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Facing the menacing Jack, Rayner was not panic at all, because he had already made plans to do it.
As for everyone on the side with the mentality of watching the play, no one planned to stop Jack.
” This … this guest, we are not allowed here …”
” Go away! ”
A waiter who was around saw this and tried to stop Jack, but he was punched away by Jack.
” Who gave you the courage to appear in front of me? Liang Jingru? Still want to fight with me? It’s almost the same as your boss Kaido! ” Reina’s eyes flashed, and the thousand cherry blossoms around his waist had already appeared in his hands .
” Go to hell! ”
At this time, Jack didn’t have so many concerns, he just wanted to kill the person who attacked him just now.
” Idiot, don’t stop! ”
Just when Reina was about to make a move, a voice suddenly stopped the furious Jack.
Jack, who was about to attack, froze in place.
Everyone looked around and saw a tall and strong man wearing a mask, goggles, helmet, black clothes, a pair of black feather wings behind him, and a man surrounded by flames slowly appearing.
” It’s the first of the three kanbans of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Fire Ember! ”
“The Hundred Beasts Pirates actually came with two big billboards at one time? What are they going to do? Are they going to fight the Whitebeard Pirates? ”
With the appearance of the man, the people who were watching the excitement all showed their surprised eyes. They didn’t expect this man to appear here.
” Idiot! Lost all the face of our Beast Pirates! Chi Tong Reina ! You seem to have any opinion on our Beast Pirates! ” Huo Jin glanced at Jack, looked at Reina and said softly .
Jack, who was standing in the same place, had a trace of fear on his face and did not dare to move.
” Opinion ? When you two joined forces … I don’t seem to have asked for my opinion, right? Now … I don’t want to ask your opinion ! said disdainfully.
As Reina’s words fell, Marco fell from the sky and landed on Reina’s side. There were also countless members of the Whitebeard Pirates who came out under the leadership of the captains.
Seeing such a scene, Jhin’s complexion became a little ugly.
Not only Jhin, but the rest of the onlookers also stepped back a little, lest they would be involved in a fight later.
” Teacher …” Ai Yin whispered while standing behind Zefa, ” What should I do now? ”
” Don’t be nervous, a dog bites a dog! Let’s wait and see what happens! ” Zefa shook his head and said softly.
The rest of the people basically have the same mentality as Zefa, and they don’t want to participate, only Doflamingo’s face is a little strange.
In fact, he has already made an agreement with Kaida in secret, and the two are now considered partners, so if Reina really starts with the Beast Pirates, he is considering whether he should come forward to help.
But before he could think about it clearly, in the middle of the field, a person suddenly came out of the ground.
” Everyone … this is the Golden City … According to the regulations, it is not a place to use force! You are all distinguished guests, if there is any negligence, please include one or two! ” Mr. Tanaka, whose head is the same size as his body, got out of the ground, Said with a smile.
” Hmph! I can give the Golden Emperor’s face, but since that idiot wants to do it, I don’t mind taking care of him, Mr. Tanaka … you can do it! ” Reina thief shouted to catch the thief, and said first.
” What? It’s clear that you did it first …” Jack, who was standing on the spot, immediately became angry when he heard Reina’s words.
” You see, it’s not that I don’t give face to the Golden Emperor, it’s just that this guy owes it! ” Reina Nunu said with a light smile.
” Hahaha … Reina, people’s IQ is rather worrying when they look like this, so don’t play with him anymore! ” Over there, Lakyo , who was holding two maids, said to Jack with a sneering expression on his face. .
The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates also looked like they were watching the show, and found that they were mocking, and the angry Drought Jack had the urge to transform into a mammoth.
Fortunately, Jhin was still at the scene, so although Jack was angry, he knew he couldn’t do it first.
” Tell me, what are you going to do now? Are you fighting here with our Beast Pirates? That’s why you made such a big commotion? ” The expressionless Jhin looked at Reina and asked softly.
” Just you? Not enough! Want to know why we’re doing this? Then just stay … now … get that idiot out of the way, or I don’t mind letting him die here! ” Reina Glancing at Jack, he said softly.
” Very good, our Hundred Beasts Pirates have recorded this place, and we will find a chance to return it in the future! ” Jin snorted coldly, turned around and left.
Although Jack over there really wanted to do it, but his elder brother Jhin was gone, so he had to leave.
” Hahahaha … I didn’t expect to see such a good show as soon as I came here! ” In the corner, the changed Blackbeard Tickey led the crew to look at the protagonists at the center of the incident and said with a chuckle: ” In the future … that’s where we are too! ”
” Let’s go, Captain! Let’s finish the serious business first! ” Lafayette touched Blackbeard Titch and said softly.
