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” Hey … hey … this scene … isn’t it too exaggerated! ”
After the ice burst, Lakyo stood on the roof of a moving building, looked around and said that it had completely turned into a kingdom of ice, he swallowed.
” Come on, go and see, how are Reina and Titch? ” Marco jumped, his arms turned into a pair of wings in the air, and then quickly rushed towards Reina’s previous position.
On the way Marco rushed there, he also saw a lot of people rushing towards this side, including Kizaru and Zefa from the Navy, Doflamingo, one of the Seven Wuhais, and the Four Emperor Seas. A member of the Beast Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates of the thieves.
” Tsk tsk tsk … that kid’s current combat power … isn’t that much worse than yours? ” On the other side, the Golden Lion, who was chatting with Whitebeard, murmured after feeling the aftermath of the battle on Reina’s side.
” Gu la la la la … That kid, it’s still a long way off! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Dad, when did Titch become so strong? He actually forced Reina to use this trick? ” Joz, who was a little surprised, asked inexplicably.
” Don’t underestimate the opponent, hasn’t Titch already made us mess up this time? He hides some strength, I don’t find it strange at all … That guy … is not an ordinary person! The guy from the D family … just No one is easy to get along with! ” Whitebeard shook his head, sighed, and said.
“The D family? Newgate, it looks like you know something!? ” Scy, who was beside him, was taken aback and asked.
” Ah ~ Roger told me! You should know? The Navy calls him Goldo Roger ! ” Whitebeard said with a nod.
” What? Isn’t he called Gol D. Roger? ” Golden Lion asked in confusion, but before Whitebeard could explain, he had a sudden realization and said, ” It seems that the Navy is not only afraid of It’s just Roger! And that D ? I remember that kid Renner had a D in his name, right? What’s it called? ”
” Benery D. Rayner! ” Whitebeard whispered.
” That’s right, Benelli D. Rayner! It’s also D ! No wonder that kid didn’t reveal his full name at first. I thought he was troublesome, but now it seems … he did it on purpose! ” The golden lion said with an expression like this.
” That’s right, you know that kid’s abilities, so you can come here, right? ” Whitebeard said to Shi Kee, looking like I had seen through you.
” Jie hahahaha … That kid’s abilities are really useful for certain things. He should have known a lot of unknown secrets over the years! ” Shi Ke said with a big laugh.
” It’s not like you don’t know that kid’s abilities. The chance is too strong, and it’s also quite one-sided. Many things will only be understood after they happen! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
On the other side, after rushing to the center of the battlefield where Reina and Titch were fighting, Marko found that there were some ice sculptures all around, and they were all pirates and naval soldiers who didn’t have time to escape.
” There! ” Looking up, Marco, who was in the air, immediately found Reina, who was resting on the spot.
” How is it? Are you okay? ” Marco, who fell from the sky, stepped forward and asked.
” It’s okay, the right eye is a bit overused! It seems that I really need to use less shackles in the future, after all, this is the cursed eye! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” What do I do now? ” Marko asked Reina, looking at the Blackbeard Pirates who had all turned into ice sculptures.
” Let it be handled by Big Brother! That Hansen should be the ability of the person with the ability to change the fruit. I thought he could only transform himself, but I didn’t expect this ability to work on others! ” Reina pointed to the ice sculpture The two of them said softly.
” That is to say …” Marko was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confidence.
” That’s right, the real Hansen … I ‘m afraid he was killed by Titch long ago! ” Reina nodded and said sadly.
He was the one who brought Hansen into the Whitebeard Pirates. If it wasn’t for him, maybe Hansen wouldn’t have died young.
Slowly, the people from the rest of the forces also rushed over, especially the navy’s Kizaru. After seeing all the members of the Blackbeard Pirates who were blocked by ice, his face immediately changed.
” What? Do you still want to do it? Yellow-skinned monkey, don’t really think that I dare not kill you! ” Reina got up from the ground, looked at the yellow monkey, and said.
” Oops ~ Don’t be so scary ~ All I want to know is who is Roger’s bloodline! ” Kizuna spread his hands and said as if I didn’t want to fight.
” This kind of question … Do you think I might tell you? Why don’t you ask Warring States to see if he knows? ” Reina rolled his eyes and said unhappily.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Then Reina … According to our previous agreement, can you tell me the information? ” Brother Doflaming smiled strangely, took a few steps forward, stood beside Kiabou, and asked .
