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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Brother Katakuri, I heard, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace … is the bloodline of the Pirate King Roger! ” Bree came out of the mirror and faced Katha who was sitting in the first place in the room. Takuri said.
In this house, all the officials of the BIGMOM Pirates are the children of Charlotte Lingling.
” Licking … This is really a big event! I didn’t expect Fire Fist Ace to be Roger’s child! ” Perospero said with a little surprise.
” No wonder the Whitebeard Pirates have information about the great treasure. It turns out that they have Roger’s bloodline! This is really … ” Charlotte Brin said in surprise.
Katakuri, who had been closing his eyes, slowly opened his eyes and said to Bray in the mirror: ” Let’s go and see if they have any news! ”
At the same time, Doflamingo, the Beast Pirates and other major forces also overheard the news through their own means.
And Kizaru who was still at the scene, after hearing Tickey’s words, looked directly at the weak Ace.
” Ouch … this is really … great news! I didn’t expect you to hide such a big man! The Whitebeard Pirates …” Kizaru turned his eyes away from Ace and stared directly at him Whitebeard, sitting here, said.
To say that Ace is here with Whitebeard is not because of Whitebeard’s calculations, Kizaru would never believe it.
” This is trouble! ” Marko muttered in a low voice when he saw this.
His words are not unreasonable. The Golden Lion Shiki, who obviously did not want to fight with Whitebeard, looked at Ace in surprise after hearing Ace’s identity, not to mention that there are countless onlookers not far away. Or eavesdropping pirates and reporters!
Once Ace’s identity is exposed, the trouble it will bring to the Whitebeard Pirates is definitely not small.
So just looking at the expressions on the scene, Marko knew that things were definitely going to be big.
” Qi ~ I really didn’t expect … It was exposed so quickly, it seems that the Whitebeard Pirates are not safe enough! It doesn’t make sense for me to continue to hide in your Pirates … Old … Father … from today onwards , No, from now on, I announce that I am leaving the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Over there, Ace, who was already quite weak, suddenly stood up and said loudly.
” Ace! ”
” Captain Ace! ”
Ace’s words surprised the members and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. They have experienced too many things today. Is Ace leaving them now?
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… It’s a bit bold, but it’s really stupid! ” In the sky not far away, using the string fruit to monitor Doflamingo here in real time, he saw Ace in an instant. plan, said with a chuckle.
” Idiot … What nonsense are you talking about? Don’t you think that you can keep us out of the way? Idiot … Do you know who we are? Do you know that we are on that boat? We are the Whitebeard Pirates! The world’s first One of the pirates … Don’t you have any confidence in your partner? ” Reina cast a glance at Ace over there, and cursed with hatred.
” But … but, Vice – Captain, I …”
” Gu la la la la … Ace …”
Before Ace could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Whitebeard, who saw that Whitebeard raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a chuckle: ” It’s very easy to disembark from me! You only need to answer me one question … I Is this old man still qualified? ”
” Of course! ” The excited Ace, in the direction of Whitebeard, knelt down and shouted loudly, ” It is my blessing to be your son! ”
” Gu la la la … Then keep doing it! In my whitebeard’s name … let’s do something reckless! Gu la la la …” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Hahaha … That’s right, Ace! We are the Whitebeard Pirates! Whoever dares to move you is against us, let them weigh it up and then talk about it! ”
” That’s right, my brother, don’t be nervous, no one can take our family from us! ”
The captains all said to Ace with a smile.
” Everyone …” Ashton was moved to tears, but the more this happened, the more he made him feel absolutely sorry for everyone’s love and trust.
” That’s right, Captain Ace! Have you forgotten? When we got this tattoo, when we became fathers and sons, we were destined to carry this honor! What about the son of One Piece? On this ship, you only have the identity of the captain of the second division! ”
At this time, since he hadn’t gone to sea, Frank, who came with him, revealed the tattoo on his back and said to Ace.
Ace looked at the head of the pirate group in surprise. When he was in Alabasta, he and the entire pirate group became quite familiar with the other party. He didn’t expect the other party to stand up and say such words at this time. .
” Frank, that’s great! ” Rakyo gave him a thumbs up and said with a smile.
Before, because the opponent’s strength was not strong, he didn’t like the opponent very much, but now he has a feeling of admiration for him.
The rest of the captains also agreed and said that Frank was right.
