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Reina and Doflamingo looked at each other, and the atmosphere at the scene was instantly suppressed. Whether it was Yizang and Fossa, or the cadres of the Don Quixote family, they became quite nervous.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Go and call Senor over! ” After being silent for a while, Doflamingo said.
” Very wise choice! ” Reina smiled and said softly.
Yizang and Fossa over there also gradually relaxed, and the atmosphere at the scene seemed to be no longer depressed.
After a while, a man wearing a baby clothes with a pacifier came in.
” This …” Forget about Fossa and Izo, even Reina, who was mentally prepared, was still surprised and didn’t know what to say when he really added to the other party.
” I said, I said … Senor, there are outsiders, can you dress a little more formally? ” Before Doflamingo spoke, Torrepol on the side was a little helpless to Senor Er said, his appearance is a bit embarrassing for the young master.
” I was called here to say this? ” Senor asked dissatisfied.
Reina also pretended to look at Doflamingo with suspicious eyes, as if to say that you just use such a guy to kill me?
Doflamingo, who understood Reina’s eyes, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Reina: ” He is Senor Pique, the superhuman swimming fruit ability! ”
” That … it’s a bit presumptuous, but can you show your abilities? ” Reina said after his eyes stayed on Senor for a while.
When Senor heard this, he frowned and looked at Doflamingo. He had already recognized Reina, but this is Dressrosa, and he is also a cadre of the Don Quixote family, not the Whitebeard Pirate. group of people.
However, after Doflamingo nodded, Senor showed his abilities again. He was in the hall, using it as a swimming pool and swimming.
Seeing this, Izang and Buddha looked at each other, and they saw surprise in their respective eyes.
” Then … Now, Your Excellency Reina, can you tell me what happened? ” Doflamingo looked at Reina and asked.
” Okay! It’s not really an important thing. I have something in a big mountain. I hope Mr. Senor can use your ability to help me take it out without destroying the mountain! ” Reina nodded and said directly.
” Huh? ” Reina’s words made all the officials of the Don Quixote family, including Doflamingo, frown. What kind of request is this?
” No danger? ” Torrepol asked, with a half-snoted nose.
” There is no danger, the biggest problem is that we can’t destroy the mountain! That mountain is our friend’s holy mountain, so we can’t dig violently, but the things in the mountain are very important to us, so we can only find something like you. The ability person! ” Reina nodded and said.
Hearing Reina’s words, Doflamingo’s eyes lit up, and he understood why Reina was looking for the fruit of surgery or the ability to swim.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… I don’t know what kind of thing, but it makes you pay so much attention? ” Brother Doflaming asked with a strange smile.
He felt that he had regained the initiative now, because without his orders, Senor would not care about Reina.
” Don’t ask, don’t ask … Don’t you have this awareness? Sometimes you know too much … It’s easy to get into trouble! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Really ? ” The ” Well ” character on Doflamingo’s forehead popped out again, but he still tried his best to suppress his anger.
The Whitebeard Pirates, as the number one pirate group in the world, he didn’t want to offend if he could not offend him. Although there was a Beast Pirates group behind him, he wasn’t sure whether Kaido would do it for him. , and fight with Whitebeard.
” Then, Mr. Senor, I wonder if you have time to come with me? It’s not difficult, as long as you can agree … Then I can tell you a secret recipe that once cured vegetative people! ” Lei Na smiled slightly, ignored Doflamingo, turned his head and asked Senor.
Reina knew very well about Senor’s story. Even after he came to the world of One Piece for so many years, he still remembered the shock in his heart when he saw the memories of Senor’s past.
Senor Pique, who was in his prime at the time , met a beautiful girl on a rainy day, and he was infected by the innocent, kind, and flawless smile of the other party.
The two were soon married and had a child, but faced with his wife who hated pirates, Senor cheated on each other and told him that he worked in a bank.
But while Senor was out on a mission, their child died of a fever.
At that time, when he needed him most, he did not appear by his wife and children’s side, so listening to his wife’s narration and scolding, Senor’s mind went blank at that time.
By the time he reacted, the angry wife had already left, and Senor, who was chasing after him, only saw his wife who had been injured in the head due to the landslide and had become a vegetative state.
