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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The day before the auction starts, at three o’clock in the afternoon.
” Yo ~ Captain Joz? Captain Thatch? Why are you here? ” A member of the Whitebeard Pirates, holding a wine bottle in his hand, looked like he was drinking too much, and crookedly moved towards the defensive mission. Joz and Thatch asked.
” You drank too much again? Hurry back to rest, we have something to do here! ” Saatchi said while scolding with a smile, walking towards the crew member.
On the other hand, Joz stood on the ground expressionless, as if he had not heard his partner say hello.
” Ah? What’s the matter? What’s the matter? Let ‘s go for a drink together … I ‘ll ask! ” The member hooked on Saatchi’s shoulder and said with a smile.
As for Joz’s appearance, he didn’t care, because even if Joz was on the boat, he was so expressionless most of the time, so everyone was used to it.
” Okay, don’t talk nonsense, I said I have something to do right now, you go back first, I’ll find you when I’m done here! ” Saatchi waved his hand and told the other party to leave first.
” Okay then! Gulugulu … Remember to come to me! Hiccup …” After taking another sip of wine, the member left crookedly.
” Tsk tsk tsk … These days, everyone has been playing crazy! I didn’t expect Dad to be so generous, and he really invited us to play! ” After returning to Joz, Saatchi said with a smile.
” Yeah! ” Joz nodded and replied.
He was originally a person who was not good at words, especially after so many years of torture by Reina, although his strength was stronger than the original, he became more taciturn.
” By the way … Where haven’t you been playing these days? ” Saatchi asked curiously.
Because in his opinion, even if it was a partner for so many years, he didn’t seem to notice that Joz was particularly interested in anything.
” Going to drive a racing car … it seems interesting! It’s just a little expensive! ” Joz said after thinking about it.
It was the first time he was exposed to the sport of racing. After being encouraged by members of their team to participate once, it felt a little interesting. He has been there several times in the past two days.
” Racing? Ah ~~ I heard that it’s very exciting, but it’s dangerous, you have to be careful! ” Saatchi was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect Joz to like racing cars. He also went to play once, and the accident rate was quite the same. Big, but in terms of their skills, even if they crashed, as long as they were careful, it would not be life-threatening, but injuries and the like were inevitable.
” Not dangerous! ” said Joz, shaking his head.
Saatchi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the opponent was a person with the ability of the shining fruit, and the physical defense was extremely strong .
Just out of sight of them, a member drew a mark on the foot of the wall and left full.
After a while, several people who were shrouded in black trench coats came over, and after seeing the mark at the foot of the wall, they said softly: ” Now it’s Diamond Joze, and the fourth division captain Saatchi is over there! ”
” Notify the captain, the rest of the people are in their positions, ready to start at any time! ” One of the men in black said softly.
After they left, another person came here secretly, and after rubbing the mark on the foot of the wall, he looked around and left.
At this moment, not far from the treasure house, Blackbeard Tiki was waiting for something.
” Captain, it’s Diamond Joze and Thatch from the Fourth Division over there now! ” Lafayette came over after a while and said.
“The thief hahaha … Are there only two captains? It seems that Reina is very confident! Are they all ready? ” Ti asked with a strange smile.
” Well, it’s all in place! ” Rafael nodded and said.
” Very good! Let them wait for my notification, and retreat as soon as they succeed! ” Blackbeard said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Yes! ” Raphael nodded, giving birth to a pair of wings directly from behind and flying away.
Soon, the time came to 3:55 in the afternoon.
” Yo ~ why are you two here? Who am I going to exchange with? ” Hansen, the captain of the guard, with an ordinary long sword hanging from his waist, walked towards Joz and Thatch.
” It’s me! ” Joz came out and said to Hansen, who came to take over.
” Thank you for your hard work, leave it to me next! ” Hansen said with a smile.
” Well! Then I’ll go back first! ” Joz nodded and turned to leave.
So far, none of these captains have encountered any problems. They even think that even if ordinary people want to come here, they will come at night and during the day. As long as they raise the alarm, the rest of the captains can quickly support them.
So at this time, whether it was Josz or Thatch, there was actually some relaxation.
Half an hour later, Saatchi and Hansen had a chat.
Suddenly, thick smoke began to rise far away from them.
” Huh ~ that’s it? ” said Hansen, who was bored, suddenly pointing to the thick smoke in the distance.
Saatchi also looked over when he heard the words, and then said with a smile, “That ‘s the direction of the racetrack, so there must have been another major car accident! ”
” Tsk tsk tsk … Those guys are really working hard! It’s just entertainment, why is this? ” Hansen shrugged and said with a smile.
” Boom boom boom …”
At this moment, explosions suddenly occurred in all directions in the Golden City.
” What’s the matter? ” Hansen and Saatchi’s expressions changed, and they shouted at the same time.
” Everyone, don’t leave without permission, be careful, it is likely to be the enemy’s trick! Saatchi, you are here, I will go up to a high place to see! ” Hansen loudly told the surrounding guards not to panic, and he was While running towards the upper floors of the building, he shouted to Hansen.