” What a fool, in this world, apart from our Whitebeard Pirates … where else do you want to go? Do you still want to get off the ship? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
” I’m sorry, I was impulsive just now! I’m just my father’s son, and I only admit my father! And my mission … is to make my father a king! ” Ace slowly got up and said.
” Hahaha … that’s right! The navy … how is it? Do you want to do it now? ”
Following Ace’s firm speech, everyone looked at Kizaru. As long as he dared to make a move, they would definitely teach him how to behave.
And Kizaru was really embarrassed at this time. He really didn’t want to conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates here, otherwise he wouldn’t bring more people? As far as Tezzolo’s subordinates and the navy he brought, I’m afraid they won’t even be able to plug the teeth of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Forgive him, he doesn’t have the guts …” Reina glanced at Kizaru and walked slowly back to Whitebeard. At this time, although Tickey gave the head, the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates are still here, how to deal with them , is still a problem.
” Brother, what to do with these people? ” Reina asked when he came to Whitebeard.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Newgate … If you don’t mind, how about handing over these people to me? ” The golden lion Shikey suddenly said.
” Big Brother Shikey? ” Reina was taken aback and asked curiously, ” What do you want them to do? ”
” It’s nothing, just kill the tone like this, it’s better to leave it to me to use it! ” Shi Ke said with a flat expression.
” There is no problem with the rest, but these two guys, who participated in the killing of Hansen, must be killed! ” Reina said, pointing to Carmenio, the duplicator of the fruit, and Kadlec, the one who changed the fruit.
” Let’s do it like this, Shiki … If you let me see them again … Then don’t blame me for not giving you face! ” Whitebeard didn’t seem to want to dwell on this issue, and said directly.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Then I’m welcome! ” The golden lion Shiji got up and suddenly appeared beside Carmenio and Kadlec, the ” Sakura Ten ” and ” Muku ” on his feet directly cut off the two. human neck.
For the rest, Reina had someone tied them up and handed them over to Shiki. As for how Shiki would arrange it, Reina didn’t bother to pay attention.
” Reina! If it’s okay recently … how about going to my place to help? ” Shikey suddenly asked after finishing the matter here.
” Please wait for the matter of Big Brother Shiji, I still have some things to deal with! ” Reina shook his head and said to Shiji.
Then he walked over to Kizaru and Tezzolo, and asked the Golden Emperor Tezzolo, ” I wonder if our agreement still counts? ”
” What agreement? ” Tezzolo asked subconsciously.
” Hey … you don’t want to play stupid with me, do you? Of course it’s the auction tomorrow! If you don’t want to, then we’ll leave! But I won’t give you money for our consumption here!
And I have already handed over the dark fruit to you, but due to your unfavorable care, we have lost a natural fruit, so no matter whether the auction continues, this compensation is indispensable! ”
Reina’s shrewd businessman’s face immediately froze what Tezzolo said.
He also started from business. Although he has the help of Jinjinguo, he is not unfamiliar with this kind of business, so he returned to God Tezzolo and said with an ugly face:
” Your Excellency Reina … Isn’t this going too far? You don’t need to spend here with me, just treat us as friends! But if you fight or destroy things here … we will lose more, right? Not to mention You threw the Dark Fruits yourself, so you can’t count them on my head? ”
” Yo? Not convinced? If you are not convinced, go and see the agreement we made! After any treasure is handed over to you, if any damage is caused, you will compensate for everything! Please write it clearly in black and white? Or do you want to … … Breach of contract? ” Reiner said with a chuckle, holding out a document.
” But this agreement doesn’t seem to contain the treasures that the captains personally protect? ” Tezzolo said with a frown.
That’s why he agreed in the first place.
Important treasures are entrusted to the captains for safekeeping. Although the things he keeps are valuable, they are not worthy of the attention of those big forces, so he will agree.
” Oh? Is it? Is there such a thing? Who told you? ” Reina looked at Tezzolo with a smile that I didn’t know.
” You …” Tezzolo was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened, and he said, ” You did it on purpose …”
” Intentionally? No , no, no … I just respect the spirit of the contract. Isn’t there a Mr. Navy who upholds justice? Mr. Navy … According to the agreement … Do you absolutely need compensation? ” Reina smiled strangely. Yellow Ape asked.
The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates looked like they were holding back their laughter, as if they were watching the jokes of Kizaru and Tezzolo.

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