” According to the previous agreement, did you rescue Ace … or took the head of a member of the Blackbeard Pirates? ” Reina tilted his head and asked Doflamingo.
Doflamingo’s forehead popped out a ” well ” character, although he did not do it, but he also helped a lot.
” Okay okay … For the sake of both you and Katakuri, let me tell you a little bit! You two come with me! Marko, look after Kizaru and the others, don’t let them do it again. What the hell came out! ” Reina pointed to the angry Doflamingo and the expressionless Katakuri, and turned to Marko again.
Marco nodded, and surrounded the members of the Blackbeard Pirates with the captains who came one after another, just in case.
” First of all … about the Great Secret Treasure … I can tell you that it really exists! ” The first sentence Reina said made Doflamingo and Katakuri’s expressions change.
” Secondly, in this era, if you want to lead to the last island, Ralph Drew, there must be a precondition. If this condition cannot be fulfilled, you will never be able to find Ralph Drew! ” Reina ignored the expressions of the two. Go on.
” Preconditions? What are the conditions? ” Doflamingo asked, staring at Reina.
” Then you think I’ll tell you? Are you bigger? ” Reina rolled her eyes at the other party and continued: ” Finally, let me tell you something … When the big secret treasure is found, it’s when the world changes! New The opening of the era … must be accompanied by a bloody storm, so … Katakuri, go back and prepare Sister Lingling! I have a feeling … that time … is not far away! ”
” So … you mean … someone will arrive at the final island? ” Katakuri, who had always been expressionless, finally changed his face and asked.
” That’s right! My abilities are a bit special, so I can feel … that storm is coming soon! As for you … you should know the secret about the dragon people, right? ” Reina said to Katakuri After nodding, he turned his head and said to Doflamingo.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… It seems that you know a lot of things! ” Doflamingo didn’t look surprised. He was not surprised that Rayner knew his identity.
” I know more than you think! Well, I’ll tell you what I have to tell you. As for what kind of arrangements you will make, it has nothing to do with me! ” After finishing speaking, Renner turned and left. .
“咈嗈嗈嗈… Last question, Reina, the information you are about to auction at the auction … Will there be that precondition? ” Brother Doflamingo stopped Reina and asked.
” No! The information I’m selling … is even better than that! ” Reina grinned and said with a smile.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈…嗈嗈嗈嗈… Very well, then … see you at the auction tomorrow! ” Doflamingo left with a big laugh.
After sending Doflamingo and Katakuri away, Reina began to let the ice sculptures of the Blackbeard Pirates be transported away, and their lives and deaths were to be decided by Whitebeard.
As for Tezolo, who had been noisy before and broke the rules of the Golden City by the Whitebeard Pirates, he had also quietly shut his mouth at this time.
Reina’s final battle with Titch was completely beyond his scope of strength, and even he felt that if the other party wanted to, destroying this place did not seem to be something that could not be accomplished.
And this … or if Whitebeard didn’t make a move, how terrifying would it be if Whitebeard made a move? Tezzolo couldn’t imagine it.
It was only at this time that he understood why Doflamingo, who is not weak in his own strength as a king who goes to the Seven Martial Seas, has a trace of fear towards the Four Emperors Pirates.
He believes that when he mentions the Four Emperors in the future, he is afraid that there will be a trace of fear in it.
” Brother! Are we really not involved? Even the Joker guy got the information, but we didn’t gain anything at all. How do we explain to the Admiral after we go back? ” Jack, who was standing in the distance, said unwillingly. Ash said.
Joker is Doflamingo’s code name in the underground world, and he is also a partner of the Beast Pirates, responsible for providing arms and … man-made devil fruits to the Beast Pirates.
” Don’t worry, today is just some appetizers, tomorrow is the main course! ” Jhin said with a chuckle.
” What are you going to do, eldest brother? ” Jack Ann resisted his excitement and asked.
” Go to Joker first , ask him what Reina told him, and if he dares to refuse … kill him! ” Jin turned around and said.
” Ah? Kill him? Then … what to do with that thing? ” Jack asked with a surprised expression.
” I just asked you to scare him like this! Are you really killing him? ” Jin said to Jack helplessly.
Although this guy’s strength is not bad, his brain is not very good, and he is similar to the second child Quinn … No, he is stronger than Quinn, at least he is obedient, and he still understands the rules.

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