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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Doflamingo came out of the room of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, he did not go back directly, but went to Admiral Kizaru again, went there as the king of Qiwuhai, and chatted with Admiral Kizaru. Left in a hurry in a few minutes.
This night is not destined to be peaceful.
Far away in the Warring States period of Marine Fando at the naval headquarters, after receiving the report from Zefa, they convened a meeting of generals above the general level overnight to study what kind of fluctuations the Whitebeard Pirates’ plan caused to the world.
” Master Marshal … About the big secret … Is the Whitebeard Pirates a mystery? If they really know something, why don’t they find it themselves, but share it? ” A major general was a little puzzled asked.
” No! If anyone in this world is closest to that secret, it’s definitely Whitebeard! It’s not that he can’t find it, but that he doesn’t want to find it! ” Warring States shook his head and said.
” What? This … do they already know how to get to Ralph? ” the generals asked in surprise.
” Yes, according to reliable information, before the Roger Pirates went to Ralph Drew, they had contact with the Whitebeard Pirates, and this contact was officially made, so that Roger knew how to find Ralph Drew. ! ” Warring States nodded and said.
“I really didn’t expect that there are such pirates in this world! ” Except for a few limited senior generals such as Garp and Ah He, the rest of the generals felt incredible.
” Then what if the Whitebeard Pirates announce the route to Ralph Drew … Isn’t it? ” After thinking about it, a general said with some fear.
” No, it’s impossible for him to announce it! ” Karp shook his head and said, ” Even if that kid Reina is really crazy, Whitebeard will never allow him to do this! ”
” So what kind of information is Whitebeard trying to announce this time? We can only take appropriate precautions when we know his plan! ”
” I think no matter what kind of intelligence they want to publish, such existence has threatened world peace and should be eradicated! ”
” That’s right, Marshal, let’s take this opportunity to send troops directly to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates together with the so-called Golden City! ”
The generals expressed their opinions one after another, but let alone a wise general like Sengoku, even Garp shook his head when he heard it.
” It’s not that simple, but this information must be obtained! ” Warring States shook his head and said, ” Sakaski, wait for you to go to the Five Old Stars and ask them for some funds, so that the yellow monkey must provide the information. Bring it back! ”
On the other hand, after the World Government received the news, they were also negotiating. The final result of the negotiations of the Five Old Stars was to let their subordinates get the information, and if they couldn’t get it, they would be destroyed directly.
Just when everyone was excited about this information, Reina, who was the initiator, didn’t realize it at all.
” Okay, Marko, let them come in one by one and take the treasure I gave them! ” In Reina’s room, after checking Marko’s dark fruit, he returned it to the other party, and asked him to take the rest The captains called in one by one.
After all the people came in in turn and showed Reina the dark fruits they kept, Reina explained to each of them that they must keep their treasures.
After all the captains went back, Tickey came to a room after a short change, and in front of them was a man shrouded in a black trench coat.
” This is what you want! ” The man in black handed Titch a small box.
” No one has found you yet? ” Titch asked seriously.
” No, but Reina counts treasures every day! So you only have one day to escape! ” The man in black said softly.
” Then do you know the information about the great treasure that Reina said? ” Teach asked again.
The man in black shook his head and said, ” I don’t know, I haven’t heard about this from Reina! ”
” Can you find a way to get that information? ”
” Then don’t take this away. When I get the information, you will leave with this information! ” The man in black said after thinking about it.
Tickey thought about it and said, ” There are still three days left. I’ll give you one day. I’ll come to you to get something at this time tomorrow. If you don’t get the information, give this to me! ”
” Okay! ” After the man in black finished speaking, he got up and left.
After the man in black left, Titch sat there without getting up. After a while, another man in black came in.
” How’s it going? Any clues about the intelligence? ” Titch asked softly.
” No! And … I can be sure … at least two captains got Devil Fruits! ” The man in black said calmly.
” What did you say? ” Teach was taken aback, looked at the man in black, and asked, ” What do you mean … ? ”
” Maybe … it was exposed! But Reina still wasn’t sure who it was, so he gave each of his suspected captains a fruit, so that he could find the traitor hidden in the team! ” The man in black said softly.
” So … then … this matter is probably aimed at my layout! ” Titch chuckled and said.
” That’s all I know, you can handle the rest by yourself! ” The man in black got up and left after saying that.
