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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Captain …” Looking at Blackbeard Titch who stopped, the rest of the crew stopped, and then they heard Reina’s explosive speech.
” It seems that we can’t act now! ” Titch said after a little thought.
” Why? ” Camenio asked in surprise.
” Because if the captain acts now and gets the fruit, then it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the other party, then this last secret … maybe the other party will not tell it! ” Lafayette on the side shook his head and explained.
” No, I don’t think so! What is the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates? It is to use Roger’s information to cause the world to run wild. In fact, they don’t know our purpose! Then even if something goes wrong, they still It will continue, but … we may not be able to get the final information! ” Demon Hunter Idar shook his head and vetoed.
” Captain …” Everyone looked at Titch, waiting for his answer.
” Once we act, Rayner is likely to guess that I’m coming, so after the action, we must evacuate immediately! Then it is equivalent to interrupting the plan of the Whitebeard Pirates! Trust me, once we act, He will definitely interrupt the plan to go after us! ” Titch shook his head and said.
” Then what the captain means … wait until the auction is about to end? This way we can not only know the last information, but also get what we need? ” Idar said with a frown.
” No, this is more dangerous. The longer we lurking here, the less likely our purpose will be achieved, and the greater the risk of exposure! ” Titch shook his head and replied.
” Then what should we do now? ” Zhishas Basas , who was on the side, was obviously not good at using his brain, and asked impatiently.
” Don’t worry, the original plan can’t keep up, we have to designate a new plan first! Let’s find a place to live first! ” After thinking about it, Tickey said.
At the same time, the owner of the Golden City, the Golden Emperor Tezzolo finally arrived at the scene. Seeing that Reina and the others had not left, he immediately stepped forward and said, ” Your Excellency Reina, what you just said was before our agreement. There is absolutely no mention of it! ”
” Isn’t our agreement borrowing your place to hold an auction? This information is also one of the commodities, what’s the problem? ” Reina smiled and replied.
Tezzolo’s eyes narrowed. He had already thought that after the news was passed on, the Golden City would definitely become the focus of the world, and the navy and the world government would definitely let him cancel the auction.
But now all the members of Whitebeard must arrive here. Once he refuses, will the other party give up easily? If he doesn’t want to … then he himself is caught in the middle, which is quite difficult.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Tezzolo, don’t think about ending the auction, this guy will never allow you to do this until you reach your goal! Don’t look at the presence of the Admiral, but … they can’t be . It is the opponent of the entire Whitebeard Pirates! ” Doflamingo seemed to see Tezzolo’s hesitation and said.
He himself hopes that the world will be as chaotic as possible, so he also does not want Tezzolo to end this auction.
” Ah ~ it’s really troublesome! So many people want the auction to continue … But … as a navy, I can’t just watch you act recklessly! ” Kizaru gradually put away his lazy expression and said. .
Seriously, no one knows how terrifying Kizaru is, because the pirates who angered him have already died. As one of the three generals of the navy, he is one of the strongest combat powers in the navy, and he has been famous since he became famous. When he was in the sea, he had the reputation of being a monster, so after he opened his mouth, there were still many people who were quite afraid.
But these people did not include Reina.
” Yellow-skinned monkey, if I were you … leave now to find reinforcements, there are still three days, enough time for you to mobilize all the surrounding naval branches … how about … do you want to try? ” Reina Said with a smile.
” Reina! Do you insist on doing this? ” Although Reina, who was wearing sunglasses, could not see his eyes, he could still sense the murderous aura in his eyes.
” It must be so! ” Reina nodded and said confidently.
” In that case … Kizuna, although I really don’t want to say that … but it looks like we are going to join forces today! ” Zefa, who had already made preparations for battle, said to the yellow ape over there.
Kizaru nodded, he still recognized the strength of his teacher Zefa, but because of his age and having suffered too many blows, Zefa’s spirit is not as good as before, so how much can he show? The strength is really bad.
Seeing this, the surrounding pirates retreated one by one, fearing that they would be affected, only Tezzolo Medical De had helpless and some anger, here … but his territory.
” Wait … Teacher! ” At this critical moment, Zefa’s disciple Ai Yin suddenly said loudly: ” Your Excellency Reina, since you regard that information as a commodity, then we should also have the qualifications to bid, right? This is the Golden City, a place specially approved by the world government not to care about identity! Then according to the rules, I can also participate in the auction! ”
Ain’s words surprised everyone present, including Reina, he never thought that the Navy would do this.
