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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” But now … Because of the captain’s undefense, Titch probably already knew that we were seducing him with Devil Fruit, right? ” After listening to Reina’s explanation, Marco scratched his head and said.
” That’s right, the fruits you got in your hands are all fake. The real dark fruits have always been in my hands. If there is no problem by tomorrow, then I’m almost 80% sure, Tiki already knows I’m setting up a game! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Then what are we going to do now? ” Ace asked anxiously.
Just now, he accidentally told Marco that he was holding the Dark Fruit. He believed that if Marco used this trick, he should be able to deceive almost everyone.
First, everyone didn’t think there was a problem with their companions, so they wouldn’t be on guard for this level of information leaking. Second, the other party had no intention of calculating, and it was too easy to obtain this information.
” There should be a remedy, right? For example, you can collect all the fruits later, and then resend it again? ” Marco suggested.
” No, it’s impossible to deceive the opponent with this level of feint! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” But … but I still don’t believe … how could someone betray Dad! ” Ace shook his head unacceptably and said.
” Now that we have a large number of people, no one can guarantee that there will be no people with ulterior motives taking the opportunity to sneak in. This is under the circumstance that we have not recruited many personnel in the past few years. If there are spies, they are basically the pirate groups under their command! ” Lei Na said with a wry smile.
He had talked to Whitebeard about this at the beginning, but Whitebeard didn’t care at all.
” So … it’s very likely that we were unknowingly being tricked into? ” Marco asked with a frown.
” Probably! ” Reina nodded and said.
Faced with such a result, Ace finally felt a little better. If he had to be betrayed by a captain-level partner, it would definitely be a blow to Whitebeard Huan Etun.
” Then why don’t you explain it directly? If you ask … you should be able to know who accidentally leaked it? ” Ace asked naively.
” First of all, the spy thing can’t be completely ruled out. If you explain it directly, it will be a shock, and it will also be a blow to our morale. When you heard the news just now, you were very uncomfortable, right? If there is no evidence , I just said this, wouldn’t it hurt everyone’s heart?
And it’s very likely that who leaked it out after being drunk, he doesn’t remember it himself, what should I do? ” Reina shook her head and said.
When Ace thought about how he felt when he heard the news, he couldn’t help but nodded in agreement.
In my heart, I was even more impressed with Reina’s carefulness.
” So? What are we going to do now? ” Marco asked, starting to get a little impatient.
” Don’t worry … let me think about it, I didn’t expect this at first, it was my mistake! ” Reina shook his head and said.
So Ace and Marco quieted down, not disturbing Reina’s thinking.
” If I were Titch … what would I do? ” Reina closed her eyes and thought carefully.
” If he finds this trap … then he will give up the plan very badly, but he will not give up the dark fruit … then he is likely to buy the dark fruit directly after the auction, or follow the dark The buyer of the fruit, directly eat the black! The advantage of this is that you can also peep at the last news about the big secret treasure …”
Reina, who closed his eyes, began to talk to himself, but neither Ace nor Marco bothered Reina, but listened to his own analysis.
” Then under what circumstances would I make a move? First of all, we must be 100% sure about the authenticity of the dark fruit! Second, we must ensure our own safety, and there must be enough time to retreat! ” Reina opened his eyes and said directly: ” Then I must create such conditions for him! ”
” Will it be too risky? Just wait until the auction, we will arrange for someone to buy the dark fruit, isn’t it safer to wait for Titch to shoot? ” Marko said when he saw that Reina had opened his eyes.
” This is indeed safer, but … the traitor’s matter is over! If this matter is not dealt with, I am afraid it will be detrimental to us in the future! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” But as long as Titch is solved, isn’t the traitor’s case also solved? ” Ace asked inexplicably.
” That person who can betray us the first time can also betray us the second time … So it’s always a hidden danger if we don’t find it out! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” So what are you going to do? ” Marko asked directly.
” Tomorrow morning, I will use Tezzolo’s request as an excuse to take back all the fake fruits, and then take out the real ones. In front of you, I will ask Tezzolo’s appraiser to be firm! Later, I will include the dark fruit in the The treasures inside are stored in Tezzolo’s warehouse, and then the captains take turns to guard! ” Reina touched his chin and said.
” What if the traitor isn’t the captain? ” Ace asked.
” Even if it’s not the captain, it must be a guy who has a close relationship with the captain. After they receive the news, they will definitely choose the captain to guard the gate, deceive the guardian, and then snatch the dark fruit! ” Reina said with a smile: ” At that time, his identity will be exposed! Our purpose is to confirm the identity of the other party. As long as we find the traitor, then in the Golden City, Tickey will not escape! ”
” So that’s the case … In this case … I suggest two captains in a group, and the time of the two is staggered, one guards for two hours, but one of them defends with the previous captain an hour before, shouting for an hour and the other A captain defends! As for how to form a team, it will be decided by lottery, and it will not be announced to the public. Everyone only knows their defense time, so it can be more secure! ” Marco said after thinking about it.
