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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad … I found the Golden City Grand Desolo ahead! ” The watchman stood on the observation deck and shouted to the deck below.
” It’s finally here, let me see how the world’s number one entertainment city is! ” Lakyo threw the chess piece in his hand, stood up and said loudly.
” Bastard … Lakyo! You lost this game, according to the agreement … You’ll treat yourself to the next drink! ” Bramanke, the captain of the sixth division, who was sitting opposite him, immediately shouted loudly.
It turned out that they were playing flying chess, and they agreed that the last person to reach the end would invite the other three to drink after arriving at the Golden City.
As a result, all three of them had only the last plane left, but Lakeyo still had three, so Lakeyo’s behavior just now was obviously a shame.
” Qi ~ Isn’t it just drinking? I invited him! What a big deal!? ” Lakyo twitched the corners of his mouth unconsciously. Although he felt a little distressed in his heart, he had to say the words at the scene.
” Hmph! You are acquainted, otherwise … it’s not as simple as drinking! ” Joz, who was beside him, restored his diamond-shaped body to a normal state, nodded with a smile, and said.
He rarely plays games because he always loses.
This time, Lakyo also made it clear that he wanted to pull him back, but he finally succeeded in counter-killing him. If the other party dared to cheat, he wouldn’t mind using force!
Looking at the cheered up members, Reina smiled slightly, came directly to Whitebeard, and said with a chuckle: ” Big brother … It’s about to start! ”
” Gu la la la … It’s okay … If you want to make a fuss, let’s make a big fuss! ” Whitebeard replied with a big laugh.
” So everyone … are you ready to party? ” Reina said loudly with a smile.
” Oh ~~~~”
All the crew responded by raising their arms at the same time.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …”
At this time, the phone bug on Reina rang.
” Hey … I’m Reina! ”
” Deputy captain, when will we descend? Or are we on alert in the air? ” On the other side of the phone bug, are members of the escort team on the sky island.
” Let the doctor turn on the automatic mode, and everyone will come down in a hot air balloon! The island is on alert in the air, and there is no need to descend! ” Reina directly instructed.
” Yes! Received! ”
Soon, countless hot air balloons appeared in the sky, all of which were flying combat members of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Although they are non-combat crew members, they are not non-combat members, but Whitebeard does not allow women to enter the combat team, so many women, as well as the injured members of the original combat team, and their families, formed A large number of non-combat members of the Whitebeard Pirates.
It wasn’t until all recognition was on the Moby Dick that Whitebeard understood to continue sailing.
Just as he was about to approach the Grand Desolo, the corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and he had already seen the boat that came to greet him.
” Dear guests … Hello! I’m Baccarat, the tour guide of the Golden City, and I’m in charge of the reception for you this time! ” After boarding the Moby Dick , Baccarat first saluted the white beard, and then became himself introduce.
” Let’s go, let’s meet Mr. Gilder Tezzolo first … As for my companions, please arrange for someone to guide them, and then let them play by themselves! ” Reina took a few steps forward and smiled said.
” This must be the famous vice-captain, His Excellency Benelli D. Reina, right? Our boss is already waiting in the office! ” Baccara was shocked, bowed slightly, and replied.
Since boarding the Moby Dick , even though she is used to seeing countless big scenes, her legs are a little weak and she can’t do anything … The Whitebeard Pirates, who have the title of the world’s No. 1 Pirates, gave her too much pressure.
Even if she is a fruit of luck person, she still feels a little breathless in front of the momentum that Reina deliberately released.
” Yo! That Golden Emperor has a lot of face! Our father came over in person, and he is still sitting in the office safely? He has a big heart! ” After hearing Baccarat’s words, ten beside him The captain of the fourth division , Speedo Kiel, said slightly mockingly.
” Excuse me, it is true that the Golden City has received too many dignitaries and distinguished guests, and our status is low, so we dare not offend anyone …” Baccara was a professional staff, and immediately put himself in the position of the weak .
Sure enough, after hearing her words, although the captains were slightly dissatisfied, they didn’t say anything more!
” It’s really splendid here! ” Reina said with a chuckle, looking at the huge Desolo.
” It looks interesting! ” Whitebeard also smiled and nodded.
When Baccara heard the words, she just wanted to come forward to introduce Whitebeard and Reina, but she was immediately stopped by the person responsible for protecting Whitebeard.
” It doesn’t matter … it’s just a little girl, what kind of bad intentions can you have? Right? ” Reina waved and let the blocking members leave.
Baccarat, who was standing there, was embarrassed.
Soon, the Moby Dick passed through the long passage and came to a big stage, but perhaps because of the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates, the place where countless ships should have been moored became empty. But the seats around the big stage were full.
” Yo ~~ It’s not bad! Look at this environment … it’s really good! ” Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was looking around, and Reina found that the golden dust that should have appeared did not appear.
” Boom! ”
At this moment, a voice sounded, and everyone looked towards the middle, only to see a man in a dress and various gold jewelry appearing at the very front of the grand staircase.
