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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Reina, why do we have to wait here for a day, why don’t we go back early? There is no one around Dad now! ” Fossa asked Reina next to him on the street of Dressrosa.
” Don’t worry! Those people don’t dare to attack us casually! The more relaxed we are, the less they dare to mess around! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” But the navy seems to have sent someone to target the Moby Dick ? ” Izo also said softly.
” Yeah! There is indeed some trouble with the Navy! But that man from the Warring States period … never fights uncertain battles, so he won’t do it lightly until he’s not fully prepared! ” Reina smiled and said: ” Previously, Wangxia Qiwuhai should have received his order, but it was not an order to assemble, so he will not do it for the time being! ”
Yizang and Fossa also nodded in agreement after listening. Wangxia Qiwuhai is now the main force against pirates in addition to the world government and the navy. If they want to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, they will definitely receive it. information.
And Reina, who had made arrangements early on, had already bought half of the staff in the Qiwuhai under the king.
” This time we came to Dressrosa, the Warring States must have known, it is very likely that he is talking to Doflamingo now, but Doflamingo is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he will not let the navy destroy him Good thing! ” Reina said with a smile.
“A good thing? ” Fossa asked with a frown. ” Is it a good thing for us to rob him? ”
” Idiot … We’re just here to find Ata’s help, it’s not a robbery! When the matter on our side is over, he will naturally be able to learn our secrets from Senor, so he won’t let The navy destroyed it! ” Reina said confidently.
” Then what? If someone finds out …”
” Don’t worry …”
Before Izo could finish speaking, Reina interrupted and winked at him.
After receiving Reina’s hint, Izang immediately understood that their actions and conversations were likely to be monitored, so he pretended to be worried and said: ” If our secret is known by Doflamingo … I’m afraid it will be bad. huh? ”
Seeing Yi Zang’s appearance, Reina knew that he understood. These guys have not grown much in strength now, and their acting skills are better than each other.
” It doesn’t matter, we will find a reason to detain him for a few more days, and then let him go after our business is done! ” Reina also pretended to be confident and replied.
Listening to the conversation between Reina and his companions on the monitor, the members of the Don Quixote family who were in charge of monitoring immediately got up to look for Doflamingo and reported the result of the eavesdropping to him.
The next morning, Senor took his wife and waited at the port. This time Doflamingo did not come, but Torrepol came to see them off.
However, Reina didn’t like this guy, so he didn’t say much, and left with Senor directly.
” Although your wife has suffered a head injury, she is like this now because she doesn’t want to face it, she is escaping from reality … If it’s just medication … I ‘m afraid it will be difficult for him to recover. ” In the cabin, after arranging Senor and his wife, Reina checked Senor’s wife as soon as possible.
” Then what should we do? ” Senor asked nervously.
” What did she like before? Why did she become like this? ” Reina asked, looking up at Senor.
” He likes rainy days …” Senor didn’t have to think about his wife’s preferences, but he didn’t want to answer his wife’s heart disease, but in order to allow Reina to make a better diagnosis, he reluctantly replied: ” She became like this … because our child … died! ”
” Is that really the case? ” Reina asked, looking up at Senor.
Senor was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, ” Of course! ”
Reina shook her head, got up and said, ” She has no problem with her body and is well taken care of by you, but the way she is now, it is true that her head has been severely injured, and it is also because she wants to escape reality, maybe The reason you mentioned is one of them, but I believe it is definitely not all! Think about it … the only one who can save her now … you are the only one! ”
” What do you mean? Your Excellency Reina … Can you explain it more clearly? ” Senor asked in confusion.
Reina smiled slightly, tapped Senor’s heart, and said, ” Don’t ask me, ask your heart …”
After finishing speaking, Reina walked out of the cabin directly.
In the next time, they moved towards the Lalu Sea area while inquiring about Zefa’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, Zefa, who formed the pirate guerrilla team, did not have a fixed place, so Reina couldn’t find each other for a while.
But fortunately, they have found Senor, so the most urgent problem has been solved.
A few days later, just as the pirate ship was about to enter the Lalu waters, Senor found Reina again.