After the man left, Blackbeard Tiki got up slowly and walked back and forth in the room a few times before leaving the room.
On the second day, although the Golden City appeared to be as calm as before, in fact, undercurrents were already surging.
Like Katakuri, there were many people who came to Reina to gain a breakthrough, but Reina did not let go at all, as if the Whitebeard Pirates planned to use this information to circle a lot of money.
The navy also put a lot of eyeliner around his room, but Reyna just didn’t know what to do.
At night, after Reina checked the treasures of the captains, he called Marco and Ace in again.
” Tomorrow is the third day. If something goes wrong, it’s probably tonight. You all work hard tonight, guard the exit channel, no matter who it is, stop me if you want to leave! ” Reina directly said to the two.
” What do you mean? ” Ace asked, still a little puzzled.
On the other hand , Marco seemed to see something and asked: ” You bastard … What are you hiding from us? As far as I know, the Devil Fruits in our hands … are all fake, right? ”
” Huh? Do you know what the other captains have in their hands? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Not all of them, I know of Saatchi and Joz, they are the same Devil Fruits as me! ” Marko shook his head and said.
” Did they tell you? ” Reina’s frown deepened.
” No, it’s my cliché! ” Marko shook his head and said.
” Trouble …” Reina rubbed his head and said, ” Forgot, everyone is a companion, so there is no warning! So as long as you have the heart, you can get some news! ”
” Deputy captain, Marco … What are you talking about? ” Ace on the side was confused and didn’t understand at all.
” Ace, what is your treasure? ” Marko asked after thinking about it.
” This … can we talk about it now? Didn’t the vice-captain say not to inquire about each other? ” Ace asked with a look at the expressionless Reina.
” Is yours a purple natural devil fruit? ” Marco asked suddenly.
” How do you know? ” Ace was stunned and blurted out.
And hearing Ace’s answer, Reina’s brows furrowed even more!
” Look … that’s it! ” Marco shrugged and said to Reina.
” I made a mistake! Now that the information has been leaked, I must find a way to remedy it! I just don’t know if Titch already knows it! No … It must be arranged according to the worst plan! ” Lei Na whispered to himself.
” Titch? What does this have to do with Titch? ” Hearing Reina’s whisper, Marco immediately asked.
As for Tiki, now the entire Whitebeard Pirates know that the other party seems to be targeting them all the time. If Reina destroyed the other party’s plan a few times, they would have suffered a lot of losses, so now they hear Tee Odd name, there are some conditioned reflexes.
” Well, the two of you should be absolutely trustworthy anyway! ” After thinking about it, Reina explained the cause and effect of the incident.
” What? A traitor? Shouldn’t it be possible? Just based on the disclosure of Ace’s identity, it’s a bit far-fetched to think that it’s a problem on our side, isn’t it? ” Marco frowned and said.
Ace on the side was silent and did not speak. He had played against Titch, and Titch recognized his intelligence and reported to Reina, so he didn’t know what position he should stand on now.
In his heart, he had the same thoughts as Marko, and he didn’t want or want to believe Reina’s speculation.
” Of course, I’m not saying that there are traitors among the captains. Just like what I said just now, the information may not be leaked from our side, but the probability of this is quite small! That’s why I did this. The arrangement can not only eliminate the traitors, but also not hurt everyone’s feelings! ” Reina nodded and said.
” But how do you know that it’s just a natural devil fruit, it shouldn’t be enough to induce Tiki to come over, right? Oh … That’s why you spread the news of the so-called great secret treasure? ” Marko said, a pair of With an expression of sudden realization, he shook his head again and said:
” No! Only you and Dad know this information, we don’t know! What the hell did you plan? ”
” This fruit is called the Dark Fruit, and it is a fruit that Tiki is determined to obtain! Even in the natural system, it is quite a unique fruit! So I am sure that as long as he gets the news, he will definitely come back, and for the sake of To make him feel that there is an opportunity, I also deliberately put the auction in the Golden City, otherwise if it is held on Xuanyue Island, he is afraid that he will not be so courageous! ” Reina said with a smile:
” As for the news of the so-called big secret treasure … it’s just to add color to the auction, and at the same time to delay Titch, so that he won’t run away with something! ”
” I see …” Marko and Ace nodded in surprise at the same time.

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