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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” How … maybe …” Seeing that his flame was actually swallowed by the opponent, Ace fell to the ground in disbelief.
Idar, who was half-kneeling behind Ace, drew back the green flames on his body while panting heavily.
” Captain, I’ll leave it to you next! I can’t do it for at least half a month! ” Looking at Ace who fell unconscious, Idar seemed to be enduring severe pain and said.
” Bashas, bring Ace, let’s go! ” Titch nodded and said, ” Poison Q , show Idar! ”
” No, I’m a backlash against my abilities. Once the time has passed, I’ll be fine! Just give me some painkillers! ” Idar shook his head and refused the treatment from the ship doctor Poison Q.
” Captain, aren’t you waiting for Lafayette? ” Chisas Bassas asked Ace in confusion .
” Let’s go first, he will join us at that time! ” Blackbeard Titch said as he walked.
” Go? Titch … Where do you want to go? ” In the sky not far away, Reina with a pair of icy wings behind him has quickly rushed towards this side.
” Oops, it’s Reina! Captain, you go first! ” The sniper Van Oka raised his spear and started aiming at Reina.
” Bang! ”
A gunshot hit Reina in the air directly, but Reina, who was discovered in advance, blocked the bullet with ice.
” What’s the matter? I should have hit him! ” Van Oka looked at Reina, who was not affected at all, with a puzzled face .
” If he was so easy to deal with, we wouldn’t be chased by him all the way. Let’s retreat first! ” Kadlec, who was fleeing over there, cast a glance at Van Oka and said softly.
” Idiot, hit the one on the ground, don’t kill him! ” Idar, who was also carried by Chisas Basas, pointed to Saatchi on the ground, and said weakly.
Van Oka reacted immediately, and while retreating, he aimed at Saatchi, who was lying on the ground .
” You dare! ” Reina roared, and the speed was a little faster again.
” Bang! ”
A gunshot rang out, and blood spurted out of Saatchi lying on the ground, which made Reina who was chasing have to choose to descend to protect the injured Saatchi.
” Well done! ” Seeing that Reina gave up chasing them, the people of the Blackbeard Pirates couldn’t help but praise them.
” Captain! The thing is in hand! ” At this time, Carmenio, who suddenly came out of the ground, said to Blackbeard Titch holding a small box.
” Thief hahaha … Is that so? That’s great! ” Titch took the small box in Gamenio’s hand and opened it, and it turned out to be a dark fruit.
Not long after Blackbeard Tickey left, Marko rushed to the scene first and saw Sage who fell next to Reina, and asked in surprise: ” What’s going on? ”
” It’s Titch and the others, and the traitor is Hansen. I’m chasing after him now, and Saatchi handed it over to you! ” After seeing Marco, Reina stepped a little and rushed directly in the direction of Titch and others.
Seeing Reina leaving, although Marco was at a loss, he still chose to bandage Saatchi’s wound as soon as possible.
On the other side, Tiki, who got the dark fruit, couldn’t wait to bite it.
” Well … this taste … it really is the same as in the legend! ” Tiki frowned, and reluctantly swallowed the flesh of the dark fruit, then clenched his fist, and a black wave appeared in him on hand.
” thief hahaha … dark fruit … finally got it! thief hahaha …” Titch said with a crazy laugh.
” Even if you get the dark fruit … Tiki … you will die today! ” Reina, who chased after him, saw that Tiki ate the dark fruit, he was not afraid, but said with hatred.
” Thief hahaha … Vice-captain … Do you want to try my ability? Now I am different from before … ” Teach stopped slowly, turned around and said to Reina.
Following his movements, the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates also slowly stopped, including Lafayette who flew over from the air to join them.
” Death to me! ” Seeing that Tickey dared to stop and wait for him, Reina didn’t say a word, waved the long sword in his hand, and a sword aura with the energy of ice slashed towards Tickey.
” Thief hahaha … Then let’s try it! Dark water! ” As Titch’s words fell, his hands turned black directly, and some black energy appeared on his body.
” Humph! Idiot! ” Seeing this, Reina was unmoved, still rushing towards Blackbeard.
” Ah ~~~ ah ~~~ ah ~~~”
When Reina’s slash came into contact with those black qi, it was completely absorbed, but Tickey continued to roll on the ground in pain, which seemed to be quite painful.
” Why … why? ” After the pain, Titch slowly got up, panted and looked at Reina who was approaching, and asked, ” Aren’t you really capable? ”
” Dark fruit, known as the most dangerous ability in the history of devil fruit, has the gravitational force of strange darkness. At the same time, it is also a very special existence in the natural system. It cannot make the body of the ability person elemental, but it can absorb damage through darkness, just The pain is doubled, and it also has the ability to invalidate the ability of the ability! ”
After Reina came to Tickey, he didn’t do it immediately, but like a few treasures, he told the characteristics of the dark fruit.
