing a guard’s uniform, who didn’t seem to know whether it was a human or not, replied.
” Really? That’s great. According to the agreement between us, the auction will start on the third day after their arrival. This time is a good opportunity to make the Golden City famous in the world! ” Tezzolo said with a big laugh .
” About the other party’s proposal that gold powder should not be used … What do you think, sire? ” Mr. Tanaka asked after hesitating for a while.
” Hehehe … It doesn’t matter, that kind of small means can’t be used against the Whitebeard Pirates, so since the other party knows about it, don’t take it out! ” Tezzolo said with a light smile: ” But … I can find it. If you have the opportunity to start … don’t worry about it! ”
” Okay, my lord! I see! ” Mr. Tanaka nodded and replied.
” Is the other singer ready? ” Tezzolo turned his head and asked another subordinate.
” Yes, my lord! A singer named Karina won. There is her performance in the afternoon, do you want to go and see it first? ” A woman with slightly dark skin, red hair, and scantily clad, nodded and said.
She is Tezolo’s subordinate, Baccara, the fruit of luck ability.
” Oh? Is that so? Well then! I’ll go and see … Is she suitable to receive my VIP! ” Tezzolo said with a big laugh.
” My lord, the messenger of Doflamingo has arrived! ” At this moment, the waiter outside the door knocked and said.
” I see, Mr. Tanaka, take the messenger to my study! ” Tezzolo’s face slowly darkened and he said.
Many years ago, he grabbed the golden fruit from Doflamingo’s auction, the strongest fruit that gave him his current status.
But after that, although Doflamingo was angry, he had already eaten the fruit, and the other party had nothing to do, so the two began to work together. Doflamingo became the current emperor of the underground world, and there are reasons for his support.
And he can have today’s status, but also Doflamingo’s support.
So the two of them are quite happy to work together.
Soon, when Tezzolo arrived in the study, someone was already waiting for him.
” Mr. Torrepol? I didn’t expect you to come here in person this time! ” Tezzolo paused after seeing the other party, and then said hello.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… No, this time … I’m here in person! The Golden Emperor … Tezzolo! ” On the seat behind Torrepol, a man wearing a pink feather coat and nine points Pants, pointed shoes, the man with sunglasses said with a weird smile.
” It’s you … Joker ! I didn’t expect you to be disturbed this time? Then you are also here for the treasure of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Tezzolo said, slightly startled when he saw the other party.
” No no no … The power of the Whitebeard Pirates is beyond your imagination! If you provoke them for no reason … believe me, my partner! You will die quite ugly! Brother Langming said with a strange smile.
Tezzolo shrugged, found a place to sit down, and said, ” This kind of thing … it doesn’t seem like you said it! The king, Qiwu Haitang, Quixote Doflamingo ! ”
” So far, we’ve had a good time working together, so I just don’t want to change partners! ” Doflamingo said with a chuckle.
” Is it really that powerful? You and I have both awakened Devil Fruits, isn’t it enough to deal with them? ” Tezolo asked curiously.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… You know so little about this world! Whitebeard … not some opponent that can be defeated with devil fruit, and their co-captain … that guy is not like the old Whitebeard. In the same way, he is in his prime at this time, and his strength has reached the peak state. If he wants to kill you … you can’t run away! ”
Maybe Doflamingo really valued this partner, so he made an exception to say so much.
After listening to Doflamingo’s words, Tezzolo’s expression became serious, and he asked, ” Then why did you come here this time … ? ”
“咈嗈嗈嗈… Don’t worry, I’m just here to see the grand occasion of this space … This world … is about to usher in a big change, how far can we achieve it? No one knows!嗈嗈嗈嗈…” Saying that, Doflamingo got up and left, leaving Tezzolo with a fickle face in place.
” Bastard … Do you look down on me because of my background? Sooner or later … I will let you understand … I am strong! Only money … is omnipotent! ” After Doflamingo left, Tai Zoro said through gritted teeth.
After leaving Tezzolo’s study, Torrepol also asked a little puzzled: ” Dover, why are you talking to him so much? It’s just a nouveau riche! ”
“咈嗈咈嗈… He is indeed a nouveau riche, but he is a useful nouveau riche. If it weren’t for him, our funds would not be so abundant! Tell him this … just because he is still useful now … Otherwise, if he foolishly hits the idea of the Whitebeard Pirates, where can I find such a useful idiot ? Fear of being overheard by the other party.
” However, the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates this time are really incomprehensible. Is it really just to give their crew a rest? ” Torrepol said with a frown.
” You must not think so, the last navy who thought so … lost their G10 branch in the new world, so … this time, no one should really think that they just want to relax! ” Doflamingo’s eyes with sunglasses released a ray of light.
At the same time, at the main entrance of the Grand Desolo, a pirate ship was slowly entering.
” Katakuri, what do you want to do when my mother asked us to come over this time? Wouldn’t it be for us to rob the treasures of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Charlotte, the fifth son of the Charlotte family , who is capable of cream fruit Opera asked Katakuri who was lying on the reclining chair with a puzzled face .
” Licking … how could it be … that’s the Whitebeard Pirates! Mom asked us to come over, I’m afraid it’s just to see what they’ve come up with! ” The eldest son Charlotte Perospero said with a chuckle.
” Brother is right, so don’t take any shots at will this time, everything follows my arrangement! ” Katakuri nodded and said.
” Don’t worry, we won’t mess around. After all, even Brother Katakuri, the leader of the four dessert generals, is here this time. We will definitely obey the order! ” Several younger brothers and sisters on the side immediately nodded and said.
Just as they passed the long passage and officially entered the interior of the Grand Desolo, suddenly countless gold powders fell from the sky.
” Qi ~ that’s really a big deal! Gold is actually used like this! ” Perospero stretched out his hand to catch some gold powder, and said with dissatisfaction.
” Huh? ” Katakuri seemed to sense something was wrong, and after twisting his body for a while, he said, ” Don’t inhale these gold powders, I heard that the master here is a superhuman-type gold-gold fruit person! ”
When the rest of the people heard Katakuri’s words, their expressions changed. They knew what it would mean to be able to face the golden fruit after inhaling the gold powder, so they avoided the gold powder and held their breath.
And just when they entered the interior of the Grand Desolo, there was also a pirate ship approaching on the sea not far from them in the bureau.
” Master Jack, the Grand Desolo has been discovered! ” A pirate reported to Jack who was standing on the deck.
Drought Jack, one of the three major signboards of the Beast Pirates, stood on the deck, looking at the brightly lit Grand Desolo in front, and said directly: ” Put the boat over! “

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