” Who is this person? ” Ace asked, looking at the man who suddenly appeared.
” He should be the boss here, Gilder Tezzolo , right? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Your boss is very chic! I didn’t expect to perform the show in person? ” Ace said with a chuckle.
” Let’s just say it … The owner of the family has performed on the stage in person, so he didn’t come to greet us! You still have opinions! ” Speedo Kiel shook his head and said with a smile .
Baccarat rolled his eyes, he seemed to have said so before.
Soon, in addition to Gilder Tezzolo , another female singer appeared. While she was singing, the crowd in the surrounding stands began to cheer, as if this female singer was very popular.
” Yo ~ The battle is not small ~ It seems that your boss still attaches great importance to this matter! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Of course, you are all VIPs, so naturally you must try your best to make you feel happy. ” Baccara replied with a slight smile.
” Whoa ~~”
With the rhythm of the song, an arch bridge leads directly from the stage to the Moby Dick , and the bridge is made entirely of gold.
” Tsk tsk tsk … that’s really a big deal! ” Lakyo said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Good evening, everyone, I am the boss of this city and the king of this country, Gilder Tezzolo ! Thank you very much for your trust in holding the auction here! As agreed, before the auction starts, You can play here to your heart’s content! ” Tezzolo said after walking over the bridge and saluting at Whitebeard.
Reina looked at Whitebeard, and after seeing the other party nod, he said: ” You first put the treasures that I let you keep close to them in their treasury, and then you can move freely! Mr. Tezzolo, about the auction in three days. I hope to discuss the details with you again! ”
” No problem, Mr. Tanaka, arrange for someone to come over to receive the treasures of the Whitebeard Pirates and put them in the safety pants! Then Your Excellency Reina … please come with me! Baccara, take care of the rest of the guests! ” Tezzo Luo smiled slightly and instructed his subordinates.
After all the treasures were handed over, Reina took a few crew members and followed Tezzolo away, while Whitebeard and the remaining members began to play in the Golden City.
” Mr. Tezzolo, first of all, the reason why we auctioned these treasures is for the second phase construction of Xuanyue Island, so we came to auction. In addition to Berry, we also received various precious minerals and gold! Of course … if If your Excellency is interested … the auction can also be closed, and I don’t mind if you take away all our treasures! ” Reina said straight to the point when he came to Tezzolo’s office.
” Hahaha … Mr. Reina is really refreshing! But the auction is still very necessary! But I can promise you that as long as the items are passed in, I will take all the items, so that you can guarantee that you will return with a full reward this time! How? ” Tezzolo replied with a big laugh.
Reina smiled and nodded and replied: ” Of course there is no problem! One more thing … I hope Mr. Tezzolo can satisfy me! ”
” Please say …”
” I want a list to come to the auction! ” Rayner said softly.
” This …” Tezzolo hesitated and said, ” Mr. Reina, it’s not that I don’t want to, but as a businessman, I can’t sell the customer’s information! If I do this … Who will dare to come to me to do business in the future? ? ”
” Don’t worry, I don’t want to be black and black. As long as I auction things through formal channels, I can guarantee that they will never be recovered! I just want to know who is participating in this auction! ” Lei Na waved his hand and said with a chuckle.
” So that’s the case … In fact, to be honest, there are too many people coming in and out here every day. Before the auction starts, I’m not sure who will participate! But I can tell which people from major forces come over. You! ” Tezzolo replied with a smile.
” Hehehe … Golden Emperor … Mr. Tezzolo ! Do you know why we chose to hold the auction here? ” Reina asked with a strange smile.
” Is there any special reason? As the world’s largest entertainment city, we have unique advantages here, right? ” Tezzolo replied confidently.
” Tsk tsk tsk …” Reina shook his head, slowly put away his smile, and after making himself sit more comfortable, he asked, ” Then I’ll ask again, I want everyone’s list, is that okay? ”
Tezzolo also slowly put away his smile. After looking at Reina for a moment, he replied word by word, ” Sorry … I really do … No … come ! ”
Reina got up directly, scaring the guards around Tezzolo to step forward, looking at Reina nervously.
However, Reina did not have any extra actions, but after sorting out the clothes, he said: ” Then everything is as planned, and the auction will be arranged in three days! However, I hope that this time the publicity will increase a little bit, and it will be able to make our needs special. The matter of the mine is also announced! ”
After speaking, Reina left directly with several crew members.
After Reina left, Mr. Tanaka suddenly appeared from the ground, stood beside Tezzolo, and said, ” Boss … The people from the Whitebeard Pirates seem to be planning something, let them come here to hold an auction … I’m afraid it is will implicate us! ”
Tezzolo didn’t say anything when he heard Mr. Tanaka’s words, but thought of the question from Reina just now, ” Do you know why we chose to hold the auction here? ”
At first, he really thought that he had taken a fancy to the reputation of the world’s number one entertainment city, but now it seems … that is not the case.
” Qi ~ Completely underestimated! ” Tezzolo said, pouting.

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