Reina glanced at Marco and said, ” Yes! ”
” It looks so complicated! ” The naive Ace didn’t notice anything from Marco’s proposal, but Reina was different, he understood why Marco did it.
In fact, in Marco’s heart, he also began to doubt the captain, so he made this proposal, so that things are more realistic, and if the time is staggered, it can also play a protective role for the captains who are not spies, because you are not at all. I don’t know, who will protect the treasure with you at that time.
It also became more difficult for Blackbeard to act.
That night, Blackbeard, who got the information, really did not take the fake dark fruit. Just as Reina guessed, he had planned to do it after the auction. Although it was probably Reina’s trap, there was a traitor. , he can also be surprised.
Early the next morning, Reina announced that the treasure would be taken back and handed over to the Golden City for safekeeping.
” In order to ensure the safety of the treasures, the captains come up and draw lots! There is a time for you to guard the treasures. You can go to the gate of the Golden City warehouse to guard it according to the time! Once today is over, tomorrow will be the auction! ” Reina said with a smile. .
The captains did not refuse. How many forces are lurking in the Golden City now, even the Golden Emperor Tezzolo can’t give an answer.
Because of the information about the great secret treasure, there are countless pirates and people from various forces who have come here in the past three days, so the security personnel of Tezzolo alone are basically not enough to protect the treasure house. This is still the information about the great secret treasure. The reason here, otherwise, I am afraid that Reina will have to join the defensive list in person.
At noon the day before the auction, Titch the Blackbeard came to the previous room again, this time a man in black was still sitting in the shadows waiting for him.
” Is there any information? Calling me over in such a hurry? ” Titch asked, sitting opposite the man in black.
” Yeah! Reina collected all the treasures and stored them in Tezzolo’s treasury. Before the village put it in, an appraiser confirmed the authenticity of the dark fruit, and the other party had already recognized that the fruit was Dark fruit! ” The man in black said calmly.
” Thief hahaha … It seems … he has already noticed that I saw through his layout! It’s not that it’s Reina, it’s not that easy to deal with! So now, have you figured out the location of the treasure house and the defenders ? ” said with a smile.
Now ina has changed from darkness to light, and told Titch clearly that what you want is here, it depends on whether you have the ability to get it!
” Captains allocate their defensive time by drawing lots. My time is from 3 to 5 pm! And because the captain’s time is kept secret, I don’t know when the rest of the captains will take over! This is the topographic map of the treasure trove. ! ” The man in black handed a note to Titch and said softly.
” I see, then prepare for it! When the time comes, you will act according to the opportunity, and we will leave immediately after success! ” After looking at the topographic map in his hand, Tickey made a decision immediately.
” Aren’t we waiting for the auction? It’s obvious, it’s Reina’s trap! ” The man in black asked in surprise.
” No wait, this is the best chance, because Reina is not sure of your identity, so this arrangement is made, and this … is our chance! ” Titch shook his head and said.
The man in black nodded, got up and left directly. Not long after he left, another man in black walked in again.
” What’s the matter? ” The man in black asked after he sat down.
” Do you know about the dark fruits being stored in the treasury? ” Titch asked straight to the point.
” I’ve heard about it, but only the captains know the specifics, I don’t know, and this time the captains seem to have received a warning from Reina and said nothing about this mission! ” The man in black shook his head and said .
” Where’s Dad? What’s going on? ” Titch asked after thinking for a while.
” No, Dad is just like us, playing in the Golden City every day! ” The man in black shook his head and said.
” Okay, this is the location and topographic map of the treasure house, you can write it down, and then feel the treasure house around three o’clock to see which captain is stationed there! ” Titch handed the note to the man in black, said.
After the man in black looked at the note carefully, he returned it to Titch and said, ” Okay, then I will make a mark at the foot of the wall, we will not meet, this time is too dangerous! ”
” Thief hahaha … Don’t worry, after this time, whether it is successful or not, you have nothing to do with us. After that … you are your Whitebeard Pirates member, and I am the Blackbeard Pirates Captain! We used to be Your kindness is written off! ” Teach said with a big laugh.
Hearing the words, the man in black got up and left.
” Lena, let’s take a look … Is it your chess move or I’m better! Who will die now … Not sure! Thief hahaha …” After the man in black left, Titch laughed to leave.

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