Titch looked at Reina with a ghostly expression, and asked inexplicably, ” Since you know the dark fruit, why did you take it out? ”
” Hahaha … Idiot … In this world, there is no invincible ability, only invincible people! No matter what ability is, it depends on who is using it! And do you think the dark fruit is very powerful? ” Hirinmaru pointed at Titch and said with a big smile.
” Really? Then try it! Dark cave! ” Titch opened his hands, and the black substance on his body began to spread towards Reina. Everything touched by the black substance was sucked in and sank. Like a black hole.
” It’s up to you? It’s really beyond your own power! ” Reina lifted off directly into the sky with the wings behind her back, waved the ice wheel pill in her hand, and a giant ice dragon formed by sword qi went straight to Titch.
” Leave it to me! Fire Fist! ” Gamenio closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he punched directly at Reina, and a pillar of flame formed straight towards Reina’s ice dragon.
But to his surprise, although Reina’s ice dragon seems to be melting continuously, but generally speaking, it is still coming towards them, so it seems that his flame is more like Reina’s The ice to suppress the general.
” No, I can’t stop it, everyone get out of the way! ” After Carmeneo finished speaking, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates jumped away.
The ice dragon hit the ground, centered on the point of impact, and immediately began to spread in all directions, but it was swallowed up by Titch’s darkness just as it began to spread.
” Thief hahaha … Vice-captain, it seems that you are not as powerful as you said! ” Tickey immediately laughed and taunted when he saw Reina’s attack being neutralized.
” Very good! You succeeded in angering me, Titch! ” After Rayner finished speaking, his eyes turned red, and he turned on the kaleidoscope writing wheel.
Originally, he didn’t really want to turn on the kaleidoscope in battle, especially the kaleidoscope, because he found that his eyesight was slowly declining, so he didn’t want to overdo it until he saved 400,000 points and exchanged it for the eternal kaleidoscope. of the use of a writing wheel.
As for his points, he had accumulated more than 300,000 points in the past few years, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave priority to unlocking advanced swordsmanship, so that swordsmanship, like physical art, became a super class. For this reason, he After spending 200,000 points, there are only 100,000 points left.
So if he wants to unlock the eternal kaleidoscope, Reina still needs a long time to accumulate, in this case, he can’t use the kaleidoscope too trivially, especially the two skills that come with the kaleidoscope.
The only thing that is fortunate now is that he had such guesses before, so he did not abuse the wheel eye.
Just when Reina and the Blackbeard Pirates were fighting, someone from Marco rushed over. The first person to arrive was not the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, but the Admiral Kizaru.
After seeing Saatchi lying on the ground and the obvious signs of battle around him, he pouted and said, ” Ouch ~ How could anyone dare to touch a tiger’s butt at this time? Marko, who did this? ”
” Kizuna … things you shouldn’t ask … you’d better not ask more! ” Marko said softly while helping Saatchi deal with the injury.
” Tsk tsk tsk … the anger is not small! ” Huang Yuan pursed his lips and replied with a smile.
“嗗嗗嗗… It seems that something unexpected happened here! ” Doflamingo appeared in the corner and asked with a strange smile.
While helping Thatch deal with the injury, Marco was alert to the two who appeared. At the same time, he was also a little worried about Reina, who was chasing after him alone. If Reina had another accident, it would be too much for the Whitebeard Pirates. shit.
” Marko, what happened! ” At this time, Vista arrived first, and after seeing Saatchi lying on the ground, he immediately asked Kizaru and Doflamingo vigilantly, ” Saatchi What’s the matter? Who did it? ”
” It’s Titch! Reina has chased after him, you hurry up and help, I’ll help Saatchi here! ” Marco said in a deep voice.
” Titch? That guy … how dare he show up? I’ll go over now! ” As soon as Bista heard this, he immediately prepared to chase in the direction that Marko knew.
” Wait … According to Reina … Although I don’t want to believe it, but … be careful of Hansen! ” Marko grabbed Bista and said softly.
” What? ” Bista was already devoured, looked at Marko in a daze, and asked, ” Marko, what do you mean by that? Be careful of Hansen? Why be careful of him? ”
” Now is not the time to explain, in short, be careful with Hansen, that’s all, now … go and help Reina! ” Marko urged instead of explaining carefully.
Because just now, Kizaru and Doflamingo, who heard his conversation with Vista, had already rushed over there.
” Okay, then be careful yourself! ” Bista nodded and immediately chased out.

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