At this time, Reina, who was standing in the center, looked at the surrounding navies and pirates, and said loudly: ” I don’t know why you are here, and I don’t want to know, but we are here for one purpose … Take out the treasures we don’t need and exchange for some special minerals and materials, and prepare to expand Xuanyue Island! ”
” And ordinary treasures must be disliked by you … In addition to taking out a natural devil fruit this time … we also have a confidential document! Everyone should know that my eldest brother is not interested in the position of One Piece. That’s why I am willing to share this secret, if any of you are interested … may wish to go to the auction to see it! Hahaha …”
Reina’s words changed everyone present, even Jhin and Blackbeard Tickey had to stop when they were halfway there.
Because from Reina’s words just now, they heard a piece of information, that is, this auction of the Whitebeard Pirates will auction off a confidential document about One Piece.
” Hey … Chi Tong! To be clear, is it the news about the big secret treasure? ” Just as Reina was about to leave, a pirate suddenly asked loudly.
Hearing this question, everyone began to hold their breath, expecting Reina’s answer.
” Reina! What do you want to do? Isn’t this world messy enough now? What do you Whitebeard Pirates want to do? ” Just as Reina was about to speak, Zefa stood up with an ugly face and reprimanded loudly.
Back then, because of the dialogue between Roger and Reina, the era of the Great Pirates came. If the Whitebeard Pirates release something related to One Piece now, there will definitely be a bloody storm in the sea.
So even Zefa, who was very disappointed with the navy, had to stand up to stop Reina at this time.
” Old Zefa … You can’t stop it … This is the trend … It ‘s the direction of the wind! This era … is about to run wild ! The Son of Destiny has appeared, and what we Whitebeard Pirates need to do is just follow the trend. Hahaha …” Reina said with a big laugh.
” Child of Destiny? Who do you mean? ” Zefa asked with a solemn face: ” The runaway of the times? No! As long as there is a righteous navy, there will be no runaway in this era! Reina, I didn’t expect you guys to actually plan to do it. Such a big scene! Kizaru … Aren’t you going to report to the Warring States period? The seriousness of the matter is beyond your imagination! ”
Although Kizaru over there did not move, his face still had that wretched expression on his face, but it could be seen from the eyes he stared at Reina that he was serious.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… So it is … The Whitebeard Pirates plan to use this secret to detonate this era! It seems that it is really right! ” After hearing Reina’s words, Doflamingo’s eyes flickered. Crazy light, he likes this feeling. Only in crazy and runaway times can he have a chance to rise. A sea of stagnant water is not what he likes.
The pirates around became excited one by one. From the conversation between Reina and Zefa, people remembered one thing. It was the big pirate in front of him who started the era of the great pirates by talking to Roger. Benelli D. Rayner, known as Chikyu, must have news about One Piece in his hands.
So people began to go crazy, and the news began to spread. In just a moment, the news began to spread in all directions with the reporters in the crowd.
Gilder Tezzolo, who was rushing to Reina’s location at this time , scolded inwardly after hearing the report of his subordinates, and the pace of his footsteps accelerated again.
Although he wants to have a list of items that the Whitebeard Pirates need to auction, he does not know the treasures in the hands of each captain, so he is guessing that this confidential document is likely to be in the hands of a certain captain or even Reina. He keeps it himself.
As for the possibility of Reina lying, there is almost no such thing. It has reached the level of Reina, and it can only be considered basic.
” Brother Katakuri, did you hear it? That guy … has an important clue to becoming the Pirate King! ” A young and lovely woman from the Charlotte family said to Katakuri with excitement.
” Don’t be fooled by the illusion in front of you, Brin! He just said information related to One Piece, but no one knows what it is! ” Katakuri replied calmly.
” But as the Whitebeard Pirates, which was as famous as the Roger Pirates, it was Reina who sent off Roger’s existence in person, so he must have information about becoming the Pirate King! ” Charlotte Brin was full of face said expectantly.
” There are many people who think like you, so it is foreseeable that the auction in three days … is bigger than what we imagined! Now the Navy is starting to have a headache! If this auction is not stopped, the consequences will be It will be very serious! But they have lost the best opportunity. Now that the Whitebeard Pirates are all in the Golden City, they will not give Gilder Tezzolo a chance to go back! ” Kataku Li said calmly.
” Then do we need to contact Mom? I feel like this document is … important to us too! ” Charlotte Opera also asked next to Katakuri .
” Big brother … what do you think? ” Katakuri asked, looking at the eldest son Perospero beside him.
Although he is the person in charge of this incident, as the eldest son of Perospero, he still has to give this face.
” Licking … Even so, we don’t know anything yet, so if we report to our mother … Does it seem like we are too incompetent? ” Perospero said with a chuckle.
” Brother is right, no matter what, let’s grab it first and then let’s talk about it! If it really doesn’t work, let Mom send someone over! ” Brin nodded, looking as if she wanted to do it now.

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