” Okay! Be careful yourself! ” Saatchi nodded, and took out the two knives from the lower back.
“I didn’t expect that you really chose Saatchi … Titch … You can’t escape this time! ” Reina, who was sitting in the room, suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the treasure house, and said softly.
At the same time, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also thought of the treasure house for the first time, so they set off in the direction of the treasure house.
In front of Saatchi at this time, several people wearing black cloaks, covering all their faces, have completely surrounded him.
” Tiqi … I saw an old friend, haven’t you shown up yet? ” Saatchi looked at the few people in front of him calmly, not afraid, but said plainly.
” Thief hahaha … Captain Saatchi, long time no see! ” The man in the lead lifted the hood and hat on his head, and it turned out to be Titch the Blackbeard.
” You who betrayed Dad … why are you still here? You should know that Dad and Reina are both here! ” Saatchi sighed and said.
When Titch was still in the Whitebeard Pirates, Saatchi had a good relationship with him. Although he was always targeted by Reina, Reina only warned him and did not take any action. The rest of the crew had a pretty good relationship with Tic, especially the members of the second team. Before that incident, they had a very good relationship with Tic.
” Thief hahaha … Times have changed! Whether it’s Daddy or Reina, they don’t belong to this new era, the new era belongs to us! Captain Saatchi … Would you like to come to my Blackbeard Pirates? regiment? ” Titch said with a frantic look.
” Captain! Business is important! ” At this moment, Lafayette next to Blackbeard said softly.
” Lafayette, you and Carmenio go get the fruit, here it is for us! ” Titch nodded and said softly.
Titch over there stared blankly, Hansen was still on top, with Hansen’s current strength, he was afraid that he would not be able to meet the members of the Blackbeard Pirates, so Saatchi planned to stop the other party.
” What’s the matter? It’s you? Tickey! ” At this time, Hansen suddenly came down from above, and after seeing Tickey the black beard, his face changed greatly, and he stared at the other party fiercely and roared.
” Thief hahaha … It turned out to be Hansen! You’re not dead! ” Teach said with a big laugh.
” Bastard … how dare you show up! ” Hansen took out the weapon from his waist and was about to step forward, but was grabbed by Saatchi and shook his head, signaling him not to mess around.
And while they were facing each other, Lafayette and Carmenio had already left, breaking into the treasury.
” What do you want to do? Leave it to me! ” Seeing this, Saatchi swung both knives in his hands and attacked Lafayette and Gamenio.
” You can’t let you disturb them! ” Demon hunter Idar blocked Sachi directly, not letting him stop the two of them.
” Hansen, signal! ”
” Pfft! ”
” Uh … you …”
Thatch had just turned around and asked Hansen to signal to everyone, but was stabbed in the stomach by Hansen’s sword coming behind him.
” Captain Saatchi … Farewell! ” Hansen said softly with a weird smile.
Saatchi, who grabbed Hansen’s shoulder with one hand, slowly fell down.
” Fire Fist! ”
At this moment, a flame hit Hansen.
” Saatchi … how are you? ” After forcing Hansen back, he immediately picked up Saatchi and shouted in a little urgency.
He was just passing by here, and his defense time was in the morning, which was specially arranged by Reina, in order to prevent Titch from killing two birds with one stone and attacking Ace while robbing Dark Fruit. Unexpectedly, Ace bumped into him in the end.
” Oh ~~ Captain Ace! It seems that my luck is good today! Thief hahaha …” Sure enough, the moment he saw Ace, Tiki’s eyes immediately lit up.
” Captain Hansen! Why … why betray Dad? You should be the one who hates Titch the most … isn’t it? ” Ace ignored Titch at all, stared at Hansen over there, and asked inexplicably .
” Come on … let’s go! ” Saatchi, who covered his stomach with one hand, said hard to Ace.
” Sage! ” Seeing Sage’s appearance, Ace knew that he had to be treated immediately, otherwise he might lose his life.
” Roar ~~”
At this moment, a huge ice dragon appeared in the sky not far away, and its blood-red eyes looked directly towards this side.
” It’s Reina! ” Idar said to Titch beside him.
” It’s coming so fast! Don’t talk nonsense, take Ace away! ” Seeing this, Titch gave an order, and everyone attacked Ace directly.
” Beautiful thoughts! Yan Emperor Great Flame Ring! ” After Ace put Saqi down, flames continued to pour out of his body, and finally formed a huge fireball .
” Humph! Flames? Let’s try the flames from hell! The Devil’s Blade , the Devil’s Coming! ” A green flame suddenly erupted from the double knives in Idar’s hands, and the flames slowly extended, quickly engulfing his entire body Cover all.
” Ah!!! ”
After a few painful shouts, Idar, who was burning with green flames, rushed directly towards Ace’s position. The two scimitars in his hands formed two rings from the flames. The red flames were all swallowed up.

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