Because no matter when, the Navy seems to have no time to compromise, after all, they are the party that represents justice.
However, the situation is stronger than people now, because they underestimated this auction, so their strength is now seriously insufficient.
Kizaru and Zefa looked at each other, and they also saw surprise in each other’s eyes.
” Indeed, according to the rules, you do have the full strength to participate! But this information … you are useless, right? ” Reina said after being silent for a while.
Tezzolo’s eyes lit up over there. He also thought of it. Nothing that can be solved with money is a problem. Even if the world government and the navy don’t use money to buy intelligence, he can spend money to buy it and then give it to him. Navy or World Government.
At the same time that he can get the favor of the world government, he can also obtain this information from it.
Of course, it is impossible for him to say it now. The competition for this information will be extremely hot, so he must prepare now.
And when they heard that the navy would also participate in the auction, the representatives of all the forces were thoughtful, so not only would there be one more competitor, but the navy was the most powerful force on the sea.
Even in terms of financial resources, everyone present is no match for the World Government, so they are already thinking about how to get the information in Reina’s hands.
” Everyone, don’t worry, this information has not been recorded in any form. After the auction is over, my eldest brother will tell the person who obtained the information himself! So you don’t have to bother to come to me to steal it! ” See everyone With a thoughtful look, Reina smiled slightly and said: ” And we also guarantee the authenticity of this information, which will definitely make you feel that it is worth the money. ”
Reina’s words made everyone stunned. They didn’t expect that they would use such a method to conduct an auction of intelligence.
” It’s really interesting, let’s go! There’s no need to stay any longer! ” Jhin, who had been staying over there, took the lead with Jack away. He had already thought of the best way to get the information, which was to steal it from the final winner. Intelligence, and his … greatest hobby is to torture others.
As for who stole this information from, he doesn’t care, but the biggest possibility is the navy, and at present, the strongest in the navy is the yellow monkey. If you want to catch the yellow monkey, it is not difficult. Low.
After the Beasts Pirates left first, Doflamingo also left with someone. He needs to negotiate with the Beasts Pirates, and they may be able to cooperate.
After Doflamingo left, Kizaru also took people away, and with him was Zefa. Maybe this incident could make the two masters and students who have a very bad relationship cooperate once.
As the powerhouses left, the rest of the pirates slowly dispersed, and when everyone was almost gone, Katakuri found Reina directly.
” What? Want to go through the back door? But the relationship between us … It doesn’t seem to be that far yet? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Make a price! I promise not to disclose any information to the public! ” Katakuri said blankly: ” If your goal is really to detonate the world, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to spread it more widely? Unless … what other purpose do you have! ”
Reina just wanted to say something, but suddenly he stomped his foot, then inserted the thousand cherry blossoms in his hand directly into the ground, and said, ” It’s just some little mice, let’s continue now? Where did you just say? ”
” Your purpose! ” Katakuri replied calmly.
” Yes, what I said before was the main purpose. In addition to this, of course we have some things of our own to deal with together! ” Reina replied with a chuckle.
” Tell me, what do you need me to do! ” Katakuri asked directly.
” It’s really refreshing, but … I can’t tell you right now, just wait for my notice! ” Reina chuckled and left.
Watching Reina leave, Katakuri chuckled and turned to leave with his younger siblings.
At the same time, in the room of the Beast Pirates, Doflamingo was negotiating with Huo Jin, while his number one subordinate Torrepol was talking to Tezzolo.
On the navy side, Kizaru and Zefa were both on the phone, but it was obvious that they were talking to different people.
Reina, who returned to the room, also wanted Whitebeard to report what happened today.
” Boy, you’ve played such a big game, don’t end it badly! ” Whitebeard said with a frown when he heard Reina changed his plan without authorization.
They didn’t say before that they would use any information related to Roger to detonate the world. Now that Reina has said such words without authorization, then this also represents the meaning of the entire Whitebeard Heze regiment.
” Don’t worry, big brother, it won’t really make the world chaotic! It’s just that we are holding an auction … We must give Titch a reason! Otherwise, what if he runs away directly? ” Reina said with a smile.
” You can make up your own mind! In other words, the entertainment facilities here are really good. It’s a place that can make people drunk and intoxicated! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” If I wanted to, I could make Xuanyue Island better than him, but gambling is a thing, once you’re addicted to it, it’s bad. That’s why I don’t let everyone gamble when they play board games! ” Reina shook her head and said.
” You’re right! ” Whitebeard nodded in agreement.

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