” Your Excellency Reina … Is there any way you can make Lucian wake up? ” Senor asked in a deep voice.
He has been taking care of Lucian in the cabin these days, but he has tried various methods and still nothing works, so he begins to suspect that Reina is really cheating on him.
” It seems that you still haven’t thought about why your wife became like this! ” Reina smiled and replied.
Senor remained silent.
” The death of the child is indeed a very big blow to her, but aside from the child … what do you think is the most important existence to her? ” Reina looked at Senor and asked.
Senor still didn’t speak. He was a little confused now. In his opinion, the most important thing for his wife should be their child Jimlet.
” What an idiot … The most important thing in her life is you! The child is the crystallization of the love between you and her, why would she like the child? Isn’t it because the child is the continuation of the two of you? But you did it again. What? By hiding her identity, she lost not only her beloved husband, but also her favorite child in a short period of time! That’s why he escaped reality and didn’t want to face it! ” Reina shook his head and said.
After hearing Reina’s words, Senor was stunned on the spot. He never thought about this issue. While he liked Lucian, the other party also loved him deeply.
He even has a family, but Lucian has nothing except him and his children. After losing him and his children one after another, he will feel that life has no meaning.
” Now that the child is gone, no one can revive the child … but … isn’t there still you? Why can’t you take on your responsibilities like a husband? Give her what she wants, so … she may still There is a chance to wake up, if you can’t … let her continue to sleep! ” Reina patted Senor’s shoulder and said.
” So… so … the culprit of all this … it’s all me! ” Senor knelt on the ground and muttered to himself.
” So … have you figured it out? How exactly are you going to save Lucian? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Senor ignored Reina and knelt on the ground. At this moment, his mind was full of images of Lucian living with him.
” You mean … if you want to save Lucian, you can only change yourself in the way she wants, right? ” After a while, Senor slowly got up and asked.
” Wrong! It’s not about changing yourself! It’s about becoming who you were when you lied to her. You’re not a pirate, you’re just an ordinary person. Although you don’t earn a lot of Berries, it’s what she thinks you are! ” Lei Na shook his head and said.
The corner of Senor’s mouth twitched, he really couldn’t make a decision to betray the young master.
” You don’t have to be so troubled now, maybe this method won’t work! You can try, maybe you can wake her up! But … I want to tell you … if she does wake up, I hope you don’t Let her down , otherwise … it’s better to let her continue to immerse herself in her own world! ” Seeing Senor’s silent look, Reina suggested.
” I see, I will think about it! ” Senor nodded and said, ” I will follow the agreement and help you accomplish what you need! ”
” That’s good! By the way, you’d better make a decision as soon as possible … The sooner this kind of thing is implemented, the better the effect! The longer she sinks into her own world, the less you can drag him out! Back then you I can make her laugh with the baby clothes, now … it shouldn’t be possible? ” Reina looked at Senor and said.
Senor nodded silently.
” That’s right … You usually talk to her more, don’t hide it from her, and tell her all your difficulties and decisions! ” Reina sighed and said.
” Phew … I understand! ” Senor turned and left Reina’s room, he still didn’t know what to do.
When the pirate ship entered the Lalu waters, Reina found that Senor was talking to Lucian every day. Although he did not eavesdrop, Reina knew that Senor should have made a choice. .
” We’re less than a day away, and we’re about to arrive at our destination! Get ready! ” Reina said to Senor who came out to get food during dinner.
” I see! ” Senor nodded and was about to leave, but Reina stopped him again.
” Have you made a decision? Are you planning to give up your identity as a pirate? ” Reina asked curiously.
After being silent for a while, Senor gritted his teeth and said, ” I’m going to try … If Lucian wakes up before leaving here, then I’ll give up my identity as a pirate and find an island with her here. Live on! If she doesn’t wake up before she leaves here … it means … she doesn’t want to wake up at all! Then I will continue to take care of her like this for the rest of my life! ”
” Leave the choice to God? What an irresponsible guy! If Lucian wakes up … I will tell Doflamingo … You have been killed by me! ” left the restaurant.
” Thank you …” Senor whispered to Reina’s back.

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