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As Reina launched an attack, including Marco who had just arrived, they all attacked Tic directly.
” thief hahaha … dark water! ” Titch was not an easy man, so he naturally chose to fight back.
The black aura rose from him, directly attracting the ability.
” He handed it over to me, you stop Kizaru for me! Hingrenmaru … we’re on! ” Reina, who held Qianben Sakura, charged directly towards Tickey. Just as Kizaru wanted to stop it, Marco waved his wings. Just kick the opponent.
” Thief … thief hahaha …” Tiki, who was full of black gas, had begun to become crazy, and his attacks began to be released randomly in all directions.
” Damn bastard! ” Tezzolo, the golden emperor closest to him, was immediately strangled by Titch and enjoyed the treatment that Doflamingo enjoyed before.
” Bang! ”
Tezzolo, who was rubbed by Tic once, was directly thrown by Tic to Reina who was attacking.
Reina was a kick in the back, kicking Tezzolo who flew towards him directly, and then continued to move towards Tic while shouting: ” Teach to me, you just need to stop him Just run away! ”
” Reina … Come on! Black Hole Release! ” Titch shouted, a big black hole appeared in the air, and what he had absorbed before seemed to be smashed, and began to be ” spit ” slowly from the inside come out.
” Captain! ”
” What’s the situation now … ? ”
” Looks like we’re still here … If you want to run away … I’m afraid it won’t be easy! ”
The members of the Blackbeard Pirates who were sucked in by Blackbeard’s black hole before were also released by him at this time.
” Buy me some time! ” Titch turned back to his crew and said.
” Understood, captain , leave it to us! ” Zishas Basas nodded and replied.
But at this time, Idar basically no longer has the power to counterattack because of the previous battle with Ace.
” Come on! ” At this time, Reina had already begun to approach them.
” Yan Shanggang! ” When Carmenio saw Reina rushing over, he immediately chose Ace’s flame ability. This was the best way to deal with ice, and a lot of flames could also help them delay time.
But he didn’t realize at all that the current Reina was no longer in the form of a swastika holding an ice wheel pill.
” Hiromaru! ” Reina immediately greeted Hirinmaru when he saw that Gamenio was using Ace’s ability.
Seeing this, Hingrenmaru, who was following Reina, waved his hand, and an ice dragon appeared, heading straight for Gamenio.
” Tiki … you can’t escape! ” Looking at Tiki, who was constantly pouring out black energy, the thousand cherry blossoms in Reina’s hand disintegrated again into countless petals.
” Leave it to me! ” Lafayette pulled out the rapier hidden in the cane and met Reina directly, while the sniper Van Oka also raised his gun to aim.
” Pfft! ”
The petals flew past Lafayette, and suddenly he had several holes on his body.
” Be careful, these petals are blades! ” Lafayette swung his sword to block, while reminding his companions.
” Bang! ”
There was a gunshot, it was Van Oka … He found Rayner’s neutral position and shot directly.
” When! ”
Reina, who turned on the armed color, was not afraid of bullets at all, and directly blocked the bullet with his arm.
” Bang! ”
Just when Van Oka was about to shoot again, suddenly a lazy donkey rolled to the side.
” You better not disturb the deputy captain! If you want to play … let me accompany you! ” Izo, the captain of the 16th division, who did not know when to appear, stood not far from Van Oka , Said, holding a pistol.
” Interesting … It seems that our encounter is the guide of fate! ” Van Oka smiled slightly, and fired without saying a word .
Izo also dodged and counterattacked at an extremely fast speed, and unknowingly shortened the distance between the two.
” Bang! ”
” No! ”
” Melee marksmanship? ”
It was not until he was shot that Van Oka realized that the distance between himself and the opponent was getting closer and closer. He was a sniper, and long-distance sniping was his strength. Like Yi Zang, he could fight in close quarters Dodging and shooting techniques, he and bullies can’t.
” Since you know it’s melee marksmanship, then you should also know … you lost! ” Izang’s gun was aimed at Van Oka , and he said softly.
” Huh! I didn’t expect to see melee marksmanship, it’s really destiny! ” Van Oka put down the sniper gun in his hand, closed his eyes and said.
Izang smiled slightly. Many of his melee marksmanship came from Reina. Although Reina didn’t know it himself, he knew this kind of combat mode, so after talking to Izang, he started to practice here. , and now he can dodge bullets at close range while using a pistol to counterattack.
This ability of his, not only the initiator Reina, but even the entire Whitebeard Pirates is amazed.
As long as you have seen it, you will all be amazed by the wonderful tactics of hiding.
Just when Izang was about to deal with Van Oka , the black bearded Titch over there suddenly opened his eyes, and with a gesture of both hands, a black ball appeared, and then slowly began to grow rapidly.
” Reina! Take the trick … Black Hole · Devour! ” The huge black ball was thrown at Reina by Titch, and the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates who blocked Reina fled.