By chance, he bought the hat that his son once brought back on the road and put it on his head to show his wife. After that, Senor found that his wife smiled.
In order to see his wife’s smile, Senor dressed himself as a baby. He ignored the ridicule of others and insisted on dressing like this. Everything was for his wife’s smile. Even if he was laughed at by his companions, he did not have the slightest change.
Therefore, after hearing Reina’s words, Senor, who was about to refuse without thinking, was stunned on the spot, he was hesitating, he was struggling.
On one side is the young master who is more important than his own life, and on the other side is the secret recipe that can restore his wife, Senor is entangled and unable to make a choice.
” Seignor, you follow him! ” At this moment, Doflamingo said unexpectedly.
” Young Master! ” The rest of the people looked at Doflamingo, they knew why Doflamingo said this, and they all knew about Senor.
But in their opinion, it is right to give everything for the young master. It’s just a woman. Senor should decisively reject Reina, so that the initiative will return to them, and they will have a relationship with Reina. Eligibility for conditions.
” Young Master! ” Senor gritted his teeth and knelt down directly to Doflamingo. He didn’t know what the point of doing this was, to thank Doflamingo? Or let Doflamingo take back his life?
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Senor, follow my arrangement and go with Your Excellency Reina! ” Doflamingo said with a smile.
Although he also wanted to use this to blackmail Reina once, especially the information about the big secret treasure last time, he knew that if it was not a good time now.
” Yes, thank you young master! ” Senor said gratefully.
” Let’s talk about it first … My secret recipe can’t guarantee your wife’s 100% recovery. Different patients have different conditions, so I’ll tell you in advance now, in case you think I’m deceiving you! ” Reina pouted and said.
” No, no …” Senor waved his hand cautiously and said.
Reina sighed, and for such a little hope, he turned this tough guy into a guy who nodded and bowed. Reina really couldn’t stand it.
” You don’t have to do this … This is not what a man should do … If you don’t mind … You can take me to see your wife … After I check it myself, the possibility of her recovery … Maybe It will be bigger! ” Reina said with some sigh.
” Thanks … Thanks … but my wife isn’t here! ” Senor said, shaking his head.
” Is it far? If it’s not far, I can accompany you for a walk, but if it’s too far … I may be powerless! ” Reina said, casting a glance at Brother Doflaming.
Senor hesitated and looked at Doflamingo. The location of his wife is also an important stronghold of their Don Quixote family, so he did not tell Reina immediately, but looked at own lord.
” Forget it, I’ll give you one day … I’ll wait for you in Dressrosa for three days. If you can bring your wife over, I’ll help you to see, if not … then I can’t help! ” Reina pretended to be impatient.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… No problem, one day is enough! ” Looking at Senor’s pleading eyes, Doflamingo felt that something was wrong, but he still compromised.
After negotiating with Doflamingo, the three of Reina were arranged to rest in the guest room, while the officials of the Don Quixote family gathered for a meeting.
” Young Master …” Senor opened his mouth in embarrassment and wanted to say something, but he couldn’t.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Senor, we are family! Don’t worry, I have sent someone to pick up your wife! But this time you follow them … Be sure to figure it out and see What are they looking for! ” Doflamingo said with a smile, sitting on the main seat.
” Young Master, rest assured, even if I sacrifice my life, I will definitely figure it out! ” Senor said firmly.
He knew that it was difficult to find out the secrets of the Whitebeard Pirates. As an outsider, the other party would definitely guard against him, but Doflamingo gave up the chance to live more information and chose to rescue his wife. , Senor was very moved, so he made up his mind that no matter what method he used, he would definitely get the information back.
” Let’s not talk about this … Dover, the Whitebeard Pirates have been on the cusp recently because of the bloodline of the Pirate King, but they have scattered their personnel at this time. Do they have any other plans? You know the Navy is early. Just keep an eye on them! ” Torrepol said, looking at Doflamingo.
” It’s really weird … so I know more, what are they looking for? Fire Fist Ace’s identity has been exposed, and now everyone is staring at them, at this critical time …” Brother Doflaming also fell into contemplation.

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