” Hey hey hey … that’s interesting! Since that’s the case … let’s take a look at the most beautiful scenery! Hingrenmaru … let’s try it! ” Seeing Tiki’s big move, Reina smiled strangely After that, he said softly.
” Yes, Lord! Big Red Lotus Bing Lun Wan! ” Bing Lun Wan, who had been following behind Reina, stepped forward, and the whole person actually began to merge into Reina’s body.
This was accidentally discovered by Reina and Hingrenwan. The human-shaped Hingrenwan inherited Reina’s swordsmanship and had an unparalleled familiarity with himself, but he lacked energy, which caused many of his moves to be useless. quite laborious.
So the whimsical Reina asked Hingrenwan to hold his hand when he released the move, trying to see if he could transfer the energy from himself, just like Hingrenwan was still in his hand.
It was that experiment that made them discover that the humanoid Bing Lun Wan could actually fuse with Reina.
However, at the beginning, the fusion of the two was quite unstable, and even the moves they issued were not as good as those used by Hing Lun Maru, but with the continuous practice of the two, the two have now been able to achieve complete fusion.
It’s just that when Reina used Senbon Sakura, in order not to affect the use of Senbon Sakura, they only fused half of it.
At this time, Reina became quite weird in the eyes of everyone. Half of his body was ice blue, wrapped by a layer of ice dragon-shaped armor, his eyes also turned weird ice blue, and the other half was normal. Shape.
In fact, Reina in this state is not as complicated as others see it. He just handed over control of half of his body to Binglunwan, so that Binglunwan can use the energy of this body with him at the same time. It formed a scene of two Zanpakutō being sworn at the same time.
” Roar ~~~” A huge ice dragon soared into the sky from Reina’s left hand.
” No! Everyone retreat! That guy … did he forget that we were on the boat? Did he want to destroy this place? ” Seeing Reina’s state, Marko exclaimed and immediately called everyone to retreat. , even the navy that is blocking them can’t take care of them, and they run faster than rabbits one by one.
When Reina practiced this move, they all knew that, after all, this fusion would cause changes in the surrounding weather, and the powerful momentum was hard to ignore.
Especially Hirinmaru, who was supported by Reina’s body, the air pressure generated when he made a move even made them feel like Winter Island every time.
” Hey … hey … that guy … isn’t planning to destroy this place, right? ” The Beast Pirates, who had been on the sidelines and didn’t even show up actively, felt the moves of Reina and Tiki in the center of the battlefield, making him They couldn’t help talking.
” Dead! ” Reina, who was in half-body ice armor, his eyes had turned ice blue, shouted at Titch, and the giant dragon hovering in the air rushed directly towards the huge black ball that Tic hit. .
The collision of ice and darkness did not explode as everyone imagined, but the ice seemed to be absorbed by the darkness, and the dragon completely plunged into Tiki’s darkness.
Just when everyone thought that Titch was better, the entire black ball unexpectedly glowed with blue light.
” Kacha ~~~ Kacha ~~~”
The huge black ball had some blue cracks that looked like it was ready to crack.
“A thief hahaha … I knew … it’s Reina! But … I … it ‘s not so easy to defeat! Infinite Darkness! ” Just as the huge black ball was about to split, Black Beard Di Qi’s hands turned black again, and black smoke continued to rise from his body, forming some visions behind him.
The cracked black ball seems to be swallowing those blue cracks and is slowly recovering.
But at this moment, the right half of the body, still holding Chibon Sakura’s arm, suddenly released Chibon Sakura.
” Swastika , annihilation , Qianbenyingjingyan! ” After releasing Qianbenying, something incomprehensible happened. The ground seemed to have turned into water waves, and Qianbenying went directly in and disappeared.
Titch looked at Reina, and suddenly the scene in front of him changed. It seemed that he and Reina had both come to another space, surrounded by the thousand cherry blossoms that Reina held in his hand before slowly beginning to emerge, surrounding him.
At this time, Tiki found strangely that although he could see and hear it, his body seemed to be frozen in place and could not move at all. That is to say, at this time, countless thousands of cherry blossoms around him turned into countless The petals rushed towards him directly.
” Pfft!!! ”
” This … what’s going on here? ”
Everyone watching the battle not far away saw that Blackbeard Tickey still kept his move, but his body suddenly burst open, as if he had been cut with countless knives. With Tickey as the center, a few meters around him were covered with blood. stained.
At this time, the huge black ball that was slowly being repaired, without Tickey’s support, broke open instantly, the dazzling ice blue light burst, and an ice dragon broke out of the shell and rushed directly to the blood there. Dripping Titch.
” Oops! Go! ” Seeing this, Marko shouted loudly, and the thieves of the Whitebeard Pirates quickly dispersed in all directions.
” Roar! ” The ice dragon that broke out of the shell directly slammed into Tickey’s location, and suddenly the ice began to spread rapidly in all directions with Tickey as the origin.

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